Cake: A Blood Nation Novel (Volume 1)

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Cake: A Blood Nation Novel (Volume 1) Page 13

by Derekica Snake

  I found a cache of jeans and grabbed a pair, hiking them up as far as they would go, which wasn’t far enough for me. They were low riders, and my pubic hairs were almost exposed. Where the hell did he buy this stuff? I examined the rest of the jeans, and saw that they were all low riders. Jerking off the pair I had on, I threw them in the corner. I just wanted a simple cotton t-shirt and a decent pair of jeans.

  The suits were nice. I noticed I had a tux. Hmm, with shiny lapels. But I didn’t want to get into a suit, so I headed for the leather pants. At least the pair I picked came up to a decent height this time.

  There was a long-sleeved spandex and whatever crewneck that looked partway decent so I reached for it, grabbing a pair of socks and black runners with it, and happy with my choices, I got dressed, watching the closet door to see if it closed automatically. It didn’t, so when I was ready I got up and pressed my hand back on the Blood mark, and the door rumbled shut.

  I could still see the other Blood marks that were in the room, and now I felt intrigued enough to explore. I chose one on the opposite end of the wall and I pressed it, watching as the brickwork rolled back to expose another closet.

  Marcus’s wardrobe was a vast improvement over mine. Even knowing nothing of his would fit, I still snagged a white dress shirt. It was no bowling shirt, but it was big enough to cover me.

  Closing his closet, I found myself looking at the Blood mark beside the bed, wondering if I should try it. But no, I didn’t trust myself to be around humans. I could barely control my fangs as it was.

  Ignoring the tempting Blood mark, I shrugged into the shirt and was so happy that I bounced into the living room where I saw a large Blood mark right at the door. I pressed it, watching as a panel extended from the wall. Lights? By pressing at a few switches on the panel, I found that I could control the entire ambience of the room from this point.

  I worked my way around the room, discovering a hidden home theatre system, and a stereo system that would put that gay dance bar to shame. I also found a library case that swung on its axis. There wasn’t a hidden passage behind it though. That would have been way too cool.

  The last mark that I touched turned out to be an intercom system set beside the dumbwaiter. It seemed appropriate that my stomach just started making noises as I found it. I pressed the button eagerly.

  “Hello? Anybody there?”

  There was nothing but silence in answer to my call, and I was just about to reach for the button again when the speaker squawked to life.

  “What can I get for you, Master Sex?”

  I winced. That name sounded so horrible. “Uh, we’ve got a name change going on here. It’s Xavier now.”

  I could have sworn I heard a dimly said, “Oh, thank God,” before the professional voice came back on the air. “What can I get for you, Master Xavier?”

  “I’m hungry.”

  “What would you like?”

  “I…I don’t know. They never told me what to expect. Can I have a sandwich?” All I’d had the night before was slimy cheese and stale crackers.

  “I think you should stick to blood, Master Xavier. Would you prefer that hot or cold?”


  “Yes, sir. I will send it up.”

  “Wait, wait. What is your name?”

  “Chesterton, sir.”

  “Thank you, and thanks for the bedroom being tidied.”

  “We live to serve, Master Xavier.”

  I let the intercom go, the man’s words playing in my head. We live to serve…We. That meant Marcus had servants, plural, meaning he had more than one, which in turn meant that Marcus was fucking rich. So that in turn meant that I was a kept plaything, a vampire’s kept plaything. No, not even that, I was now a vampire, kept as a vampire’s plaything. I frowned, wondering what had happened to my money. I didn’t have a heck of a lot, but I had worked hard for it. If I were lucky, my parents had gotten it. If I were unlucky, Lorne had probably absconded with it, along with the rest of my life. I was glad that he was dead. He’d fucked me and my parents over, all in the name of love. Bastard.

  I had to stop this trail of though, or I was going to give myself another Blood-mark size headache. The dumbwaiter whining to a stop was enough to distract me, and I pulled open the door. Inside there was a tall coffee mug, full of something that smelled like manna to me. My first sip of it was like ecstasy on my taste buds. I hit the intercom button again.

