Sweet Southern Sorrow

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Sweet Southern Sorrow Page 20

by Tessa Teevan

  It’s going to sound cliché, but being with her is like a breath of fresh air. She’s so eager and willing—almost too willing—to please me. Not only that, but she’s also learning her own body and how to pleasure herself. She’s discovering what feels good to her, what gets her off, and she’s doing the same with me. It’s like our own personal sexy version of summer school, although this is one form of curriculum you’ll never find in a classroom. I still haven’t forgotten her request that I be her first, and I know I’m going to cave soon. I’m not sure I can handle one more night of coming if it’s not inside her, and all of a sudden, my dick is semi hard just at the thought of finally acting on it.

  Fortunately, it’s our turn to get on one of the gondolas, and I’m thankful for it as I try to calm my ever-growing erection down. I swear, I’m a walking, talking hard-on these days, and the only cure for it is Cheyenne. She’s also the only reason for it, so it’s kind of a catch-22. But damn if it’s a catch-22 I don’t love.

  Cheyenne cuddles up to me in the seat, and I stretch my arm out behind her as she moves in closer. My silence must’ve been bothering her, and she wrongly guesses what’s been on my mind.

  “You’re being quiet. I don’t like you quiet. I’m sorry I brought up your mom,” she whispers, causing me to turn to face her.

  Cupping her chin, I lift until her lips are just beneath mine but not quite touching. Her eyes are on me, and I see something in them. Pity? No, my girl doesn’t do pity. Empathy? Probably. She knows what it’s like to lose a parent. Hell, she knows what it’s like to practically lose both parents. Sometimes I wonder if the universe or maybe my mom, her dad—someone, somewhere—threw us together on purpose. I’m not sure I’ve ever been a big believer of fate, but ever since I met Cheyenne, I find myself believing a lot of things I never thought possible.

  “Sawyer?” Her soft whisper interrupts my thoughts yet again, and I force myself to get out of my head.

  “It’s okay, pretty girl. I’d like to say I was thinking about my mom, but truth is, I was thinking more about you naked.” A wicked grin crosses her lips, and I’m thankful for the distraction. Finding her hand, I bring it to my lap so she can feel the bulge in my jeans. “Do you feel what you do to me? I’m rock hard all the time because of you. I can’t seem to get enough.”

  Her hand grips my erection as she starts rubbing me through my jeans. Thankful that the sun has set, I glance around to make sure we don’t have an audience. I don’t need anyone to see what she’s doing to me. My hand moves to cover hers, stopping her movements. She looks at me with a puzzled expression. Groaning, I intertwine our fingers and shift in my seat.

  “As much as I want you to touch me right now, I’m not quite into exhibitionism just yet. At the dock, hell yeah. But out here when any asshole can see you? No fucking way.”

  A small pout forms on her lips, and I have to stifle a grin. My girl is so eager, and I love it. She takes her hand out of mine, moving away from me to the other side of the ride. She crosses her arms over her chest, effectively lifting her breasts. My mouth waters at the sight, something that does not help my rock-hard erection.

  “You shouldn’t start what you can’t finish, city boy,” she teases accusingly. I can tell she’s trying not to smile, but she’s failing.

  I slide across the seat until I’m pressed up against her, leaning down until my lips hover over her ear. She shivers as my hot breath meets her skin, and I dart my tongue out to make contact as I lick her slender neck. “Have I ever not finished what I’ve started, baby? Have I ever left you unsatisfied?” My hand trails along her bare thigh just below the edge of the material of her skirt. Her fingers clamp down on mine as I get dangerously close to her panty line.

  “Sawyer Callahan, if you have no intentions of touching me right here, right now, then you better stop this.” She turns to me, shooting daggers out of her eyes. The look of desire is flashing in them as well, but I know she’s right.

  Leaning back in the seat, I place my arm around her. “Fine, you get a reprieve for now, pretty girl, but just so you know, my intentions are far from pure, and I’ll be spending the rest of the night acting on them. I hope one Ferris wheel ride is enough for you, because we’re done with this fair the moment we set foot back on the ground.”

