Crave: A Reverse Harem Romance

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Crave: A Reverse Harem Romance Page 5

by Roma James

  He leaned down and just as sensually as he kissed my mouth, he began to kiss my breasts.

  It took my breath away when his tongue reached my nipples and was doing soft circles around them. Every move he made sent a tingle through my whole body, even though he only had his hands and mouth at my breasts. It felt so good, and it only made me want more.

  I reached for him, my fingers fumbling with the buttons on his shirt as he grazed my nipple with his teeth, making me gasp out loud. I wanted to see him naked, too. I wanted to feel his body against mine.

  He got the picture, and when I was on the last button, he not only ripped his shirt off but began to unbutton his pants and quickly stepped out of them, too.

  As good as he looked in his clothes, the sight of him naked was even better than I had imagined. He truly looked like a statue of a Greek god. I looked at every little ripple of his abs, and instinctively my fingers reached out to touch them.

  I just wanted to feel those muscles under my fingertips.

  Never had any of my boyfriends in the past been this ripped. A surge of heat flooded me as I imagined what it would feel like when he was finally inside me.

  “Oh my God,” I whispered, my fingers still running up and down his chest, his stomach, his arms and shoulders. “You feel so… so good.”

  I knew I probably sounded ridiculous, but I didn’t have the words to describe it. He was hard and solid and strong, but was somehow still touching me and kissing me with a tenderness that made my whole body ache for more.

  I tried to control my stare as he quickly stripped his boxers off, but I couldn’t help looking at the large erection that was standing out straight in front of me. In addition to being the sexiest, he was also going to be the largest man I’d ever been with, that was for sure.

  Excitement rolled through me as he began to slide down my body, lower and lower until his head was at my black lacy panties. He moved toward them. Not with his hands, but with his head, until his mouth was at the top of my underwear. He gripped the lace with his teeth and began to pull them down my thighs, exposing my bare pussy to him.

  Oh God, it was so hot.

  He drank in the sight of my pussy, devouring it with his eyes the same way he had with my breasts. I arched my back and gasped as his tongue teased up and down my folds, lapping at my pussy as I threaded my fingers through his short hair.

  My heart was pounding, and it took everything I had to keep my eyes from rolling into the back of my head as his tongue reached my clit. He was making me so hot, so wet as I pulled him closer, deeper. The feel of his tongue, his mouth, his breath against my bare skin was already making me moan so loudly I should have been embarrassed.

  But I wasn’t. I couldn’t be with him. Not when it felt so good, so right, so perfect.

  “Fuck, Harlow,” he panted, raising up and rocking back on his heels as he reached for his pants and fished a condom from his pocket. “You’re so fucking beautiful. I need to be inside you.”

  He suited up and lined himself up with my entrance, reaching up to cup my breasts with his hands again as he slowly began to push inside me. I was so wet he slipped in with one long, powerful thrust that had my mouth opening and closing in silent ecstasy as I reached for him.

  He stretched me, his thickness making me feel more full than I ever have before.

  And I loved it.

  I gripped his arms as he began to slide in and out, his biceps so big that I couldn’t even begin to get my hands around them. Even though I was overwhelmed with the amount of pleasure I was experiencing, I was still very aware that he was going slow for me, taking his time for me—as if every muscle in his body had been attuned to my needs, my desires.

  It was amazing.

  It was intoxicating.

  He was letting me lose myself. He was taking care of me like no man had ever done before, and now that I was experiencing that kind of attention, that kind of devotion, I didn’t know how I had ever gone so long without it.

  “Yes,” I moaned. “Please… so good… faster, please.”

  I couldn’t even form a sentence anymore, but that didn’t seem to matter. Axel understood exactly what I needed. He picked up the rhythm, pulling out and slamming back in faster, harder, deeper with every thrust.

  As his speed increased, I became unable to control myself. I knew the orgasm was rising inside of me. I tried to fight it because I wanted to make this last as long as I possibly could… But there was no way I could resist it. This had all been too much for me.

