The Silver Sphere

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The Silver Sphere Page 20

by Michael Dadich

  Shelby nodded and smiled as they marched ahead. Max clasped her hand amidst the falling paper, and a rush of heat filled her as her heart gave a little dance.

  As they approached the outlet, Blunderbuss's gangly form emerged from a foyer. "I figured you'd be headed here."

  "We have to leave," Shelby said, her eyes locked on Blunderbuss. She released Max's hand and laid her palm on the hilt of her sword. The cold metal felt almost alien after Max's tender fingers.

  "Of course you do. We are all doomed if Biskara takes over. Whatever you need of me, it's yours. First, let's get back to my camp—the crowd here is buzzing about Kin. Bane won't be the only bounty hunter in Vixen." The sly Centurion pushed his way to the gate with the Kin trailing behind, and shouted, "Torf, time for me to leave."

  Torf poked his head through the metal grate. "Sorry, boss. Vixen has been ordered to lockdown."

  Yells rose up from the masses to their rear. Shelby spotted Bane and his heathens working around the herd. They looked like dogs sniffing for the scent of their prey. A shiver sped down her spine.

  "Laddie, you must trust me. If I don't get the Kin out of here, Vixen won't last more than a few weeks once Malefic is in power."

  Torf peeked over Blunderbuss's shoulder and to the Kin, fear and confusion in his gaze. Behind them, the goons cried out and catapulted forward. Torf nodded and pulled the lever. The iron grate lifted and they all ran under. After Blunderbuss's men passed, Torf dropped the gate.

  "Run," Blunderbuss shouted.

  They scurried down the shaft as Bane and his gang bellowed at Torf to open the door.

  Shelby sucked in cold air. Her lungs burned from running. Even the beast had never chased her so much back home. At last, they arrived at the hatch and clambered up the wooden steps and out into the weald.

  Once all were atop, Blunderbuss stared at them, kicking the dirt. "The Kin. Glory be. I hope you have a plan in Canopus. Let's go." He dashed off into the forest.

  They arrived at the campsite and found the place well organized. Several leather tents and fires formed three circles, and a few sets of transparent wires wrapped around the trees spanned the whole site.

  Blunderbuss led them through a section where he unhooked the wire. "Welcome to our hideout."

  After re-rigging the traps, Blunderbuss directed them to a small campfire and motioned them to sit down. One of his men brought over a cask of ale and mugs. Meat roasted over the flame. A crew of Blunderbuss's men had stayed behind to tend and watch the headquarters. They'd been cooking for some time.

  "Isn't the hour a little late to cook?" Shelby glanced up at the full moon.

  "With the hours we keep? Nah. We're always hungry." He winked. "Now, please excuse me. Pour a drink. I will be back in a few minutes." He placed his arm on the shoulders of one of his men and whispered as they strolled off.

  Max's expression contorted and he rolled to his side, holding his crown. He gasped in agony.

  Shelby rushed over while the rest of them formed a small circle around him. "Don't fight it, Max. Let the message come. Soon, the sharp pain will be over." She remembered Presage's words.

  Blunderbuss returned and lurched into the circle, his eyebrows raised.

  Shelby watched her friend for a long time. She held her breath.

  Finally, Max sat up, rubbed the back of his head, and groaned. "They are being moved. Tomorrow... early evening."

  Stuart poked his head closer. "What did he say?"

  "Nothing. Different this time. I was looking through his eyes, and I overheard two soldiers discussing the orders to transfer them. Something about the Gida Path."

  Blunderbuss moved forward, and they all stared at him. "Well you are definitely Kin. I can't believe earlier I thought you needed an escort through our territory."

  "Did they say how they planned to move them?" said Shelby.

  "Yes, in a large stagecoach. They are headed to an old house near the Canopus Hills village." Max rose to his feet with her assistance.

  Blunderbuss walked directly up to him. "So your communication means the Assembly is alive, I take it?"

  "We need to leave... now," said Max.

  "Whatever you desire from me, I already told you, I will give it—on one condition."

  "The condition is...?" Shelby cast a hardened glare.