  Cheyenne places her hand on my raging hard-on and gives me a sultry look. “City boy, I was done with this fair before we even got on this ride. I’d been thinking of rewarding you for your expert shot with a little fun in the car on the way home, but now, with all your teasing, I’m not so sure you deserve it.”

  A low growl escapes me as I nuzzle into her neck. “No more teasin’, baby. I promise. Consider that lesson learned.”

  She gives me a skeptical look, and I try my hardest to give her innocent, puppy-dog eyes that are begging for forgiveness even though I probably should be rethinking this plan. We haven’t done the whole road-head thing, and while I’ll all about expanding Cheyenne’s experiences, I’m not sure I can drive properly with her mouth on me.

  Cheyenne surprises me by leaning in and placing a chaste kiss on my cheek. “You’re so cute when you’re conflicted,” she says with a laugh, and I look at her, bemused.

  “What are you talking about?” I ask even though I think I can guess what she means.

  “You. You want me to forgive you so I’ll blow you in the car, but you’re not sure you can handle my expert tongue sucking you while you drive.” She smiles knowingly, and I shake my head at her.

  “Since when did you become a mind reader, Cheyenne?”

  “I’m not a mind reader, Sawyer. I just know you. You’d give up a blowjob just keep me safe. That’s the kind of guy you are. And while it can be frustrating, it’s sweet and one of the many things I love about you.”

  I feel Cheyenne tense as soon as the words leave her mouth, but she quickly covers herself and relaxes. Two months ago, the thought of love would have scared the hell out of me, but now, it sends a warm sensation throughout my body as if it’s coming straight from my heart and flowing through my bloodstream until every inch of me feels it. Smiling, I rest back against the seat, but not before giving her a kiss on the top of her head.

  “I’ll always keep you safe, Cheyenne. Always. Even if it means turning down your sweet mouth. Well, not turning down… Just delaying it for a little while. And the fact that you’re so willing to give me said blowjobs is one of the many things I love about you, pretty girl.”

  I can barely make out the smile that crosses her lips, but the moon is lit just enough that I see it form. In that moment, I realize that it’s true. I don’t know how it happened, especially in such a short time, but I love Cheyenne Hamilton, and I know I always will.

  March 2014

  I HAVE NO IDEA why I’m so nervous, but I can’t help the way my thumbs nervously drum the steering wheel as I make my way to Cheyenne’s place. It’s true that we only live a few minutes apart, and the short amount of time is enough to calm my nerves. It’s been a week since Cheyenne agreed to start dating, and with our long hours at the office, we haven’t had much time to spend together. Yeah, she’s spent almost every evening at my apartment, but ordering takeout and watching television isn’t exactly the way I want to start our new relationship.

  After finding an open spot in front of her condo, I quickly parallel park and turn off the engine. I grab the bouquet of flowers and take a few deep breaths. I’m not sure why I’m acting like this. After last weekend, Cheyenne made good on her promise that she’d try her utmost to be professional when it came to work. It wasn’t even until Wednesday that I was able to kiss her in the office when my door was closed. At first, she’d only settle for quick pecks. Somehow I worked that ‘city boy’ charm and finally convinced her into a quick make-out session during our lunch hour when we both knew Marni was gone. She also stayed true to the fact that, as soon as we left the office, she’d treat me as her man—her words, not mine. I’d been afraid that, as soon as she left my place, she’d retre
at back into her ‘you’re my boss, you’re my stepbrother, we can’t do this’ routine. I was pleasantly surprised that it wasn’t the case.

  So here I am, feeling like a teenager going on his first date when, in reality, I’m picking up my girlfriend, my first love, my only love. Why my nerves are running a thousand miles a minute is beyond me, but that’s what Cheyenne does to me. I barely got over losing her once before. I know it’s only been a week. I know I should guard my heart a little more closely this time. I know these things, yet I also know that, no matter how much my brain tells me to fight it, I won’t. She told me she’s not going to run and I have to trust that. Trust her.

