Cassel, Matt, 186
CBS, 10, 18
Chancellor, Kam, 123
cheerleaders, 262, 265, 324
Cherokee Indians, 32
Chicago Bears, 5, 21, 27
Chicago Tribune, 195
Chopra, Gotham, 343
Christie, Chris, 324
chronic traumatic encephalopathy. see CTE
Cincinnati Bengals, 5, 69, 178
Clark, Dwight, 5
Clayton, John, 40–41, 325
Cleveland Browns, 20
Cleveland Plain Dealer, 111
Clinton, Bill, 26
Clinton, Hillary, 227, 244, 250
CNN, 93, 136, 208
Cobb, Randall, 254–55
Colbert, Stephen, 7
collective bargaining negotiations, 22, 101, 130, 188, 302
Collier, Juan, 112–13
Collinsworth, Chris, 108, 123, 134–35
Collision Low Crossers (Dawidoff), 50
Comcast SportsNet New England, 53
Commentary, xxii
composting (recycling material in journalism), 286
Concussion (film), 88, 119–21, 177, 219, 311
concussions, xvi, 16, 20–21, 31, 48, 51, 61, 87–88, 139, 222, 226, 311
House Judiciary Committee hearing on, 126
spotters for, 123–24
see also CTE (chronic traumatic encephalopathy)
Conway, Kellyanne, 273
Cooks, Brandin, xxii, xxiii
Cooperstown, 206, 211
Covington & Burling, 172
Cramer, Richard Ben, xix
CTE (chronic traumatic encephalopathy), 5, 21, 45, 48, 87, 118, 211
Cuban, Mark, 154
Curran, Tom E., 53
Daily News, 52, 108, 208
Daily Show, The 95
Dalai Lama, 76
Dallas Cowboys, 22, 23, 83, 138, 257
Dallas Morning News, 330
Dalrymple, Rich, 307–9
Davis, Al, 25–27, 137, 141, 287, 304–5
Davis, Mark, 25, 141, 142, 157, 165, 166–67, 285, 287, 304–5, 324
Davis family, 305
Dawidoff, Nicholas, 50
Dawson, Dermontti, 219–20
Deadspin, 32, 41, 265, 293, 294
DeBartolo, Edward John “Eddie” Jr., 29–30, 212
Deflategate, 7, 11, 19–20, 28, 90–94, 176, 216
college course on, 104
compared to Black Sox scandal, 145
Kraft on, 46–47
Trump on, 233, 286
see also Brady, Tom
Deford, Frank, 147
dementia, 5
Demoff, Kevin, 159, 160, 257
De Niro, Robert, 177
Denver Broncos, 38, 179, 183–84, 226
Denver Post and Rocky Mountain News, 38
Detroit Lions, 27
Dick McCann Award, 325
DirecTV, 7
Dorsett, Tony, 207–8
Doyle, Tommy, 252
Drape, Joe, xxiii
Duerson, Dave, 21
Duerson, Tregg, 21
Dungy, Tony, 200
Earnest, Josh, 97
Edelman, Julian, 123–24, 184, 291
Edwards, Edwin, 29
Edwards, Herm, 33
Eifert, Tyler, 42
Eisen, Rich, 43, 209, 213–14
Elliott, Ezekiel, 193, 198, 324
Elton John, 76
Elway, John, 86
endorsements, 55, 63, 85
Enron, 140, 141
ESPN, 18, 23, 33, 35, 38, 39, 42, 91, 97, 105, 320, 325, 342, 91, 179
ESPN Deportes, 338
ESPN The Magazine, 120, 138, 327, 343
ESPN The Magazine, 327, 343
Exley, Frederick, xx
Facebook, 73, 216, 266, 343
Fairley, Nick, 22
Fan’s Notes, A (Exley), xx
fantasy football leagues, 38, 112, 267
Faulk, Marshall, 213–14
Favre, Brett, 86, 87, 209, 211–12, 218–19, 221, 223
Federal Trade Commission (FTC), 61, 63
Felger, Michael, 104
Finley, Jermichael, 191–92
Fitzpatrick, Ryan, 40
Five Rings (boat), 83
Florio, Mike, 41, 42
Flutie, Doug, 231
Foles, Nick, xiii, xx–xxii, 1
Football for Coaches and Players (Warner), 51
Football Life, (documentary), 265
Forbes, 9, 161, 295, 322