  "We get through this all right, and you need to put a good word in for us with Achernar and the Assembly. I'm not a pig, but a reward wouldn't hurt, either. That's if we deserve one. Mostly, I want the government off our backs."

  Shelby glanced at the other Kin, and they all nodded. "I think the Assembly would be gracious to all those who assisted in the welfare of Meridia, but we will certainly put in a good word."

  Blunderbuss rubbed his palms together. "Okay... much to do. You say the Assembly is being moved from one prison to another location, riding a stagecoach with a large contingent on the Gida Path?" He placed his tin mug down and glanced up at Max.

  "That is correct."

  Shelby remembered how drained she'd been after her last link.

  "He's sharp as a shiv," Stuart whispered in her ear.

  Blunderbuss clapped his hands together. "We're in luck. I have an idea. On the Gida Path is a tunnel that we've rigged. Let me meet with the boys and check on some things."

  "How many are in your gang?" said Max.

  "Fifty-five. I'll have to leave a portion behind to guard our camp and valuables." His gaze spanned the encampment.

  Riley stepped forward. "This is a critical time for everyone. We'll need every resource."

  "Listen here, I said I would help, but I must protect what we own. We will close up two circles of the camp and bury our valuables, and station ten men behind. We can't travel with all our haul, and I'll have a mutiny if I leave our things unprotected."

  "Those valuables will be worth scrap metal if the Nightlanders win this war," said Stuart.

  Blunderbuss peered off into the distance, contemplating. "I'll call a quick meeting and have a poll. I suppose if we hide our better pieces, I can get away with leaving five behind, but it has to go to a vote." He trudged off.

  After Blunderbuss was out of earshot, Emily spoke. "We shouldn't push that much. I was worried they were going to lock us up and steal everything we owned when we first met him. We should be grateful he's helping us at all."

  Shelby nodded. "Yes, but we owe it to the Assembly to gather as many resources as possible. The five of us can only get so much done against a battalion."

  "Six of us," said Simon. "And don't underestimate your own prowess. The history books are rich with the Kin and their abilities."

  As they awaited the results of Blunderbuss's meeting, a twitch tickled Shelby's head. Bianca was reaching out to her, and little pain came with this linkage. Presage was accurate in his assessment of the throbbing. The ache lessened with each contact. She heard Bianca's low voice and made out her words.

  "We leave at dusk tomorrow... Gida Path. You must travel... less than fifty if you possess no mentor to shield you. Biskara... senses the movements of fifty... more if... move... and... no shields...." Bianca's voice tailed off.

  "Shelby, are you okay?" Riley asked.

  "Yes, I had a brief contact." She massaged her temples.

  Riley tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear. "The pain?"

  "Not bad, and the communication has gotten easier. She said they leave at sundown tomorrow on the Gida Path, and for us to travel in groups less than fifty if we do not have a mentor with us, or Biskara may detect our movement. So that solves Blunderbuss's problem. Six of us and, to stay on the safe side, our group should be no larger than forty-five. He can leave seventeen behind."

  "That doesn't make sense, if you think things through," said Riley, stroking her chin.


  "I was just thinking. If Biskara can discover certain movements and report them, then why did Presage not know this? It explains the second ambush... and, uh, well, he put us in danger, no?"
br />   And Mr. Dempsey, Shelby thought. She tried to keep back the tears, wiping her eyes with the heel of her hands. Now that she had time to rest, he kept jumping to mind. "This must be new. Otherwise he would've known. I should believe what Bianca tells me, don't you think?"

  Riley pulled at her blonde braid. "Yes, we should assume this ability of Biskara's is something new, and go with what our contacts say. So far, only you and Max have had success linking with your Kin. I feel an itch in my head sometimes, even an image, but nothing otherwise."

  Simon gazed up at them. "I can tell you from my history texts that I do remember reading that Biskara can follow large military movements, much more than fifty, so this is different—his ability to monitor smaller groups. As far as your contacts go, from what I read, all Assembly members have certain talents in which they excel. Making contact can be one of them." He stood up straight.

  Shelby nodded. "I'll be right back." She turned to seek out Blunderbuss.

