The Silver Sphere

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The Silver Sphere Page 11

by Michael Dadich

  "I'm with you," agreed Shelby.

  The rest of them scurried to retrieve their new belongings. Shelby slung the crossbow across her back and sheathed her saber. Having the blade by her side seemed natural, almost as if she'd been missing half her arm her entire life and hadn't known it until now. She smiled at Max, who had strapped the long sword scabbard to his back. He wore his pack over the saber and was still able to unsheathe it in a flash.

  Barrick called the Kin over.

  "Okay, now, not only will you be riding with us, but Presage has asked Milo and the Stonecoats to accompany our group to Meracuse along the Dorado Path. Let's saddle up and head out."

  The five Kin and Mr. Dempsey mounted their horses, joined by Vilaborg, Casselton, Sculptor, Cumber, Boozer, Sol, and the two new Meridian soldiers, Dukas and Crater. Within a few minutes, Milo and the Stonecoats swarmed through and enveloped the Kin, Milo taking the lead at the forefront with Barrick.

  "Let's march," Milo cried out.

  They traveled at a good pace and in unison like a well-disciplined army. Previously, Shelby had been uneasy in a saddle, but now she was at home riding the dappled charger they'd given her. The group fell in line with the rest of the soldiers, and together, they created an enormous column of riders, wagons, carts, and mounts.

  Tall oaks lined the muddy path on both sides. The vegetation alongside the road was thick, and several odd-looking birds rested on branches. One in particular had an owl's body with a hawk's head.

  Sculptor caught her observing and said, "Those are called howls, my favorite birds. They're the easiest to train as messengers... very smart. Earth creatures interbred with ours, and the results are amazing."

  Shelby also spotted a pack of checkered ferrets scurrying along, trying their best to keep up. They chattered and squeaked. About a mile down the path, they vanished into the underbrush.

  The pace of the army quickened from a canter to a gallop. The course was wide enough for the horses and wagons to move along at more than a lumbering clip.

  Shelby glanced at Mr. Dempsey, who rode next to Emily. His head tilted in close to Emily, focused on her word. Good. Emily seems to be having the hardest time with our summoning. Mr. Dempsey is a great person for her to talk to.

  After an hour of riding, Milo halted and waved his arm back. The Stonecoats followed his signal and moved into action, forming a wall around the Kin. Barrick appeared confused, looking to Milo for an explanation. The Meridian Army ahead continued riding, and after a short pause, Barrick called out to them.

  Milo said to Barrick, "I heard the cracking of branches and what sounded like a sword being drawn."

  Barrick raised an eyebrow. "Milo, no disrespect, but with all of us riding at a gallop, you heard a sword unsheathe in the foliage?"

  At that moment, a distinct snap erupted from the right side of the forest. The Stonecoats all drew their swords in unison with one large swish. Barrick and the Meridian soldiers followed suit. Up ahead, one of the soldiers shouted.

  A wind swirled in, succeeded by a fog that seeped from the forest on both sides. The smoke cloistered the Kin, separating them from the rest of the group. It smelled awful, not at all like the mist around the lake near Shelby's home.

  "Thieves' fog. On your guard, Stonecoats," Milo hollered.

  Dark soldiers, with black leather masks and a skull emblazoned on their chests, stormed from the thicket. Each brandished steel. Axes were held high, swords pointed forth, and maces swung to the ready.

  Alongside Shelby, Dukas was snapped down off his horse by a net thrown from a handful of the dark warriors. Without hesitation, she pulled out her crossbow and fired at the Nightlanders that converged on the struggling Dukas.

  Behind them, several more bodies emerged from the shadows and the thickening mist. Savage tribesmen charged forward, a sea of war-painted faces bouncing up and down, feathers of every color tied into their matted hair and beards. White paint covered their tan chests. Most had spears, and some had hatchets and bows.

  Sculptor hissed, "The Zumbaki have joined the Nightlanders. Unbelievable."

  As several of the Zumbaki lunged at Shelby, they were cut off by members of the Stonecoats, whose skill thwarted their efforts. She was dazzled by how well the specialized knights battled. The one beside her parried an attack as if swatting a fly. He stabbed men through their leather armor as they came, felling them as fast as they closed in. Milo galloped across the ambush, shouting orders and fending off Nightlanders and Zumbaki in droves.