  “I’m going to cum,” I moaned.

  “Cum for me, baby,” he groaned. “You’re so fucking sexy, so tight.”

  His words were enough to push me over the edge. I literally screamed out as my entire body got hot and the pleasure overtook me. I could feel my pussy pulsing around his thick, hard cock. My legs were trembling next to his. I felt it in my entire body.

  He didn’t stop. Didn’t even slow down.

  I was hot and tingling and half-delirious, but even after my orgasm, my body was still enjoying every second, every thrust as he pounded into me over and over, unrelenting.

  My muscles tightened as I felt him grow even thicker inside me. I wanted him to come, wanted him to feel as good as he was making me feel.

  “That’s right,” I said, nodding breathlessly. “Come now.”

  My words must have been enough to push him over the edge, because his eyes closed as he let himself go, thrusting deeply one last time before staying there, pinning me, filling me.

  He caught his breath as his orgasm passed, and slowly he began to pull out of me.

  Like the gentleman he had proven himself to be, he stood up and very carefully pulled the condom off of himself before tying it up. “Anywhere I can throw this away?”

  I had to laugh. A second ago, he’d been this hot, fierce man plowing into me, and now he was his sweetheart self again. It was adorable.

  “Kitchen trash is under the sink,” I told him with a smile.

  He smiled back and went into the kitchen to throw it away, but came back hurriedly to join me on the couch.

  When he came back, I was already standing up again.

  He looked surprised. “Should I go?” he asked.

  I shook my head. “Not unless you want to.”

  “I definitely don’t want to,” he said, a slow grin playing across his lips.

  “Good,” I said as I extended my hand to him. “I was hoping you’d stay.”

  “I’ll stay all night,” he murmured, pulling me close as he leaned in to kiss my neck. “As long as you want.”

  That was exactly what I wanted—to feel this good with him.

  All night.

  Again and again.

  Chapter 6 - Harlow

  My head was pounding as soon as I woke up the next day. I expected that, though. I hadn’t drank in ages, and I didn’t think I was going to get away with it without feeling a little crappy.

  I groaned as I rolled over in bed.


  Axel was no longer here, which didn’t surprise me too much, even if a part of me wouldn’t have been upset to roll over and see him there next to me.

  Not that I expected him to stay the night or anything. Frankly, it was easier that he hadn’t. The fewer complications in my life, the better… right?

  And waking up next to a man I barely even knew sounded like the very definition of adding complications.

  God, I had no idea what I would have even said to him in the light of day while I was completely sober. The only reason I was able to do what I had done last night was because of the alcohol and the adrenaline that had been pumping through my body. It wasn’t called liquid courage for nothing, after all.

  I climbed out of bed very slowly, walking gently from my room into my kitchen. Part of me wanted to stay in bed all day as I waited for this pounding headache to go away, but another part of me was feeling… inspired.

  I got to my kitchen, grabbed my coffee out of the cabinet, and scoo
ped it into the coffee maker. I set it to start and soaked in the aroma as it began to fill a pot.

  Even though I had been drinking last night, I could still remember every detail so vividly. The club, Ryker, Axel… that mind-blowing sex.

  Man, I hadn’t had a night like that in… well, ever, really.

  I wasn’t one for random hookups, but I was so glad I had made an exception for Axel. Everything about him was amazing. Gorgeous. Delicious. I could still picture his naked body in my mind.

  The fact that he was super sweet came as an added bonus—a total gentleman who could also make me feel better than I ever had before.

  He was the whole package.

  As it turned out, he was also the inspiration I had been needing.

  I grabbed a plain white mug from my cabinet as the coffee machine sputtered, signaling that it was about to finish. I poured myself a cup and began to sip as I made my way to the living room where I had left my laptop.

  I pulled it open and began writing right away, pausing only to taking sips of coffee. I could admit that I thought going to Crave for research was a totally ridiculous idea, so I was shocked to find that it had actually worked.

