An Archdemon's Dilemma: How to Love Your Elf Bride: Volume 2

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An Archdemon's Dilemma: How to Love Your Elf Bride: Volume 2 Page 12

by Fuminori Teshima

  In a way, it was similar to Clavwell’s, but he also came off as far more open-minded. And that man quietly spoke to her.

  “Even after a thousand years, the battle with the sorcerers has not come to an end. The church should be a means of keeping sorcerers in check, not a group focused on slaying them. So I suppose you may think of us as a gathering of those who hold such beliefs.”

  That was the first time Chastille had heard of such a force within the church, and it greatly bewildered her.

  After all, in her mind, those were the thoughts of a heretic. And as she voiced those beliefs, the man leisurely laughed.

  “And how, pray tell, do your actions differ in that regard?”

  As an Archangel, Chastille objected to the subjugation of an Archdemon. If that was not heresy, then what was?

  Chastille couldn’t say anything to refute the man’s point, so he continued speaking.

  “Do you have any interest in joining hands with us? You, who has so openly antagonized the church, require powerful allies. And we shall join that rank. By championing you, who wields a Sacred Sword, we too will be able to walk out under the light of the sun. Tell me, is that not a reasonable offer?”

  As long as a man like Raphael existed, Chastille wouldn’t see the light of the next day. And so, given the situation, this wasn’t a situation where she had the luxury to worry about appearances.

  Which means... he’s a subordinate of His Eminence Clavwell? Clavwell had said he would rescue Chastille from her current situation, so there was a high probability that he was working with such a force.

  But if I take their offer and live, what do I do with the rest of my life...?

  She already couldn’t see herself serving the church any longer. However, as an Angelic Knight, she no longer had any other path open to her. She had nowhere to return to.

  Chastille was unable to answer right away, so the man solemnly assured her.

  “It is fine if you do not answer immediately. However, I must warn you not to defer your decision for too long. Let’s see... As proof of our sincerity, when you need help, you may call this name.”


  The word he spoke felt heavy for some reason. In fact, simply recalling it made her body warm for whatever reason. And as she asked if that was the man’s name, he only gave a vague answer.

  “I suppose you can say that is both correct and incorrect. You may think of it as the name of our leader.”

  Leader... If it was the head of an entire force within the church, then it had to be an Archangel, a high-ranking Angelic Knight, or a cardinal. However, Chastille had never heard the name Orobas within the Church.

  Which means... It’s most likely the name of the organization itself? In any case, she could sense that it was an important name to them.

  “That name... will surely protect from any harm.” And with those last words, the man’s presence vanished.

  Is it alright... to trust them...? He was a rather mysterious man. Sure, she wanted to believe him, but if it were a trap, not only Chastille, but even her subordinates were in danger.

  After she returned to her room, mulling over the issue all the while, some tea was prepared for her.

  Thinking back, she should have remained more vigilant after that meeting. However, since Chastille was deep in thought, she ended up drinking it without a moment’s hesitation. And then, by the time she came to, she was being nursed in this place.

  Chastille recited those details bit by bit.

  That man’s voice... I feel like I’ve heard it somewhere before... However, it wasn’t clear. No, honestly, rather than not remembering it, she thought her conclusion impossible.

  As for Zagan, she couldn’t tell if he was listening or not, as he simply kept silent while flipping over the pages of his book.

  A short time after Chastille’s story ended, Zagan spoke in an uninterested tone.

  “Tell me, do you have any idea who may have poisoned you?”

  “Hm... I wonder?” Thinking about it normally, Raphael was the obvious conclusion. If Clavwell hadn’t forced his way into their conversation, he may have even cut her down during their initial meeting. Right now, he was obviously the one who wanted her dead most.

  However, she had also become an enemy of the church itself. So as it stood, there were innumerable suspects. Potential enemies were a dime a dozen.

  Zagan shook his head as if he had read Chastille’s mind as she mulled over all the possibilities.

