Sweet Southern Sorrow

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Sweet Southern Sorrow Page 14

by Tessa Teevan

  After I go through my morning routine, I head down the hall and step into the kitchen, where I can see her rummaging around in my refrigerator. I come up behind her, slipping my hands beneath her t-shirt. She jumps at the contact and then hits me with a towel when I start laughing at her.

  “You scared the crap outta me!” she declares. She’s adorable when she’s mad, and seeing her in my kitchen—in my pants—does something to me.

  Grabbing ahold of her waist, I push her into the living room and force her to sit on the couch. I sit on the coffee table in front of her and place my hands on her thighs.

  “I was going to make you breakfast, but if you’re going to manhandle me and force me out of your kitchen, then we can just go to the diner down the street,” she says, sending me a mock glare.

  “You can cook for me any day of the week, pretty girl, but I want to set some things straight first.”

  “Okay,” she says slowly, watching me carefully.

  “I don’t want to go to work on Monday and find that you’ve retreated into your head again. This past week was torture as you sat across from me. I kept replaying that kiss in your apartment over and over in my head. I could barely look at you without wanting to do it again. I need to know that you want this. That last night wasn’t a fluke, but it was a second beginning for us.”

  She takes in my words, and I hold my breath, waiting for her to respond. “When I go to work on Monday morning, Sawyer, I will treat you as my boss and be a complete professional.” I groan, and she holds her hand up to stop me. “But when you take me out to dinner Monday night, I’ll treat you as my man.”

  The sense of ownership she’s claiming gives me relief, and I pick her up and set her on my lap. I begin tickling her stomach as payback for making me sweat. “Your man, huh?” I ask. She nods between her giggles, squirming in my lap, but I just tickle her even harder. “So it’s official? We’re dating?”

  “Sawyer, stop it! I’m going to pee my pants,” she begs, and I relent—only just a little bit.

  “I want to hear you say it, Cheyenne. Back then I messed up by never officially claiming you, and I’m not making that mistake again. If we’re dating, I want it to be exclusive.”

  I stop tickling her, and she adjusts in my lap so she’s facing me. She’s breathless, and the sight of her in the morning is breathtaking. I silently send up a prayer that I’ll have many more of these mornings.

  “Yes, Sawyer, I guess I’d say we’re dating. And I don’t share, so you better believe your ass we’re exclusive. If I see any more socialites pawing all over you in the conference room, I might have to kick some ass.” The grin escapes her face the moment she mentions work. “But here’s the deal. This is new for me. It’s been a really long time since I’ve been in a relationship. With our past, is it okay if we take things slow? I don’t want to go announcing anything at work. You know how those people talk. The last thing I need is being the next big thing in the rumor mill.”

  “If slow’s what you want, then slow it is. And don’t worry about the office. As long as I don’t show you any preferential treatment, it’s nobody’s business. I don’t like to use my clout, but if anyone has a problem with it, they can take it up with me. My dad does own half of the company, you know?” I say, hoping that will settle her nerves.

  “I know. It’s just… I’d normally never, not in a million years, get involved with my boss. I’m sure I could ask to switch departments so there’s no room for anyone to talk, but honestly, I like the work we do and I don’t want to give that up.”

  “You don’t have to. When we walk into the building, we’ll leave our relationship at the door,” I assure her.

  She grins wickedly and leans in for a kiss before placing her lips on my ear. “Easy for you to say, city boy. I’ve had plenty of naughty thoughts at work and most of them involve you, your desk, and me bent over.”

  I groan, and she shifts in my lap again. If she wants to take things slow, she’s not doing a very good job. A lesser man might have her naked and panting on the couch already.

  “Hey, Sawyer?” she says, breaking me out of my thoughts. “Thank you.”

  Furrowing my brow, I pull back to look at her. “You’re welcome, pretty girl, but what exactly are you thanking me for?”

