Crave: A Reverse Harem Romance

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Crave: A Reverse Harem Romance Page 7

by Roma James

  “Oh, really? Does that mean you slept with Axel again?” she asked excitedly.

  I couldn’t hold back my smile. “Maybe...”

  “You’re so predictable,” She laughed.

  “What about you?” I asked. “Have fun with your new club friend?”

  “Actually, surprisingly, I went home alone last night. I don’t know, I wasn’t really feeling it. But I stayed at the club after Axel took you home.”

  “Oh, yeah?”

  “Yeah, I hung out with Roger and the guys you were dancing with. You know, the other owners? Axel’s brother and that Ryker guy. And man, you wouldn’t believe what they said about you.”

  I could feel my face flush red with just the thought that they were discussing me. “What?”

  “Oh my God, Harlow. They're totally into you, girl. Like, seriously, they could not stop talking about you.”

  I buried my head in my hands. Ugh, they probably thought I was some kind of groupie. Some kind of club owner groupie. Not a word that anyone would regularly use to describe me. Prior to this, I’d probably sooner be described as more of a prude than anything else. But something had just come over me recently. I felt like a different woman.

  “I can’t go back, Liza.” I looked back over at her and shook my head. “Seriously, I know you’ve been having fun with me these past few days, but I’m not heading back there.”

  She looked stunned. “Uh, did you hear me right? They like you, Harlow. They’re into you. They think you’re ‘fine as hell’ as they put it.”

  “Yeah, because they think I’m easy.”

  Liza laughed. “I don’t think that’s it, Harlow. I mean, come on, they could get tons of sex at that club. They don’t need to focus on you for that.”

  I rolled my eyes. “If they don’t just like me for sex, then what do they like me for?”

  She shrugged. “I can’t speak for all of them, but I can at least speak for Axel… and he seems really, really into you.”

  “Like, in more than a sexual way, you mean?”

  “Obviously.” She rolled her eyes. “I saw the way he looked at you last night. It was more than the look of a man who’s seen a woman he wanted to bang.”

  I shook my head. “You were misunderstanding his gaze, I promise you. It was a sex look.”

  She seemed unconvinced. “Really? So what exactly happened last night?”

  “I don’t know…” I shrugged. “Pretty much what you’d expect to happen. We came here. We had sex.”

  “And then what?” she asked.

  “And then we fell asleep.”

  She raised an eyebrow. “Like, for the entire night? He slept over here?”

  Now I understood what she was getting at. “Yeah, he slept over. But it wasn’t like that, Liza, seriously. I fell into a sex coma right after we finished, and I think he did, too. That’s it. There was no deeper meaning.”

  “If you say so,” she said, but I could tell she hadn’t changed her mind. “So what did he say this morning?”

  “Not much.” I wanted to leave it at that, but I couldn’t lie to her… not even a lie of omission. I knew she was going to run with this next fact. “And he asked me to breakfast.”

  Her eyebrows shot up. “To breakfast? The man you slept with asks you to breakfast and you don’t think he’s into you? You don’t think I’m right about the way he was looking at you?”

  “That can’t be it, though,” I argued. “Liza, have you seen that man? He’s way out of my league.”

  She let out an exasperated sigh. “Have you looked in a mirror lately? Have you seen yourself?”

  I looked down at the edge of my couch, carefully tracing the seam with my fingertip because I didn’t know how to answer that. I wasn’t great at taking compliments.

  “It goes beyond that, Liza,” I said, since there were actually plenty of other reasons why he shouldn’t—couldn’t—be into me. “He’s loaded. He’s hot. He’s the owner of Crave. He could have any woman he wanted.”

  “Don’t sell yourself short.” She shrugged. “I hate when you do that. You’re stunning, Harlow, in every way. You’re smart, creative, independent… you’re the total package. And if you don’t know that, it’s only because you don’t venture out into the world enough for people to tell you. But trust me, you’re more than good enough for Axel. And he obviously sees that, too.”