  “That man... Raphael, I think he said? It’s probably not linked to him.”

  “Why? Or rather, do you know Lord Raphael?”

  As Chastille questioned him, staring on in wonder, Zagan let out a sigh to display that he found the entire situation quite bothersome.

  “He got in the way while I was enjoying some liquor, so I lost my cool to an extent.”

  That dreadful man seemed ready to even point his sword at Zagan as he baited him into giving up information on Chastille.

  “He’s cut down nearly 500 sorcerers. That kind of person would rather kill on the spot than orchestrate an assassination attempt. Instead of serving you poison, he would execute you brazenly with his sword. He seems to have obtained the pretext for that, too.”


  Chastille didn’t know what he was talking about, but Zagan didn’t seem keen on sharing more. And while she was perplexed by that fact, Zagan closed his book and stood up.

  “For the time being, it seems you’re Nephy’s friend, so I’ll look after you until you regain your strength. The idiots who dare to pick a fight with me are all gone by now, so you should be fine.”

  “” As Zagan turned his back to her, Chastille suddenly grabbed his robe.

  “...What do you want?” Zagan leaked out a displeased voice, but Chastille merely called out to him in a weak tone in response.

  “Can you... stay by my side... for just a little while... maybe...?” Chastille’s voice was impossibly soft for an Archangel.

  Well, at this point, I don’t even know who to act tough in front of.

  Even though she should have known this day would eventually come, Chastille felt completely and utterly helpless at actually having an attempt at her life made.

  Zagan then let out an exasperated sigh.

  “...Ask Nephy for that kind of thing.” Those words were thrust her way. And his response was only obvious, of course. Sure, they’d only met a few times, but Chastille could tell he cherished Nephy from the bottom of his heart. Asking him to comfort her despite knowing all that was extremely unreasonable of her.

  However, for some reason, Zagan sat back down on his chair.


  “There’s no way we can wake Nephy up at such a late hour, right?”

  “Um, so, then you’ll... stay with me?”

  “I’m just going to sit here and read.” He refused to face her, but even so, Zagan didn’t take his leave.

  “...Sorry.” Chastille found it pathetic.

  What... did I just ask him to do...? Did she want him to turn to face her? Or perhaps, did she want to escape the church and stay by his side?

  There’s no way... I can force myself in between those two.

  Both Zagan and Nephy were impossible to hate, so she wanted to witness their happy future together. And maybe, just maybe, she had a part to play in it as well. However, exactly what form that would take... was something she herself did not know.

  For now, at the very least, having somebody by her side eased her worries, and before she knew it, Chastille fell into a deep slumber.


  “So, why did it end up like this!?”

  Early next morning, Chastille seemed dissatisfied with something as she raised her voice in anger.

  She was in the castle’s dining hall. After somehow expelling the poison from her system overnight, she managed to get up in the morning and ended up taking breakfast together with the others.

ever, the change of clothes Nephy had forced on her had earned her ire.

  “I think it suits you very well.” Nephy tried to console her in an unimpressive manner.

  Chastille was wearing a similar one piece dress and apron to Nephy. Since it was a set of Nephy’s spares, even if it was the usual maid uniform, it felt a little unflattering in comparison.

  “Grrr... I’m the Maiden of the Sacred Sword, you know? Why do I have to mimic a mere servant!”

  “Hey, watch your mouth. I won’t forgive anyone who badmouths Nephy.” His anger made perfect sense, as calling those the garments of a mere servant was the same as calling Nephy a mere servant. There was no way he could forgive such a thing, even if Chastille was Nephy’s friend.

  And as he informed her of such with a snap, Chastille finally crumbled to her knees with tears in her eyes.

  “...Right now, my heart can’t take much more, so can’t you at least try to be kind to me?”

  “Don’t act spoiled.”

