Cum For Bigfoot 10

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Cum For Bigfoot 10 Page 2

by Virginia Wade


  “Oh, yes…honey…”

  The sensation was so pleasurable; I bit back a scream. I lost focus, Leonard’s cock falling from my mouth. Leslie grabbed him, licking the shaft up and down, her thumbs rubbing over the bulbous tip. The animalistic groans of the Sasquatches filled the forest. Crickets and croaking toads joined the cacophony of sin, their harmony a soothing backdrop to our lusty little party.

  “God, Jesus, Porsche,” murmured Mike. “It’s so good.”

  He fucked me hard, driving deep with each thrust. I would cum shortly, not being able to hold off the rapture that threatened. With each tug on Leonard’s penis, I felt bliss calling, teasing me with the promise of oblivion. I shuddered uncontrollably.


  “Yeah, baby, that’s it. Cum for me, you naughty girl.”

  “Oh, shit. Oh, God…” Leonard’s cock slid to the back of my throat, choking me. “Ooommm…” Tiny convulsions pinged, one after the other, until the last spasms drifted away.

  “God, baby…I love you…” Mike withdrew abruptly, jetting creamy bursts of fluid onto my lower back. I wasn’t allowed to get pregnant by him again, so he had to spend himself elsewhere. “Baby…”

  I fell onto Leonard’s chest, exhausted, while Leslie continued to suck him like a champion. She regularly gave Bubba blowjobs; her skill at pleasuring Sasquatches wasn’t to be underestimated. Gobbling the rounded tip, she sucked, sinking in her cheeks with each pull. The big ape groaned deep in his throat, a sound I had come to recognize. He was a hair’s-breadth from breaking free. Grabbing his cock, he moaned, releasing a torrent of semen.


  “That’s it, you bad boy,” she said. “Gimme that spunk.” He squirted a foot into the air, the thin streams landing on his hairy belly. I moved out of the way and into Mike’s arms to escape. “That’s it, you dirty ape. Good boy.”

  “Gggrroaooarrrr…” The harsh planes of his face softened instantly.

  Pooky’s grunting was an indication of how hard he worked Kat, driving deeply with each punishing thrust. They took her roughly. Being a Sasquatch, she was meant to withstand an enormous cock; her body was a perfect fit. It was a relief to know that Leonard still wanted me. He hadn’t taken the opportunity to sample her delights yet, but I was sure it was just a matter of time before he did.

  The ape beneath Kat stiffened, jetting creamy sludge deep inside her anal cavity. She bounced on top of him; her husky breathing was an indication that she would soon join them. Pooky threw back his head and roared, howling his happiness into the night. He stiffened, spraying her with whitish semen. The female Sasquatch hadn’t reached her peak yet, and, as the males disengaged from her, another stepped in, grabbing her and positioning her in front of him. She didn’t seem to mind, as he thrust deep, working her determinedly. It wasn’t long before she began panting, moaning, and shuddering. The horny ape plunged deep, his husky rasp ending with a howl of pleasure.

  I was sticky and dirty and in desperate need of a bath. “Let’s go to the hot spring.”

  Leonard grunted in reply.

  “I’m calling Dr. Haynes first thing tomorrow,” said Mike. “We need supplies.”

  “Yes, please,” said Leslie.

  The newest member of our tribe lay on the ground exhausted; her chest rose and fell with her labored breathing. Dirt and leaves were stuck to her fur along with noxious smelling cum. Tired looking apes sat on the ground all around us. I had to grin at the situation. It was sinful that we would welcome a new member like this, but it was the Sasquatch way. Leonard stared at her, his expression revealed nothing.

  “What are you thinking?”

  He grunted. “Don’t know.”

  “Have you ever seen a female before?”


  “Do you like her better than me?”

  This got his attention; his black, shiny eyes examined my face. “I love my Porsche.” He touched me with the tip of a finger, tracing my cheekbone. “You my girl. My special girl.”

  “Oh, Leonard.” Wetness pricked my eyes. “You’re my guy.”

  Mike sat next to me, overhearing every word. “What am I? Chopped liver?”

  My arm went around his shoulder. “You’re my guy too. You’re both my guys. I’m a lucky girl.”