Ford, Martha Firestone, 27, 156–57, 159
Ford, Whitey, 206
Ford, William Clay, 27
Ford Motor Company, 55
Forever Oakland (fan group), 304
Forrest Gump (film), 14
Forum, 258, 261
Fotheringham, Aaron “Wheelz,” 57
Four Rings (boat), 83
Foxborough, 28, 69, 72, 77, 85, 108, 134, 136, 145, 216, 236, 240, 245, 248, 267, 268, 270, 279, 342, 245
Fox News, 18, 34, 349
Francesconi, Katia, 14, 338, 339
Franklin, Chip, 109
Franklin Field, 2
Freeman, Devonta, 275
Freeman, Mike, 227
Friday Night Lights, 11
Gabbert, Blaine, 227
Gainey, Wayne, 109
Garoppolo, Jimmy, 71, 343–44,
Garrett, Myles, 4
Garvey, Ed, 149
Georgia Dome, 268
German shepherd masks, xviii, xix
Gifford, Frank, 114, 118
Gifford family, 118
Gillette Stadium, 69–70, 90, 95, 97, 134, 152
Gladwell, Malcolm, xvii
Globe, 279
Goff, Jared, 198
Goldman Sachs, 75
Goodell, Charles, 43, 146
Goodell, Jane Skinner, 34, 134, 174, 285, 333
Goodell, Jean, 146
Goodell, Roger, 337–38
appearance before House Judiciary Committee, 126
assessments of, 20, 31–32
author’s interviews with, 174–79, 332–36
avoidance of Foxborough, 267–68, 271
Brady, Sr. denounces, 109
at Chicago NFL Draft 2016, 195–96, 198–201, 203
on concussions, 21, 121
and Dan Rooney, 312, 313, 314–15
on Deflategate, 7, 11, 19–20, 28, 106, 133–34, 136, 138, 176
on franchise relocations, 116–17
on growth of NFL revenue, 9
at Hall of Fame induction ceremony 2016, 210
on importance of football games, 10
on “integrity of game,” 100, 142, 267
Kraft’s assessment of, 47, 297
and LA Chargers, 259, 260, 262
and LA stadium relocation project, 151, 157, 164–65, 166
at League meeting March 2016, 33–34, 43
management style of, xvi–xvii, 101, 106, 129–31, 139–40, 142, 145–50, 170
and meeting between owners, players and league officials, 320–23
NFL press conference 2017, 278–79
at Philadelphia NFL Draft 2017, 3, 4
on protecting “the Shield,” 44, 100
and Ray Rice, 7, 8, 78, 131–33, 135
salary of, 143–44, 170, 318
and “Spygate,” 102
on Trump, 333–34, 336
Good Morning America, 96
Gore, Sen. Thomas, 68
Gostkowski, Stephen, 290
Gowdy, Curt, 209
GQ, 143
Graham, Brandon, 344
Green Bay Packers, 17, 72, 82, 224, 248–55
Green Bay Press Gazette, 249
Greene, Kevin, 220
Greenfield, Jeff, 154
Gregg, Forrest, 209
Griffin, Robert III, 48
Grigson, Ryan, 108
Gronkowski, Rob, xiv–xv, 73, 183, 271, 342
Grove, Andy, 8
Grubman, Eric, 172
Guerrero, Alex, 60, 61, 62–64, 70, 88, 89, 136, 292, 343, 345
Gumbel, Bryant, 228
Hackenberg, Christian, 47–48
hacking, 75, 120
Halas, George, 27, 329
Hall of Fame Game 2000, 223–24
Hall of Fame inductions, 3, 205–13
Hall of Fame Museum, 215–16
Hanks, Tom, 158
Harbaugh, Jim, 228
Harbaugh, John, 51, 134
Harden, Greg, 66
Hard Knocks (HBO reality show), 140, 225
Hardy, Greg, 23–24, 118, 251, 328
Harper’s, 251
Harris, Cliff, 277
Harrison, Dennis, 269
Harrison, Marvin, 212
Henry, Chris, 129
Henry, John, 98
Henson, Drew, 66
Hernandez, Aaron, 5, 73, 75–76, 78, 264
Heston, Charlton, 322
Hey A. J. It’s Saturday (Bennett), 272