  We’re both different now, but I know deep down that those two reckless kids who fell in love still lurk somewhere beneath the surface. And as excited as I am to bring that part of Cheyenne out again, I’m looking even more forward to getting to know her on a more personal level, to find out what makes her tick now and if the same things from before still make her shiver.

  Shaking the thought out of my head, I think of Wyatt and cow patties in order to keep the guy in my pants under control. The last thing I want is to show up on her doorstep with a raging erection. I close my eyes and lean my head back against the seat for one last quick pep talk.

  A loud knock on the window interrupts my thought process and causes me to jump and simultaneously curse. The passenger’s side door opens, and I watch as Cori slides in and closes the door behind her. Turning to me, she gives me a knowing smirk.

  “Don’t you have a hot date tonight, Sawyer? You’ve been sitting out here for at least five minutes. Cheyenne’s going to get restless if you make her wait any longer,” she warns with a friendly gleam in her eye. “What’s the matter? Where’d the cocky hot guy from the bar go? Why are you hiding out in your car?”

  Letting out an audible sigh, I shake my head slightly. “Fine, you caught me. I’m psyching myself up. I just want everything to be perfect, you know? I still can’t believe she’s back in my life, and I want to make sure I do everything I can to make sure it stays that way. For good this time.”

  “Oh, Sawyer. I could have a lifetime supply of blog posts just based on you and Cheyenne alone.” She winks at me, and I answer her with a mock scowl. “Oh yeah, I heard all about your late-night reading. And I promise you… Take my advice on the Christian Grey post. I know my girl, and she may seem like a straight-laced kind of woman, but I have a feeling she’d be all about the blindfolds and the restraints.”

  I groan, which only causes Cori to grin. “I’ll take your word for it, Cori. Now if you don’t mind, I have a date to pick up.”

  As we exit the car, Bryan comes out the front door. He greets me with a head nod before giving Cori a scowl. “Meddling again, Corinna?” he growls at her, and I shake my head, knowing that I was right in my assessment at the bar. He definitely wants his roommate, and I don’t mean Cheyenne.

  “Oh get over it, Bryan. Just because our little girl Cheyenne is leaving the nest doesn’t mean you need to be a complete asshole. You seriously need to get laid.”

  Bryan’s scowl deepens, and he mutters something inaudible under his breath as he starts jogging down the street, putting distance between him and Cori.

  Shaking my head at both of them, I climb the steps and ring the doorbell even though I know Cori could let me in. I want to do this right. Even though we spent that amazing summer together, this is technically our first date as boyfriend and girlfriend. That sounds so lame, but there’s no better term for us, and I’ll put it up with it means we finally have labels for our exclusive relationship.

  Before I can even press the doorbell, Cheyenne opens the door. It’s almost like she was waiting right there for me to come pick her up. I’m momentarily awestruck as she fills my vision.

  “Wow,” I whisper, not even embarrassed that I said it out loud.

  Her hair is in loose waves. One side is pinned up to keep her bangs out of her face. Her eyes are highlighted with a golden-brown shadow that brings out the color, and a light-pink lip gloss shines on her plump lips, making them look more kissable than usual if that’s even possible. As my eyes scan down her body, my mouth practically waters as I take in the form-fitting little black dress she’s wearing. Don’t get me wrong. I loved Cheyenne in her summer sundresses that showed off her sun-kissed skin, but Cheyenne in a little black dress? I’m rendered speechless.

  The sleeves cover her arms just below her elbows, good for the March weather, but the scoop neckline is low enough to showcase the tops of her breasts. I have to force myself to tear my eyes away, and I allow them to travel down south. The dress is simple yet classy. It fits her like a glove, showing off her perfect hourglass figure until it rests just a couple of short inches below the tops of her thighs. The red heels make her legs look impossibly longer, and even though I told Cheyenne to dress up, I’m beginning to regret it, because right now, more than anything, I want to take her into her room and strip that dress right off of her.

