An Archdemon's Dilemma: How to Love Your Elf Bride: Volume 2

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An Archdemon's Dilemma: How to Love Your Elf Bride: Volume 2 Page 4

by Fuminori Teshima

  “Well, you had a decent idea, but you’re far too powerless to kill me.”

  “...” Valefor did not reply, but she was biting down on her lip.

  And, as Zagan leaned back while joining his hands together behind his head, he then asked her about what weighed on his mind the most.

  “By the way, you’re a dragon, right?”

  With a start, Valefor’s body shook.

  “...That’s right.”

  “To think there was still a living specimen out there, huh? Don’t you lot get far stronger than humans with the simple passage of time? Why do you covet power so much?”

  Just by living, dragons would grow to heights beyond the understanding of human intellect. There wasn’t even a need for them to accumulate knowledge like sorcerers. According to the legends, it was written that a dragon who lived for ten thousand years even killed and ate a god.

  And so, going out of the way to take on a fight with a faint hope for victory sounded more like something a human would do.

  Rather than that, is she in a hurry? By some chance, she may have had a reason that she needed to become stronger right this instant.

  After hearing Zagan speak, Valefor hung her head down and even had tears welling up in her eyes.

  “I mean...”

  It seemed she didn’t want anyone to hear of it. Her frail figure as she cast down her gaze didn’t look anything like a sorcerer, let alone a dragon.

  “Ah, I see!” And looking at that figure, Zagan finally realized the source of his unease.

  This girl... is that. She’s the same as me when I was caught trying to steal food! It wasn’t anything outrageous like having him as an enemy or her bearing a grudge or anything.

  It was like she was simply hungry and because there was no other way, she tried to steal food but failed, or she tried to nick some valuables but her target ended up being a brigand. In any case, she was the same as a child who had fallen into a situation where they were paying for their own mistake.

  Zagan had memories of going through the same thing countless times himself, so he understood her to the point where it hurt.

  And, as he came to an understanding all on his own, Nephy tilted her head to the side.

  “Master Zagan, is something the matter?”

  “No, just talking to myself.”

  Ah, I see, I get it. It’s like she found an easy mark, so she tried to meddle with them but was mercilessly walloped and ended up on the verge of tears. Makes sense.

  If he replaced the phrase ‘I want power’ with ‘I want food,’ then he understood her full well.

  After all, when one was hungry, they weren’t in the mood to get angry.

  Of course, what this little girl had done was bad, but rather than shouting out ‘What will you do about this!?’ it was likely better to scold her for doing something bad.

  Since Zagan treated it like he was speaking to another sorcerer or an enemy, he was on edge. When, as a matter of fact, his assumption was incorrect.

  Then, it’s already obvious how she should be handled here. And while thinking how absurd it was for him to put on a grand front as he did, Zagan let out a snort with a ‘hmph.’

  “Well, whatever. More importantly, you have challenged me, an Archdemon. You ought to be punished for that.”

  “Master Zagan, um...” As Nephy raised her voice like she wanted to petition him for something, Zagan simply returned a nod as if he already understood.

  And just what kind of dreadful treatment did she end up imagining? Valefor suddenly began trembling with tears in her eyes at the thought.

  And so, as if passing down judgment on that little girl, Zagan declared the following.

  “For one week starting now, I order you to assist Nephy!”

  ““...Eh?”” Both Nephy and Valefor let out astonished voices in response to his words.

  “We’re short on hands for cleaning, right?”

  “Eh, ah, well, yes...” As Nephy bobbed her head up and down, Zagan reclined back and nodded in return.

  “Well then, you can use this girl however you see fit.”

  If Valefor didn’t bear enmity for Zagan or anything, then it wasn’t like she was fixated on the seat of an Archdemon. In that case, there was no reason to go as far as killing her.

  If it was punishment for a child, then something like this was acceptable.

  And while she’s helping out, it’s probably fine if she’s taught what is okay for her to do and what isn’t.

  Zagan wasn’t someone who had any right to preach about the concept of good and evil, but he would at least be able to teach her about the common sense and rules from the perspective of a villain. Since his opponent was a child, Zagan thought it was about time he put his foot down as an adult.

  If she were to repeat the same things after that, then it had nothing to do with Zagan anymore. If she were able to better understand how to conduct herself, then that in itself would be fine.

  And, as Zagan said that, Valefor made a face like she couldn’t believe him and spoke up.

  “You’re not... going to... eat me?”

  Hearing such unexpected words left Zagan feeling dizzy.

  “...Wait right there. Why would I even eat someone like you?” Zagan was aware that his face looked evil, but there was no way he would just agree with being talked about as someone who would eat children whole.

  Valefor then opened her mouth like it was difficult for her to put her thoughts into words.

  “If humans... obtain fresh dragon blood... they become stronger...”

  “Ah, now that you mention it, I have heard that before.”

  If one showers themselves in the blood of dragons, then they become immortal, or if one eats dragon meat, then they obtain unlimited mana, or if one eats boiled dragon bone, then any disease could be cured. Since time immemorial, there had been an uncountable number of similar legends.

