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Fiesco Page 8

by Friedrich Schiller

  GIANETTINO. Fear nothing. You have that list at hand?

  LOMELLINO (embarrassed). My lord-the list? I do not know-I must have left it at home in my other pocket.

  GIANETTINO. It does not signify-would that Spinola were but here. Fiesco will be found dead in his bed. I have taken measures for it.

  LOMELLINO. But it will cause great consternation.

  GIANETTINO. In that lies our security. Common crimes but move the blood and stir it to revenge: atrocious deeds freeze it with terror, and annihilate the faculties of man. You know the fabled power of Medusa's head-they who but looked on it were turned to stone. What may not be done, my boy, before stories are warmed to animation?

  LOMELLINO. Have you given the countess any intimation of it?

  GIANETTINO. That would never do! We must deal more cautiously with her attachment to FIESCO. When she shares the sweets, the cost will soon be forgotten. Come, I expect troops this evening from Milan, and must give orders at the gates for their reception. (To JULIA.) Well, sister, have you almost thrummed away your anger?

  JULIA. Go! You're a rude unmannered creature. (GIANETTINO, going, meets FIESCO.)


  The former; FIESCO.

  GIANETTINO (stepping back). Ha!

  FIESCO (with politeness). Prince, you spare me a visit which I was just now about to pay.

  GIANETTINO. And I, too, count, am pleased to meet you here.

  FIESCO (approaching JULIA courteously). Your charms, signora, always surpass expectation.

  JULIA. Fie! that in another would sound ambiguous-but I'm shocked at my dishabille-excuse me, count-(going).

  FIESCO. Stay, my beauteous lady. Woman's beauty is ne'er so charming as when in the toilet's simplest garb (laughingly). An undress is her surest robe of conquest. Permit me to loosen these tresses--

  JULIA. Oh, how ready are you men to cause confusion!

  FIESCO (with a smile to GIANETTINO). In dress, as in the state-is it not so? (To JULIA.) This ribbon, too, is awkwardly put on. Sit down, fair countess-your Laura's skill may strike the eye, but cannot reach the heart. Let me play the chambermaid for once. (She sits down, he arranges her dress.)

  GIANETTINO (aside to LOMELLINO). Poor frivolous fellow!

  FIESCO (engaged about her bosom). Now see-this I prudently conceal. The senses should always be blind messengers, and not know the secret compact between nature and fancy.

  JULIA. That is trifling.

  FIESCO. Not at all; for, consider, the prettiest novelty loses all its zest when once become familiar. Our senses are but the rabble of our inward republic. The noble live by them, but elevate themselves above their low, degenerate tastes. (Having adjusted her toilet, he leads her to a glass.) Now, by my honor! this must on the morrow be Genoa's fashion-(politely)-may I have the honor of leading you so abroad, countess?

  JULIA. The cunning flatterer! How artfully he lays his plans to ensnare me. No! I have a headache, and will stay at home.

  FIESCO. Pardon me, countess. You may be so cruel, but surely you will not. To-day a company of Florentine comedians arrive at my palace. Most of the Genoese ladies will be present this evening at their performance, and I am uncertain whom to place in the chief box without offending others. There is but one expedient. (Making a low bow.) If you would condescend, signora--

  JULIA (blushing, retires to a side apartment). Laura!

  GIANETTINO (approaching FIESCO). Count, you remember an unpleasant circumstance--

  FIESCO (interrupting him). 'Tis my wish, prince, we should both forget it. The actions of men are regulated by their knowledge of each other. It is my fault that you knew me so imperfectly.

  GIANETTINO. I shall never think of it without craving your pardon from my inmost soul--

  FIESCO. Nor I without forgiving you from my heart's core. (JULIA returns, her dress a little altered.)

  GIANETTINO. Count, I just now recollect that you are going to cruise against the Turks--

  FIESCO. This evening we weigh anchor. On that account I had some apprehensions from which my friend Doria's kindness may deliver me.

  GIANETTINO (obsequiously). Most willingly. Command my utmost influence!

  FIESCO. The circumstance might cause a concourse toward the harbor, and about my palace, which the duke your uncle might misinterpret.

  GIANETTINO (in a friendly manner). I'll manage that for you. Continue your preparations, and may success attend your enterprise!

  FIESCO (with a smile). I'm much obliged to you.


  The former-A GERMAN of the body-guard.

