An Archdemon's Dilemma: How to Love Your Elf Bride: Volume 2

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An Archdemon's Dilemma: How to Love Your Elf Bride: Volume 2 Page 17

by Fuminori Teshima

  Eventually, Raphael spoke in a weary tone.

  “Chastille. No matter what you think of us, your actions themselves have already become our banner. Those who sympathize with me... will surely become your allies from here on out...”

  “Lord Raphael...” Chastille gazed at Raphael with a complicated expression on her face as she said that. And with a ‘however,’ Zagan cut in.

  “Talking about the Unification Faction or whatever again, huh? Barbatos said as much earlier, but I just can’t see the point. If you’re saying that you need a banner or whatnot, why not do it yourself? You’re one of those damn Archangels, aren’t you?”

  “If it was only within the church, then that would be fine. However, it is just as that man said. I have... killed far too many sorcerers. If I were to call on them to join hands after all this time, they would never consent.”

  That was why he needed a person like Chastille. And Chastille was taken aback by that.

  “Is that why you used Orobas’ name? Because you thought nobody would believe you?”

  “Partially, yes. But also, my survival and the creation of the Unification Faction were Orobas’ dying wish. That is why his name is most appropriate as the leader.”

  To this man, Orobas’ existence was just that absolute. And Zagan was able to understand that, but in the end, he wasn’t really convinced.

  “Then why did you kill so many sorcerers in the first place? Did you have some sort of grudge or something?”

  Zagan in no way planned to claim that sorcerers were virtuous. On the contrary, sorcerers were, without exception, all villains. He couldn’t think of a reason not to hate them, but even so, killing nearly 500 of them was no small feat. He had to have a reason.

  However, nobody was able to predict Raphael’s answer to that question.

  “I did not kill them because I wanted to. For whatever reason, sorcerers just kept attacking me.”

  “What...?” Everyone in the room let out a befuddled voice at once.

  Raphael then muttered some words like he found it strange.

  “I wonder why? All I did was attempt to have a gentlemanly conversation with them. Even when I showed them a smile to prove I wasn’t an enemy, those damn sorcerers didn’t listen at all and kept rushing at me. Of course I had to accept their challenges at that point, which always ended with me cutting them down.”

  Not able to understand just what he was saying, Zagan was in complete shock.

  “...Wait a sec. Weren’t you trying to provoke us back in that bar?”

  “I simply intended to inform the bastard who was intimate with Chastille of the crisis that befell her...”

  Zagan’s head began to ache. And at the same time, Chastille shook her head in a bewildered state.

  “H-However, when you first met me, didn’t you ask me how many sorcerers I killed...? Oh, don’t tell me that was just an act to hide that your true intentions?”

  “What are you saying? You would serve poorly as a banner if you killed sorcerers as I did, would you not? And you replied that it was not a number to be proud of, which convinced me you were the one I was searching for.”

  Chastille was left at her wits’ end after hearing that response and seeing the serious expression on his face. So, after that, she nodded.

  “Now that you mention it, could it be that you were negotiating to have my Sacred Sword... Returned to me?”

  “If an Archangel does not have a Sacred Sword, how can they protect themselves?”

  It seemed that something similar had also happened with Chastille, so Zagan tried thinking back on his conversation with Raphael.

  He had a roundabout manner of speaking, but it was certainly true that this man never once said anything about wanting to kill Chastille. Sure, he spoke of the church’s views, but that didn’t mean he agreed with them.

  Well, if a sorcerer and Angelic Knight started acting all chummy, then it would end up with something like what happened to Chastille, huh? In other words, he was basically telling them to just sense his intent. Though it didn’t look like that at all, honestly.

  “But can you really kill near 500 people like that?”

  “It simply ended up like that as I was attacked day after day. And when the sorcerers stopped coming, the church dispatched me to yet another region.”

  It seemed the cycle repeated itself as he kept changing locations, so the number had swelled up before he even knew it.

