Cake: A Blood Nation Novel (Volume 1)

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Cake: A Blood Nation Novel (Volume 1) Page 5

by Derekica Snake

  He stuck another finger covered with icing in my face. He mocked me as he thrust it in and out of my mouth, running the icing over my tongue. It was sweet, and sugary, and tasted nothing like this last bitter year that I had suffered. A whole year was lost. My twenty-ninth year was gone.

  “And yes, I loved you, even when you fought me. I will admit to raping you when you defied me, but that does not mean it has to continue that way. It will depend on your choice.” Marcus pulled his finger out of my mouth. “Oh, you have some icing on your…here, let me get it.”

  Marcus’s tongue was in my mouth quicker than I expected. There was no place to go. There was nothing to do but let him do as he wanted, with my hands curled into useless fists behind me.

  Wait a minute. What do you mean, you knew all about me?

  Marcus sat up away from me, and he reached for my throat. I tensed as he took the neck of my shirt and tore at it, wrenching it open, ripping it so that it hung off my shoulders.

  “How do you think I maintain this place?” he asked me. I had no idea and so kept quiet. “My talents are sold to the highest bidder. No secret is safe from me. If the House tells me to dispose of my target, I do by simply ripping their minds open, ferreting out what I need, and leaving the remaining mess to die a quick but horrible death.”

  His fingers toyed with my nipples. He was saying something important, and I had to force myself to listen as he pinched my left nipple. I arched backwards, shoving my chest into his hand. Fuck. My body has accepted him. He plays me like a whore, his very own special private sex toy. I was nothing but a willing hole.

  Marcus looked at me with a knowing expression on his face. He had heard that, even though I hadn’t directly thought it. He took his hands off my body and placed a kiss on my forehead.

  “Your company knew what you had done, Sigmund. They only hired me to confirm it. Why do you think you had a headache all that week? That was me, taking a cruise through your mind. I liked you then, though not as much as now, of course. They hunted down the data that you stole and retrieved it quite quickly, for humans. When I got the order to kill you, the company arranged for you to end up at that bar, using the pretext of your birthday. They did not care what happened to you; they just wanted you to disappear. I have defied my orders in order to keep you by my side. I have never challenged the House before. I have given you a year of life—a life that should have ended that very day three hundred and sixty-five days ago. What do you offer me in return?”

  I just stared at him. This hell wasn’t an unfortunate accident? It was planned? It had all been planned because I’d been stupid and careless?

  My family!

  Marcus turned, set the cake down on the table beside him, and pinched off a huge piece of spongy sweetness. He rammed the chunk of vanilla goodness into my mouth as he continued talking to me.

  “They just targeted you, based on my recommendation. I did not care about your human family. I had no need to investigate them any further than I did. You held them with such contempt in your mind. No, maybe not contempt, but I discovered that you had locked them out of your life when you were just a teenager. Would it please you to know that your family has been grieving your loss? You might have turned your back on them, but they still hold you dear in their hearts. Because they care so much for you, I made sure that they are safe out there on that farm where you lived.”

  Oh crap. He knew about my family. He knew where they were, and what they did. Or did he? I had cut myself off from them because I didn’t want anything to do with the family business. I swallowed the cake he had shoved into my mouth, and I tensed as his hand caressed my neck and trailed down my now-exposed chest. His other hand dipped back into the cake, pinching off small crumbles of it and easing them into my mouth. I obediently ate. Just because I was a bastard didn’t mean I wanted my family to suffer because of me.

  Vanilla…oh my God. Oh, how I missed that taste. I licked his fingers clean. I’d missed out on a lot, being held prisoner like this, but if being with him kept my family safe, so be it. I could be a vampire’s fuck toy.

  I leaned back, crushing my arms beneath me, spreading my thighs wide and wrapping my legs around his lean body, hooking my ankles together to keep him there. I bucked up against him gently as I turned my head, exposed my throat, and closed my eyes. This was his reward if he wanted it. I thought my heart was going to break. Tears streamed from under my lids. I could do this. I had to. And if the truth were to be stared at in all its accusation and purity, I’d done this to myself. My own greed and denial had fucked me over, big time.