Hicks, Hope, 233
Hicks, Paul, 233
Hogan, Chris, 271, 291
Hogan, Cynthia, 34
Holder, Eric, 312
Holmgren, Mike, 251
Homer, Andrew, 252
Hornung, Paul “Golden Boy,” 128
horse racing, xxiii
Houston Astrodome, 69
Houston Astros, 75
Howard Johnson restaurants, 27–28
Humphrey, Hubert, 251
Hunt, Clark, 318
Hunt, Lamar, 274
Hunt family, 29
IBM, 75
Ideal Gas Law, 46–47
Ideley, Camilla, 311
Idzik, John, 29
Iger, Robert, 159
Indianapolis Colts, 90–98, 107–17, 224
Indianapolis Star, 111
Inglewood stadium (Stan’s vision), 151, 157–67, 256–58, 262
see also Kroenke, Stan
injuries, see concussions; CTE (chronic traumatic encephalopathy); individual players
Institute for Diversity and Ethics in Sport, 227
Intern, The (movie), 177
Internship, The (movie), 298
Irsay, Jim, 45, 116, 264
Irsay, Robert “Tiger,” 114, 115, 330
Irvin, Michael, 168
Jackson, Keith, 185
Jackson, Nate, 120
James, LeBron, 44
James, Stacey, 47, 52, 72, 74, 79, 297
Jastremski, John, 95, 101
Jenkins, Malcolm, xxii, 335
Jerusalem Post, 95
John Paul II, Pope, 80
Johnson, Jimmy, 83
Johnson, Lane, 341
Johnson, Robert Wood “Woody” IV, 28–29, 33, 47–49, 164, 286–87
Johnson, Suzanne, 29
Jon Bon Jovi, 76, 231, 324
Jones, Adam “Pacman,” 16
Jones, Bert, 116
Jones, Griz, 304
Jones, Jerral Wayne “Jerry,” 136, 148, 151–52, 156, 158–59, 160–64, 167, 296–99, 301–2, 339
author’s interview with, 303–9
on brain injuries, 120
and Goodell, 138, 139, 326–28, 331, 336
induction into Hall of Fame, 294, 324–26
at NFL Draft 2017, 10, 11
at NFL owners’ meeting March 20–21, 2016, 23–24, 27, 33, 45, 49
see also AT&T Stadium
Jones, Jonathan, 291
Jones, Julio, 290
Jones, J. W. “Pat,” 161
Jones, Pacman, 129
Jones, Walter, 216
Jordan, Henry, 342
Julian Edelman Rule, 123–24
Kaepernick, Colin, 226–27, 229–30, 318, 319, 320, 322, 323, 335, 349
Kansas City Chiefs, 29, 71
Kaplan, Dan, 45
Karras, Alex, 128
Keenum, Case, xvii, 121–22
Kelly, Chip, 30, 33
Kelly, Hunter, 221
Kelly, Jim, 83, 220–23
Kempler, Ben 252
Kennedy, Robert F., 146
Kentucky Derby, xxiii
Kerry, John, 97, 250–51, 312
Kessler, Jeffrey, 137
KGO radio station, 109
Khan, Shad, 159, 160, 323, 339
King, Peter, 41, 51, 200, 228, 251, 304
King Jr., Martin Luther, 320, 322
Kismet (yacht), 339
Klosterman, Chuck, 228
Kluwe, Chris, 140
Koger, Dale, 257
Koufax, Sandy, 206
Krabbe disease, 221
Kraft, Jonathan, 76, 79, 106, 279
Kraft, Myra, 75, 77, 297–98
Kraft, Robert, 12, 35, 148, 152–53, 271, 279, 292, 323, 338
on anthem protests, 321
author’s interview with, 299–300
and Blank, 316–17
on Brady and Belichick, 77, 78, 80–81, 299–300
and celebrity culture, 76, 79
on Deflategate, 46, 103–4, 106, 136–37, 145, 327
friendship with Trump, 231–2, 286, 295, 296–7, 321
on Gillette Stadium, 69
on Goodell, 47, 78, 149, 297
on Guerrero’s training philosophy, 70
and Hernandez, 75–76, 78
at NFL owners’ meeting, 13, 20, 28, 32–33, 34–33
purchases Patriots, 77
rivalry with Jones, 294–6, 299, 301–2, 329
on Spygate, 103
and Super Bowl rings, 82–83, 295, 302
