Serendipity (Inevitable)

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Serendipity (Inevitable) Page 40

by Nissenson, Janet

  “Hey, I wore a dress last month,” protested Lauren. “It was at a dinner party that Jules and Nathan gave. One of their big clients attended so Julia dragged me into her closet and got me all girly.”

  Julia smiled. “And she looked gorgeous. Enough so that Ian stuck by your side all evening.”

  Lauren shrugged. “He’s a sweetheart. Such a gentleman and really, really attractive. But nothing happening there, I’m afraid. Not my type.”

  “Honestly, Lauren?” asked Julia in exasperation. “Mom, you should see this guy. Six four, shoulders like a linebacker, Savile Row suits, British accent. And he’s filthy rich. But Lauren would rather go out with some grungy guy in a two-bit rock band who lives above a garage somewhere.”

  “If Ian Gregson is so fabulous, why aren’t you dating him?” challenged Lauren.

  “Um, hey? Over here? Remember me – the boyfriend?” Nathan glared at Lauren. “I saw her first. And Ian is a client – our best client.”

  Lauren looked unimpressed. “So? You’re Julia’s boss – employer – whatever. How is that anymore appropriate?”

  “Enough.” Robert McKinnon’s voice was brisk and authoritative, and both girls were instantly quiet. “It’s like the two of you were back in high school with your arguing. Let’s have a peaceful weekend, young ladies. I don’t get to see both of my girls together very often so cease your bickering.”

  Nathan wasn’t surprised when Julia obediently murmured, “Yes, Daddy,” but he was startled when the ballsy Lauren also backed down and gave her father a hug. It was obvious that Robert adored his twin daughters and that they in turn doted on their father.

  Julia helped Natalie get dinner together while Lauren fed the dogs. That left Nathan alone with Robert.

  “I’ve been admiring this house since we drove up,” admitted Nathan. “It’s given me a few ideas about a project I’m working on. A personal project.”

  Robert nodded. “Julia mentioned that you’re designing a home of your own. And that you’ve got designers block or some such thing.”

  Nathan grinned. “I’m not sure that’s an actual condition but yes, nothing I’ve started so far feels right. There’s something I’m missing, and it’s been driving me mad for months now.”

  The older man finished his wine. “Did you bring any of your designs along?”

  “I did, actually,” admitted Nathan. “I thought spending time by the ocean might inspire me. I don’t know how much Julia has told you about the lot but it’s on the waterfront.”

  “Aye, she told me that much.” A trace of Robert’s Scottish brogue could be plainly heard now and then, though living in the U.S. for over forty years had erased most of it. “Perhaps after dinner we’ll take a look at some of your ideas, brainstorm a bit. Natalie has a good eye for these things, too. Such a talent that woman has for art and design. Simply brilliant.”

  Nathan was almost speechless with surprise. “I - that’s fantastic, Mr. McKinnon. But I don’t want to intrude, especially since you don’t get to see your daughters that often.”

  “Not to worry, young man. I see our Laurie quite a bit, and Natalie and I are planning to visit Julia at the end of the month. In fact, we can take a first- hand look at this property of yours, maybe refine any ideas we might come up with this weekend. And Nathan – “he paused until Nathan met his eye, then smiled reassuringly. “It’s Robert. We’re not much for formalities around here.”

  Nathan couldn’t help but contrast the relaxed and informal atmosphere that filled the McKinnon home with the stiff, uncomfortable and stuffy feeling he’d always had when associating with Cameron’s family. The Tollivers would never have dreamed of dining alfresco in bare feet, eating off Mexican pottery and enjoying a casual but delicious meal of clam chowder, cracked crab, and a huge green salad. The conversation around the dinner table was lively and stimulating, and Nathan never felt that he had to choose his words carefully or avoid particular topics. The McKinnons made him feel instantly welcomed and part of the family. Even the dogs liked him, judging by the fact that one rested a furry head in his lap, while another lounged at his feet.

  “You’ve made some friends there, Nathan,” observed Natalie with a smile.

  Lauren snickered. “Don’t flatter him, Mom. These mutts will hang around anyone they think will cave in and feed them. They must scent your susceptibility, Nathan.”