  He was nearby, huddled with a few men. She told him about her contact.

  "That's good news. The boys will want to help. They all hate the Nightlanders. But votes keep the group harmonious, and I'm not exactly a ruthless dictator." He turned back to the men.

  She returned to the Kin and Simon, and sat down. Glancing around at their faces, she saw they all were deep in thought. A tired bunch, they looked as dead as a group of students after pulling an all-nighter studying for exams.

  Blunderbuss returned, his spindly shadow announcing his approach. "We are ready to go. We will need a little bit of time to pack up and get the camp situated. We also lifted Nightlander uniforms from their barracks a few days back. I knew they would come in handy." He picked up a mug, filling it to the brim from the jug of ale, and chugged the entire thing.

  "So what is the plan?" asked Shelby.

  "Ah, I'll be back in a few minutes. Be ready to go. Still checking on some things. Then I will give it to you." He wiped his mouth and sprinted off.

  From a distance, the roar of the Manticore came once more, echoing through the desolate, foggy woods. Shelby shivered. Dawn would be coming soon. Hopefully, they'd have time to rest again before setting their plan in motion.

  "Seems like the Manticore is following us. Do you get the same sense?" Simon flashed a nervous smirk.

  "Sure do. From what you told us, we shouldn't fear it. We're traveling with a large group." Shelby hooked her thumbs in the straps of her knapsack.

  "I know, except the thing still sounds scary."

  They all looked off in the direction of the roar, and patiently waited for Blunderbuss. Shelby scanned the dark trees. Her eyes felt heavy, but there was too much at stake. If what she'd seen at Wintress's place was correct, if Azimuth fell, Earth would be next.

  Both her homes would be gone.

  Zach was tired. Anxiety swept over him. He stumbled a few steps, and Morgana placed her hand around his arm.

  "You okay?" she asked, the intensity of her green eyes heightened as she arched her brow and fixed her gaze on him. Brown hair spilled over her shoulders. She had tied most of her locks up in a ponytail, but some strands had come loose.

  "I'm okay. A little spent, I guess." He felt foolish saying that after what she'd been through.

  She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "Spent?" She shook her head.

  "Uh, mentally tired. I'll be fine." He smiled, and tugged her hand.

  Ahead, Throg and Brodeur were engaged in conversation.

  They walked for a couple hours, and Zach felt much stronger. Night had fallen, but moving around was safer. Staying in one place so late might be more than a little dangerous.

  A deep roar emanated from the west of them, and they all stopped to stare in the direction of the sound.

  "Manticore. Not a good omen," Brodeur said, his expression stolid. "They say they appear only when unnatural events occur. Rare to come this close to a Manticore."

  Morgana edged closer to Zach, gripping his hand through the moonlight.

  Brodeur raised an eyebrow. "At least we aren't in the heart of the Cark Woods. Battalions of men have disappeared searching for treasure. We will be passing the edge of the Cark heading into the Canopus Hills. Not too dangerous on the outskirts, yet more of a possibility to run into something. I've gone through this part on numerous occasions and have never seen anything."

  An hour passed as they hiked the woods. Often they were forced to take a slower pace around the steeper areas. The darkness made the terrain hard to read, but when the clouds drifted away from the moon, a chalky glow illuminated the forest. They traveled for some time before reaching the edge of the Cark, which they needed to pass.

  Throg motioned to Zach and Morgana. "Better pause for a breather now. We don't want to stop often until we are past, and a rest will give us strength to hustle."

  They went through the familiar routine of gathering dry wood to make some brew for their respite.

  They sat once again sipping tea, and a large multicolored owl hooted next to them. The fire blazed, casting orange and red shadows across the faces of the trees around them. Warmth flooded Zach as he sipped the hot liquid.

  Brodeur eyed the nocturnal bird. "Another omen, although I couldn't say good or bad. Owls are magical birds, the messengers of dead souls. This one is trying to tell us something." He peered up into the dark trees.

  The tea was soon finished, and the fire nearly burned out. Zach helped extinguish the last flames, and he and Morgana fixed their packs to their shoulders.