  GIANETTINO. What now?

  GERMAN. Passing by the gate of St. Thomas I observed a great number of armed soldiers hastening towards the harbor. The galleys of the Count Fiesco were preparing for sea.

  GIANETTINO. Is that all? Report it no further.

  GERMAN. Very well. From the convent of the Capuchins, too, suspicious rabble are pouring, and steal toward the market-place. From their gait and appearance I should suppose them soldiers.

  GIANETTINO (angrily). Out upon this fool's zeal! (To LOMELLINO, aside.) These are undoubtedly my Milanese.

  GERMAN. Does your grace command that they should be arrested?

  GIANETTINO (aloud to LOMELLINO). Look to them, Lomellino. (To the GERMAN.) Begone! 'Tis all well. (Aside to LOMELLINO.) Bid that German beast be silent.


  FIESCO (in another part of the room with JULIA-looks toward GIANETTINO.). Our friend Doria seems displeased. May I inquire the reason?

  GIANETTINO. No wonder. These eternal messages.

  [Exit hastily.

  FIESCO. The play awaits us, too, signora. May I offer you my hand?

  JULIA. Stay, let me take my cloak. 'Tis no tragedy I hope, count? It would haunt me in my dreams.

  FIESCO (sarcastically). 'Twill excite immoderate laughter.

  [He hands her out-the curtain falls.


  SCENE I.-Night. The court of FIESCO'S palace. The lamps lighted. Persons carrying in arms. A wing of the palace illuminated. A heap of arms on one side of the stage.

  BOURGOGNINO, leading a band of soldiers.

  BOURGOGNINO. Halt! Let four sentinels be stationed at the great gate. Two at every door of the palace. (The sentinels take their posts.) Let every one that chooses enter, but none depart. If any one attempts to force his way run him through. (Goes with the rest into the palace. The sentinels walk up and down. A pause.)


  ZENTURIONE entering.

  SENTINELS AT THE GATE (call out). Who goes there?

  ZENTURIONE. A friend of Lavagna. (Goes across the court to the palace on the right.)

  SENTINEL THERE. Back! (ZENTURIONE starts, and goes to the door on the left.)


  ZENTURIONE (stands still with surprise. A pause. Then to the SENTINEL on the left). Friend, which is the way to the theatre?

  SENTINEL. Don't know.

  ZENTURIONE (walks up and down with increasing surprise-then to the SENTINEL on the right). Friend, when does the play begin?

  SENTINEL. Don't know.

  ZENTURIONE (astonished, walks up and down. Perceives the weapons; alarmed). Friend, what mean these?

  SENTINEL. Don't know.

  ZENTURIONE (wraps himself up in his cloak, alarmed). Strange!

  SENTINELS AT THE GATE (calling out). Who goes there?


  The former, ZIBO entering.

  ZIBO. A friend of Lavagna.

  ZENTURIONE. Zibo, where are we?

  ZIBO. What mean you?

  ZENTURIONE. Look around you, Zibo.

  ZIBO. Where? What?

  ZENTURIONE. All the doors are guarded!

  ZIBO. Here are arms--

  ZENTURIONE. No one that will answer--

  ZIBO. 'Tis strange!

  ZENTURIONE. What is it o'clock?

  ZIBO. Past eight.

  ZENTURIONE. How bitter cold it is! />
  ZIBO. Eight was the hour appointed.

  ZENTURIONE (shaking his head). 'Tis not all as it should be here.

  ZIBO. Fiesco means to jest with us--

  ZENTURIONE. To-morrow will be the ducal election. Zibo, all's not right here, depend upon it.

  ZIBO. Hush! hush!

  ZENTURIONE. The right wing of the palace is full of lights.

  ZIBO. Do you hear nothing?

  ZENTURIONE. A confused murmuring within-and--

  ZIBO. The sound of clattering arms--

  ZENTURIONE. Horrible! horrible!

  ZIBO. A carriage-it stops at the gate!

  SENTINELS AT THE GATE (calling out). Who goes there?


  The former, four of the ASSERATO family.

  ASSERATO (entering). A friend of FIESCO.

  ZIBO. They are the four Asserati.

  ZENTURIONE. Good evening, friends!

  ASSERATO. We are going to the play.

  ZIBO. A pleasant journey to you!

  ASSERATO. Are you not going also?

  ZENTURIONE. Walk on. We'll just take a breath of air first.