  The story wasn’t very convincing, but Zagan could understand that it was done unintentionally. And, as one would expect, he let out a sigh.

  “Think about your damn outward appearance. Anyone would think of you as an enemy if you act weird while looking like that.”

  After Zagan pointed that out, Barbatos added on an ‘Eh, that coming from you?’ with an astonished voice, which made Zagan decide to smack him later. Then, he clenched his fist as Raphael slowly stood back up.

  “Chastille... You should return to the church. I shall dispose of those who wish for your demise. I will surely be able to retain this life for at least that long...”

  “Huh, do you know who the culprit is?”

  “Let me ask you then, have you not realized the truth?”

  It wasn’t like she didn’t have any ideas. And as she took in his words, Chastille’s face had become notably pale.

  Yes, with Raphael ruled out, there are few within the church who could be responsible.

  Zagan wasn’t well informed of the internal affairs of the church, but by process of elimination, only one person came to mind.

  Finally, Raphael turned to face Foll.

  “I promised to hand over my head to you, but I’ll have you wait until then.”

  Foll was unable to respond to his words. So instead of that, she threw him a question.

  “...Just answer one thing. What kind of dragon was Orobas to you?”

  Raphael quietly nodded in return at her words, then answered.

  “A great dragon. That moment I rode on that dragon’s back and fought alongside him... was the best time of my life.”

  “...I see.”

  And as Raphael left, Foll did not try to detain or kill him.

  “Is that alright?”

  “...I don’t know. But... I don’t know... if it’s correct to kill that man, either.”

  Zagan gently brushed the young girl’s head to comfort her.

  “Then, isn’t it fine to leave it at that?” Zagan questioned as he held his hand out to Foll, then said, “Let’s go back. Nephy must be tired of waiting.”

  “...Uh, mm.”

  Even Zagan didn’t know whether it was correct to give up on her revenge. But still, he could tell Foll no longer held a deep-seated disdain for Angelic Knights.

  That’s why... it’s surely fine like this.

  It was possible that her hatred would resurface after all this. In fact, he was certain that she would waver eventually, too. Nevertheless, Zagan and Nephy had decided to stay by this girl’s side.

  And at that point, Chastille spoke up.

  “Ummm, what about me?”

  “Go back to your damn church, pony head,” Foll said, driving Chastille to the verge of tears due to her naked hostility.

  Somehow, before anyone realized, Barbatos had vanished. They had to take a long trek back to Zagan’s castle due to his absence, and dawn was already breaking before they arrived. And yet, Nephy was still there, seemingly waiting to greet them.

  “Welcome home, Master Zagan, Foll, Chastille.”

  And on that very same morning, Zagan and the others would hear of Raphael’s fate.


  “I see. So Chastille’s whereabouts are still unknown...” Cardinal Clavwell muttered that as if in grief after receiving a report from Chastille’s subordinates, the Knights of the Azure Sky.

  “My deepest apologies. We have been nothing short of inadequate.”

  “It is not as if it is a fault of yours. I am the same in that I am anxious about Chastil
le’s safety. For now, please rest.”

  “Ha!” With a bow and that spirited cry, the three knights left Clavwell’s office.

  As the door closed, Clavwell let out a sorrowful voice as if he was no longer able to endure it.

  “Oooh... Chastille, my dear knight... Why... Why won’t you just die for me?”

  The face that was peeking out from both his hands was one that was repulsively warped.

  “Sorcerers are evil. And those who are complicit with them are evil. If an Archangel is steeped in sin, then their replacement must enforce true justice in the place, right?”

  If Chastille were killed, the Sacred Sword would choose a new, pure wielder. And this time for sure, he would raise them as the incarnation of justice.

  What he was scrupulously concealing was the fact that this was not even the first time Clavwell tried to assassinate an Archangel. Those who did not demonstrate the absolute power of the sword of justice, those who objected to Clavwell’s inclinations, those who felt hesitation in killing sorcerers, and those simply unworthy of being an Archangel were mercilessly cut loose.