  Her eyes are twinkling as she stares into my own. “For letting me back in. I’ve been looking for home for a long time, only to realize that I already knew where it was all along. You could’ve slammed the door in my face, but instead, you greeted me with open arms. Like you were just waiting for me to return. I don’t know if I deserve it, but I’m going to make sure that I earn it from now on.”

  I’m reminded of the swallow poem she taught me all those years ago. I grab ahold of her foot and rub where the tattoo is. “I’ve been waiting on spring for a really long time, Cheyenne. I don’t know if it was the swallow that brought you back to me, but it’s what let me be a part of you all this time. My arms will always be open, as will my heart. You came back to me, and I’m never letting you go.”

  I know this is the perfect time to show her my own tattoo, but for some reason I just don’t feel ready. For now, I’m just content to finally hold this girl in my arms, knowing that after such a long time, she’s finally mine.

  April 2014

  I’M PUTTING THE FINISHING touches on my makeup when Cori walks into my room and whistles.

  “Oh, girl, Sawyer’s going to eat his heart out when he sees you in that dress,” she tells me, and I turn to look at her.

  She’s absolutely stunning in a long, ruby-red dress that accentuates every single one of her curves. Her dark hair is flowing in loose curls, and her makeup is smoky, drawing attention to her steel-blue eyes. She’s one to talk, because Bryan’s going to have a hard time keeping men from trying to steal his date to the Wellsley-Callahan Charity Gala tonight.

  “Whatever you say, Cori. I’ll make sure to be there to pick Bryan’s jaw up off the ground when they show up later,” I tease her.

  It’s only been a couple of weeks since that night at Sawyer’s, but we’ve been together almost every waking moment, whether it’s at work or at one of our apartments. Okay, it’s usually his apartment because lately Bryan and Cori have been bickering more than normal.. I’m not sure what their deal is, but it’s much easier going to his place. Plus, we have much more privacy there.

  Sawyer’s respected my wishes about taking it slow. Even though he’s tried to sneak in a few kisses when we’re in his office with the door shut, he’s mostly behaved himself. That doesn’t mean that he hasn’t made a few offhand comments about his desk and the idea of one of my skirts wrapped up around my waist. He’s mostly teasing, especially since we haven’t even had sex yet. Don’t get me wrong. It’s not that I haven’t wanted to. It’s just that we’ve been spending time together getting to know each other again, and it just hasn’t happened. Maybe Sawyer’s being a little too respectful. Either way, I’ve made plans for tonight that he won’t be able to resist, and I can’t wait to finally see what Sawyer’s like in the bedroom now.

  We’ve done a good job concealing our relationship, but he wouldn’t take no for an answer when he asked me to be his date to the gala. At first I wanted to fight him on it, but in the end, I realized that, sooner or later, I’m going to be head over heels for him and people are going to find out anyway. Hell, if I let myself think about it, I’m already halfway there.

  The doorbell rings, and Cori grins at me. “That must be the guys,” she says, her eyes twinkling. I have no idea why she agreed to be Bryan’s date, but I’m glad she’s coming.

  Bryan and Sawyer have formed some sort of friendship since we started dating, and I couldn’t be happier. They decided that we need to arrive at the event in style, so they rented a limo. It’s Bryan’s place, too, so I’m not sure why he’s ringing the doorbell. I assume it must be for the effect.

  I glance as myself one last time in the mirror. The dress I chose is more daring than any I’ve ever
worn. If it weren’t for Cori, I never would’ve gotten up the courage to wear it. It’s a strapless floor-length gown. It’s black lace with flower petal designs woven through the material. The lace is see-through, and a nude underlay makes it look as if my skin is showing, even though I’m fully covered. Well, mostly. The dress hugs my breasts, and the pushup bra makes them look full and firm. I’m thankful Bryan’s been making me go running in the morning, because my ass looks fabulous in the skin-tight material.

  “Cheyenne, you look amazing. Now come on. The guys are getting impatient,” Cori says, breaking my concentration just as the doorbell rings again.