  ASSERATO. 'Twill soon begin. Come. (Going.)


  ASSERATO. What can this mean?

  ZENTURIONE (laughing). To keep you from the palace.

  ASSERATO. Here's some mistake--

  ZIBO. That's plain enough. (Music is heard in the right wing.)

  ASSERATO. Do you hear the symphony? The comedy is going to begin.

  ZENTURIONE. I think it has begun, and we are acting our parts as fools.

  ZIBO. I'm not over warm-I'll return home.

  ASSERATO. Arms here, too?

  ZIBO. Poh! Mere play-house articles.

  ZENTURIONE. Shall we stand waiting, like ghosts upon the banks of Acheron? Come, let us to a tavern! (All six go towards the gate.)

  SENTINELS (calling loudly). Back! Back!

  ZENTURIONE. Death and the devil! We are caught.

  ZIBO. My sword shall open a passage!

  ASSERATO. Put it up! The count's a man of honor.

  ZIBO. We are sold! betrayed! The comedy was a bait, and we're caught in a trap.

  ASSERATO. Heaven forbid! And yet I tremble for the event.


  The former-VERRINA, SACCO, and NOBLES.

  SENTINELS. Who goes there?

  VERRINA. Friends of the house. (Seven NOBLES enter with him.)

  ZIBO. These are his confidants. Now all will be explained.

  SACCO (in conversation with VERRINA). 'Tis as I told you; Lascaro is on guard at the St. Thomas' gate, the best officer of Doria, and blindly devoted to him.

  VERRINA. I'm glad of it.

  ZIBO (to VERRINA). Verrina, you come opportunely to clear up the mystery.

  VERRINA. How so? What mean you?

  ZENTURIONE. We are invited to a comedy.

  VERRINA. Then we are going the same way.

  ZENTURIONE (impatiently). Yes-the way of all flesh. You see-the doors are guarded. Why guard the doors?

  ZIBO. Why these sentinels?

  ZENTURIONE. We stand here like criminals beneath the gallows.

  VERRINA. The count will come himself.

  ZENTURIONE. 'Twere well if he came a little faster. My patience begins to fail. (All the NOBLES walk up and down in the background.)

  BOURGOGNINO (coming out of the palace, to VERRINA). How goes it in the harbor?

  VERRINA. They're all safe on board.

  BOURGOGNINO. The palace is full of soldiers.

  VERRINA. 'Tis almost nine.

  BOURGOGNINO. The count is long in coming.

  VERRINA. And yet too quick to gain his wishes. Bourgognino! There is a thought that freezes me.

  BOURGOGNINO. Father, be not too hasty.

  VERRINA. It is impossible to be too hasty where delay is fatal. I must commit a second murder to justify the first.

  BOURGOGNINO. But-when must Fiesco fall?

  VERRINA. When Genoa is free Fiesco dies!

  SENTINELS. Who goes there?


  The former, FIESCO.

  FIESCO. A friend! (The NOBLES bow-the SENTINELS present their arms.) Welcome, my worthy guests! You must have been displeased at my long absence. Pardon me. (In a low voice to VERRINA.) Ready?

  VERRINA (in the same manner). As you wish.


  BOURGOGNINO. Quite prepared.

  FIESCO (to SACCO). And you?

  SACCO. All's right.

  FIESCO. And Calcagno?

  BOURGOGNINO. Is not yet arrived.

  FIESCO (aloud to the SENTINELS). Make fast the gates! (He takes off his hat, and steps forward with dignity towards the assembly.) My friends-I have invited you hither to a play-not as spectators, but to allot to each a part therein.

  Long enough have we borne the insolence of Gianettino Doria, and the usurpation of Andreas. My friends, if we would deliver Genoa, no time is to be lost. For what purpose, think you, are those twenty galleys which beset our harbor? For what purpose the alliances which the Dorias have of late concluded? For what purpose the foreign forces which they have collected even in the heart of Genoa? Murmurs and execrations avail no longer. To save all we must dare all. A desperate disease requires a desperate remedy. Is there one base enough in this assembly to own an equal for his master? (Murmurs.) Here is not one whose ancestors did not watch around the cradle of infant Genoa. What !-in Heaven's name!- what, I ask you, have these two citizens to boast of that they could urge their daring flight so far above our head? (Increasing murmurs.) Every one of you is loudly called upon to fight for the cause of Genoa against its tyrants. No one can surrender a hair's-breadth of his rights without betraying the soul of the whole state. (Interrupted by violent commotions he proceeds.)