  “Thank you, Chesterton. This is hitting the spot.”

  “You’re welcome, sir. If you require anything else, please, do not hesitate to call.”

  “I won’t.”

  Taking my steaming cup of blood, I flopped lazily on the couch in front of the television and flicked on CNN, trying to catch up with a year’s worth of news that I’d missed out on.

  I must have passed out after I’d finished my blood and slept in a funny position for about an hour or so, because my neck had a crick in it that made me wince as I straightened up. I guessed that Marcus and Claudius had been gone roughly five hours now. This High Council must have had a full agenda.

  Getting up I took my mug back to the dumbwaiter and set it down unwashed. There weren’t any sinks except for the bathroom to rinse it in, and if Marcus had servants then he had to have a well equipped kitchen that could deal with a blood-stained mug.

  I returned to the television, flipping myself over the back of the leather couch, and settling comfortably, I switched the news channel over to a music video station.

  Holy crap, was that legal? The singing woman that flashed up on the screen was wearing only a smile, and a couple of pasties. Apparently, I had stopped watching music videos way too soon. My eyes stared burning as I continued to gawk at her. Oh crap, no. I waited for my flesh to catch fire, but it didn’t. I was getting horny watching her, but it was my regular horny, and that crystal vision I had wasn’t slamming into place.

  Okay, just stay still and do some math…it’ll go away.

  I thought I was winning, when I caught myself grinding into the couch—I really only became aware of it when that distinctive squeak of leather on leather started speeding up.

  Crap, I was so hot. I ripped off Marcus’s shirt and stood up. Okay, I was wrong. I wasn’t regular horny, I was vampire horny.

  A music video came on with a sexy, slow bass, and I found my hips circling in time with it. That felt good. I started running my hands up over my thighs, avoiding my hardening bulge, enjoying the feeling of the slick leather under my hot palms. I touched my stomach and felt it contract, and I heard a moan catch in my throat as I let my hips circle in a slow figure eight. I brushed at my nipples and felt the sensation go right to my cock. I stretched my arms up, letting my shirt rub on my sensitive flesh as I caught my hands in my hair, and I shivered as I ran my fingernails over my head, starting at my scalp and working all the way down to the nape of my neck. That was so delicious. I shivered again and felt tingly bolts of excitement run down my body to my toenails. Doing this and rolling my shoulders backwards in time to the music made my erect nipples rub wonderfully against the fabric of my shirt. I feel sexy. Me…I’ve never felt sexy in my life. Tossing back my head, I let loose a deep-throated groan.


  I turned toward Marcus, keeping my sensual gyrations going. His face was stunned but also full of admiration and lust. Claudius stood behind him, and his mouth was hanging open. There was another person standing with them, but I didn’t care. I locked my gaze with Marcus and gestured to him with one finger.

  He was on me like white on rice, his big strong arms wrapping around me in an embrace. “I’m taking that gesture as consent?”

  For a reply I turned and swiveled my ass into his groin in time with the music. “Consent me, Marcus.” I let my fangs drop and licked my lips. Reaching back behind me, I caught his head, pulling it down towards my neck, flipping my hair out of the way and exposing my throat for his bite.

  “Marcus, you have a guest,” Claudius called out.r />
  Spoil sport.

  Those brown eyes of Marcus’s blinked. “We have to stop, Xavier.”

  “No, I’m horny.” Was that me?

  “We have brought someone to see you.”

  “I need you now.” I ground my ass harder into his groin. I could feel his erection.

  You’re not getting away from me.

  I caught his hands and brought them to my chest. “I need my Pretty,” I cooed, flattening his hands and setting the middle of his palms against my budded nipples. He made a move to pull away.


  I made his hands move back to where I wanted them.

  “He just put a binding on Marcus. And you say that he is only a day old?” a woman’s voice asked.

  “He had a vocal and physical binding on Marcus at only two hours old,” Claudius informed her.

  “Interesting. He looks like he’s in Flame. We should let them take care of it. I have nothing else planned for the rest of the day.”