  Riley, surrounded by Stonecoats herself, placed silver pellets in her slingshot and started picking off the attacking horde. Many of the bullets she used were covered in points, which broke skin and bone alike.

  Shelby joined Riley and aimed her crossbow into the crowd of marauding Nightlanders. She loaded a bolt and launched it, hitting a Nightlander square in the heart. From atop her mount, no one could stop her.

  Emily cantered up from behind and shot arrows with deadeye accuracy. The three girls dropped men faster and faster as they got used to their new weapons. Emily's wooden missiles whistled through the air, smashing into each target she aimed at.

  Stuart set his hand-cannon on high and blasted away at the Nightlander and Zumbaki armies. Every blast sent men scurrying for shelter. Beside him, Max used his sword and hacked at the men who attempted to pull him from his saddle.

  The main army with Presage was coming back now, and Shelby's resolve fortified when the first armored soldier slammed into the wall of Nightlanders. The armored soldiers came in a wave of yells, curses, and battle cries.

  The soldiers knocked the assailants back in droves, repelling their ambush. A maniacal cry roared from the foliage, causing Barrick and Max to pause. For a second, the Nightlanders gained an upper hand. The moment they did, Barrick began striking at them again.

  "By the Trifids, it can't be." Barrick exhaled heavily.

  Max yelled as he fought off a Zumbaki, "What? What is it?"

  "Disembowelers." Dread laced Barrick's voice.

  "Disembowelers? That doesn't sound good," Mr. Dempsey said. He was trying to fight with a broken lance, clubbing those who came near Shelby.

  "But, tha' can' be," Cumber said. "They're extinct. They haven' been seen in years." He swung his blade, cleaving through a Nightlander's neck. Yanking it back, he and his maple mount were sprayed in blood. The Nightlander collapsed and another took its place.

  "I know what they sound like," Barrick said. "Glimpsed one at the animal grounds as a youth. It was an old one, but that was how it sounded. I will never forget it."

  Even Milo appeared concerned as howling blared from the forest.

  Max had one sword out in his right hand and a long dirk in his left. From atop his horse, he was death to anyone who came close.

  Several Disembowelers ran out of the brush with collars around their necks. They were monstrous, with rabid hyena heads foaming at the jaw, while their multiple arms spun on each side like windmills with knifelike claws, cutting through the smoky air. Branches broke in their wake as they surged close to the ground on large goat-like hooves.

  Milo leapt off his steed, lifted his shield higher, and charged the Disembowelers, meeting a few head on. Several of the Stonecoats rushed to their leader's side. At once, Stuart, Emily, Riley, and Shelby fired their long-range weapons in support. The hideous beasts were lethal, lashing at the Stonecoats with a steady downpour of six arms and sets of claws.

  As the focus of the battle shifted to the Disembowelers, several Nightlanders poured in behind the Kin. Men screamed as they charged.

  Shelby whirled and aimed her crossbow. Sharp pain flowered on the back of her head. Her vision swam as she was dragged down from her horse. Stunned, she could move no more than a hair's breadth as a Nightlander carried her from the fray.

  She looked on helplessly as Max fought against the Nightlander ambush. He struggled to advance his steed past the raging swarm, then dismounted and leapt, soaring over the crowd of fallen Nightlande
rs. Soon she could only make out snippets of the battle. Trees were in her way, and she was too dazed to fight back.

  Shelby spied Max as he rolled athletically behind the Nightlanders and ran into the forest after her. She caught sight of him as he burst through the trees. Part of her felt relieved, but most of her was terrified.

  She snagged glimpses of Milo, fighting the Disembowelers with ferocity. Suddenly, the Stonecoat leader turned his head, and Shelby met his eyes in an attempt to call for help. He broke away from the Disembowelers at once.

  "Barrick," Milo yelled. "I'm off after the captured Kin. The Stonecoats will defend the rest of you to the death."

  That was the last she saw of him before the forest closed around her.