  I shook my head and glanced away. “Well, it really doesn’t matter because I’m not going back there. Ever. I’d be too embarrassed now that I know they’re all aware I slept with Axel.”

  “You act like it’s some shameful secret,” She said, laughing. “If I had slept with that man, I’d be shouting it from the rooftops.”

  I had to laugh. “Okay, yeah, it’s not that I’m ashamed or anything. I’m definitely not. It’s just that… I don’t know. It’s different when it’s other men that know. Other men who I danced with… rather provocatively. That’s another thing I really don’t care to revisit.”

  “Fine, fine,” she held up her hands in a mock surrender. “I won’t force you to do something you clearly don’t want to do. But I’m just letting you know, I think you’re making a big mistake. You had fun, more fun than I’ve seen you have in ages. You shouldn’t give that up. You should savor it. You should take advantage of it while it’s there for the taking—and it’s definitely still there.”

  I couldn’t deny she was right. I’d been having a lot of fun. And I quite liked Axel.

  But no, I knew it would be too embarrassing to go back. I’d had my fun, and now I needed to return to my quiet little author life. Just me, my tea, and my computer. That was all I needed.

  Yep, I’d had a good run, but it was going to end now. And I was totally fine with it.

  That was what I was telling myself, anyway.

  Maybe if I repeated it enough times, I’d even start to believe it.

  Chapter 9 - Ryker

  I looked down at the gorgeous brunette who was now naked on the desk in my office.

  My papers were scattered all over the floor. She had pushed them off as we started making out, and normally, with my compulsion to keep things organized, this would have driven me crazy.

  But it couldn’t drive me crazy because something else already was.

  This woman.


  What the hell was I doing with my cock buried in a woman on my desk?

  This wasn’t me, I didn’t do this kind of thing. I kept work and play separate. I never had sex with women at work. It was my rule. Whatever happened to not shitting where you ate?

  Yet here I was, breaking my rule so effortlessly. Even worse, carelessly. I wanted to care, wanted to tell myself to cut it out and end this now. But I just couldn’t. I was in too deep. Literally.

  Damn if she wasn’t worth it, though.

  It had been a week since I first saw her at Crave. A week since Axel had taken her home that night and slept with her, somehow making me want her even more.

  Now that she was back, I couldn’t deny it anymore. I wanted her. I had to have her.

  Fuck my rules.

  Every second with her had been pure bliss. This was, by far, my hottest sexual encounter. She was a beauty of a woman and so talented in bed.

  “Oh my God,” Harlow moaned. “I wasn’t supposed to be here. I promised myself I’d never come back.”

  I slowed down my speed a little so I could actually speak. I didn’t stop fucking her, of course. Nothing could make me stop now. Not until I made her come.

  “Then why did you?” I asked seriously, as I rolled my hips, slowly thrusting.

  She gave me a cheeky smile. “Because… I couldn’t resist. I had a need.”

  “And am I fulfilling it?’ I asked her.

  She grinned. “So, so well.”

  I resumed my speed, immediately making her moan again. The best kind of moan, the kind that told me I’d hit a particularly nice spot.

  So I did my best to keep hitting it, to keep pumpin
g her in that exact same way. I could tell she was loving every second of it, and so was I. Her pussy was wrapped tightly around my cock. I loved being this close to her, being inside her.

  Fuck, she was addictive. Intoxicating.

  I lowered my head to begin kissing her neck as I felt all over her body. It was perfect. She had these large, gorgeous breasts on a petite little frame. I loved the way they felt rolling around in my hand. This was all I’d dreamed about doing since I first saw her on the security camera, gorgeous as she was.

  I just couldn’t control myself with her. She was special. She was different from any woman I’d ever met before, and I had met a lot of women outside of the club. But I had never felt like I had to have any of them.

  Not up until now, anyway.

  It was hot, actually, the way I was breaking all my rules for her. Fucking her in my office even though I promised myself I’d never even hit on a woman at Crave.

