Ruby (Orlan Orphans Book 2)

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Ruby (Orlan Orphans Book 2) Page 2

by Kirsten Osbourne

  "She had just married Cletus a couple of months before, so she said she'd adopt us. All fifteen of us. The house is certainly bigger than the one where we lived in New York with twice the number of children." Ruby thought back to the day when they'd been uncertain if they'd even have a home. It was frightening for all of them, but Edna Petunia had taken them all in, making it better.

  "Are you happy there?"

  "I am. My sister and I are still together. I was upset at first, because David is so far away." She sighed. "If he couldn't stay true to me now, he wouldn't have stayed true in marriage, though." She knew she was better off to learn that he didn't want her now, but it didn't feel that way at the moment.

  "You're probably right about that." He pulled the buggy off to the side of the road, slipping an arm around her shoulders.

  Ruby looked at him with surprise. What did he think he was doing? "Why are we stopping?"

  Lewis looked at her, her face illuminated by the moonlight. "I want to know if we're compatible," he said, cupping her face in his hands.

  "Won't we learn that as we drive and talk?"

  "I know we're compatible in a strictly intellectual sense. I like you as a person, and I think you like me. No, what I want to know is if we're compatible sexually."

  She pulled away from him. "I'm not having relations with you!"

  Lewis smiled, one of his hands sliding to the back of her neck while the other went to her waist, pulling her back toward him. "I'm not asking you to. I just want to kiss you to see if we'll both enjoy it as much as I think we will." His eyes were on her lips.

  She stared at him for a moment. She and David had kissed a few times, but not often. Slowly, she nodded. "I will allow that."

  He grinned. She was so formal about so many things. He liked it. He lowered his head and softly brushed his lips across hers, his thumb going to her cheek to caress it as he kissed her. He lifted his head. "Open for me." How could he tell if they were compatible if she kept her lips locked together?

  She frowned in confusion. "What do you mean?"

  "Your mouth, sweetheart. Open your mouth for me." He lowered his mouth to kiss her again, his tongue licking along her tightly closed lips. He raised his head, looking at her.

  "Why do you want me to open my mouth?" David had never asked her to do that.

  "So I can kiss you properly. Didn't David ever kiss you with his mouth open?"

  She shook her head, intrigued by the idea. "No. Never."

  He lowered his head again, his lips brushing hers until he felt her mouth open slightly. He licked the inside of her top lip, and she shuddered in his arms.

  She was surprised that it felt so good! She wrapped her arms around his neck, moving even closer to him, her body pressed to his. She was certain what they were doing was improper, but she liked it.

  A minute later he raised his head, moving uncomfortably on the seat. "We're compatible," he announced, his voice soft but confident.

  Ruby's heart was racing, and she felt a fluttering in her belly she'd never felt kissing her David. "I think we are."

  "I know we are." He kissed her again, quickly this time. "Marry me."

  She stared at him. "I thought we were going to get to know one another better."

  "I know everything I need to know. I know you're a hard worker, and you'll be a good wife and mother. The only thing I was worried about was whether you'd take to making love well, and that was an important factor. That worry is gone."

  "I..." Her head was spinning. Surely he didn't expect her to respond immediately.

  "The faster we marry, the more believable our story will be that you jilted David instead of the other way around." And the faster she'd be in his bed with him. That was the most important part, for him at least.

  Chapter Two

  Ruby still hesitated. She could see the logic in marrying quickly, but she wasn't certain she could actually go through with it. "How soon would you want to marry?"

  Lewis wanted to tell her they'd go roust the preacher from his bed, but he had to be logical. "Saturday morning."

  "That's so soon!" It was Wednesday. He only wanted to give her three days before they married? "How about a month?"

  "How about Saturday?" He felt like he was being generous giving her that much time, because he was set to get the preacher first thing in the morning. He'd happily take her off to bed, and let the preacher marry them the next day if she argued too much.

  She stared at him, thinking. She liked kissing him, but he'd want to do more than that. Mrs. Hayes had explained what boys would want from girls, and Ruby wasn't certain she was ready for that. "If I marry you Saturday, can I have a week to get used to you before know?"