  Zach shuffled along, tired and in a haze. Ghosts wailed overhead. Demons sneered at him from the shadows. Nauseous, he vomited as insidious shapes laughed in fits of haunting tease from the darkness. Gray, rat-like creatures darted in and converged on his puke, fighting over the scraps. Zach wiped his mouth and stumbled forward.

  In the path ahead, the hag's hideous features and bony fingers pointed at him.

  "You are mine now, Kin. No Fugues to save you this time," she screeched.

  He buried his face into his hands and dropped to his knees. When he opened his eyes again, the gloom around him was silent. Movement ahead in the murkiness prompted him to reach for his sword, but the sheath was empty. He rose to his feet.

  A deep voice rumbled, "You have traveled a long distance, young man."

  Moonlight peered through clouds above, creating an eerie glow while illuminating the trees and woods. The demons and witch had vanished, no more rats scurried on the ground, and he didn't feel as sick as he had moments ago.

  A magnificent animal walked toward Zach. The creature cocked its huge, white lion's head as it approached; its stallion's body was sure and strong. Its broad tiger paws treaded with a delicate touch to the soil. The hybrid paused before him and examined him with brilliant golden eyes, circling Zach little by little. The beast's coat glistened with shades of black, tan, and cream.

  Zach was too mesmerized to move.

  "Yes, a tremendously long way you have traveled to return. You are a Kin?"

  "Yes, I'm Zach. Return?"

  "I sense Meridian blood in your veins. I am Baku. You are in trouble, dear Kin. This is a powerful nightmare, a curse thrown upon you. I know this witch. She is strong and experienced. Eating this nightmare for you may be risky."

  "You are the dream-eater the Fugues spoke of?"

  Baku studied him. "I am." The dream-eater continued to circle Zach with regal grace. "I will need you to concentrate on the witch who placed this spell upon you. Think only of her. Push everything else away. Do you understand me?"

  Zach nodded and closed his eyes. He thought of the repulsive hag, the yellow pus oozing down her face, and her blood-drenched, twisted metal teeth. He opened his eyes.

  Baku was gone now and she stood before him again.

  "You think you can reverse my spells, poor Kin? You are doomed, and I'll eat your soul as a sacrifice to Biskara." She wailed a monstrous laugh.

  He dropped to his knees again, weak and powerless. Pressure pressed on his head, all movements suspended, and his vision clouded. She was using some sort of sorcery to force him down, he was sure of it.

  She pulled an axe out from her tattered robes.

  What odd grace for such an ugly creature.

  She stalked him and lifted the hatchet high.

  "The soul of a Kin... mine to eat."

  Behind her, a large shadow loomed. She whirled around and stared into the glowing golden eyes of the dream-eater. Baku was even more massive than before. The witch wailed in fear as he opened his grand jaws and let out a deafening roar.

  "Please, please, Baku," she begged in a small child's voice.

  Baku closed his gaping maw with no hesitation and swallowed her whole. He tilted his head to the sky, his stallion legs lifted high, and he roared into the night. He landed, towering over Zach, emitted a loud belch, and licked his lips.

  "The nightmare spell is eaten now, Kin. You will sleep soundly."

  "Thank you. How can I repay you?"

  Baku let out a vigorous laugh. "One of the finest meals I have had in ages. No further payment required." The dream-eater examined him as if pondering something. "Some of your Kin are in danger, not far from here. The Aulic Assembly is held near an ancient battleground. You must find them and regroup with the rest of the Kin. I must go."

  "An ancient battleground? Where are my fellow Kin?"

  "I am only the dream-eater, and I must leave you now. Good luck, dear Kin. You will need all the well-wishes I offer and many more." Baku turned and disappeared into the forest before Zach could speak.

  A flash of bright light burst from the woods. Zach closed his eyes.

  His body jerked. When he opened his eyes, Throg was kneeling over him, poking him gently.

  "Wake up, Zach. Baku has feasted, and we are not safe here."

  "Baku informed me some of the other Kin are in danger and are nearby."

  "Interesting that he told you. Baku liked you, or perhaps he was happy with his meal."

  "He also said the Aulic Assembly is being held at an ancient battlefield. He said I must regroup with the Kin and find them. He sensed Meridian blood in me."

