Brand New Cowboy

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Brand New Cowboy Page 5

by Charlene Bright

  “Not too late. Just settling down to read. Ava’s fast asleep.”

  “So’s Amberlyn.”

  “So, what’s up?”

  “Not really anything. I just wanted to check in with you and make sure you’re still planning on a date next weekend and that you’re not having any regrets about yesterday.”

  She smiled broadly, remembering his lips on hers. “No regrets and yes I’m still planning on our date.”

  She heard him breathe deeply. “Oh good. Not that we won’t be seeing each other this week or anything, but I was just trying to come up with a good first date idea. I mean, dinner of course, but would you like to go to a movie or some other kind of show?”

  “I hadn’t put much thought into where we would go yet. Can I think about it for a day or two?”

  “Of course. To be honest, I just needed an excuse to call you. I’ve been thinking about you all day.”

  Leslie settled into her pillows and closed her eyes. “I’d be lying if I said you hadn’t crossed my mind a time or two . . . or forty today.”

  He chuckled and they talked for nearly an hour about things they liked to do, each throwing out a few suggestions for the following weekend. When Leslie laid her phone down and turned off her light, she found it difficult to fall asleep and chided herself for acting like a schoolgirl. Finally, her breaths deepened and she fell into a deep sleep.


  The week seemed to creep by, but it helped that Leslie saw Levi twice a day as he dropped off and picked up his daughter. Each time, he lingered just a few moments before saying goodbye, and each night, he called her, sometimes speaking for a minute and sometimes for an hour. He told her he’d found the perfect date for them but was going to surprise her.

  She managed to find a couple of hours, when the kids were napping, to sit down with Becca and finish her paperwork for the license and a bank loan and put an offer on the vacant insurance office. She couldn’t believe how quickly everything was suddenly coming together and gave herself credit for going after what she wanted instead of finding every reason to wait.

  By Friday, she’d received positive feedback from the Oklahoma Department of Human Services. They assured her they’d let her know before the end of the following week if she would be granted a license, but everything seemed on the up and up and they had already done an initial background check and talked with a couple of references. Everyone had nothing but wonderful things to say about Leslie’s childcare skills and calm demeanor. They were also impressed with the thoroughness of her application, down to confirmed children who would be attending and two new employees. They had already begun the background checks on the two young women.

  She’d also heard back from the bank who would be doing an inspection of the property the following week but indicated she would most likely have little trouble securing the loan. And the sellers of the office space were considering her offer.

  She hardly recognized the strong, confident women she’d started seeing in the mirror each morning. When Levi picked up Amberlyn Friday afternoon, he managed to find a discrete moment to kiss her softly on the lips and told her he was so glad the week was over so they could have their first date.

  On Saturday, Leslie took Ava to a nearby park to get her mind off wondering where they were going that evening. She suddenly realized that she didn’t have any idea what to wear for the mystery date so when they got home and she had put Ava down for a nap, she called Levi.

  He answered on the first ring. “Please don’t tell me you’re calling to cancel.”

  She chuckled. “Nope. But if you’re having second thoughts—”

  “Absolutely not.” He let out a breath he seemed to have been holding in.

  “Well I realized that I have absolutely no idea how to dress for this evening.”

  He laughed in response.

  “What’s so funny?”

  “I was just imagining you going to where we’re going in a dress and high heels.”

  She smirked. “So, I assume this is not a formal occasion.”

  “Afraid I’m not much of a formal guy, but we can certainly do a formal date sometime.”

  A pleasant burn tickled her stomach. He was expecting more dates in the future. “I don’t need a formal date. So, is this a jeans and tee-shirt kind of thing?”

  “Yeah, and light jacket. Dress comfortably. I’ll pick you up at 6.”

  She hung up feeling a little relieved that it was a casual date and headed to her room to pick out the nicest pair of jeans she had.