  "No. We marry Saturday morning, and Saturday night, we'll make love. I want you, Ruby."

  She bit her lip. He hadn't said he loved her, and she was certain he didn't. He just wanted her sexually. And while that made her feel like she was appealing, it also frightened her. He wasn't a young man she would learn with. He already had two children. "I don't know."

  He leaned down and kissed her again, pulling her closer to him, his hands exploring her body. One hand slid over her back while the other moved from her neck down to her breast, cupping it in his hand. His thumb found her nipple through the layers of fabric, and it was already taut. "Marry me," he insisted against her lips.

  Ruby arched into his hand, feeling wanton. She shouldn't allow him to touch her this way. He'd think her a loose woman, but she didn't know how to stop him. "Yes, I'll marry you."

  He rested his forehead against hers. "Saturday?" he asked softly.

  She nodded. "Saturday." She felt like she'd agreed to give her life away, but he was right. It was a way to avoid humiliation for her. But it was more than that. She wanted to marry him. She wanted to kiss him forever and never stop. She'd never wanted to kiss David that way. Surely that meant she was meant to be married to him.


  Lewis kissed her goodnight on the front porch of the house, taking a last moment alone before they were around people again. She clung to his shoulders, wishing she knew why her feelings for him were so strong.

  After he broke the kiss, he asked, "Should I ask Mr. Sanders for your hand in marriage?"

  She nodded. "I think he'd like that a lot." Cletus enjoyed being a father-figure for the girls, especially the younger ones. As one of the oldest, she wasn't as close to him, but she knew he would feel important if he were asked for her hand. She had no doubt that he'd grant it, though.

  They went into the house, listening to the sounds of the boys playing in the informal parlor at the front of the house. "They're probably in the formal parlor," she said, leading him toward the back.

  "I hope you realize my house isn't anywhere near this grand." He almost felt guilty for planning to take her away. Almost, but not quite. His house was very nice by local standards, and though it didn't display the wealth hers did, it was still a good home.

  She shrugged. "I'm an orphan. I grew up with nothing. This past year I've received my first new dress. I'd always worn hand-me-downs. I don't need grand." She led him into a room where Edna Petunia and Cletus were sitting close together on the sofa, sharing Edna's flask of cough tonic.

  Cletus looked Lewis up and down as if he were trying to decide if the younger man was good enough to be escorting one of his girls. "Lewis," he said with a nod.

  Lewis suddenly felt tongue tied. He'd asked for Carrie's hand in marriage, and he hadn't been half as nervous. Of course, his feelings for Carrie hadn't been nearly as strong either. He'd taken one look at Ruby and wanted her to be his. Carrie had been his sweetheart in school, but he hadn't felt nearly as much for her.

  "Mr. Sanders, I'd like to ask for Ruby's hand in marriage," he blurted out.

  Cletus seemed to think about it for a moment, rubbing his chin as if he had a beard, but he was clean shaven. It was an odd gesture. He looked at Ruby. "You wanna marry him?"

  Ruby nodded. "I do." She a
lmost laughed at herself for her choice of words. It sounded like she was already making her vows.

  "What about the man waiting in New York?"

  That was the question Ruby had been dreading. "We've called it off," she answered simply, hoping they'd leave it at that.

  Cletus and Edna Petunia both studied her, obviously wanting to know more than what she'd told them, but when she didn't volunteer the information, they seemed to let it go. Finally Cletus nodded. "Yeah, you can marry her, but you need to understand, if you ever hurt her, I'll hunt you down and there'll never be a trial, because they won't be able to find the body."

  Lewis nodded. "Yes, sir. I won't hurt her."

  Edna Petunia smiled. "Now that's settled, when is the wedding?"

  "Saturday," Lewis said, leaving no doubt that the date was non-negotiable.

  "Saturday?" Edna asked, leaning back and reaching for her flask which was gripped tightly in Cletus's hand. She took a large gulp and shook her head. "How can we get you ready to marry by Saturday? There's so much to do!"

