Riftkeepers: Reckoning

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Riftkeepers: Reckoning Page 6

by Carrie Whitethorne

  Nodding, she gulped her wine, trying to wash away the emotional lump in her throat. Dane looked away, grinning as Tyrin gripped his shoulder with a meaty hand.

  “You were unusually quiet, my friend. I wondered if you were alright!”

  He offered a half smile and said, “I was calming Alayna. You know how anxious she can be in meetings. You’ve met Charlotte?”

  He lay a heavy arm across her shoulders and said, “I’m looking forward to training with you, Princess.”

  She smiled up at him. Deciding that they were right and trying to be more positive, she said, “Yeah, it’ll be nice to have some fresh meat to throw around.”

  “I like her,” he said, winking playfully at Dane as he wandered away chuckling.

  “That’s better.”

  He made his excuses and left her beside the fireplace, watching the people in the room.

  Friendships forged over centuries and they’ve just accepted me as one of their own. They’re amazing. Shame the same can’t be said for that stuffy lot back at Avalon.

  Not fair to tar them all with that brush. Taran and Caoimhe are more like Markus. Wonder why they’re like it though? Especially Arthur.

  When Callan managed to break away from the group of Fae at the back of the room, he pushed her into the corner, shielding her with his body and murmured in her ear, “I’m missing you.”

  Smiling, she kissed him softly. “So stay with me.”

  “They’re asking if training can begin immediately,” he said, rolling his eyes.

  “After all this wine? No! We can come back tomorrow if they’re so excited about it.”

  The doors opened and she glanced past him to see Alayna and Markus return. Alayna was smiling as Dane took her hand, Markus stopping to speak to a more serious looking faerie with flame red hair.

  “She’s cheered up,” she said to Callan, nodding to Alayna.

  “Yeah, she needs to relax a bit about being here. You’d think they were going to lock her in the way she goes on.”

  “I quite like it here, now I’m used to it. Just as well, really. Come on, you better keep chatting them up. I’ll follow you around and you can introduce me properly to the two I don’t know.”

  Tyrin and Izak greeted her warmly and told her how much they looked forward to working with her. Markus gave her looks of approval as she maintained her air of positivity about their upcoming sessions.

  Pulling her to one side, Markus asked, “Out of curiosity, how are you getting on with drawing energy from the earth?”

  She shook her head and said, “I’ve only tried a few times. Last time my nose bled and Blair stopped me.”

  “Did you have your dagger?” he asked, brows pulled in.

  “I…I can’t remember. Probably not. It wasn’t a physical session; why?”

  “The amethyst encourages and aids energy flow through your body,” he informed her. “In the future, train in full armour, with your dagger and your jewellery. Each item has a specific property that will aid you.”

  “Oh, I didn’t know. Thanks; I’ll make sure I try again next time I train.”

  He inclined his head and turned to speak to Taran.

  Well. That’s good to know!

  “We have to visit Houska again for a few days,” she said as they ate dinner. “Markus has more wards for you to practice, Zander, and some of Daddy’s friends want to see you both training.”

  “Is it still snowing there?” Enya asked with her mouth full of food. Charlotte frowned at her and she swallowed quickly, taking a large gulp of water.

  “It’s always snowing there,” Callan said jokingly. “Are you up to a few days’ work Zander?”

  “Yeah,” he said eagerly. “Will Anton be training with us?”

  “Probably. We’ll be training with some new people, too,” Charlotte said, taking her plate to the sink. “We’ll know when we’re visiting in the next couple of days.”

  “Okay. I’m finished. Can I watch TV?”

  She rolled her eyes. “Yes, an hour, then bath time, okay?”

  Callan brought the rest of the plates to the sink and wrapped his arms around her waist. She leaned back into him, resting her head on his chest.

  “I’ve been told to be more positive,” she said with a sigh.

  “Yep.” He kissed the top of her head and tightened his arms. “You can do anything you put your mind to. Think it, believe it, and it’ll happen for you. You’re the most powerful of us all, Charlotte. Together we can stop this before it gets out of hand.”