  “You’re so big,” she panted. “I love the way you feel inside me.”

  I grinned as I began hitting that pussy even harder, biting down on her neck even though we both knew it was gonna result in a mark. She didn’t seem to care, and frankly, neither did I. She was mine for now, for this moment, and I didn’t give a damn if the world knew that after the fact.

  I probably should have put more thought into this encounter, considering Axel had already hooked up with her. It could cause a rift between us, and the last thing we needed was drama between the owners of Crave.

  But I wanted her so badly that I had no control. I needed this. I’d deal with whatever fallout or consequences there might be later.

  I could tell she was close to coming, and so was I. As much as I wanted to prolong our encounter, to savor each moment, she was too hot and too tight for me to contain myself.

  Her legs began to tremble next to mine, and I pushed them up, holding them so I could get a better look at her pussy as my orgasm came. I wanted a good view of her. I wanted to see everything.

  “Fuck, I really shouldn’t ah—” she started to repeat her sentiment from earlier, but she couldn’t even get the words out before she orgasmed.

  She screamed out in pleasure. Her entire body was writhing underneath mine, like she couldn’t even control it. It was too much for her.

  And it was too much for me to watch her scream and writhe and not come myself. I felt my balls tighten up against her, and I knew that any thrust now could be the one. I was going to bust.

  I did just seconds later, calling out her name though I rarely made this kind of noise during sex. But this was overwhelming, very easily the best orgasm of my entire life.

  I knew it would be.

  It took willpower just to pull out of her. For a minute, I didn’t, loving the fact that this gorgeous woman was here in my office, nude on my desk. I knew as soon as I pulled out that it would be over and she’d probably head out the door. It had been obvious when she came up here it was only for sex. Now that she’d gotten it, I wasn’t sure she’d stick around.

  Eventually, I did pull out, taking my condom off and tossing it in the trash before I looked at her again. She was smiling, wearing that happy after-sex glow. Even with her body covered in sweat and her hair a little mussed up, she was the most gorgeous woman I’d ever seen.

  She had a graceful way about her, too. I watched her as she oh-so-carefully climbed off my desk and began to pull on her panties before going to the corner of my office and grabbing her tight red dress. That was where it had ended up after I had ripped it off of her.

  “That was absolutely amazing,” I told her.

  “For me, too.” She grinned. “You are… well, you’re very talented, Mr. Allen.”

  She was teasing me for the way I’d always called her Miss Gray. It was cute. She was cute. I loved the flirtatious nature of our relationship. It kept me wanting more.

  “What are your plans for the rest of the night?” I asked her, trying to sound nonchalant though I was desperate to know.

  “Oh, I don’t know.” She shrugged. “I’ll probably go meet Liza downstairs and go from there. She’s probably out there dancing, maybe I’ll join her.”

  “Or you could not,” I told her.

  She gave me a sideways glance. “Yeah? And what do you suggest I do instead?”

  “You could stay up here,” I told her.

  I got the feeling she thought I meant for a round two of sex, but I didn’t. I actually would’ve been happy if she stayed up here with me just to talk. I didn’t want to say that outright because it might have sounded weird. What would we even talk about?

  In my mind, anything. We could talk about anything. I was intrigued by this woman, and it was about more than sex. I couldn’t explain it, I was just drawn to her.

  She interested me in a way no woman ever had before.

  But even as the thought occurred to me, I knew it was foolish. First of all, she had made it clear this was just a hookup. I knew that.

  Second, she had been sleeping with Axel. She obviously wasn’t interested in a relationship. Even if she was, it would probably just get weird and messy.

  How would Axel feel about me dating the woman he’d hooked up with first? I mean, ideally, he wouldn’t care because it was just sex to him, but I couldn’t guarantee that. I really didn’t need any issues in my personal or professional life.

  She shrugged. “I should probably just go meet Liza. I’m sure she’s waiting for me.” She was letting me down easy.