  He kissed my forehead. “I’m the lucky one. Let’s go clean up. I’m fucking exhausted.”

  Leonard grunted in agreement.

  Chapter Three

  The next morning, after contacting Dr. Haynes, we were directed to move east, away from the fire, which continued to burn with about forty-five percent containment. The occasional sound of aircraft had us rushing for cover, fearing being seen by someone other than the trusted scientists. It was imperative that the Sasquatches remain a myth; the reality must be kept a secret, or else their tenuous survival hung in the balance. The media or adventure seekers could overrun us. It would be a nightmare. The thought of Leonard’s head stuffed and mounted on some hunting lodge wall made me cringe.

  I held Daisy in my arms; the baby was asleep after feeding, her little hands curled in loose fists. Lendal and Bubba Jr. ran around snorting and playing, while Kat sat and watched with a blade of grass hanging out of her mouth. She had slept between Dale and Pooky, the three of them snoring until the early hours of morning.

  “The supplies are coming,” said Mike, happily. He wore a green t-shirt with tan shorts. His thighs were muscled and sexy-looking. I tingled whenever he was near. He came over and kissed my forehead. Then he kissed Daisy. “How are my girls today?”

  “Tired. I can’t wait to get blankets. Sleeping on the ground sucks.”

  “Help is on the way, honey.”

  Kat listened to our conversation; her eyes skipped between Mike and me and the baby. She seemed thoughtful.

  “Are you all right?” I asked. “Are you hungry?”

  “You’re lucky to have your baby.” Her voice was higher-pitched than the males and less raspy.

  “T-thanks.” I sensed sadness in her. “Do you have children?”


  “Where are they?”



  “My baby died, and my son is lost. The fire came so fast. We were trapped. It was everywhere.” She glanced at the trees; her black eyes glistening with unshed tears.

  “Oh, I’m so sorry.” We had the benefit of a satellite phone, and Dr. Haynes had guided us to safety, sending air support to drop water. How many Sasquatches had lost their lives fleeing the blaze? I knew what had to be done. “The guys will look for him today. Don’t worry.”

  “I’ve tried. His smell is gone.”

  “Do you have a mate? Your son’s father?”

  “He died.”

  “We’ll look for him,” said Mike. “We’ve got supplies coming later, and then we’ll start the search. I wish like hell we could stay in one place for a while, but this goddamned fire’s unpredictable.”

  “I’m so tired.”

  “We should get outta here. Go home until it’s over.”

  “I can’t leave Lendal. The Sasquatches need guidance. They’d all be dead right now, if it wasn’t for the satellite phone.”

  He touched my hair. “I’m selfish. I just wanna protect you, honey. I wanna protect Daisy.”

  “We’ll be fine.”

  An hour later, after the supplies had been retrieved, Leslie and I washed our hair with lovely smelling shampoo, and we used soap for the first time in days. It was marvelous to feel clean. Daisy had fresh cloth diapers, and Lendal and Bubba Jr. had new toys, which they played with noisily, driving trucks and cars over the ground. The males departed to find Kat’s son, and Leslie and Zelda prepared to grill fish. Mike stayed to watch over us and set up the tents.

  I’d put Daisy down for a nap, tucking her in with a soft blanket.



  He sat next to me with his legs crossed before him. �
��I’ve been thinking.”


  “Those gold nuggets. Maybe I could build a house. They’ve got some isolated property in the Okanogan Highlands. I could make it Sasquatch friendly, with higher ceilings and bigger beds and stuff. You and Daisy could winter with me.”

  I tried to find fault with his plan, but I couldn’t. “That might be a great idea.”

  “I love these mountains. I could live here forever with you.”

  “Oh, Mike.”

  “I’m gonna insist you marry me, though. Daisy needs my name and health insurance. I need you to be Mrs. Tancardi.” My mouth fell open. “I know you love that walking carpet, and I gotta say, he’s growing on me too, but we gotta be realistic. If anything happened to Daisy, she needs to be covered. The same goes for you.”

  “Are you sure you want to do this? That’s crazy.”

  “Not really. I love you. I want to take care of you. I’m going home with you soon, and I wanna meet your family. I want you to meet mine. We’ll get married then. I gotta build this house by winter.”