  Ruby shook her head. "I've never dreamed of a big wedding, Edna Petunia. I always thought a quiet wedding at home would be nice. We could have everyone I love right here in this parlor."

  "But what about the food?"

  Ruby shrugged. "Make something. We'll eat it. It doesn't really matter what."

  "But...I want my girls to have big, beautiful weddings. The kind this old coot didn't give me." Edna Petunia glared at Cletus. "You should have given me a big wedding."

  "I would have if you hadn't been so determined to keep your legs crossed." He looked at Lewis and nodded. "We'll make it happen on Saturday."

  Lewis could tell he understood, even though thinking of the older couple having relations bothered him. "Thank you, Mr. Sanders."

  "I'm about to become your father-in-law, boy. You need to call me Cletus like everyone else does."

  Lewis thought it was odd the girls called the old couple by their first names, but he said nothing about it. Obviously it was something that worked for the family. "Yes, sir." He caught Ruby's hand. "Let's tell the boys together."

  That made Ruby more nervous than telling Cletus and Edna Petunia. What if the boys didn't like her? "All right." She led the way to the front parlor and stopped in the doorway, watching as her sister played with the two boys who were about to become her sons.

  Lewis snapped his fingers and both boys jerked to attention. "We want to tell you something."

  Robert looked at his father for a minute before his whole face lit up. "You're getting married, and we're getting a new ma." He turned to Opal. "And you'll be our Aunt Opal. I always wanted an aunt."

  Opal laughed, mussing Robert's hair. "I'll be the best aunt two boys ever did see!"

  Lewis smiled at the exchange. "Would you be willing to keep them on Saturday night? We're getting married Saturday morning."

  Opal's eyes met Ruby's. She was obviously confused, and Ruby knew she'd be spilling out her heart to her sister before bed that night. Opal had a right to know everything.

  Opal nodded. "Yes, of course, I'll watch them. They're sweethearts."

  "Thank you," Ruby said to her sister, her eyes making it clear they'd talk about what had occurred that day.

  Lewis leaned down and kissed Ruby softly, unlike the kiss he'd given her on the porch. He wanted the boys to get used to seeing him kiss Ruby.

  James made a face. "Why you kissin' her? She's our new ma, not yours."

  Lewis smiled. "She's going to be my wife, and men get to kiss their wives."


  Lewis shrugged. "You'll understand when you're older. Pretty girls are made for kissin'."

  Robert sighed. "Just don't do it too much. I might have to vomit."

  "Vomit? From watching me kiss your new ma? Are you crazy?" Lewis walked across the room and threw his son over his shoulder, filling the room with peals of laughter. "No one is going to vomit as a result of kissing!" He strode toward the front door, letting James run ahead and open it for them. He stopped once he was on the front porch. "I'll see you in the morning, Ruby." He would lure her into the backroom for another lesson in kissing. She was a wonderful student.

  Ruby shut the door behind them, sensing her sister standing behind her. "I'll explain everything."

  They went into the parlor and Ruby explained about the letter and Lewis's offer. "I like him."

  Opal shook her head. "Liking a man isn't enough reason to marry him! What are you thinking, Ruby?"

  "I'm thinking I don't want to spend the rest of my life alone. I'm thinking everyone in town has been waiting for me to go back home to marry David, and I don't want to be pitied. He needs a wife, and I like him." Ruby leaned closer to her sister. "His kisses make my body sing in a way David's never did."

  Opal's eyes widened with surprise. "Has he...well, have you..."

  Ruby shook her head. "No, not until our wedding night, but we've kissed. A lot. It's very nice."

  "I wish you the best." Opal still seemed worried for her, but Ruby knew she'd be there for her every step of the way.

  "Thank you. You'll stand up with me, won't you?"

  Opal nodded, smiling. "I have to. We're twins."

  Ruby leaned forward, hugging her sister tightly. "Thank you!" She sighed. "Will you go with me after work tomorrow to tell Mrs. Hayes what I decided?" She wasn't looking forward to telling the woman who'd raised her she was rushing into marriage.

  "Does she know about David?"