  Fortunately, Kianoides was the domain of the preceding Archdemon, Marchosias. If they were directed to that devil, then nobody would doubt their death.

  This was not a defeat for the Sacred Sword. Because the wielder was unsuitable, they were unable to utilize the true power and perished as a result.

  That, in itself, could also be called the will of the Sacred Sword. However, the circumstances this time were a little different.

  “That damn Raphael just had to do something unnecessary...”

  Chastille had foolishly said that she didn’t want to fight against the Archdemon. As such, they immediately confiscated her Sacred Sword, and the preparations for holding a ceremony for a grand execution were well underway. The reason it was delayed... was because there were objections from the other cardinals.

  Yes, Clavwell was not protecting Chastille in the least. It was only because the other cardinals were stopping him that she was protected. And that Chastille... had taken her Sacred Sword and gone missing.

  You unruly wench... Are you saying you didn’t die from that poison? It was his treasured poison, which was produced for the purpose of torturing captured sorcerers. There was no way Chastille should have been alive after taking in something that was fatal to even the most powerful of sorcerers. And yet, neither her corpse nor the Sacred Sword had shown up anywhere.

  If Raphael didn’t suggest returning the Sacred Sword to her, then none of these troublesome matters would have occurred and everything would have been settled cleanly.

  “Those three stupid knights are also useless.”

  Those three blindly served Chastille. That was why he had them monitored, thinking that they would surely be able to find where Chastille was, but all they did was wander around town in a mess. No matter how much time passed, they never found her.

  Or perhaps... they noticed they were been watched? Despite appearances, those three knights were ranked among the double digits as far as warriors in Kianoides were concerned. Even during the incident on the day Zagan succeeded Archdemon Marchosias, the three knights took chase after Chastille, and were said to have succeeded in rescuing her.

  So, the logical explanation for them putting in so little work was that they noticed they would guide an assassin over to Chastille.

  He had to think of another hand to play. And while he was groaning over such unpleasant thoughts, someone knocked on his door.

  “...My apologies, I wish to be alone right now. Please leave what you need for later.”

  It wasn’t that bad, but since he was high strung from anger, he didn’t feel like he could calmly talk with another person. However, despite his instructions, the door to the room was violently kicked open.

  “I’m coming in, Clavwell,” a booming voice echoed, and the one who appeared was none other than the giant Angelic Knight Raphael.

  “Wh-What are you...? You insolent knave...!” Clavwell raised his voice in equal parts fear and irritation, then immediately noticed something strange. Raphael was covered in blood. One of his arms was missing, and it was such a serious wound that his continued survival was nothing short of a miracle.

  “Lord Raphael, just what is that wound...? No, putting that aside, we must treat it!” Clavwell quickly slipped some poison into his hand as he exclaimed those words. He didn’t know what had happened, but this man was one of the ‘evils’ that Clavwell had to exterminate no matter what.

  Clavwell wasn’t sure exactly what his objective was, but he knew Raphael was trying to build up a new force within the Church. It was called the ‘Unification Faction’ or something, and if Clavwell were to find out they were a group who was against everything he stood for, he would likely not have made this choice. Still, whether it was good or bad fortune, those who could imagine Raphael’s ideology judging from his outward appearance did not exist in the church.

  Raphael then plunked down in the chair in front of Clavwell.

  “What, don’t worry about it. I just came here to take care of some minor business. I’ll leave right away.”

  “H-However...” And just as Clavwell said that and smothered the poison on his glove, reaching out to plaster up Raphael’s wound with it...

  “Huh...?” With a dull rolling sound, his arm tumbled across the floor.

  “Unfortunately, I don’t have particularily enjoy the idea of a hand smeared in poison touching me.”

  At a speed far faster than Clavwell could perceive with his eyes, Raphael severed Clavwell’s right arm from his body.