  We leave my room, and I’m transferring anything important from my everyday purse to my clutch while she goes to open the door. I look up just in time to see Bryan’s eyes widen when he takes in the sight of her. “You look stunning, Corinna.” I can just barely hear the whisper. I watch as she blushes and just shake my head. Those two.

  Sawyer walks in behind Bryan and my heart flutters. He’s in black tuxedo that fits him perfectly. His eyes meet mine, and the grin fades as he checks me out. A dark look of desire crosses his face, and he’s in front of me in seconds, pulling me into his arms.

  “Cheyenne. There are no words for how beautiful you look,” he growls as he bends down to give me a kiss.

  My arms run up his chest, and I can feel the rippling muscles beneath my fingertips. Part of me wishes we could forgo the entire event so I can finally get him naked, but I know he has to put in face time. I just hope we can sneak out early and finally get this show on the road. Or well, in the bed.

  “Thanks, Sawyer. You’re looking extremely gorgeous tonight. I have to say, I always loved you in dirty jeans, a cut-off t-shirt, a baseball hat, and your work boots, but I’m loving this look, too.”

  He leans down, bringing his lips to my ear. “I hope you realized that when you put that dress on, all thoughts of taking this slow went out the window. I’m going to be hard all night long just from the sight of you,” he whispers, his breath on my ear causing me to shiver.

  I turn, causing my lips to collide with his. He wraps his hands around my waist and pulls me into him, not breaking contact with my mouth. His tongue slips between my lips and he finds mine, caressing it softly. I return his kiss with a fiery passion, and if we were alone, I’d be half tempted to go for a quickie right here. Heat pools between my legs and I have to pull away, breathless and shaky from the promise that was hidden in that kiss.

  “Slow’s over, city boy. Tonight, I have a treat for you, and you’ll only find it once you unzip this dress,” I tell him, winking and then laughing when he groans. He adjusts himself, and I lick my lips in anticipation.

  He grabs my hand and leads me to the door, barking at Cori and Bryan. “Limo’s leaving now. If I don’t get her out of here, I’m not going anywhere.”

  Cori’s eyes gleam wickedly and she shoots me a thumbs up. Bryan simply rolls his eyes and locks up the condo behind us when we all walk out. We all have a glass of champagne in the car, and I’m thankful for it. The closer we get to the downtown hotel where the event is being held, the more nervous I get. After tonight, people will know about Sawyer and me. I’m not sure that I’m quite ready for it, but I guess I better be. He must sense my apprehension. His hand settles on my shaking thigh, stilling my movement.

  “Calm down. It’s only a few hours and then I’m taking you home, peeling off that dress, then fucking your brains out,” he whispers so only I can hear him. I’m taken aback at his forwardness and I find that I like this side of him. He was always sweet and gentle. It’s exciting to think about him taking control in the bedroom, and I can’t wait to get him alone and see what he’s like now that he’s older, more experienced.

  Grinning up at him, I place my hands on top of his. “I don’t know, city boy. I was raised in the country, and I like to ride. It might be me fucking your brains out.” I don’t know what it is, but I feel a sexy confidence from speaking to him this way and it’s thrilling.

  “Oh, don’t worry, baby. Being inside you once won’t be enough. We have all night to try any positions you want,” he promises, and I have to clench my thighs together, wishing we were alone so he could slip a finger or two in for relief.

  A throat clears, and we both look across the limo. Bryan’s face is red and Cori is beaming like a kid in a candy story as she looks at us and then at her phone. “Oh, this is perfect timing. I just wrote a post about sexual positions for new lovers. You have to read it! Then you can report back and let me know how you like my advice.”

  I can feel my cheeks flame red. “Umm, what?” I ask, my voice an octave or two higher than normal.

  “Oh, well, whispering isn’t really an effective form of secretive communication when in an enclosed space like this.”

  I furrow my eyebrows at her.

  Sawyer laughs and grabs my hand. “What she’s saying, Cheyenne, is that they heard every word we just said, and now know what we’ll be doing tonight.”

  My hand comes up to smack my forehead. “Oh, god.”