  Once more, the four of them headed out. They continued for a half-hour's length without any further roars or disturbances. Near midnight, they stopped for a brief rest, as Morgana asked for a few minutes.

  "Nature calls," she said, smiling coyly.

  Throg dropped his gear. "Okay, but stay in shouting distance, and bring your rapier."

  Throg and Zach sat and listened to one of Brodeur's stories. This one started with a dog, a wheel of cheese, and a harp.

  Brodeur laughed and said, "You wouldn't believe what the wench told me next. I thought for certain I was going to sleep in the barn, but no! After the cheese mess, I ended up staying in the worst possible place."

  "Where was the worst place?" Zach asked.

  He was about to reply, but was cut off by a deep, guttural roar. The three of them sprang to their feet.

  "That sounded way too close," said Throg. He scowled out into the dark forest. His breath came in puffs of steam as they listened.

  Morgana's screams followed a second roar. "Help!"

  Without a word, they picked up their weapons and bolted.

  Fleet as a gazelle, Zach arrived to the scene first. "Man alive!"

  Morgana was pinned against a tree, her rapier in front of her. The Manticore circled her and gave a low growl. The moon's glow offered enough light for Zach to make out the details. The beast's head was human, except larger and with a red face. The creature reared toward Zach, its blue eyes fixed on him and its vast mouth opened, revealing a triple row of teeth. An eerie cacophony of trumpets and flutes emerged from the Manticore's gaping maw. The beast abandoned its pursuit of Morgana and strode a few feet closer to Zach.

  Throg arrived and stood still, his broad sword raised. "Don't move, laddie."

  The Manticore stared deep into Zach's eyes and held his gaze. It roared into the sky with the distorted sound of fanfare. Seconds later, the monster bounded off into the woods with exceptional speed, leaving them behind.

  Throg looked at Zach and sighed. "Whatever made it leave, let's be thankful. That beast was twice the size of a lion and quicker than I care to fight."

  Zach turned to Morgana, who stood petrified against the tree, her rapier still raised.

  "Are you okay?" He jogged up to her, his empty hand out. The sword weighed a ton, but he refused to put it away until he knew they were out of danger.

  She snapped out of her paralyzed state and slid away from the trunk. "The Manticore could've swallowed me whole. I thought I was d
one for."

  Brodeur ran up, huffing, his arbalest loaded. "What happened?"

  "The Manticore sized up Zach, and then took off," said Throg.

  "Good guy to travel with, eh? Next time something like this happens, you need to grab my arbalest since you are quicker. Would be your only chance against a Manticore, or any beast its size."

  They walked back to their belongings and collected themselves.

  Still shaking, Morgana sank to the ground. Zach offered her some water from the canteen, but she refused. "I'll be okay. I need a minute to get my wits back is all."

  A tickle in Zach's brain announced a familiar voice: "We... transported from... the Canopus Hills at sundown tomorrow on... Gida Path. We will be... large stagecoach and...." The voice of his link cut out. He whirled around to Throg and relayed the message.

  "So they are in the Canopus Hills as we suspected, and they are being moved. Something must have happened for the Nightlanders to take such a risk."

  "No doubt the Assembly members will be heavily guarded, but it may be the only opportunity we have to act," said Zach.

  Throg nodded. "Well, we should be out of the Cark in a half-hour. We'll stop then and figure out a plan. Canopus is a few miles from here, and Gida runs directly through it."

  "Well, whatever you need, I'm game," Brodeur said at once. "No reason to pretend. I suspected Zach was a Kin for a while now. Should the Nightlanders take over, none of us will last, so count me in."

  "You got the situation right about our chances," said Throg.

  Brodeur placed his arbalest on the side of his sack.

  "Let's pick up the pace," Throg said. "No telling what might migrate from the belly of the Cark to the outskirts. Things much worse than the Manticore, I understand."

  They drew closer to the edge of the Cark, and the temperature dropped. Their thick and misty breaths floated up from their lips. The trees loomed larger, warts grew on their gnarled branches, and some had enormous knots that appeared as eyes.

  Morgana wrapped her tunic tighter. "Brr. The temperature has dropped twenty degrees in the last few minutes."


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