Ruby (Orlan Orphans Book 2)

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Ruby (Orlan Orphans Book 2) Page 8

by Kirsten Osbourne

  Lewis released a breath he hadn't even realized he'd been holding. "You weren't hiding it from me?"

  "Of course not! I simply hadn't found the right time to tell you about it yet. I was going to tell you Sunday night, but I got distracted when we talked about the boys' reaction to your talk with them. Then we were busy Monday."

  "So you didn't leave because of the fight we had yesterday?" he asked.

  "Fight?" She thought about it for a moment, before her eyes widened with surprise. "That's why I went for a walk. Walking always makes me feel better when I'm angry, though. By the time I'd reached Cassie's house, I'd completely forgotten our fight. I just wanted to give her some bread I'd baked to save her some time and energy with her time so close."

  "I thought you had gotten angry with me and decided to go to David. I knew you had enough money saved, but when I saw your money was still in the box, and all your clothes still here, it didn't make sense that you'd left." He turned to face her, taking her hands in his. "I couldn't bear it if you left me."

  Ruby smiled at him. "Good, because I'm not going anywhere. I got that letter from David, and all I could think is that I'd had a narrow escape. He's a boy, wanting to be a man. He's fickle, and he obviously doesn't believe in commitment. I'm so glad I know that now, rather than later." He reached up and stroked his cheek. "You, however, are a man. You married me when I needed someone desperately. You've been there for me every day since. Yes, we had an argument, and knowing how hot headed I can be, I think we'll have many more. A whole lifetime of them."

  He sighed with relief. "Are you promising to never leave us?"

  She laughed. "I'm telling you I love you, and unless you start hitting me or hurting the children, I'll stay with you forever. If you hurt the children, I'll leave you and take them with me. They're mine now. I meant my wedding vows."

  He froze, staring into her face. "You love me? Really?"

  "Of course, I love you!" She caught the back of his neck and pulled his head down for a kiss. "Would I put up with you if I didn't love you?"

  He laughed. "Probably not. I love you too, you know. I think I knew I loved you when we first talked about you continuing the relationship you had with George, the previous owner. I took one look at you and started imagining you in our lives. And it made me very happy." He tapped her nose with his index finger. "And then you started talking about your fiancé, David. It was always David this and David that. I got to the point I never wanted to hear his name again."

  She laughed. "I was true to him. I didn't even notice you as a potential husband until after I got that letter from David. Of course, that should tell you that I'll never stray. You and the boys are my whole world now, Lewis."

  Lewis lowered his head, kissing her again, a bit more passionately this time. "So when I ask to have a private lunch break today, you won't refuse?"

  "I'll still refuse. I promised I'd take Cassie and Tino supper tonight, so I'd have to refuse. You find a day when I haven't made plans to help someone, or finish a project, and I'll say yes." She glanced at the clock on the mantle. "You know, we have a little time now."

  His gaze followed hers. "That we do. It wouldn't make us late for work." He jumped up, grabbed her hand, and led her toward the stairs. "What a brilliant idea."


  Late that night, she wrote her letter to David.

  "Dear David,

  When I received your letter about marrying Maggie, I was devastated, and immediately looked for a way that the entire town of Nowhere wouldn't pity me for being jilted. My employer, Lewis Darcy, came to my rescue. He had two young boys he was raising on his own, and he offered to marry me. He needed help with the boys, and he wanted me to be his wife, so I agreed. We married within three days of receiving your letter. The funny thing is, it took me less than two weeks to fall in love with him. He's a kind, gentle, loving man, and I am very happy with him. I have no intention of ever returning to Orlan, or leaving Nowhere, Texas. This is where the people I consider family are. Not only does Opal live here, but there's Cassie and Tino Hayes, and Edna Petunia and Cletus Sanders. They've all stood by me no matter what was happening in my life. You didn't. I'll never forget you, because you were my first love, and my first kiss, but I'm no longer in love with you, David. I hope your life is joyful.

  All the best,


  Ruby read over her words and finally she folded the letter. It would have to do. She loved her husband too much to ever be willing to entertain thoughts of her former fiancé again. Hopefully David would read the letter and move on.

  Lewis walked into the kitchen and glanced at the letter on the table beside her. He touched it. "May I?"

  Ruby nodded. "Of course. I'm not hiding anything from you."

  He smiled. "I was hoping you'd say that." He took her hand and pulled her to her feet. "You're not going to read it?"

  He shook his head. "I don't need to. It's enough to know you'd let me read it." He gripped her hand tightly tugging her toward the stairs. "Let's go tuck the boys into bed."

  "It's not quite their bedtime yet." She had a feeling the boys wouldn't go to bed as easily as he hoped.

  "It's past ours," he said with a wink, still tugging her along.

  They went into James's room first. Ruby sat down on the edge of his bed, and talked to him for a moment.

  "Thank you for hurrying home to make a snack for me," James said.

  "I'm always happy to do it whenever I can." Ruby looked over her shoulder at Lewis. "What would you like for your snack tomorrow?"

  "Cookies!" James told her. It was his answer every day. As long as he had cookies, all was right with his world.