Kraft Center for Jewish Student Life, 78
Kravitz, Bob, 90, 105, 110–11
Kremer, Andrea, 228
Kroenke, Stan, 24, 77, 141, 145, 157, 160, 161–65, 167, 256, 259–60, 338
Kroft, Steve, 86
Kubiak, Gary, 51
Lady Gaga, 289–90, 325
Lambeau Field, 248–49, 250
Lander, Ricki Noel, 14, 298, 299
Langley, Monica, 132
Lattimore, Marshon, 4
Lawson, Shaq, 190–91
Leibovich, Miguel, 279–81, 292
Leiweke, Tod, 169–71
Leonard, Mary, 314
Letterman, David, 95–96, 109
Levy, Gregg, 172
Lewis, Marvin, 51
Lewis, Michael, xvi
Lewis, Mo, 88
Light, Matt, 319
Lilja, Ryan, 187
Limbaugh, Rush, 228
Lloyd, Odin, 78
Lockhart, Joe, 169, 318, 327
Locklear, Heather, 49–50
Lombardi, Vince, 26, 82, 83, 128–29, 247, 251, 342
Long, Chris, 275, 321
“Lords of Lambeau, The” (Smith), 251
Los Angeles Chargers, 258–63
Los Angeles Coliseum, xxi
Los Angeles Rams, xxi, 22, 24
Los Angeles Times, 258, 260
Lovato, Demi, 338
Lowe, Rob, 71
Lucas Oil Stadium, 108
Luck, Andrew, 224
Lurie, Jeffrey, 43, 321
Lynn, Anthony, 260, 263
MacCambridge, Michael, 4,
MacRae, Joseph, 262–63
Madden, John, 206
Magary, Drew, 41, 293–94
Make-A-Wish Foundation kids, 4–5
Mall of America, xviii
Mandela, Nelson, 24
Manning, Eli, 55
Manning, Peyton, 102, 112, 181, 184, 346
Manziel, Johnny, 4
Mara, John, 139, 149, 152, 160, 318, 323, 328, 337
Mara family, 29, 149
Maraniss, David, 251
Marino, Dan, 83
Mayo, Jerod, 52
Mazzetti, Mark, 325
McAdoo, Ben, 337
McCann, Michael, 104
McCarthy, Brian, 195
McCarthy, Kevin, 338
McCarthy, Mike, 251
McCaskey, George Halas, 329–30
McCaskey, Virginia, 27
McCourty, Devin, 73
McDaniels, Josh, 42
McGinest, Willie, 77
McKinley, William 207
McMahon, Vince, 20
McNabb, Donovan, 189–90
McNair, Bob, 32, 139–42, 148, 160, 318, 320, 322–23
McNally, Jim, 101
Melrose Place, 49
Mercury News, xvi
Meredith, Dandy Don, 223–24
Miami Dolphins, 253
Michaels, Al, 123, 134–35, 223, 339
Mike & Mike, 203
Miller, Dennis, 223–24
Miller, Jeff, 31, 48–49
Milloy, Lawyer, 81
Minnesota Vikings, xvii, xix, 86, 140, 154
Mitchell, Malcolm, 291
Mitchell, Mike, 37
Modell, Art, 115, 260
Monday Night Football, 223
Montgomery, Wilbert, xxi
Moon, Warren, 221
Moore, David, 330–31
Moore, Matt, 253
Mortensen, Chris, 42, 91, 92, 93, 105, 198
Moskovitz, Diana, 265
Moss, Randy, 77, 81
mudita (Sanskrit word for fulfillment), 71
Mueller, Robert, 134–35
Murdoch, Rupert, 58
Murphy, Mark, 89, 250
My Cousin Vinny (film), 96
Myers, Gary, 52, 208
Najarian, Berj, 39–40, 52–53
Namath, Joe, 153, 209, 310
National Rifle Association, 322
Native Americans, 32, 154
NBC, 18, 42
Neal, Keanu, 201
Netanyahu, Benjamin, 78, 80
NeuroSafe, 61
New England Patriots
AFC Championship Game 2016, 179, 183–84
vs. Cincinnati Bengals, 69, 71
vs. Colts 2015, 90
and Deflategate, 29
Hall of Fame Game 2000, 223–24
vs. Kansas City Chiefs, 71
NFL Kickoff Game, 19
vs. Packers, 72
and Super Bowl LI, 5, 288–92
Super Bowl XLIX, 123–24
and trademark of “Unequivocally the Sweetest” phrase, 3
visit to White House, 5–6
New England Revolution, 79
Big Game Page 37