  “Submission? I never expected that from you, my Little One, but I would be a fool to turn it down. However, I think this should be done in a more horizontal position that we can both enjoy.”

  I was still amazed that Marcus could pick me up as if I were a child. Since being imprisoned here, I have had the experience of being carted into the playroom by him, one hand around my waist, and being tossed onto the bed from the chamber door. This time though, he picked me up, supporting my back with one arm, the other under my legs like I was a bride being carried over the threshold. I shuddered. That was not an image that I wanted, however true it might be.

  “You want to play my submissive, blushing virgin, Sex?” His lips were pressed into my hair. “You should have been awake for your deflowering…then again, maybe not; I was rather, ‘excited’.”

  Oh God.

  I expected him to toss me onto the king-sized bed and simply take me, but he surprised me yet again, lowering himself to his knees as he laid me tenderly down on the mattress. He was too large a man to expect tenderness from, and he hadn’t shown much of it this past year.

  Why now?

  “I said you deserve gentleness, Sex. No, you have not seen it with me, but I am capable of it. You should feel safe in your lover’s arms. You should be able to sleep without terror. Let me be that for you…your lover. You have no idea how much I desire that.”

  He rolled me onto my face and unbuckled my cuffs. My hands were numb, and my shoulders protested. It was pure agony when he began rubbing the feeling back into my limbs. I gritted my teeth and groaned as pins and needles attacked my arms and shoulders. And I groaned again when he stopped his rubbing and flipped me back over to look at him.

  “No more stabbings. And no more of this.” Marcus gestured to his face, towards the fine silver scar leading from his nose, which was now healed and fading. “Keep your hands to yourself, will you not? In return, I will not drink from you when we make love. I know how it scares you.”

  The bed shifted as he climbed onto it. He stroked my bare chest and pulled the remains of my shirt away. My vision narrowed down to his chocolate-colored eyes as he set his forehead against mine.

  “You can be my fuck toy for an eternity, if you want. I would be your master, and you could never refuse me anything. Your sole existence would be to see to my pleasure.” His hand burrowed its way into the waistband of my leather pants to cup my heat. “Or you can be, for the lack of a better word, a stand-alone vampire.”

  Stand alone.

  He blinked and let out a roar of laughter. “You certainly have no problem making decisions. That is what got you into trouble to begin with. Are you sure you do not want to be my sex slave?”

  Been there. Done that. Fuck that option.

  “Language. So be it. I am glad, I hoped you would make the choice to be my equal, because that mind of yours is just too fascinating to be dulled down to a sex doll. The birthing will be slow. There will be pain, but not much. I know you do not like blood, but try not to fear too much. I will not leave you to face it by yourself.”

  I stroked his long, brown hair and tucked it behind his ear, and then reached up and forced myself to kiss him. I surprised him with my actions, I know I did because his eyes narrowed into slits as he looked at me. This was only part of my reward to him, for protecting my family from my obvious stupidity. I suspected now just what my boss was capable of, the extent of
his wrath. To be at the receiving end of it for a year was something I hadn’t anticipated. I was so used to only thinking of myself and my own woeful predicament that I never considered I might have endangered my family. But they were safe because of this…creature. I might have been nothing but a big fuck-up, but my family did good, important work. And so, for them, I closed my eyes and angled my head the way Marcus liked it, sucking on the tongue that got poked into my mouth as he returned my kiss. I was getting whatever it was I fucking deserved. Apparently, eight hundred or so times.


  Don’t hurt me any more than you have to. I can’t take much more.

  “Shall we start now?”

  Do it. Fuck me…drink me…then kill me.

  “I never expected to hear that from you, Sex. Are you going to help, or are you just going to lay there and take it?”

  This is your reward.