  Throg nodded. "Hmm, your link on the Assembly mentioned the word 'valley.' Tomb Valley opens up into Canopus Hills. A legendary fight occurred there, the Battle in Canopus Hills, with Hideux's Nightlanders. The Meridian Army was being overrun and was rescued by the Stonecoats. Other ancient battlefields exist, but this one makes the most sense."

  His earthy hair was matted from days of travel, and his stubble grew rough around the edges. "I still think the prudent path to take is back to Meracuse and Lord Achernar. The main road to the city is not far from here, and we can follow the course straight in. We'll report our findings to Lord Achernar, and he will know where your fellow Kin are."

  Zach's guts ached but he knew he must push on. In a steady, deliberate motion, he got to his feet and balanced himself. Throg handed him some chud to chew on as they walked.

  The faster they traveled, the more his strength returned. A question burned at him, one he'd been meaning to ask. "Throg, who are the truth seekers?"

  "Ah, the inquiry of the century. The truth seekers appeared during the war against Hideux."

  Nick trudged into the fog, continuing in the direction of the Denon clone. The mist dissipated and the Denon twin appeared ahead. Several others stood with Denon, and Nick recognized Captain Spiro among the group.

  "Welcome, Nick. I hope the walk cleared your head." Denon said.

  "Yes, thanks. You look like Lucas Denon. He was an unbelievable musician."

  "I am Lucas Denon."

  "H-how can that be? You were in a car wreck. Your body was f-found." Nick took a step back, his eyes wide.

  "My time on Earth came to a close. I was chosen for a higher calling."

  "You... you're dead?"

  "On Earth, yes. I am no ghost, Nick. I'm a celestial being now, a truth seeker. We are the protectors of the celestial universe. The southern hemisphere may be under siege, and we must protect it as best we can. Even though we are no longer mortal, we can die on the celestial battlefield and reach an elevated plane. Yet we're here for a reason, chosen because of special qualities we exhibited in our corporeal forms."

  Stepping closer to him, Nick asked, "Spiro, you are one of these truth seekers?"

  "Aye. Just found out myself. I'm well aware of who the truth seekers are. In my culture, it is an honor to be one."

  "What? Wait.... Do you mean I'm a truth seeker, a celestial being?" Nick waffled on his feet.

  Denon said, "Yes, Kinsaver. If you allow your instincts to control your emotions, you'll find you're comfortable here. You always possessed an inner goodness. You are a truth seeker now, though you will need to be educated. The truth seekers promoted from E
arth usually do."

  "A truth seeker is a protector of the celestial universe?" Nick arched his brow.

  "Yes. A long time ago, the hemisphere we're in, between the Fornax and Eridanus systems, stood in grave danger. A powerful and evil being, Biskara, conducted a war against the benevolent cultures of this sector through his first son. Hideux, in mortal form, led an army called the Nightlanders. Due to Biskara's celestial involvement and his tremendous resources, Hideux prevailed during the conflict.

  "At that point, a celestial adversary to Biskara named Atum created the truth seekers and assisted the Meridian forces against Hideux. The truth seekers fought Biskara on the celestial battlefield, which left Hideux on his own. They developed a device to identify the coordinates of Biskara in the future, and to summon the truth seekers when Biskara attacked. The truth seekers can only communicate with the mortals through this tool. It is called the Silver Sphere."

  Nick paused as he registered this new information. "But what's my role in this?"

  "We suspect renewed danger with Biskara. The Silver Sphere is currently inoperable, and search recons are being sent out to find Biskara. My calling is to greet you, a task which I have done many times in the past when a chosen one from Earth is involved. And... you are the Kinsaver."

  "What does that even mean?" Nick ran his hands through his shaggy locks.

  "You're a good person. We've had our eye on you for quite some time," admitted Denon. "But it takes more than a strong heart to become a truth seeker. Nick, you've done the one greatest thing anyone could—you rescued a Kin, and died so she could live."

  "What's a Kin?"

  "All in time, Nick."

  "Well, shoot, you're really Lucas Denon."

  Denon smiled and nodded.

  Nick gazed out into the distance. "Okay then, what's expected of me now?"

  "We'll travel back to Horologium, the truth seekers' home base. There you will be further briefed on our cause and prepared for battle, as I was."

  "Have you ever fought against Biskara?"


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