The Silver Sphere

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The Silver Sphere Page 29

by Michael Dadich

  Behind Samantha appeared six figures covered in shadow. One stepped forward, a raven-haired girl with eyes blacker than a shark's, and an expression equally lifeless.

  Atlaseria - A magnificent, modern city that existed on medieval Earth, where the Canary Islands now stand. It was destroyed by Biskara in a massive tsunami known as The Great Deluge.

  The Aulic Assembly - The governing body of Meridia, who report to their king, Lord Achernar. Current members are Bianca Saddler, Macklin Morrow, Rowan Letty, Elita Ezmer, Satchel Spool and Brock Fergus. They have psychic links to the Kin, and are the only beings able to operate the Silver Sphere.

  Axel Throg - The former captain of the Aulic Assembly's private guard; he has now chosen a life in solitude as a forester due to heartache... until....

  Azimuth - A planet, part of the Eridanus constellation in the southern hemisphere, 200 light years from Earth, where the Atlaserians on Earth had fled to for a new beginning.

  Azimuth Code - The code Azimuth lives by, where advanced weaponry (blasters, bombs, planes) are illegal due to the massive loss of life and nature caused by these weapons in previous wars. Only the United Forces are allowed to use such armaments, and only to defend the planet in extreme circumstances.

  Bane - The surly leader of a mercenary gang the Kin encounter in Vixen.

  Battleswine - A ferocious warrior race that holds the head of a boar, and are allies to Meridia.

  Baku - The Dream-eater, a supernatural being that devours dreams and nightmares and is usually indifferent toward mankind.

  Biskara - An ancient, powerful demon.

  Blunderbuss - The affable leader of the Centurions.

  Bogmen - A furry band of mercenaries that roams the forests on Azimuth.

  Brodeur - A kind, old thief with many tales.

  The Cark Woods - A dark, haunted forest in western Meridia.

  The Centurions - A ragtag band of soldiers, smugglers and thieves.

  Cetus - Milo's second in command of the Stonecoats.

  Chud - A chewy substance made from the roots of Druids, which travelers eat on the road in Meridia.

  Coogle - The main form of currency on Azimuth.

  Dire Conflict - A popular virtual video game the soldiers of Meridia like to play.

  Disembowelers - Terrible beasts trained by the Nightlanders into their army.

  The Fomalhaut - A starship in the United Forces that harbors, by law, the only advanced weaponry to defend Azimuth, including the potent Star Darts fleet.

  Fornax - A habitable moon near Azimuth, where they hold universal games every two years.

  The Fugues - The magical guardians of the Silver Sphere, they appear as several sets of beautiful eyes, and have strong psychic contact with certain Kin. However, they cannot stray too long from the Sphere, or they perish.

  General Cornelius Krupp - The veteran leader of the Battleswine.

  Gray-Cloaks - Shrouded demons that usually exist deep in the Cark woods, but start to migrate to the outer limits as Malefic gains power.

  Green-teeth - A zombie-like race that inhabits the Cark woods.

  Gunther Werra - The massive Battleswine who is General Krupp's loyal field commander.

  Hideux Kakos - One of Biskara's former mortal sons who started the first Great War on Azimuth, and now dwells on the celestial plane.

  Horologium - The celestial headquarters of the Truth Seekers.

  Interceptors - Meridian soldiers entrusted with meeting guests that arrive through the mobile portal on Azimuth.

  The Kin - Children born with psychic links to the Aulic Assembly, and when they pass through the mobile portal, they age and inherit the abilities of their links. Current members are Shelby Pardow, Zach Ryder, Max Tuttle, Emily Lawson, Riley Upchurch, and Stuart Lesser.

  Kin links with the Aulic Assembly -

  Shelby Pardow - Bianca Saddler

  Zach Ryder - Brock Fergus

  Emily Lawson - Elita Ezmer

  Max Tuttle - Macklin Morrow

  Riley Upchurch - Rowan Letty

  Stuart Lesser - Satchel Spool

  Leshy - Forest spirits that protect the woods and its animals.

  Lucas Denon - Once a famous rock musician and poet on Earth, he is now a Truth Seeker.

  Malefic Cacoethes - The evil, mortal spawn of Biskara.

  Manticore - A near-extinct, powerful beast that lives deep in the woods in Meridia. It has the body of a red lion, and a head similar to a man, with three rows of sharp teeth and a trumpet-like voice.

  Meracuse - The capitol of Meridia.

  Meridia - The dominant country on Azimuth, founded by the Atlaserians soon after they arrived.

  Mentor - A person trained in magic, science, history, and combat in the Meridian Army. Very few pass the rigorous training to become a Mentor.

  Milo Morgante - The courageous leader of the Stonecoats and considered to be the most powerful human warrior on Azimuth.

  The Mobile Portal - An instrument that teleports objects and people from other planets. It can only be used in certain locations.