  “I don’t feel it. Sometimes I feel so overwhelmed by it. It’s suffocating.”

  He was quiet for a few moments, then said, “It’ll be easier with the whole team to share the burden. We’ve done this before.”

  With a sigh, she mumbled, “I know. I’ll be fine with you. I only need you.”

  “Go and spend some time with the kids. I’ll sort this lot,” he offered, kissing her cheek and releasing his grasp on her waist.


  “Please,” he pouted, flicking his eyes to Callan. Callan raised both hands, an indication that he wanted no involvement. Dane looked back at her, and added, “I heard you say you’d come back today if they were excited.”

  She gave him a reproachful look as his lip extended further. “One hour,” she warned with a wag of her finger. “And stop listening in to my conversations!”

  Callan shook his head at Dane’s triumphant smile as she walked past him and pushed the side of his head. As he flicked his dark hair from his eyes, she said, “I’ll need five to get changed.”

  “Can’t we come, Mummy?” Zander asked.

  “Tomorrow,” Dane promised. “You can stay the week and we’ll have some big group exercises.”

  “We’ll be away for Mummy’s birthday?” Enya asked from the floor where she was colouring a picture.

  Charlotte ducked out of the room before Dane could reprimand her for not mentioning it sooner.

  Lukas, Anton, and Tyrin were waiting for them in a large field. As she looked around, she saw that it was enclosed on all sides by a thick forest, shielded from the elements. The characteristic Houska snow wasn’t very deep and she crunched her way towards her waiting friends with a smile. “Morning! What are we practicing?”

  “Charlotte,” Lukas beamed in greeting. “We’re waiting for Izak, then we’ll split into teams.”

  “Izak? Red hair?” she asked, looking to Dane.

  “Yeah, that’s him. And you remember Tyrin?”

  “I do,” she said with a smile.

  “Tyrin is very excited,” Anton said. “He was at our door at dawn.”

  Fiddling with the clasp of her tunic, she looked at Tyrin and said, “That’s nice. People usually run away from me.”

  Chewing a finger nail, he arched a brow and said, “Nah. I’m not scared of girls.”

  I like him…

  “You will be when she’s done, T,” said a gruff voice. “Sorry I’m late. I was held up in the armoury.”

  “Izak,” she said warmly, captivated by his bright hair and deep amber eyes.

  “Pick your team, Charlotte,” Lukas said, unsheathing his dagger.

  He’s eager this morning…

  “Umm. I don’t know…”

  “Okay, you, me, and Dane,” Lukas said with a mischievous smile.

  She frowned. “Doesn’t that put us at a disadvantage?”

  “Yes. You must work for your victory today,” he said with a wink.

  Dane settled a hand on her on her back, indicating she go with him, and they trudged back along the field. The others went in the opposite direction.

  “Is there a plan?” she asked, checking her dagger.

  “We’ll have to react to what they throw at us. You ready, Lukas?”

  Lukas grinned and vanished.

  She threw a nervous, sidelong glance to Dane as clouds gathered above them.

  “Anton,” he explained as she glanced upwards. “Tyrin wields water, Izak electrici
ty and fire. It’s an odd mix, so watch yourself. He won’t mind scorching you.”

  Watching the clouds, she tried to relax and summoned a shield.

  She could see Tyrin rolling his shoulders and Izak stalking towards them. Neither she nor Dane made a move, assessing the opposition. Izak stumbled and turned, his sword angled. Lightning crackled along his blade as he scanned the ground. With his back to her, he was open so she took the opportunity to send a ball of flame at him. It struck him between the shoulder blades; he spun, growling at her, and broke into a run. She watched him, lips twitching, as he collided with an invisible barrier. Her shield knocked him back and he landed in a crouch. With a furious snarl, he set the ground at her feet burning, red flames licking up her legs.

  Not breaking eye contact, she cocked her head and smiled. “Thanks for that,” she called, drawing his flames into her shield. His eyes widened as it began to turn, spinning like a wheel, the black and violet of her shadow-fire flecked with the red of his flame. Her eyes flashed violet as she sent a pulse of the tumult his way. Slack jawed and gaping, he was unaware of Lukas behind him, until there was a dagger at his throat. The pulse from her shield died out before it made contact and she followed in its wake.