  You feel your wrongs-then everything is gained. I have already paved your way to glory-Genoese, will you follow? I am prepared to lead you. Those signs of war which you just now beheld with horror should awaken your heroism. Your anxious shuddering must warm into a glorious zeal that you may unite your efforts with this patriotic band to overthrow the tyrant. Success will crown the enterprise, for all our preparations are well arranged. The cause is just, for Genoa suffers. The attempt will render us immortal, for it is vast and glorious--

  ZENTURIONE (vehemently, and agitated). Enough! Genoa shall be free! Be this our shout of onset against hell itself!

  ZIBO. And may he who is not roused by it pant at the slavish oar till the last trumpet break his chains--

  FIESCO. Spoken like men. Now you deserve to know the danger that hung over yourselves and Genoa. (Gives them the papers of the MOOR.) Lights, soldiers! (The nobles crowd about the lights, and read-FIESCO aside to VERRINA.) Friend, it went as I could wish.

  VERRINA. Be not too certain. Upon the left I saw countenances that grew pale, and knees that tottered.

  ZENTURIONE (enraged). Twelve senators! Infernal villany! Seize each a sword! (All, except two, eagerly take up the weapons that lie in readiness.)

  ZIBO. Thy name, too, Bourgognino, is written there.

  BOURGOGNINO. Ay, and if Heaven permit, it shall be written to-day upon the throat of Gianettino.

  ZENTURIONE. Two swords remain--

  ZIBO. Ah! What sayest thou?

  ZENTURIONE. Two amongst us have not taken swords.

  ASSERATO. My brothers cannot bear the sight of blood-pray spare them!

  ZENTURIONE (vehemently). What! Not a tyrant's blood! Tear them to pieces-cowards! Let such bastards be driven from the republic! (Some of the assembly attack the two ASSERATI.)

  FIESCO (restraining them). Cease! Shall Genoa owe its liberty to slaves? Shall our pure gold be debased by this alloy? (He disengages them.) Gentlemen, you must be content to take up your abode within my palace until our business be decided. (To the sentinels.) These are your prisoners; you answer for their safety! Guard them with loaded arms. (They are led off-a knocking heard at the gate.)

; SENTINEL. Who is there?

  CALCAGNO (without, eagerly). Open the gate! A friend! for God's sake, open!

  BOURGOGNINO. It is Calcagno-heavens! What can this mean?

  FIESCO. Open the gate, soldiers.


  The former-CALCAGNO, out of breath.

  CALCAGNO. All is lost! all is lost! Fly, every one that can!

  BOURGOGNINO. What's lost? Have they flesh of brass? Are our swords made of rushes?

  FIESCO. Consider, Calcagno! An error now is fatal.

  CALCAGNO. We are betrayed! Your Moor, Lavagna, is the rascal! I come from the senate-house. He had an audience of the duke.

  VERRINA (with a resolute tone, to the sentinels). Soldiers! let me rush upon your halberts! I will not perish by the hangman's hands. (The assembly show marks of confusion.)

  FIESCO (with firmness). What are you about? 'Sdeath, Calcagno ! Friends, 'tis a false alarm. (To CALCAGNO, aside.) Woman that thou art to tell these boys this tale. Thou, too, Verrina? and thou, Bourgognino? Whither wouldst thou go?

  BOURGOGNINO. Home-to kill my Bertha-and then return to fall with thee.

  FIESCO (bursting into a loud laugh). Stay! stay! Is this the valor that should punish tyrants? Well didst thou play thy part, Calcagno. Did none of you perceive that this alarm was my contrivance? Speak, Calcagno? Was it not my order that you should put these Romans to this trial?

  VERRINA. Well, if you can laugh I'll believe you-or never more think you man.

  FIESCO. Shame on you, men! to fail in such a boyish trial! Resume your arms-you must fight like lions to atone for this disgrace. (Aside to CALCAGNO.) Were you there yourself?

  CALCAGNO (low). I made my way among the guards to hear, as was my business, the watchword from the duke. As I was returning the Moor was brought--

  FIESCO (aloud). So the old man is gone to bed-we'll drum him out of his feathers. (Low.) Did he talk long with the duke?

  CALCAGNO (low). My sudden fright and your impending danger drove me away in haste--


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