  Morgana Sunder - A young citizen from the village Chapton, which is attacked by Malefic and his Nightlanders.

  Nick Casey - A college student on Earth who rescues Emily Lawson, and unknowingly becomes a celestial soldier.

  The Nightlanders - Malefic's mortal, evil army.

  Pegasi - Large birds with the head of a horse that roost on the Eridanus River.

  Presage - The wise Mentor that greets the Kin soon after arriving on Azimuth.

  The Scuttlebutt - A tavern in the town of Vixen.

  The Silver Sphere - A magical armillary device created by the Truth Seekers, which can deliver the precise celestial coordinates of the demon Biskara. Only the Aulic Assembly can operate the Sphere. Upon death, the Kin inherit the Assembly's ability to utilize the Silver Sphere.

  Simon Croan - A Meridian interceptor's young son who is captured by the Nightlanders.

  The Spangenhelm - A hidden, secret cabin, discovered by bandits and the like, that harbors weapons, goods and clothes. Any item taken must be replenished at a later date, with additional items as payment. It is the one thing bandits and thieves in Meridia honor.

  The Stonecoats - An elite club of soldiers with a long history.

  The Truth Seekers - The celestial protectors of the universe; they cannot enter the mortal plane.

  Tuskarians - Citizens of the country Tuska, a stout warrior race.

  Vixen - An entertainment village in Meridia, complete with gambling, mercenaries, games, goods, shops, and other services.

  Walter Dempsey - The benevolent curator of the Rutherford B. Hayes Library who unknowingly accompanies Shelby through the mobile portal to Azimuth.

  Wintress the Channeller - The kind, psychic shopkeeper in Vixen who is an ally of Meridia.

  Wishpoosh – Man-eating beasts that resemble giant beavers and usually nest in the Invunche Lake. They do not stray far from the water.

  Zumbaki – A cannibal tribe that resides near the Cark woods.

  It takes a village to raise a book. This one was nurtured from its first page. I must express gratitude first and foremost to my amazing wife Jenna, for her support, dreams and enthusiasm, and all of my family on both sides of the country.

  To the early wave of those brave beta readers and editors that helped shape my vision: my wise literary coach Timothy Staveteig, and my first editor, the outstanding Kira McFadden. And to my friends for their essential feedback and encouragement: Alex Mueck, Jeff Raymond, Peter Winther, Caroline Correa, Justin Hopper, Kevin Martin, Megan Jacobs, Elyse Luray, Susan Dishell, Marina Gigante, Mallory Rock, Meaghan Mikos, David Bushell, J.P Henreaux, J Cooper, David Binstock, Dennis Blair, Jeannie Fontana, and Zach Sklar.

  To my publisher, Evolved Publishing, and all the wonderful minds there, including the owners, Dave Lane and D.T Conklin, as well as Kimberly Kinrade, Emlyn Chand and the rest of the shining authors, editors and artists in our EP family—the ultimate writers support gr

  To the uber talented Mallory Rock for bringing my dreams, visions and characters to life as, well, the complete art director for The Silver Sphere.

  To publicist Jeff Raymond and movie producer Peter Winther, my close friends and partners on the film development side, for all their guidance, coffee talk, feedback, and creative sessions next to the fire pit.

  To one of my best friends, Kevin Martin, for his support and permission to use his incredible music on Mallory's awesome book trailers.

  To my senior editor at Evolved Publishing, Dave Lane, who is the bar all editors should be held up against.

  To Margaret Riley, Whitney Lee and Virginia Monseau, for critiques with a trained eye that were much needed.

  To Alex Mueck, a friend who always believed in me, nudged me along, and encouraged me at all times.

  For me, this was, and is, the perfect village to raise a book.

  About the Author

  Michael has been writing since first setting pencil to steno pad at age 8. A year later, he began developing the world of his current series-in-progress, and even created the first title, The Silver Sphere.

  Despite his frequent escapes into parallel worlds, he roots himself firmly in his very real family and community. When not pacing the yard maniacally after every few pages of writing, he spends as much time as possible hanging out with his studly young son, and with his inspirational wife, Jenna. He also coaches several local youth sports teams in Beverly Hills, and alternates between yelling at his two crazy Corgis and hiking with his trained German Shepherd.

  Michael encourages you to join him in his favorite fantasy worlds, from Lord of the Rings to the creations of C.S. Lewis, Ann McCaffrey and Terry Brooks.

  For more, please see his website at, or stop by and say hello on his Facebook page at AuthorMichaelDadich, or tweet him at @MichaelDadich.

  What's Next?

  Enjoy one of Michael's short stories, The Cistern Mission, coming from Evolved Publishing in March 2013, in Pathways (A Young Adult Anthology). And of course, watch for The Sinister Kin, the sequel to The Silver Sphere, in late 2013.

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