  There were cold eyes looking down on Chastille the entire time. Foll’s eyes. She was staring at Chastille fixedly from behind Zagan, but the look was in no way amicable. She had stopped thinking about revenge, but that didn’t mean she was ready to accept Chastille with open arms.

  Unfortunately, Zagan didn’t really feel like warning her of the situation. And clearly not cluing into Foll’s true feelings, Chastille gently smiled at the child in front of her.

  “Ah, you are... Zagan’s adopted child...?”

  “Don’t talk to me so familiarly, pony head!”

  “P-Pony head...?”

  Foll quickly exited the room after screaming that at her. And being so dreadfully rejected made Chastille pin down her chest and prostrated herself on the ground.

  “Wh-What exactly did I do wrong...?”

  “Sorry, Chastille. I’ll speak to that child later.”

  “Hic... Nephy, you’re so kind.”

  Nephy expressionlessly spoke comforting words to the pitiful looking girl, and Chastille lifted her head as if she was being healed by them. However, Zagan shook his head.

  “No, let Foll off quietly with that. Even if she harasses you a little, it’s not like she’ll kill you.”

  “So what, you think it’s all fine and dandy as long as she doesn’t kill me?”

  And in response to Chastille’s astonishment, Zagan unexpectedly made a serious expression.

  “It seems her father... was killed by a wielder of a Sacred Sword.”

  “...” And with that, Chastille was at a loss for words.

  Zagan paused for a moment, then quietly continued.

  “It’s not like you’re responsible for it or anything, but I can’t tell a brat to make such a clear distinction. I’ll shelter you here, but do understand her circumstances.”

  For the time being, making Chastille do some servant work was also partially out of consideration for Foll. She had withdrawn once already, but if Chastille was treated with the hospitality of a welcomed guest, then her anger would have surely risen yet again.

  Perhaps feeling a sense of responsibility, Chastille cast her eyes down.

  “...Then, wouldn’t it be better... if I leave?”

  Hers was a natural reaction, but Zagan shook his head.

  “Didn’t I tell you already? It’ll be fine if you just leave Foll be. Despite appearances, she’s of a very proud race. Her pride should keep her from acting out pointlessly.”

  ...Or so he thought, at least.


  A moment later...

  “Agh...!” Chastille’s scream resounded throughout the castle.

  “...What is it now?”

  Zagan called out to Chastille without a hint of compassion as he watched her fall flat on her face.

  “Wh-While I was cleaning, a frog... suddenly landed on my head...”

  Upon closer inspection, it was obvious there was still a small frog on top of her head. It seemed that while she was mopping the floor, a frog was thrown at her. And it was now the third one in such a short time.

  Zagan reflexively burst into laughter when he caught sight of her foolish expression, which was accompanied by her teary eyes.

  “D-Don’t laaaugh! Isn’t this different from what you said!?”

  It appeared this was all Foll’s doing.

  “Ah, looks like this is a result of her trying to harass you without using any power, huh?”

  “Didn’t you say her pride would keep her from resorting to harassment?”

  “She is just a child, so this much is understandable.”

  At the very least, it was far more wholesome than Zagan’s childhood actions, and he didn’t feel like blaming her for each and every little thing.

  Chastille then glared back at him fixedly.

  “...You’re favoring her an awful lot here, huh? I doubt you’d lay your hands on a child, but it’s unexpected for you to be so lenient.”

  “Am I being lenient?”

  “You are!”

  Chastille vigorously nodded as Zagan tilted his head to the side in confusion. And realizing his own mistake, Zagan averted his gaze as he scratched his head.

  “Back when I first met her, I didn’t realize she was a child and ended up slugging her with all my strength. I guess I still feel guilty about that...”

  “Slugged, you say... Hold on. If you did, then that means she was originally an enemy, right?”

  “Well, yeah,” Zagan replied like it was no big deal, which left Chastille in shock.

  “Then why do you treat that child so much better than me!? We both started out as your enemies, did we not?”

  “I didn’t really harm you or anything, though. I’m not the type who takes pleasure in hitting a lady.”