  I nodded, not trusting my voice.

  “Are we on the same page?” He smiled slightly.

  “Yeah. I think we are.”

  I spent the day relaxing in relative comfort. We had camp chairs, which were wonderful, and Mike and I and Leslie and Zelda talked and laughed while the boys kicked their new soccer ball around. We waited for the Bigfoots to return, knowing they would bring fish or game to grill. We had collected firewood and boiled water. All we needed were the Sasquatches. As the sun began to lower, and the coolness of evening brought a slight, pine-scented wind, I thought I heard a rustling in the forest. I’d come to pick up on the smallest of noises, knowing that although the apes were quiet, their sheer size could not prevent the occasional twig from snapping.

  Leslie heard it too. Wolfie was in her arms, suckling her nipple. “They’re coming.”

  Bubba was the first to step out of the trees, followed by Leonard, Dale, Pooky, and several other Bigfoots. The sight was miraculous, considering these prehistoric creatures had outlasted their dinosaur counterparts by millions of years. Knowing now that there were females explained how they managed to survive, although the women were scarce.

  “Oh, look!” exclaimed Leslie. “Kat’s got her kid!” She clapped her hands. “Oh, my God. That’s so awesome.”

  “Wow.” A shorter, thinner Sasquatch limped next to Kat. He looked to be a little younger than Pooky. “He’s a cutie. Wonder what’s up with the leg?”

  “We’ll have to check it out,” said Mike. He’d gotten to his feet with his hands on his hips. “Hey, guys.”

  On closer inspection, the apes were filthy; they were covered in ash up to the knees. They had been through burned territory. Kat’s son perked up when he caught sight of us, his nostrils flaring. He jumped, limping to the camp, his black eyes flashing. It was then that I noticed the gash in his leg.

  “We gotta clean that out.”

  “He’s probably gonna need antibiotics,” said Zelda. “Those supplies got here in the nick of time.”

  Kat looked exhausted. She sat before the fire, her tongue hung out of the corner of her mouth. “You need water.” I gave her a big metal tin filled to the brim. She took it, drinking deeply. “What happened?” I glanced at Leonard. His beard had bits of ash in it.

  “Boy was trapped,” he rasped. “Me tired.” He collapsed next to me, reaching for Daisy. “Gimme the baby.” He held her to him; his nose rubbed against her face. She tugged on his fur, cooing with the contact.

  “What’s your name?” asked Zelda. She stared at Kat’s son.

  “Me Archie,” he rasped. His speech was not as clear as his mother’s. Perhaps, the female vocal chords were better developed?

  “I gotta look at that leg.” Zelda was taking charge. “Somebody give this kid some water.”

  Pooky and Dale didn’t say another word, as they stepped back into the forest, presumably in search of fish. Bubba sat with Leslie. She had given him his pipe packed with cannabis. He lit the end, puffing furiously on the stem. She rubbed his belly, relaxing him.

  Mike dug through our first aid kit. “We gotta irrigate and see what’s going on here.” He bent next to Archie, who began to growl. He clearly wasn’t used to humans.

  Bubba grunted and gestured, speaking in their ancient language. Archie seemed to understand, nodding. His black eyes gleamed as he watched Mike, his expression wary, yet interested.

  Zelda examined him. “It’s not that bad, actually. Looks like something stuck in there. Aw, shit. It’s a piece of wood.”

  I touched his leg. “Can you get it?” My long hair fell onto his thigh, and Archie clutched the strands, bringing them to his nose, where he inhaled deeply.

  “Here’s some saline,” said Mike, handing the bottle to Zelda.

  “I gotta get this splinter out. I need to wash my hands. Be back in a sec.”

  Mike knelt next to us, while Kat stared at the fire; her expression was blank. “Are you okay?” I asked.

  She glanced at me. “I’m tired.”

  “You’ll feel better when you’ve had some food. You guys must’ve walked all day.”

  Zelda returned. “I’m ready. Let’s do this. It’s probably gonna hurt, kid. You ready?” She got on her knees, her hands touching the wounded leg. “I’m gonna dig for this thing. Just don’t kick me.”

  Archie grunted in reply. As she began to inspect the wound, he grimaced, his face contorting in pain. Then, to my surprise, he grabbed me, holding me against his chest.