  A throat clears and Cori brushes past me and into the house. “Okay, you two. Get out of here. You’re kind of making me sick the way you’re looking like you want to eat each other… That or rip each other’s clothes off. Either way, I don’t want to witness it,” she says, laughing as she heads down the hall.

  Her words register, and I see that Cheyenne’s checking me out, too. I try to suppress a grin, but I can’t help it. I look no different than I did earlier at work today, still wearing my black Armani slacks with a light-blue button-up. I’ve ditched the suit jacket and rolled my sleeves up to my elbows. My blue tie’s still perfectly in place, and before I know what’s happening, Cheyenne’s grabbing the tie and pulling me into her. Her hungry mouth crashes against mine as all thoughts of the upcoming evening quickly fly out the window. After wrapping my arms around her, I push her back until we’re in the house and she’s pressed up against the wall. Her hands come up as she tangles her finger in her hair. My tongue forces its way into her mouth, and she moans against me. The sound brings me back to my senses. With one final kiss, I pull away from her, both of us breathless.

  “Hi,” she whispers, grinning up at me.

  “Hey, pretty girl,” I respond. “You know, I’m going to have to find a new nickname for you. Pretty girl just doesn’t do you justice anymore. You’re breathtaking, baby. The most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.”

  Cheyenne rewards me with a huge smile as she playfully pushes my shoulder. “Well, we’ve already established that pretty woman won’t work.” Her hands run up my chest and latch around my neck. “No new nickname needed, city boy. I’ll always be your pretty girl. No matter how smokin’ hot I look.”

  Her grin is infectious, and I lean in for one more kiss before pulling back and releasing her. She finally spots the flowers and I bend slightly to hand them to her. As she takes them, she brings them up to her face, inhaling the scent.

  “These are beautiful, Sawyer. I can’t believe you remembered,” she said, giving me a sweet smile. “Let me put these in fresh water and then we can get out of here.”

  “Of course I did. How could I ever forget the ten-minute rant you gave me on how unoriginal it is to give your date roses? Thanks goodness I was able to ditch that bouquet before you saw it, or you probably would’ve kicked me out.”

  She winces at the memory as I follow her into the kitchen. “Well, it’s true. Wildflowers are so much better,” she says, placing them in a vase. Once she turns to face me, she leans against the counter and looks at me with soft eyes. “But any flowers from you would’ve been perfect, Sawyer. Roses or not.”

  “I appreciate it, but you don’t have to worry. It’s etched in my brain that roses are off-limits, so I hope you never change your mind. Ready to go?” I ask because if I stand there any longer with her looking so damn hot in that dress, we’re never going to make our dinner reservation.

  “I’ve never been more ready for anything,” she tells me.

  As she walks towards me, I place my h
and on the small of her back and lead her out the front door, where Cori is hovering. She gives me a thumbs-up, and I simply shake my head, but deep down, I’m grateful to have her on my side.

  Once we’re both settled in the car, I turn to her and take ahold of her hand, interlocking our fingers. “I’ve been waiting for this night for almost three months,” I admit, letting her know that I’ve wanted her since the moment she stepped back into my life.

  Cheyenne leans across the center console and places a soft kiss on my lips before pulling away. She’s still mere inches from my face when she gives me her own confession. “I’ve been waiting for this for almost six years.”

  Touché, pretty girl. Touché.

  SAWYER’S EYES SOFTEN AT my words, and I realize that the confession was not just one for him, but for myself as well. I have no idea how I found the willpower to resist him for the past couple of months. I’m just glad I finally got my act together and followed my heart instead of listening to my head.

  He brings my hand up to his lips, placing a kiss on my knuckles. “Thank you for not making me wait any longer,” he says.

  Stupid tears well up in my eyes, and I look away as one betrays me by falling down my cheek. Sawyer’s hand slips out of mine as his fingers come up to cup my cheek and he urges me to turn back to face him. His forefinger wipes away that traitorous tear, and he gives me a heartwarming smile.


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