  “Looks like you’re out,” she sang, brushing her fingers lightly over his shoulder as she passed.

  Lukas and Dane chuckled as they flanked her.

  Anton brought a wall of vines around himself and Tyrin as they approached, shielding them from view.

  “Use your imagination, Charlotte. Anton knows your style,” Lukas murmured.

  Nodding her understanding, she studied the structure as ribbons of water began to twist themselves through the vines.

  As they slowed, she sent four trails of fire at them. Fast and bright, they joined Tyrin’s water, entwining themselves through the vines. They took over, steam hissing as the fire burned through. Steam turned to smoke as Anton’s vines caught, her flames engulfing the structure.

  Shadow to tear it down.

  At the thought, the smoke turned from deep grey to solid black, the whole structure lost from view as she took it over. Thunder rumbled again, met by a rumble from the ground. She looked down to see small fissures opening at her feet.

  Her attention on the ground, she hadn’t noticed the small darts of water raining down directly above her. Dane shoved her aside and the whole field fell into darkness. His shadow steadied her as she stumbled, helping her regain her balance.


  Dozens of tiny orbs of lavender light surrounded her, dancing as she moved through the darkness. Feeling for Dane and Lukas, she pulled a shadowy shield around herself.

  “I can see you,” Tyrin chuckled from somewhere to her right.

  Okay, he’s out of their little hidey hole.

  More orbs appeared, brightening the space around her. She heard the roar of cascading water and froze, pushing her shield out to protect her fire.

  “Dane? Lukas?”

  Crap. They were there a minute ago! If he catches me, he’ll kick my arse just to prove a point.

  The roar grew louder, the darkness fading, she gawked as the growing light revealed a tsunami of churning water hurtling towards her. She turned and ran, putting space between herself and the billowing wave, her mind failing to offer a counter attack. The muscles in her legs screamed their protest as she sprinted. She soothed the pain with shadow and maintained her pace, clutching for a solution to the surge that was gaining on her.

  Send one back! Hot! Hotter than hot!

  Bright purple fire spread in a clear line from one side of the field to the other. Growing brighter, it began to rise, towering over the trees, blocking the sun as its light filtered through to bathe the clearing in a lilac hue.

  Move. Chase it down. Shield them all. No burns.

  Still running, she squeezed her eyes shut as the deluge of fire washed over her. With a silent prayer of thanks, she blew out a relived breath as her shield held, her flaming wall pressed headlong into Tyrin’s wave. She turned to watch as her flames reduced it to nothing but billowing steam that rose above the clearing, hanging in a pure white fog level with the tree tops. The angry flames roared, melting snow and ice, searing the lush grass beneath. She heard Tyrin swear and Anton answer with raucous laughter as her fire coursed through the clearing. It showed no sign of stopping until it reached the far tree line where it faded away, all its light and heat vanishing.

  She felt someone behind her and turned her head.

  “That was different,” Izak muttered with a raised brow.

  She shrugged, a smug grin on her face.

  That was awesome.

  Yeah, it was.

  Dane appeared at her side, placing an arm around her shoulders, and kissed her temple. “That’s exactly what we’re talking about!”

  “You’re definitely improving, Charlotte!” Lukas exclaimed with a grin as Anton appeared at his side.

  “What’s up with Tyrin?” she frowned, wondering if he’d been hurt.

  “He’s either pissed off or in shock,” Dane said, nudging him.

  “You’re bloody mental,” Tyrin said as he laughed in amazement. “Look at the state of this place!”

  She looked around at the field, now a scorched wasteland, still smoking in places.

  Anton reached down and pressed a hand to the ground. Tiny green shoots sprouted and spread outward from his touch, quickly growing and coating the field in a thick carpet of fresh grass. “No harm done.”

  “How did you do that?” Izak asked in a low murmur from behind her.

  Facing him, his amber eyes holding hers, she asked, “What? The fire?”