  It was 5:45 when Levi pulled into Leslie’s driveway, Amberlyn in tow. Leslie’s mother had offered to watch both girls so the children could play together. Amberlyn was very curious about why her daddy and Ava’s mommy were going somewhere by themselves and bombarded her father with questions all the way to Leslie’s home.

  “Let’s just say Miss Leslie and I are going on a playdate.”

  Amberlyn found this to be hilarious. “You’re silly, Daddy. Playdates are for kids.”

  “Is that right? I don’t think it’s fair that only kids can enjoy them.”

  “Are you gonna kiss her?” the child asked as he turned off the motor.

  His face grew hot. “Why do you think I’m gonna kiss her?”

  Amberlyn shrugged and started brushing her doll’s hair with her hand. “Cuz that’s what grownups do on playdates.”

  He got out and opened the back door to help her out of her car seat. “And how do you know what grownups do on playdates?”

  She rolled her eyes as he unfastened her belts. “I’ve seen movies, Daddy. I’m not a baby. Kristoff and Anna kiss on Frozen. All grownups kiss when they like each other.”

  He set her on the ground and grabbed her bag. “Well, we’ll see then.” He grinned.

  “Are you gonna marry her?”


  Amberlyn sighed as if her father needed to be taught. “Grownups kiss and then they get married. That’s what happens.”

  “Maybe in the movies, but that’s not always what happens with real grownups.” He took her hand and they approached the house where they were greeted by Leslie’s mother, Imogene.

  “Levi Wilcox. What a sight for sore eyes,” she said, kissing him on the cheek. “And you must be Amberlyn.” She held her hand out to the child who shook it. “Well come on in. Ava has been asking when you were getting here. We’re gonna have fun tonight, just the three of us.”

  Levi sat his daughter on the floor. “Yeah,” said Amberlyn, “and Daddy’s gonna kiss Miss Leslie.”

  Imogene’s eyebrows went up and she turned her attention to the child’s father who felt his face warm and was certain it was red. Then she started laughing and stepped back for them to enter. “Well, that sounds like a nice time, then. Come on in.”

  As he walked by her, he said, “She thinks grownups kiss when they go on playdates. That’s what Disney teaches her, I guess.”

  She winked at him. “Well, I hope she’s right.”

  He was certain now that his face was bright red. Ava came running into the living room as they walked in. “Amberlyn,” she squealed as she grabbed her friend into a fierce hug. The girls ran over to the toy box and started pulling out dolls.

  Levi looked up just as Leslie came down the stairs wearing dark, tight jeans and an orange button-up, short-sleeved top with sequins running alongside the row of buttons on each side. She had on a pair of boots and had flung a sweatshirt over her arm. Her hair was down and her makeup was just enough to highlight her blue eyes, making them almost sparkle.

  She met his smile and he hugged her when she was standing next to him. Imogene gave her daughter and then Levi hugs and wished them a fun evening.

  “Hey,” Levi called into the living room. “Aren’t you girls gonna say bye?”

  Both girls ran to their parents and wrapped them in strong hugs and kissed their cheeks, then immediately ran back to where they were playing. Levi held out his elbow and Leslie
took it as they walked out the door.


  Levi saw her standing in front of the Tilt-A-Whirl. Eric elbowed him. “There’s your girlfriend.”

  “Whatever, asswipe,” he said, pulling his gaze from Leslie’s tight sweater. Carl waved a few feet beyond her, and he and Eric headed toward their friend. As they were passing her, Levi stepped closer and bumped into her, pushing his shoulder into her with more force than was necessary, causing her to trip. Her friend, Kayla, caught her before she fell and then stepped in front of her to put her face close to Levi’s.

  “Dammit, Levi. Why don’t you just leave her the hell alone?”

  He started laughing as Eric pulled him away but caught Leslie’s distraught face before turning to Carl and found that his laughter was forced.


  Levi was pleased when Leslie exclaimed her excitement as they pulled onto the road for the fair that was held in the next county each year. “I haven’t been to the fair in years.” Her eyes lit up as she scanned the rides she could see over the livestock barns. Levi pulled into a lot with a sign that said the money for parking was for the local Boy Scout troop. He gave the attendant ten dollars and was directed to a spot close to the entrance.