  “Oh!” I hadn’t been expecting to be used as a security blanket. He felt soft and warm; his heart was beating wildly. His nose was in my neck, inhaling my scent.

  “Why is that not a surprise?” murmured Leslie. “Is there an ape who doesn’t like Porsche?”

  Mike laughed, “Apparently not.”

  Chapter Four

  Leonard growled, the sound rumbling in his chest. Daisy was fast asleep in his hairy arms. Lendal and Bubba Jr. trounced over, sniffing and inspecting the newcomer.

  Lendal eyed the wound in horror. “There’s blood, mamma.”

  “Yeah, I gotta get this fucking stick out,” grumbled Zelda. “It’s in good.”

  Archie roared, “Ooouch…”

  He hadn’t let go of me, and I was engulfed in the aroma of gamey smelling fur. He needed a bath. I tried to pry myself loose, but he gripped me even tighter. “Oh, good Lord.”

  “Looks like you’ve made a new friend,” quipped Mike.

  “Oh, shut up.”

  Dale and Pooky returned with fish. Leslie got to her feet. “I’ll take those. Thanks so much, guys.”

  The apes dripped water, their fur smelling pungent. They’d been wading through a stream. Zelda bandaged Archie’s leg, wrapping gauze around the wound. The younger Sasquatch looked relieved that his ordeal was over. He’d finally let go of me, but his eyes followed my every move. I put Daisy down to sleep next to Leslie’s baby, Wolfie. It was a treat having tents again; the shelters offered a clean and comfortable sleeping environment. Lendal and Bubba Jr. giggled in an adjacent tent, playing with their new toys. The stress of the fire was a distant memory to the resilient apes.

  Back at camp, I sat next to Leonard, his arm going around me. We had eaten well; the supply drop had brought fresh vegetables, fruit, and bread. There were even cookies, but they hadn’t lasted long. Dr. Haynes had provided candy bars for Bubba. Leslie had to hide most of them or else he would eat them all. She needn’t have bothered, because he would sniff them out, one by one, whenever a chocolate craving hit. Right now, the older ape looked sedated, the effects of the cannabis dragging down his eyelids. He stared at the fire, the flames flickering brightly.

  We now had blankets, and I sat on one leaning against Leonard. His even breathing was soothing, his finger caressing my arm. Mike was in a camp chair, staring at me, smiling. It was only a matter of minutes before our nightly orgy began, but the apes seemed tired tonigh
t. The search for Archie had exhausted them. Kat had recovered from her hike; her expression was alert and eager. She glanced between Archie and me, watching him staring my way. It was a little disturbing, the way his eyes skimmed over my face, hair, and where Leonard rubbed my arm. His tongue flicked across his lips repeatedly. When Leonard grasped my dress, lifting it over my head, the younger Sasquatch gaped, his mouth hanging open. He’d undoubtedly never seen a naked human before, and his cock practically jumped from his fur, pink and angry looking.

  Mike rubbed his chin. The weeks worth of stubble made him look ruggedly handsome. “I guess I have to get used to sharing my wife with every horny ape that crosses her path.”

  “Wife?” Leslie appeared surprised.

  “I’ve asked Porsche to marry me.”

  “What did she say?”

  “I said yes.” Leonard held my boobs, pinching the nipples between his fingers.

  “Are you leaving?”

  “No. It’s for Daisy. Making sure she has health insurance and stuff. We’re gonna build a house on some land. It’ll be Sasquatch friendly.”

  “Really?” Zelda looked hopeful. “We could use a winter home.”

  “Exactly,” said Mike.

  “Back in the day, there were Bigfoot protectors,” said Zelda. “They’ve died off over the years. Some of them made the mistake of building on Federal land, and the government booted them.”

  I remembered the mountain man, Palmer, who had given Leonard and Dale refuge years ago after my kidnapping. I hadn’t seen him in a long time. “Palmer.”

  She glanced at me. “Yeah, he was one of them. Maggy’s sister might be living with him. I’m not sure.”

  Leonard’s nose was in my neck, and his hand had drifted down my belly to the wet folds of my pussy. A lengthy finger moved over me. “Oh, Leonard.” A rush of tingles burst in my tummy.


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