  “No, you burned the whole area, but none of us took any damage,” he said.

  “Oh, that? I sent the fire to get rid of the water and Anton’s vines, and I sent the shadow to shield you all. I know Dane shields, but I tried to help. Why?” The look of confusion on her face brought the hint of a smile to his lips.

  “I think I’m really going to enjoy working with you,” Tyrin said, clapping her on the back with a hollow thud.


  “Sorry, I forgot you were a weak little human after that,” he teased.

  “I’m not a weak little human,” she protested, to his amusement.

  “No? Fight me and prove it.” His eyes shone with mischief as a grin spread across his face.

  Fire prickled beneath her skin, a shadow growing around her in answer.

  “We’re leaving before this gets out of hand,” Lukas joked. She didn’t look away from Tyrin to acknowledge their departure.

  Dane stepped back as she drew her dagger, her eyes flashing a vivid purple.

  Tyrin gave Dane a brief nod, his eyes not leaving hers, an answer to a silent comment as Dane and Izak backed away.

  He circled her. “Are you sure, Princess?”

  “I’m not a princess,” she said, throwing him a sour look.

  He flicked his eyes from her feet to her face and said, “You look like a princess.”

  “What does a princess look like, Tyrin?” she asked as she sent a tendril of shadow, tripping him. As he landed with a thud, she vanished.

  “Is she cheating again?”

  What’s he doing here?

  “There’s no such thing as cheating in combat, big brother,” she called, backing away from Tyrin.

  “When I find you, little girl, I’m going to hurt you,” Tyrin growled, now on his feet, stalking her.

  Switching her dagger to her left hand, she encased her right in shadow and rushed him. Her hand connected with his jaw, knocking him off balance. He staggered and she braced to support him with her shoulder while swiftly pressing her angled dagger into his side.

  “Shame. I thought you’d have the advantage, being a big brave faerie,” she crooned, dropping her cloak and sheathing her dagger.

  Shaking his head, he rubbed a hand along his jaw and pulled her into a playful headlock, tugging her after him.

u can keep her,” he laughed, giving her a light-hearted shove towards Dagda.

  Only then did she notice Ferne, glaring at her.

  “What?” she said, pushing a few strands of loose hair out of her face and feeling her cheeks blush.

  Ferne looked Tyrin up and down warily and whispered, “You just put him on his arse and stuck a dagger in his side. He’s massive!”

  “She’s wiped the smirk from Dagda’s face before,” Dane told her. “They go easy on her because she’s a girl and lose every time.”

  Ferne shook her head. Noticing Izak’s quiet appraisal of her, she flushed and grasped Dagda’s hand.

  “We’ll be overrun with them at this rate,” Tyrin remarked, nudging his friend.

  “Ha! Just the two of us,” Charlotte said, crossing her arms and tucking her cold hands under them. “I’m starving. Did anyone bring snacks?”

  “We’ll go back to the castle. I’m sure Father will feed us. Since you’re here, I may as well go and get Callan and the kids. Unless you made plans for today?”

  “No, I don’t think so,” she said, unable to think of any other engagements. “The bags are packed in the bedrooms.”

  “Okay, I’ll meet you all there. Let Father know you’ve arrived.”

  Izak offered her his arm. “May I?”

  With a grin, she accepted and looked over her shoulder to Ferne. “The food here is fantastic!”

  Markus didn’t look up from his paperwork as they arrived in his study. “They managed to persuade you then?” he muttered, closing a book and gathering up papers.

  “She wiped the floor with Tyrin,” Izak said and laughed, pouring himself a drink from the decanter on the side table.

  “Naturally. People have made a habit of underestimating our little Charlotte,” he said before looking up from his work. “Welcome to Houska, Ferne.”

  She gave him a nervous smile and clung tighter to Dagda’s arm.

  “He won’t bite, Fe,” Charlotte said, accepting the glass Tyrin offered her. Raising her brows in question.

  “Brandy. I heard what vodka does to you.”

  Narrowing her eyes, she took a sip. “Thanks. Just how much time do you lot spend gossiping about me?”


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