  Claudius came up and caught my chin. “You win. Let Marcus go and head to the bedroom. Our meeting can wait until you get this taken care of.” He frowned and looked at my eyes. “Only the pupil is ringed blue…are you in Flame?”

  “No, I’m just horny. Are you coming with us, Grandfather?”

  “No, Marcus will see to you.”

  “Don’t you want to cum?”

  He caught the use of the wrong word for “come,” and I matched his gaze. I knew he wanted to join us. He wanted me. I deliberately writhed against Marcus and let the erotic sensations play across my face.

  Claudius ran a thumb across my lower lip. “I definitely like you aroused, Xavier. But no, Marcus is quite possessive, and I’m certain that he will take care of your needs.”

  Marcus grabbed at me, his voice slightly complaining. “You have to stop doing that, Sex. I cannot help you if I cannot move.” Then, picking me up off my feet, he carried me into the playroom.



  I had expected to be tossed on the bed as usual, but instead Marcus set me down slowly, letting me slide against the full length of his body until my bare feet touched the floor. One of his hands closed around the back of my neck, his thumb stroking my pulse, whilst his other hand brushed lightly back and forth across my erection.

  “That was the most erotic thing I have ever seen. Do not ever dance for anyone else, Sex. I will not be responsible for the mayhem that would follow,” Marcus whispered, leaning forward.

  “That wasn’t dancing,” I purred, twisting my hips, pushing my erection up further into his hand, making his eyes flare to red. “Do me,” I ordered.

  I hadn’t realized that Marcus was a magician. My clothes just seemed to suddenly disappear somewhere, along with his too. He was naked, his bare skin touching mine, and it didn’t take him much longer to get me on my back. His hair fell like a privacy curtain around us, and I could feel his hardness pressing into me. He set his forehead against mine, staring down at me as if asking for permission to continue.

  “Fuck me, Marcus,” I consented.

  “Your eyes are in Flame, burning a perfect blue,” he told me, planting a gentle kiss to my lips and stroking his tongue along my own.

  “I’m not in Flame. It doesn’t hurt like before. I’m just…It’s just…fuck me.”

  A finger penetrated me tenderly, deeply, and I gasped with the sensation of it breeching me. I bent my head and presented my neck to Marcus, and his warm lips kissed and licked at the exposed column, but he didn’t bite me. I turned towards him, wondering, and found him watching me with a strange look in his eyes. I was going to ask what was on his mind when he slid another finger inside of me and started gently pumping his hand. He was so quiet, but the expression on his face spoke volumes.

  My mouth fell open, and I began to gasp at the emotions he was wringing out of me. It felt like I was going to break apart.

  “Now…Now…” Was that really me, pleading?

  Marcus replaced his fingers with his cock, entering me in one hard, purposeful thrust. I grabbed onto his shoulders and threw back my head, howling with pleasure even as I felt him push my face to one side and sink his fangs seductively into my neck. The dual penetration my body was experiencing was overwhelming my senses.

  Thrust, suck. Thrust, suck.

  My erection was being rubbed sensuously between our stomachs, and wrapping a hand in Marcus’s sable chestnut hair, I lay there holding him, feeling everything he was doing to me.

  A hand came up, and his fingers twisted and plucked at my nipples. Oh God, that felt good. Everything he was doing felt so good. He stopped his sucking at my neck and licked instead, sending shivers through me as his hips sped up, rocking into me, pushing hard inside of me. I came, and my cry was swallowed by his mouth closing over mine. I held onto him, trembling, as he worked towards his own finish. He jerked into me, once, twice, and once more. And then he stilled.

  Tears were seeping out of my eyes. I tried to brush them away, but he caught my motion, and still inside of me, he laid his full weight upon me and used his thumbs to wipe the falling wetness away from my face.

  “You are entitled to feel pleasure, Xavier. You should not feel this guilt because you are with me.”

  It felt like my heart was going to beat its way out of my chest as I lay under his weight, trying to breathe. I couldn’t believe how easily I had come apart in his arms. “What is happening to me? I’ve never been a sexual creature,” I whispered.