  I didn’t take it personally. Like I said, I thought she assumed I meant more sex and she was probably tired and more than satisfied. At least, I hoped I had left her more than satisfied.

  “Right, of course. I hope you enjoy your night. I’m so glad that you’re back at Crave.” It was my subtle way of saying that I hoped she’d come back again.

  “Yeah, me too,” she said as she zipped up the side of her dress.

  She made her way to the door and opened it, but before she shut it behind her, she blew me a kiss.

  My heart skipped a beat.

  Damn, I really had it bad for this girl.

  Chapter 10 - Harlow

  Damn, this place was addicting to me. And these men… God, really couldn’t get enough.

  I tried to convince myself all week that I was done with this place. I buried myself into my work, wrote my ass off, and focused on anything besides Axel, Ryker, and Crave.

  But each day that passed, it became harder to write. That after-sex glow that had kept the words flowing hadn’t seemed to last very long. I had used all my inspiration already. And when I wasn’t inspired in my writing, my mind drifted to other things.

  Sexual things.

  I thought it would wear off. After all, before last week, I had never been like this. I had never really felt like I needed sex. I definitely hadn’t felt the need to go out to any clubs. I had been so content with my boring little life.

  But Axel had caused a paradigm shift. I felt like a whole new me. And this me was adventurous, fun, and just a little bit out of control.

  So when Liza asked me if I wanted to go back to Crave this Friday night, I immediately agreed. She seemed genuinely surprised. I supposed she expected that I’d stick to my guns, since I usually had in the past.

  Apparently this new version of myself had no willpower, either.

  I had a drink with her and danced a little, but it didn’t last long. That wasn’t what I’d come for tonight. I had a one-track mind.

  It hadn’t taken me long to break off from Liza and take the elevator up to the third floor. It probably wasn’t allowed, but, really, who was going to tell?

  Not Axel when he saw me. No, he’d probably be thrilled and take me right there in his office.

  Desk sex… that sounded pretty hot.

  I had fluffed up my hair a bit in the elevator and straightened out my dress so I’d look my best when I saw Axel again.

  Both fortunately and unfortunately, that hadn’t happened.

  Instead, th
e person I saw was Ryker.

  He was in the hall just outside of the elevator when it opened, and he remembered me immediately. “Harlow, you’re here.” He looked around, confused. “Do you need something?”

  I was embarrassed. I knew I shouldn’t have been up here, but in my head, Axel was going to be the one to find me. Ryker had seemed strict with the rules, though, and I feared I was about to get in trouble.

  “Actually, I was just, um… looking for Axel,” I admitted.

  If he didn’t think I was easy before, I was sure he thought so now. There was no doubt in my mind he knew the exact reason that I’d wanted to see Axel.

  But I didn’t feel like lying.

  “He’s not here today, unfortunately,” Ryker told me.

  I couldn’t control the disappointment that crossed my face. “Oh… okay. Well, um, thanks.”

  I began to step backward and turn toward the elevator when he spoke again.

  “Was there something I could help you with, perhaps?”

  I laughed. “No, I don’t think you can help with this particular… thing.” Did he really not know why I had come here?

  “But can’t I?” He looked at me seriously.

  I raised an eyebrow. I wasn’t sure I was understanding him correctly at first. His words sounded almost seductive, but surely he wasn’t trying to seduce me, right? I mean, it seemed so unlike him.

  “I don’t know.” I nibbled at my lip. “Can you?”

  He smiled. “Step into my office. There’s no reason we can’t find out.”

  I thought about this. Either he thought I had some legit problem I needed help with and I was going to go into this office and be immediately embarrassed… or he was saying what I thought he was saying.

  That he wanted me.

  In his office.


  If it was the latter, I didn’t have to think twice. Yes, I came here for Axel, and he was hot… but so was Ryker. Just in a different, more serious kind of way. I had assumed he was too focused on business fool around at work.

  But if he did? If he actually was propositioning me?


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