  For whatever reason, Zagan’s reply made Chastille’s face turn a bright red.

  “Erk, th-then in that case, slug me as well. I hate being hurt, but I’ll put up with it just this once!”

  “...The hell? Don’t tell me you’re into that...”

  “Y-You’re wrong! I just mean I also want to be properly...”

  Just what was it that she properly wanted? Chastille had turned bright red and hesitated to speak further.

  And while he gazed at that girl, Zagan earnestly pitied her. This girl’s private life really is in shambles, huh...?

  It could also be attributed to Foll’s pranks, but she was now opening her mouth, biting down, stammering, and on the verge of tears.

  Zagan couldn’t really criticize her inability to form words, given the situation. Moreover, since a bucket was knocked over near Chastille, there was dirty water all over. And because such things were happening repeatedly, the place was now dirtier than before she came by to start cleaning.

  Back when she faced off against Zagan as an Angelic Knight, she had far more dignity. However, at the same time, her shambled state was also relieving.

  If it’s like this, then Foll probably won’t think of seriously killing her.

  Right about this time, having repeatedly pulled such pranks, Zagan suspected that Foll may have begun to harbor doubts about her hatred. In fact, she seemed to even be warming up to a wielder of a Sacred Sword.

  By some stroke of luck, it seemed Foll had come across the one person who could make her give up on her quest for vengance. And while thinking that, Zagan let out a snort with a ‘hmph.’

  “I don’t really get it, but have you gotten some of your pep back?”

  “Eh, ah... Were you... worried about me?”

  If he wasn’t, then he wouldn’t have gone out of his way to make Barbatos monitor her. However, Zagan didn’t have the personality to just honestly say that aloud, and he felt there was no need to either, so he simply shrugged his shoulders.

  “Who knows?” Zagan said, glossing over her question. Then, he sharply glared at her and continued, “More importantly, think about how you’re going to deal with the one who poisoned you. You’ve at least got an idea, right?�

  “Er, that’s...” Chastille’s face stiffened up instantly. And as if her right hand was searching for something, she repeatedly clenched and unclenched it.

  That gesture made Zagan point his gaze over to Chastille’s back. She’s not carrying her Sacred Sword, huh?

  Zagan didn’t plan to harm her in any way, but to an Angelic Knight like Chastille, this was hostile territory. She even had open hostility pointed to her by Foll, so it was a poor plan to part with her best means of protecting herself. The fact that she set aside her Sacred Sword regardless was an ill omen...

  Contrary to expectations, her frustration may be quite deeply rooted, huh?

  A wielder of a Sacred Sword parted with their Sacred Sword. That was only possible if they no longer had the will to wield it. After all, even if one were to seize a Sacred Sword, there was no way they could cut down sorcerers or Angelic Knights with half-baked ideals.

  Zagan shifted his attention over to the end of the corridor. And over there, Foll was peeking at the state of things with a fixed stare.

  I guess I’ll tell her to hold back just a little, huh? He didn’t plan on letting Chastille stay forever, but having said that, he wasn’t going to just throw her out in her current state. If she required more time to get back on her feet, he intended to at least wait.

  And afterward, Foll’s pranks, which had lightened in severity, only increased in frequency. Before they knew it, Chastille’s scream resounding through the castle became a daily occurrence.

  In its own way, this may actually prove they’re getting along.

  Setting aside the means, it looked like some form of communication between Foll and Chastille was born. And as that continued for several days, on a certain evening...

  “Master Zagan, this is serious. Foll has gone missing!” Nephy’s desperate cries resounded throughout the castle, wiping out any sense of ease within its inhabitants.

  Chapter IV: Beating Down an Evil Monster Is the Job of an Angelic Knight

  “...Zagan is kind, but there’s no point if I don’t get revenge with my own two hands.”

  After slipping out of the castle in the dead of the night, Foll traveled to Archdemon Palace.


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