  Or, rather, that meeting Axel had worked. Either way, I felt like I had so much material for my new book. I just had to get it all out. My creative juices were flowing freely.

  I was typing away at a stunningly hot sex scene when there was a pounding at my door. I sighed because I really didn’t want to stop, but I pulled myself away to see who it was.

  Once I did, I was immediately filled with guilt.

  I opened the door to Liza. She was looking mildly annoyed, and of course I knew why.

  There was no getting around the fact that I had completely forgotten about her.

  “Oh my God, I’m so, so sorry!” I told her emphatically.

  She stared me down as she walked into my living room and plopped herself down on the couch without even asking if she could come in.

  “Seriously, Harlow?” she snapped.

  “Look, I can explain,” I began.

  “You had better start.” She crossed her arms and stared at me, tracking my movements as I sat down in the armchair across from her.

  “Well, okay…” Where did I even begin? “So, something crazy happened after you went off to dance. This guy, he… drugged my drink.”

  “Oh my God, Harlow!” Her jaw dropped and she immediately uncrossed her arms as she scooted to the edge of the couch cushion. “Are you okay?”

  In hindsight, that probably hadn’t been the very best way to break the news. That was probably the kind of thing to slowly build up to.

  “No, no, I’m fine,” I said quickly. “I wasn’t drugged. He just drugged my drink, but I didn’t drink it. See, one of the owners of Crave was watching the security cameras and immediately came down to warn me. He brought me up to his office, they called the police, they caught the guy and everything was fine. But obviously it caused a lot of commotion for me and I was pretty upset, so one of the other owners, Axel, offered to take me home. At that point, I just wanted out of there, so I said yes. Then I went to find you on the dance floor, but I couldn’t. So I just, um… left.”

  For a moment, she sat in stunned silence, no doubt trying to process everything I’d just blurted out. She didn’t look angry anymore, though. Stunned, definitely. Maybe a little confused. But thankfully not angry or annoyed. “Well, okay, I guess that’s a damn good excuse. You could have texted me, though.”

  “I was going to,” I said quickly. “I swear I was. But then I got in Axel’s car and it just slipped my mind. And then we came home, and…” I paused and shifted my eyes.

  Liza knew immediately that something had happened. She could read me like a damn book.

  “Ho-ly shit,” she said, drawing out the words as a fresh look of surprise crossed her face again. “You slept with him, didn’t you? Please tell me you slept with him.”

  “I, um… yeah, I might have.”

  She tossed a pillow at me playfully. “I cannot believe it. I mean… Harlow, wow. When I brought you out I was really not expecting you to hook up with anyone. I mean, no offense or anything, but it’s you, and I just… I just wasn’t.”

  “Gee, thanks.” I rolled my eyes.

  “You know what I mean! You’re totally hot and you could pick up anyone you wanted, but you just… don’t. Not ever, not with anyone. I’m dying to know what was so special about this guy?”

  I could feel a smile playing across my lips just thinking back on the night.

  “Oh, Liza, he really is something special. He’s one of the most handsome men I’ve ever seen. Oddly enough, the other owner, Ryker, was also very good looking. Apparently you’ve got to be hot to own Crave. Anyway, he was just so sweet to me. He had this fun, relaxed vibe and he just put me at ease, and… I don’t know. We got here and I wasn’t ready to be alone yet. I was feeling pretty bold, and it just kind of happened.”

  She looked near giddy. “Wow. That’s… that’s crazy, Harlow. But in a good way. I’m so happy for you!”

  “You are?” I asked. “You don’t think it was foolish? Or… or careless?”

  “Of course not.” She waved a dismissive hand. “I told you, you never have any fun. You deserve some fun, girl. And with a phenomenally hot guy? Of course I’m thrilled. Are you going to see him again?”

  The thought hadn’t really occurred to me. Of course I wanted to see him again, but I wasn’t going to fool myself. The odds were definitely not in my favor. “No,” I said finally. “I mean, I’m sure I won’t. It was just a one-night thing, you know?”