  In truth, when Valefor transformed her arms and legs into that of a dragon, Zagan thought of the possibility that she was a sorcerer who resorted to such a method.

  So that’s why she’s so scared, huh?

  If a human were to capture her, then even if they were able to communicate, she wouldn’t feel like she was alive.

  The reason such a young girl was using that papier mache armor and mask to create such a figure was likely because of that fact. It was the same as Nephy being targeted because she was an elf.

  Even though she was a dragon, Valefor was likely still a very young specimen. She was categorized as a juvenile dragon. She wasn’t someone who could stand up to an Angelic Knight or a sorcerer who possessed significant power. That was why there was a need to hide her true identity. The reason she even used the sorcery of humans was also so she could protect herself.

  Thinking of it like that, it was only obvious for this young girl to be insistent on obtaining the power to fight.

  After mulling over all that, Zagan let out a snort with a ‘hmph.’

  “Don’t make light of me. Be it a dragon or a human, all I would get from eating a brat like you is a bad aftertaste.” As he informed her of his thoughts, tears welled up in Valefor’s eyes once more.

  This is why I hate dealing with kids... Zagan then recalled that even back when he was sifting through trash and doing highway robbery, there were older children who looked out after him.

  If it were them, just what would they do at such times?

  Letting out a small sigh, Zagan opened his mouth to speak.

  “Nephy, are there leftovers remaining from lunch?”

  “Yes. There is still some bread and soup,” Nephy replied, her ears quivering as if she was wondering why he was asking such a thing.

  And then, Zagan curtly informed her of his plans.

  “...Bring it over for her.”

  After blinking once in surprise, Nephy beamed a smile at Zagan.

  “Yes! I’ll bring it over after warming it up,” Nephy said, then quickly left the room with a pitter-pat
ter of footsteps.

  All that was left behind was Zagan, who was making a somewhat sullen face, and an astonished Valefor.

  “What... are you planning?”

  “You don’t know? This is called charity. It is the pity granted to the weak by the strong.”

  Zagan had thought of a nicer way to comfort her, but only that haughty speech spilled from his mouth.

  Back when Zagan was a waif, there was a boy who split his bread with him when Zagan thought he was going to die from starvation. He felt like he was in no small way saved by that action. Even now, I can still remember the taste of that bread.

  Valefor wasn’t particularly starving to death or anything, but Zagan believed that a meal would have an effect in loosening up her tension.

  He didn’t really care if this child hated or liked him, but it wasn’t amusing if she was just frightened of the unthinkable all the time. That was why he thought of doing the same thing that boy did.

  Valefor was making a face like she didn’t know whether she should be angry or afraid, but Nephy quickly returned with a cart, carrying food over to her.

  “Here you are.”

  Looking at the dish Nephy presented to her, Valefor’s face was finally colored by humiliation.

  “Just so you know, I hate people who waste food more than anything. Especially if you waste Nephy’s cooking... I’ll kill you, you got that?” Those words were his true feelings, and Valefor shuddered with a start as she received the soup plate.

  After that, she cautiously picked up the spoon and scooped up some soup.

  “Ah... It’s... tasty.”

  “Hmph. Of course it is.” As Zagan boastfully nodded, the tip of Nephy’s ears turned bashfully red.

  “I am honored.”

  Having grown somewhat embarrassed, Zagan stood up.

  “Well then, I’m returning to the archives. After you finish eating that, follow Nephy in her work.”

  And, as he was about to leave the room just like that, Valefor let out a bewildered voice.


  “...What is it now?”

  “Are you not worried... that I’ll attack this woman? No, even if I don’t, do you not think I’ll run away or something?”

  “Do as you will,” Zagan replied without a hint of concern.

  “If you understand the meaning of running away from me when I know your secret, or even if you do not, then it would be fine for you to do so.”

  It was something Valefor herself said. If a young dragon acted rashly, it would be easier to target them than an elf.

  Well, I don’t really intend to spread rumors or anything, though.

  Even so, if he released her without any punishment at all, then it would put all the time he spent tormenting those intruders to waste.

  The reason he ordered her to clean as punishment was only that level of concern. Moreover, Nephy would be able to teach her about the rights and wrongs of the world far better than him.

  And following up on that, Zagan pointed over to Nephy with his gaze.


  The answer to her other question was exceedingly clear.

  “It seems like you’re misunderstanding things here. Listen, Nephy is far stronger than someone like you, alright?”

  It may have been a different matter if it was the same Nephy he had initially met, but right now Nephy possessed a proper will to live. And so, Nephy even surpassed an Angelic Knight. Furthermore, the barrier of this castle was naturally also taking action to protect Nephy.

  Defeating Nephy within Zagan’s domain was something that would even be difficult for someone with a Sacred Sword.

  Leaving Nephy and the dumbfounded little girl behind, Zagan made his way toward the archives.


  Having said that, it’s not going to turn into something dangerous, right?

  Several hours later, after having left the room for the moment, Zagan became worried about how Nephy and Valefor were doing and was watching them from afar. When it came to sheer ability, he didn’t believe there was any way that Nephy would lose, but he didn’t know what would happen if Valefor launched a surprise attack.