  I snaked my fingers into his hair at the back of his head and pulled him down to me. I kissed him hard, just how he liked it, with more enthusiasm than I had ever showed my rapist before. I teased his lips open and ran my tongue along his teeth. His fangs descended, and I purposely nicked my tongue on one of them. Blood flooded my mouth, and suddenly the kissing stopped. My world shifted as he spun us on the bed. I was now on top of him, and he was sucking on my bloodied tongue like it was an extra-thick milkshake. The entire organ was being pulled into his mouth; I could feel it straining at the root. I felt my eyes bug out, and I tried to push back, to make our faces lose contact, but his arms came around me and crushed me back to his chest. My brain was racing, trying to think up a way to save my tongue. Eventually, I worked an arm free, reached up, and tapped him twice between the eyes. It worked. I got his attention. He blinked and let me go.

  It’s attached!

  I pushed a finger in past my pursed lips and ran the tip along my tongue to check the damage. I was still bleeding freely, and my mouth was filling up with blood and spit, spilling out as I removed my probing digit.

  “Let me.” Marcus sat up, and taking my head between his hands, he began savouring my drool. Once the excess was clear, his tongue ran along my lips, pushing back in to my mouth, and flicking at the little cut.

  I reacted hard. My body may have taken a liking to his, but this was still just so wrong. Not the sex, it was the blood. Maybe at the beginning, I hadn’t gotten anything but agony out of his possession, but he always made sure that I came, either by his hand or in his mouth. Deny it as much as I wanted, my body craved his when he wasn’t with me. But the blood play that he liked…it scared me. His eyes glowed with a frightening red color whenever he got the scent of my life’s fluid—just like now, and I hated it.

  The seeping blood in my mouth had finally slowed to a trickle, thanks to his ministrations, leaving behind the rusty, coppery, metallic taste that I’d gotten used to.

  “I will suck you now.”

  There was no damn way that I was going to let those extended sharp teeth of his anywhere near my cock. I grabbed his hair and jerked his face back, away from my nether regions. The reddened glow faded, and sane brown eyes looked up at me. I shook my head and tried to blank my thoughts to block him out. His brow furrowed, until I raised myself up on my knees and unbuttoned those awfully tight leather pants. I hoped he wasn’t serious about keeping me in them; they were too damn hot and heavy.

  Marcus reached out and caressed my ass through the material. He liked them too much. He was already semi-hard when I kicked the pants free from my legs. I had learned real fast in the beginning of this madness that sucking the vampire off didn’t hurt anywhere near as much as his jumping me while I was unprepared. I opted for giving him a blowjob as much as I could, and I must have gotten good at it because for the most part, when I took him in my mouth, he stayed there until he came.

  Sucking you off has saved my sorry ass many a night.

  “But not tonight, my devious Sex. I never suspected that of you.” He wrapped a fist in my hair and dragged me up to his face. “See why I am so fascinated with you? I’m going to love you now, the way you should have been loved from the very beginning. Are you ready, Little One?”

  As an answer, I pushed against his chest and sat up. This was his reward, and I couldn’t believe I was doing it. But I was. I edged back and lifted my hips, while my left hand reached behind me and took a hold of him, my fingers positioning him at my portal. I watched his eyes change from questioning as I moved back to igniting to that horrible flaming red as the tip of his cock slipped into me. Tingling shot down my spine as I was breached, but this was not an unfamiliar sensation, it was just the first time that I had started it. I slid myself down his entire length and sat there, breaking out in a cold sweat.

  What am I doing? What the fuck am I doing?

  I burst into tears—not just simple crying but chest-heaving sobs. I’d started this, so I had to see it through. I lifted up until just an inch of him remained in me, and then I thrust back down, hitting my prostate in the process. I must have been a quite a sight, crying the tears of a little, lost boy, interspersed with the heady grunts of manly pleasure, as I bounced up and down on him.

  Marcus finally took pity on me and took over. His hands held me firmly, and his hips rammed into me hard, rushing him to completion. He gasped as he finished and crushed me to his chest. Tears were still streaming down my face, but at least the body-shuddering sobs had stopped.