  “Hey, save that for the bedroom,” Cori advises me.

  I’m about to throw my shoe at her when, fortunately, the limo pulls up to the hotel and stops. When we exit the car, Cori shoves something in my hand. I look down and see a condom. When I bring my gaze back to her, I find her grinning at me.

  “Just to be safe,” she sing-songs.

  In the end, I can do nothing but shake my head and smile, anticipating rolling the condom onto him right before he slides into me. With a wink, I slip it into his tuxedo pocket, and he grins wickedly at me. He grabs my hand, intertwining our fingers.

  I look up at him and give him a smile. “Let’s get this over with, shall we?”

  WHEN WE WALKED INTO the ballroom, I don’t know what I was expecting, but barely anyone paid any mind to the fact that Sawyer and I were together. I guess I was thinking that the room would gasp collectively, point fingers and pitchforks, and demand my job on a platter. Instead, we were greeted by various coworkers who didn’t bat a single eye at our joined hands.

  It’s been an incredibly fun evening of dinner and dancing, and I’ve lost Sawyer in the crowd more than once. There must be at least six hundred people here. I know he has to put his schmoozing face on, so I spend most of my time with Cori, Bryan, and Marnie and her husband, Joe. Cori coaxes Bryan into dancing again and I watch as they join the other couples on the dance floor.

  “I’m so happy you and Sawyer are together,” Marnie tells me.

  I smile at her sheepishly. “Is it weird? It feels weird, but at the same time, it seems like no one cares.”

  “Oh, honey, people have been betting on you two for weeks. Everyone can see the chemistry between you. We all knew it was just a matter of time.” Her answer is a surprise. I thought we’d been doing a good job hiding it. Apparently not.

  I simply shrug. “Well, the cat’s out of the bag now. Speaking of, I’m going to go see if I can find him. He owes me a dance.”

  Marnie wishes me luck. I walk around the ballroom, trying to find him, but I have no luck. Finally, after almost giving up, I spot him in the corner talking to someone. As I get closer, it finally registers who he’s with. My heart stops the same time that my feet do. Oh no.

  I whip around before he can see me and rush out of the ballroom, hoping to God that I’m wrong. That Sawyer wasn’t just talking to Thomas Callahan. His dad. Which can only mean one thing.

  I make my way outside to get some fresh air. I’m trying to calm down, telling myself that I was seeing things when I hear a voice from the past behind me and my blood runs cold. I turn around to face her and I slowly back away, not ready for this.

  “Cheyenne, sweetie. Is that any way to greet your mother?”

  “What are you doing here?” I ask her, even though I know it’s a stupid question. I’ve been in Atlanta for four months and have still avoided seeing her. I’m caught off guard, staring at the woman in front of me, a woman I barely r
ecognize. She’s still beautiful, even though I can tell she’s had some work done.

  She gives a haughty laugh as she takes a drag of her cigarette. “My husband owns half the company. Of course we’d be here. We simply arrived a little late. Imagine my surprise when I walked in and saw my long-lost daughter dancing in the arms of her stepbrother. Don’t tell me you came back to Georgia to be with him, Cheyenne. You know that’s unacceptable.”

  I’m trying hard to remain calm. “For your information, when I got a job at Wellsley, I had no idea that Sawyer worked there. I did not come back here for him, but that’s beside the point. Whatever my relationship with him is, it’s none of your business.”

  “Of course it’s my business. I have a reputation to uphold, and so does Thomas. Imagine the uproar if people found out that you’re not only sleeping with the future head of the company, but your stepbrother, too. That’s practically incest!” she hisses.

  “You are insane. We weren’t even raised together. We were grown adults when you and Thomas got married. I never should’ve let you get in my head all those years ago. You took away the best thing that ever happened to me because you only cared about yourself and your own happiness. Not once have you ever given a damn about me. I was an idiot. You made me actually believe that you were looking out for me, and I was stupid enough to fall for it. Some small part of me was hoping beyond hope that a part of my mama still existed, but now I know you were just looking out for yourself.”


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