  “Well that’s too bad, because I had a similar night myself.” She confessed with a cheeky grin.

  My eyebrows shot up. “Yeah? You did?”

  She nodded. “And the guy I hooked up with just so happens to be a regular there. I’ve got two more tickets to go tonight, if you want to see him again…”

  “No, no, I can’t,” I told her, shaking my head. “Besides, I’m sure he doesn’t want to see me again. Like I said, this was a one-off. I shouldn’t go back.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Is that really how you feel? Or are you just nervous?”

  “It’s… really how I feel.” I lied. Well, mostly lied. I really didn’t think I should go back. That part was the truth. Going back would be tempting fate, setting myself up for disappointment.

  After all, he didn’t seem like the kind of man who dated seriously. Or, rather, who would date me seriously. He felt almost… out of my league.

  Not that I had low self-esteem or anything because I definitely didn’t, but he was rich. He owned one of the most popular clubs around. He drove a Maserati.

  I was sipping homemade coffee out of a generic mug while I rushed to finish my romance novel.

  “Come on, Harlow,” she gave me a hopeful, knowing look. “They’re guaranteed entry. We absolutely have to go.”

  “I don’t think so. Sorry, Liza, but I mean… it just doesn’t seem like a good idea.”

  “Really?” She raised an eyebrow and looked over at my laptop, which was sitting next to her on the couch. “So, how many words did you get done this morning?”

  “Not… many,” I half-shrugged, trying to lie.

  Again, she read me like a book. “Oh yeah?” She reached over and grabbed the laptop. I went to get it from her, but she jerked it back too quickly and opened it up.

  She gave me a cheeky grin. “This looks like kind of a lot, Harlow… a lot of sex, if I’m not mistaken.”

  “Okay, fine.” I blushed and grabbed it out of her hands. “Maybe I did get a lot done this morning. I was feeling productive. Inspired. So what?”

  “So this is good for you,” she argued. “Harlow, seriously, think about it. You told me you’ve been struggling lately, that words haven’t been flowing like they used to. Don’t you think that might be because you spend every damn night here at home… alone?”

  “I don’t think that necessarily means anythin
g.” I didn’t meet her gaze this time, though. Because maybe she did have a point, regardless of how reluctant I might be to admit it.

  “Let’s just be real about it,” she said. “Where do you think that inspiration you were feeling this morning came from? Not from just sitting here, I can promise you that. This sex scene,” she nodded toward the screen, “was because of that guy you met. It was because of last night. That’s pretty obvious, right? I mean… surely you can admit that.”

  “I guess,” I muttered. “Maybe it was because of last night.”

  “Perfect. Then it’s settled. We are both going again tonight. And if you run into hot-ass Axel, so be it.”

  I wanted to protest, to tell her I definitely was staying in and writing tonight. After all, it was clear I already had enough inspiration to last me a while. But her words resonated with me.

  She was right.

  Going out had done me some good. Maybe—just maybe—I should follow her advice on this one, just to see where it might lead.

  Probably nowhere, if I was being honest with myself. Maybe it would be fun to find out.

  And if it so happened to work out in my favor, I certainly wouldn’t mind seeing Axel again.

  I’d go out tonight because she was insisting. She had two tickets, after all. It would be rude to let one go to waste…

  Seeing Axel again would just be a bonus. Definitely not something I was planning for. Just a bonus.

  A nice, hot, sexy bonus.

  Chapter 7 - Diesel

  I walked into the security room, mostly out of boredom. I didn’t like to spend a lot of time up here. Unlike Ryker, I would much rather be down in the club having a good time than hanging around and just watching people have fun.

  But it was still early in the night and there weren’t a lot of people here yet, so I figured I’d check in with Ryker and my brother, see what they were up to.

  “How are things?” I asked, nonchalantly. Both of them were sitting down in front of the camera, so I wasn’t expecting much of an answer.

  “I was hoping you’d be here tonight.” Ryker turned to look at me seriously. “There was a pretty bad incident last night.”


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