  “You have given me a gift that I could never hope to match in return. I took your body a year ago…tonight you gave me your virginity, even though you’re really confused right now.”

  Virginity, what do you mean? I wasn’t a virgin when you kidnapped me. I’d just never had gay sex before you.

  “You initiated sex, my Little One. You have never done that before. I do not care if you think it was payback for your family, I will take it as it was intended, as a gift given freely. Which makes it a virgin gift from you.”

  I was bad at it.

  “It was beautiful to behold. Your tears are breathtaking in their simplicity and purity. But you did not come.” He reached down and tapped my traitorous cock. I shivered at his touch, but knocked his hand away from me.

  No, just get on with it. I’m so fucked in the head right now, I can’t even think straight. Just bite me.

  I think he was a little annoyed. He must have planned a whole world of sensual torment for me before killing me, and how it was all for naught. The situation had changed, and I was doing an unexpected payback, a thank-you for saving my family.

  By the way, thanks for the cake. I haven’t had sweets since you brought me down here. I really missed them.

  That must have mollified him. He sat up more, forcing me back onto his lap. He took my knees and pressed them to his sides until I finally got the hint and locked my ankles behind him. Then, gently, he ran his thumb over my lower lip.

  “This will be a blood exchange. I drink from you. You drink from me. The first time will make you sick; try not to throw up on me. I have seen it take as little as three exchanges, all the way up to twenty.” I turned my head to expose my neck. “I am truly sorry, Little One. It has faded, but my bite is still visible. I fear that, after this, you will always be scarred.”

  It was worth it, my one last kick at independence. I thought I was ready but then…fucking hell. He bit deeper than he ever had before. It felt like a siphon was attached to my neck. He drank and drank. I could hear his gulps and slurps, and it was me that he was drinking. Shouldn’t he be stopping now…it’s getting dark!

  Stop now. Stop!

  And then there was nothing.


  Making Sex

  A sharp sting, followed by a throbbing in my face, brought me back to the land of the living…or sort of living.

  “You need to drink now, Sex. Wake up!”

  There was that sting again, only this time on the opposite side of my face. Wait a minute; I was getting bitch-slapped?

  Stop it, you fucking vampire.
  I reached up and tried to pull away the hand that was striking me.

  “You need to drink now.”

  I opened my eyes in time to see Marcus slit open one of his wrists with his fangs. His blood poured from the wound, trailing down his arm as he lifted it to my face. I could feel droplets falling onto my chest and running in rivulets down to our thighs. I turned my head away tiredly, and he grabbed my hair, yanking my head back round, setting his bleeding wrist upon my lips. What the hell was he doing? I clamped my mouth shut tight.

  I’m not doing that.

  His fingers let go of the grip they’d had in my hair, and my head slumped forward slightly. I couldn’t have righted myself if I’d wanted to. For one crazy moment, I thought he was going to leave me alone, but then I found out where his free hand had gone to as he wrapped his fingers around my balls and twisted cruelly.

  My lips opened in a scream, and he jammed his bloody wrist into my mouth. A hot rush of blood flooded in, and I gagged and tried to pull away. Now that my mouth was open, he let my balls go and moved his hand up to my face, where the bastard held my nose closed. I had no choice but to swallow. Once I had done so, he let go of my nose but only until my mouth was filled with blood again.

  “Swallow, or I will make you.”

  I swallowed and gagged, but kept it down.

  “One more, then we are done for now.”

  I took his last offering and then doubled over as a stomach-wrenching cramp took hold of me. Cold sweat broke out all over my body. I started shivering, even as sweat poured down my face, down my neck, and down my body to drip on the bed. I let out a piercing scream as my stomach twisted itself into a tight knot.

  “The change is starting…it will be slower than what a sex drone would go through, but you will still be essentially you at the end of it.” Marcus gathered me close to his chest and held me as my body was wracked with chills. This was just as bad as that food poisoning occasion…oh God, no, maybe it was worse. I gritted my teeth and let out a low groan.


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