  Ruby nodded. "Yes, but she and Lewis are the only ones other than you. I wasn't going to tell you, but I can't hide something like that from my twin."

  Opal smiled. "I'd like to see you try."


  Ruby was at work a few minutes early the following morning, rushing out early to avoid Edna Petunia's endless wedding talk. She had no desire to plan a big wedding, and Edna was already planning some fancy dishes to make.

  Lewis unlocked the door to let her in, but instead of letting her go to her corner of the store to her sewing machine, he pulled her into the back room. As soon as they were out of sight of prying eyes, Lewis pulled her into his arms and kissed her passionately. His hands went to her back and he molded her against him, pulling her as close as he dared.

  Ruby wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back, not at all worried about being wanton any longer. Obviously that's how Lewis liked her. "G'morning, wife," he whispered against her lips.

  She smiled. "I'm not your wife yet."

  "You will be, and I can't wait." He groaned, looking at his pocket watch. "We have ten minutes before the store opens. How would you feel if I showed you around upstairs, so you can get an idea of where you'll be living?"

  She nodded. "No kissing up there, though." She knew it was strange for her to make that rule, but she was starting to become afraid they wouldn't be able to wait even two days before they consummated their relationship.

  He nodded. "We don't have time for any canoodling. Just a quick tour." He took her hand and led her out of the store room and up the narrow staircase behind the store. "That's the parlor." He waved his hand toward the kitchen and dining room. "Food happens in there." He kept tugging her along. "We have three bedrooms. Each of the boys has his own." He pointed out their rooms as they passed. Finally he came to the room at the end of the hall. "This is our room."

  She peeked into the room and saw the big bed. Well, big compared to the small bed she had at home, but really small if you thought about two people sleeping in it side by side. "It's nice," she said, at a loss for what he wanted her to say.

  He opened one more door. "Water closet and bathtub."

  "Oh, good! I'm glad the house is so modern." She had used an outhouse growing up, and she was thrilled to see that she wouldn't need to do that there. The Sanders house had a bathroom, and she had grown used to it.

  He smiled. "I had that added just after I moved in. And do you want to know a secret about it?"

  She looked at him curious
ly. "I had you in mind when I did it. I was hoping you'd marry me, and I knew you'd want the comfort."

  She blushed, not sure how to respond to that. She'd been engaged to someone else, and he'd been installing bathrooms for her? He didn't worry about not getting what he wanted in life.


  Edna Petunia was one of the first customers of the day, wandering back to the corner where Ruby was working with a notepad and pencil in her hand. "I'm thinking about food for the reception."

  Ruby shook her head. "Edna Petunia, I want a small wedding. Just family, and no reception. Why do you think we need to have a reception?" She was starting to worry the older woman would ignore her feelings and go ahead with her own plans.

  "We'll call it a wedding lunch then. Would that make you happier?"

  "If we end up with a houseful of people at my wedding, I'm really not going to be happy about it. I just want a quiet wedding with me, Lewis, the boys, and all the girls. And Mrs. Hayes of course." Ruby thought for a moment about whether or not there was anyone else she wanted there, remembering when Tino had helped search for her when she'd run away on the trip to Texas. "Don't forget Mr. Hayes."

  "But what about Iris and her family? No one has a wedding without the town doctor in attendance."

  Ruby rolled her eyes. "You can ask Dr. Iris, but no one else. I really don't want to be surrounded with people. Please."

  Edna frowned, but nodded. "I'll limit the people." She looked down at her list. "Now, what do we want to eat for our—I mean your—wedding lunch?"

  "Sandwiches and cake?" She didn't feel like there should be a huge celebration of the wedding, because she and Lewis weren't marrying for love.

  Edna Petunia shook her head emphatically. "No. It needs to be something nice. I want you to remember the day with fondness. How about roast beef with mashed potatoes and gravy. I'll make a big cake as well."

  "That's a lot of work for you. There are fifteen of us. You don't want to set that kind of precedent, do you?"

  "Yes, I do! Every one of you girls will get whatever wedding you really want. It's my job to make it just as nice as I can."


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