  Wrapping me in his arms, Marcus rolled over so I was sprawled across him. “The Vampiric gift does not add characteristics that were not there to begin with, it only enhances them. You always were a sexual creature, Little One; you just never acted on it before. You repressed it. You crushed it. I’ve released it this past year. Now, you have no choice but to accept this side that you hid from yourself.” He hugged me tighter to him, crushing me against him as he kissed the tears from my lashes. “One day, you will fully accept yourself, and I will not get to see your tears any more. I think I will miss that.”

  “That’s fucked up. You’re fucked up,” I blubbered, blinking and wiping at my wet eyes.

  “I see you are feeling better; your language has taken a turn for the worst,” Marcus remarked, sitting up, sending me sliding down on his thighs. He grabbed my arm and pulled me back to his chest, crushing me in his arms, his lips at my temple. “I meant what I said earlier. I never want to see you dance like that for anyone else.”

  “That bad, eh?”

  “That sexy. If Claudius had not reminded me…” Marcus let me go. “Up. Up, up, up. Councilor Armanita is here to see you. We need to shower and get presentable. Ah, I see that you got into the Blood marks.”

  “Oh, yeah, we need to speak about clothes,” I said, following Marcus from the bed, moving a little slower than him. My hips ached, as other places did too.

  “You have no fashion sense,” Marcus stated.

  I frowned at him. “I don’t need to be in fuck-me-now clothes all the time either.”

  “But you look good in them.”

  “I want clothes that fit.”

  “They fit.”

  I was getting pissed off. “I can’t wear those jeans. They are too low in the front, and they are way too far below my hips.”

  “They are meant for easy access.” Marcus’s eyes gleamed, and he wriggled his eyebrows at me.

  “I don’t want you having easy access. You’ve had easy access for a year. Work for it.” I moved towards the shower.

  Marcus caught me from behind and pulled me back to his chest. “You want to be wooed?”

  I struggled against him briefly. “Yeah, I guess I do. I don’t like the fact that you just have to get three feet from me, and I turn into a whore.”

  “You are my whore,” he laughed, kissing the top of my head.

  “Missing the point here, Marcus,” I scolded. “I don’t want to be a whore. I don’t want to Flame. I don’t want to go somewhere and have strange
rs grab my ass or stick their hands down my pants.”

  “They cannot resist you. You are beautiful.”

  “No, I’m not.”

  “I changed you.”

  “But you didn’t, not up here…” I tapped my temple. “And it’s up there where all the problems are right now. My thoughts are going haywire. I’m not gay, but I’m fucking two men at the same time. I’ve become a murderer. I killed someone in an alley! Too much is changing at once, and I haven’t had the time to adjust. I don’t even know what the hell happened a few minutes ago, what came over me. My eyes were burning, but it wasn’t a Flame, like the other two. And yet, I couldn’t get rid of it. Did you do it right?” I felt like crying and curling up into a ball.

  “Did I do what right?”

  “Turning me, making me a vampire. Maybe you didn’t do it right, and I’m still just your sex toy.”

  Marcus turned me in his hold so that I faced him, wrapping a hand around the back of my head and pulling me forward until our foreheads were touching once more. “If you ever meet a sex toy, you will know it, Xavier. You are not a fuck toy.” The playfulness had faded from his voice.

  “Then why am I like this?”

  “You have denied your body for so long, but now you cannot deny it any longer. It will not allow you to. You have a force of will that fascinates me. Use it. If you can control your Flame, Little One, you can control the world. Now, we need to shower. The councilor is waiting for us.”

  I didn’t expect to shower alone, and I wasn’t disappointed. Marcus was such a touchy-touchy person, and by cleaning my backside a little too enthusiastically, he inadvertently gave himself another erection. I finished cleaning up and tried to get out, making sure I didn’t look down at his predicament. I didn’t offer him any relief, even when he scowled at me.

  He changed his modus operandi. He stopped looming over me, stepping back a little and giving me some space. His hand reached out, but just skimmed millimetres above my flesh. I shivered, and I felt my breathing change as I began to yearn for his touch.


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