  It had been a while since Levi had been to a county fair as well, and the smells of burgers, barbecue, popcorn, and funnel cakes, with an undercurrent of livestock, mingled to bring about childhood memories and the long-dormant thrills of the annual event that dominated much of the social lives of the young people in the area during this time of year.

  They decided to have barbecue sandwiches and crinkly fries for dinner and picked a booth in the Midway supporting a local animal shelter. Then they stopped at a ticket booth and Levi bought ride wristbands for them. They rode a few rides, including the Scrambler and the Pirate Ship, and decided to take a break and walk through the awards building, especially enjoying the elementary school art. They remarked how they hoped they would be viewing art by Amberlyn and Ava in the next couple of years. Amberlyn, in particular, had shown an early inclination toward art.

  After checking out some of the prize-winning quilts, they headed to the livestock barn. Levi took mental notes about expanding his ranch and lingered in the chicken section. The first thing he wanted to do was renovate the abandoned coop. When he was growing up, his grandparents had had many chickens but in the last few years had sold them off. He was particularly interested in the Plymouth Rock breeds.

  Leslie was most fascinated with the horses and they stayed to watch one of the riding competitions and discussed horses that would be good for Amberlyn. Night had fully descended and the lights from the fair gave the sky a spectacular display. They headed back to the rides and enjoyed feeling young again by walking through the House of Mirrors and riding into the Haunted House, where Levi kept his arm protectively around Leslie and stole a kiss before being assaulted by a masked man with a chainsaw.

  Before the date had wound down, Levi had won a large stuffed bear for Leslie and two stuffed Dory fish for the girls. They shared a candy apple as they walked around to decide on one final ride before heading home. Levi enjoyed putting his hand around Leslie’s on the apple and leaning in toward her, catching her scent, to take a bite. He insisted she continue to hold the apple rather than hand it to him when he wanted a taste.

  Finally, the apple was down to its core and had found a resting place in the trash, and Leslie suggested the Ferris Wheel would make for a romantic ending. When they were stopped at the very top while more cars were being loaded, Leslie sighed and laid her head on Levi’s shoulder. They looked down at the small, distant people on the ground before he lifted her chin and kissed her lips gently, lingering to taste the candy apple on her lips and tongue.


  It was almost midnight when they pulled into Leslie’s drive. She had gotten a bit drowsy on the ride home and nearly fell asleep with the windows open and the cool early fall air whipping around the vehicle. When Levi put the Jeep in park, she put her hand on the door handle and felt his warm hand against her other arm. She looked up as he leaned in and kissed her. When he pulled back, he sighed and ran his fingers through his hair.

  “God, I wish I had done this in high school. What an idiot I was.”

  “You were,” agreed Leslie, smiling. His laughter joined hers and they continued chuckling all the way to the front door. She had just opened the door when Ava nearly knocked her over.

  “Mama, I had some scaries.”

  She knelt and picked up her baby girl, brushing the hair from her eyes. “You had bad dreams?” She felt the small head nod against her collar bone.

  Leslie’s mother was standing by the stairs. “She just woke up. She was so happy when I told her you were home.” She joined the couple and kissed her daughter on the cheek. “Did you kids have a good time?”

  Leslie looked at Levi whose face bore a sly smile. She smiled too and turned back to her mother. “It was a nice evening. Thank you for watching the girls.”

  Imogene waved a hand dismissively. “Oh hon, it was my pleasure. Those girls are so good. And they really, really like each other.” Ava raised her head and nodded vigorously while looking at her mother. “Amberlyn’s asleep in Ava’s bed,” Imogene continued, and Leslie turned to the stairs.

  Levi kissed Imogene on the cheek as they started up. She patted him on the back. “Oh, you old flirt. I’m gonna head on home. Your father will be wondering,” she said to her daughter.

  “Okay, Mama. Thank you again.”