  "Cookies it is," Ruby said. She was planning on taking dinner to the Hayes one more night, but she could easily bake cookies before she left and take them some as well.

  She leaned down and kissed his forehead, tucking the covers in around him. "Sleep sweet, James."

  James smiled, a look of bliss on his face. He looked at Lewis. "She's the best ma!"

  Next they went to Robert's room, and the boy was quiet as usual. She sat on the edge of his bed, tucking the covers in around him.

  "Thanks, Ma," he said softly.

  Ruby felt her heart skip a beat. He'd referred to her as his ma, but he'd never actually called her by the name. "G'night. I love you, Robert."

  Robert smiled, snuggling down into the pillow as she kissed his forehead. "Love you, too."

  Lewis led her into their bedroom, shutting the door firmly behind them before he pulled her to him, kissing her passionately. "I love you, Ruby Darcy."

  "I love you too."

  She knew she'd made the right decision to spend the rest of her life with this man and his boys. How could she ever want anything different?


  A year later, Ruby sat on the edge of the table in Dr. Harvey's office. The doctor had an odd look on her face. "Is something wrong?"

  "I don't think so. Just odd."

  "What's odd?"

  "Well, I'm hearing two heartbeats. I think you're having twins."

  Ruby sat for a moment, thinking about that. How was she going to be able to deal with both boys and infant twins? She was tired just thinking about it. "Are you sure?"

  Dr. Harvey shook her head. "I can't be certain, but that's what it sounds like."

  Ruby smiled. "If no one else is happy, my sister will be thrilled. She wants us to both have twins for our first pregnancies."

  "I only heard one heartbeat during her last visit!"

  "But she's not quite as far along as I am. There's still hope for her." Ruby slid off the table, her stomach making every movement difficult.

  "Make sure you're getting naps in every day," Dr. Harvey warned. "I know you have the older boys and other responsibilities, but you need to take care of yourself and those babies."

  "I will." Ruby waved as she hurried out the door. She couldn't wait to tell Lewis.

  Instead of going to the house, she went in
to the store and waited while Lewis finished with the customer he was talking to. "How was your appointment with Dr. Harvey?" he asked the first chance he got.

  Ruby smiled. "Twins."

  Lewis looked like he'd been hit over the head with a log. "Twins?" His face was white and he seemed unsteady on his feet.


  Ruby heard a squeal from the back of the store, and her sister came barreling at her. "Twins! I'm having twins too!"

  "Are you sure?" Ruby asked. "Dr. Harvey thinks it's just one."

  "I'm sure. I don't need her to confirm. We're having twins together, which is how it should be." Opal threw her arms around her sister, hugging her close.

  Ruby hoped Opal was right, because she could tell her sister would be crushed if she was only having one baby when she was convinced it was two. "I'm glad I have my sister close."

  Her eyes met Lewis's over her sister's shoulder. He seemed to be regaining his color. "Do you want to come bake cookies with me?" she asked. "The boys will be home soon, and they need their snack."

  She and Opal left the store arm in arm. Ruby couldn't wait to hold her babies or her sister's babies. Life was always an adventure in Nowhere, Texas.

  If you enjoy historical Western romance, join the author of this book, one hundred other authors, and a thousand of the most amazing readers on Facebook in a little group we call Pioneer Hearts. There's fun, prizes, and mass mayhem. What more could you ask for?

  Want more books by Kirsten Osbourne?

  Brides of Beckham Series

  Mail Order Mayhem

  Mail Order Mama

  Mail Order Madness

  Mail Order Mix Up

  Mail Order Mistake

  Mail Order Maternity

  Mail Order Match Maker

  Mail Order Motherhood

  Mail Order Matron

  Mail Order Meddler

  Mail Order Misfit

  Mail Order Minx

  Mail Order Misfortune

  Mail Order Melody

  Anthologies Containing Books 13 and 16 in Brides of Beckham

  Wild Western Women (Contains Mail Order Misunderstanding)

  Wild Western Women Ride Again (Contains Mail Order Mischief---the story of Elizabeth Miller)

  Dallas Billionaires Series




  Stand Alone Books

  Dream Lover

  Making Me Believe

  All For Emma

  Making Deals


  Suitors of Seattle









  Edna Petunia

  The Dalton Brides (Historical)

  The Rancher's Mail Order Bride

  The Cowboy's Mail Order Bride (by Kit Morgan)

  The Drifter's Mail Order Bride (by Cassie Hayes)

  Hank's Rescued Bride (by Cassie Hayes)

  Benedict's Bargain Bride

  Percy's Unexpected Bride (by Kit Morgan)

  The Fabulous Dalton Boys (Contemporary)

  The Nanny

  The Maid (by Ava Catori)

  The Advisor (by Merry Farmer)

  Orlan Orphans

  The Matron

  At the Altar

  Married in Montana

  Meddling in Manhattan

  Wishing in Wisconsin

  Dreaming in Dairyland


  Loving Lily

  Courting Constance

  Writing as Morganna Mayfair

  Thrice Blessed Trilogy



  Stenwick Siblings Trilogy

  The Earl's Design of Love

  The Duke's True Love

  The Prince's Charmed Love




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