  “Ghhh... Urk?” And as he squatted down and began screaming, a foot covered in armor was jammed into his mouth. Several of his smashed front teeth scattered about the floor.

  “Don’t make such a fuss. Even though I may appear ruthless, this is the first time I’ve killed a human, you see? I’m just a little nervous about it.”

  Why... me? He couldn’t speak those words aloud, but as Clavwell complained with his eyes, Raphael got the message loud and clear and replied.

  “Both you and I have gone senile. It is not our place to stick our hands into each and every little thing the younger generation is doing. That is to say nothing of nipping their possibilities in the bud, of course,” Raphael said, then drew his Sacred Sword.

  “You get to meet your end on the blade of your beloved Sacred Sword, bastard. How about making a somewhat happier face?”

  “Aggggggh!” Opening his eyes wide, Clavwell tried to shake his head but could do nothing with the leg guard dug into his mouth.

  Somebody save me! Why was the Archangel of Kianoides not coming to save him? What happened to the three knights he just sent away? As the spokesman of God, the executor of justice, why did he have to have his life threatened by such an ‘evil’? However, no matter how much Clavwell wailed in his heart, the ‘justice’ that he believed in did not protect him.

  “I will follow you shortly. Wait for me in hell,” were the last words the man known as Cardinal Clavwell heard as a Sacred Sword came swinging straight for his neck.

  And that was the very last scene Clavwell ever witnessed in this world.


  “...I see. Like I thought, the culprit was Cardinal Clavwell, huh?” In a guest room of Zagan’s castle, Chastille muttered those words in a somewhat lonely tone.

  Other than her, Zagan, Foll, and Nephy were all gathered in the room where Zagan had just informed her of Clavwell’s death. The one who tried to assassinate Chastille was none other than her superior, Cardinal Clavwell.

  “That man... was one who never doubted the justice of the church.” That’s why he was fixed upon the idea that sorcerers were evil, and even considered Chastille, who made friends with one, to be an enemy.

  Nephy then timidly posed a question.

  “Chastille, did you know already?”

  “Vaguely, I suppose. I had a feeling... but I didn’t want to believe it. Still, it makes sen
se since he was the one who greeted me and poured me some tea just like always.” That seemed to be why Chastille drank the poison without a shred of doubt.

  Zagan then let out a snort with a ‘hmph.’

  “How foolish. There are no decent humans among a group who proclaims to represent true justice.”

  “Even before, you said something like that, huh?”

  That was something that happened when they first fought. And as one would expect, in a dispirited state, Chastille slumped her shoulders.

  “Even so, people want to believe what they’re doing is correct. I wonder... is that such a bad thing?”

  “Believing that is up to them. However, the moment they believe it may be wrong, they will definitely waver. In that sense, the culprit who tried to kill you is correct. He never wavered in trying to kill you, after all.”

  That was all justice came down to in the end. It was something people believed in wholeheartedly, which they would never waver from. When blind faith got too far, it always became fanaticism. The reason the church was strong... was because that lied at its foundation.

  “You’re as harsh as always, aren’t you?” Chastille said as she formed a bitter smile, but it was not the face of one stricken with grief. And after taking a sip of the tea that was prepared for her, she stood up.

  “I’m going to return to the church. I think the current state of it is strange. I won’t say something conceited like I’ll correct it, but I want to change it even if just a little.”

  “I see.”

  And with that short reply, Chastille once more formed a bitter smile.

  “Even at times like this, that’s all you’ll ever say to me, huh?”

  Zagan felt like he did something bad as he heard those words. Her accusation of him being heartless had come far too late, but having it said to his face still made him worry about it. And that was why Zagan pointed over to Chastille’s cup.

  “Truth be told, that tea is poisoned.”

  “Eeek?” Chastille raised her voice in a panic, looking fully ready to drop her cup.

  She really is someone who gets easily shaken, huh?


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