  She blew a kiss to Ava, who snapped it out of the air and rubbed it on her cheek. Leslie and Levi started back up the stairs. When they got to the landing, Ava put her small hands on either side of her mother’s face. “Mama? Are you and Mr. Levi gonna kiss?”

  Both adults were taken aback and chuckled. “Why do you think that, Ava?” asked Leslie.

  “Well Amberlyn said that’s what grownups do when they go out on playdates.”

  Levi sighed and wiped his forehead. “Hey Ava, what did you and Amberlyn do tonight on your playdate?”

  Ava animatedly launched into a list of everything the girls had done. They had to walk slowly to give her time to talk before they made it to her room. They let her finish her story while they stood outside her bedroom door.

  “Oh wow. That sounds like you girls had tons of fun,” said Leslie as she carried her into the dark room.

  Levi walked around them and knelt in front of his daughter, kissing her cheek. She didn’t wake up as he lifted her. “I better get my Sleeping Beauty to her bed.”

  Leslie nodded as she put Ava under the comforter. “Will you be okay here while I walk Mr. Levi and Amberlyn to the door?”

  Ava rolled her eyes. “I’m not a baby.”

  “Oh, honey, I know that. But you had some scaries so I just wanted to make sure you weren’t feeling afraid.”

  “Nope. All better. You’re home.”

  She smiled and leaned down to kiss her daughter’s cheek and then followed Levi and his daughter down the stairs and held open the door for them. Before he walked through the door, he turned back and kissed her tenderly on the mouth, allowing his tongue to taste the last trace of candy along her lips.

  “I told ya you were gonna kiss,” came a sleepy voice from Levi’s arms.

  Leslie smiled at the girl, and Levi kissed the top of Amberlyn’s head. “You are one smart cookie.” Then he looked back at Leslie. “I’ll call you tomorrow if that’s okay?”

  She nodded and gave Amberlyn a kiss on her cheek before she shut the door behind them and locked it securely. She pulled back the curtain in the living room and watched Levi carry his daughter to the Jeep. Once he was pulling out of the driveway, she pushed the curtain back in place and headed upstairs. She put her head through the doorway to Ava’s bedroom and saw the child was sound asleep, so she pulled the door to her, leaving it open a crack and walked into her bedroom. She was so exhausted she barely had time to wash her face and put on her pajamas before she
was passed out under her own comforter.

  Chapter 6

  Levi and Leslie talked every night on the phone over the next couple of weeks before going to sleep. Their discussions had taken a turn toward the more intimate but their promise to take things slowly and make sure of their desires before getting too involved, for the girls’ sake, had kept them from spending the night together.

  The plan for the daycare center had started heading full steam ahead after securing the loan and the license, and closing on the new building. There was still work to be done to the former offices, and Levi offered his and Eric’s services. They refused payment but accepted Leslie’s offer of free childcare for a year. Eric and Donna had just learned they were expecting, so it was a relief to know that everything was already set up for their son or daughter.

  They spent the next couple of weekends working on the plans and doing the preliminary work in the building. Each night after Eric left, Leslie and Levi had taken advantage of the babysitting to spend a few more minutes together, kissing and touching.

  On the third weekend of the building renovation, Leslie was sitting on top of Levi in the chair, chatting and kissing, when Levi became serious and pushed her back a bit and asked if they could talk. She felt as if she were swallowing a stone, but said, “Sure.”

  He directed her to a couch. Leslie’s stomach burned as fear started to wrap itself around her, but she calmed when he put his hand on hers and she saw his softened features.

  “We’ve been going out for a few weeks now and I think it’s going well. Don’t you?”

  She nodded but narrowed her eyes suspiciously, wondering where he was headed.

  “This,” he said, motioning his hand between them, “has hit a place where it’s getting tougher and tougher to say goodbye when you leave or when you hang up.” He took both her hands. “I feel really, really good about this and frankly, I’m having to take care of . . . things . . . by myself after we’ve been together. I’m hoping you think it’s time to leave third base.”


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