  After he started thinking of such things, he was no longer able to keep his hands on what he was investigating, and as a result, he ended up erasing his presence and sneakily followed them around.

  Currently, it seemed they were tidying up the tableware and making the preparations for dinner. The reason that there was a somewhat larger portion than usual was likely because even Valefor’s share was being prepared.

  It also seemed that Valefor had judged it would not be wise to defy Zagan and Nephy. She was helping out with the cleaning, just as he’d ordered.

  Incidentally, she was wearing a robe atop her shoulders. Somehow, the size of the one she was wearing from the beginning matched her height using sorcery. No, that may have been its original size, and she just made it bigger to match the armor.

  At any rate, it wasn’t an outfit that made it difficult for him to look at her.

  “Valefor, please put this plate back.”

  “...Foll is fine.” It appeared that she wasn’t as wary of Nephy as she was of Zagan, as Valefor said that in a timid tone. And after that, she mumbled with a stutter.

  “Um, Nephy... did you make... the soup?”

  “Yes. I alone make all the meals here.”

  “It was... very good.”

  It seemed saying it was alright to call her by her nickname was her own way of showing gratitude.

  “I see. I’m glad you enjoyed it.” Though Nephy’s face remained expressionless, the tips of her pointed ears quivered as she nodded.

  “Then, Foll, please take care of this.”


  Even though she was a dragon, her appearance was that of a small child. The image of her pattering about at Nephy’s feet looked somewhat charming to Zagan. And while he was absorbed in the scene, Nephy asked Valefor a question.

  “Do you find... Master Zagan scary?”


  “Master Zagan may look scary, but in truth he’s actually kind, you know?”

  Well, when Nephy first met Zagan she was also quite frightened. Zagan was aware of his evil countenance, so it was no wonder they were frightened by it.

  However, Valefor shook her head energetically. Her green braids were swaying like tails behind her.

  “His face isn’t scary. In fact, I think I’d call him handsome if his face could split open just a bit more.”

  “Is... that so?” He would have truly had the face of a monster if it could split open, though.

  I see... So it’s a difference in aesthetic sense, then... Even if he was called handsome by dragon standards, being recognized as inhuman conversely made him feel down.

  And, as Nephy tilted her head to the side, Valefor continued speaking.

  “What’s scary... is his power. I couldn’t reach him... at all.”

  And this was also a pretty natural reaction. Well, I guess it’s unreasonable to not be afraid of the one who slugged you, huh?

  It was at least good that he got her to understand he wouldn’t do anything like snatch her up and eat her.

  Seeing Valefor like that, Nephy gently spoke to her.

  “It’s alright. Master Zagan is not one who would wield his power without cause.”

  Hearing that, even Zagan tilted his head to the side. Huh? I’m not? He was making his best effort not to kill anyone in front of Nephy, but even so he had reduced bandits and sorcerers who didn’t know their place to cinders.

  And yet, Valefor nodded in response.

  “...Mm. He didn’t even show me... a fragment of his true strength.”

  I’m not gonna seriously hit a kid with all my strength! He firmly opposed it, but he couldn’t really say anything after having already struck her once. If he knew she was such a small child, he would have thought of a somewhat better way of dealing with her the first time around, though...

>   Valefor then muttered something in confusion.

  “...A weird human.”

  “You’re correct, he definitely is a mysterious gentleman.” As one would expect, Nephy knew how to choose her words.

  And while Zagan felt like that was healing him, Nephy threw out a question once more.

  “Foll, what do you plan on doing from now on?”

  “...I don’t know. I’m far too powerless... to target the other Archdemons.”

  “In the end, do you need power?”


  It was like she was a lost child... No, she was in fact a child. Either way, hearing that voice made Zagan make an uncomfortable face.

  I thought the dragons of legend... were supposed to be more patient creatures.

  They were a legendary race that was said to live several hundred, thousand, and should circumstances permit, even tens of thousands of years. And yet, it looked to him like Valefor was feeling impatience on the scale of a human.

  In the first place, why is a young dragon pretending to be a sorcerer in human lands? It was a baffling story no matter how one put it. And while he was thinking about that matter deeply, Valefor asked Nephy a question.

  “Nephy, why do you follow that man?”

  “I was... purchased by Master Zagan and he brought here. Yet, Master Zagan treated me not as a slave, but as a normal person. That’s how I know... this is where I belong.”

  “...I see.” For some reason, that voice sounded both lonely and envious to Zagan.

  Nephy likely also thought much the same. Stopping what she was doing, she squatted down in front of Valefor and lined up with her gaze.

  “Foll, do you not have a place like that?”

  “...No,” she replied, her voice trembling from solitude.

  This is why I hate brats...

  Zagan could only make a sullen face as he learned more of a situation he wanted no part of.


  Several days had passed. Valefor was still somewhat frightened, but she seemed to have relaxed her guard to the point where Zagan could hold a normal conversation with her. And so, she listened to Zagan’s orders without any complaints, much like she did previously with Nephy.

  Since Zagan himself never gave her any extreme orders, she obediently worked as Nephy’s assistant for the most part. It seemed that when she was left alone with Nephy, she talked quite a bit.


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