  “Hey, missy, these are purebred, pedigreed Aussies,” said Robert in indignation. “Don’t be calling my boys and my best girl here mutts.” He scratched an adoring Gracie behind the ears.

  “Dad’s dogs got away with murder when we were growing up,” groused Julia. “Far more spoiled and indulged than Lauren and I were.”

  “And more obedient, too,” retorted Robert.

  Julia tapped Mickey on the nose, his head still resting in Nathan’s lap. “Hey, you, stop begging. Never mind that look. I stopped falling for those sorts of looks a long time ago.” She looked curiously from the dog’s pale blue eyes to Nathan’s and smiled. “Look, you two have the same eyes.”

  Nathan grinned. “Maybe Mickey thinks I’m a long lost brother or cousin. He sees the family resemblance.”

  That comment brought a round of laughter from everyone at the table and made Nathan feel even more at ease.

  When dinner was over, everyone did their part in clearing the table and tidying up the dishes. Robert took several shot glasses from a cabinet in the dining room.

  “What say we hold off on coffee and dessert for a bit and break open this lovely bottle of Macallan that Nathan brought down?” he suggested.

  There were no arguments to be heard as everyone settled around the spacious oak pedestal table in the dining room. The sun had set and with it the day’s balmy temperatures, so it felt good to be inside the house. At Robert’s urgings, Nathan fetched the house designs he’d brought with him and spread them out on the huge table. It didn’t take long for all the McKinnons to jump into the discussion and offer up their opinions, in between shots of twenty-one year old single malt Scotch.

  After listening to his wife’s and daughters’ ideas, Robert furrowed his brow and tapped a finger against his lips.

  “Here’s a thought, Nathan. What if you were to change this over here – “he drew a few lines, erased others. “And then, in this section, you tried something like this.”

  Fifteen minutes later, Nathan could only stare in wide-eyed admiration at the small but significant changes Robert had made. All of a sudden the missing pieces clicked into place, and he had a clear and vivid picture of what he wanted to do.

  The two men worked on the design for another hour until the smell of freshly brewed coffee and warm cinnamon scented bread budding lured them away from their project. It was after midnight by the time he was cuddling in bed with Julia, and he offered up an apology.

  “I’m sorry if I neglected you tonight, baby. I just couldn’t believe how that design came together so easily with your dad’s input. He really is a genius,” marveled Nathan.

  Julia entwined her legs with his, pressing a kiss to his throat. “I don’t mind at all. I’m just happy you seem to get on so well with him. Daddy isn’t always an easy one to get close to. But he likes you, I can tell.”

  He stilled her hand as it caressed his hip. “Well, he won’t like me at all if he thinks we’re getting it on in his house. As tempting as you are, I’m not going to ravish you with your parents’ bedroom on one side, and your sister’s on another. Not to mention our roommate here.”

  Julia laughed softly as Mickey’s ears twitched in his sleep. The dog had followed them into their bedroom and promptly settled in for a long night’s sleep at the foot of the bed.

  “Don’t mind Mickey. Not much wakes him – or the other two for that matter. But you’re right – I’d be more than a little self-conscious with my parents and Lauren both within earshot. Guess we should have stayed at a hotel, huh?”

  He cuddled her close, kissing her temple. “Don’t be silly. I woul
dn’t have passed up the opportunity to sleep in a Robert McKinnon designed house. And it’s been great meeting your parents and seeing where you grew up.”

  “I’ll get to return the favor when we head to Michigan for Thanksgiving. I’m really looking forward to seeing your parents again and meeting the rest of your family.”

  “You’re sure you don’t mind not seeing your family then?”

  Julia shook her head. “It’s okay. My parents and Lauren always fly to New York to spend Thanksgiving with Aunt Maddy. With the holiday shopping season already in full swing, it’s impossible for her to get away then. Besides, we’ll get to spend Christmas with my family so it’s a fair trade.”

  They fell asleep soon after, one of the very few times they’d slept together without having sex first. It took a great deal of self control on Nathan’s part the next morning to gingerly extricate himself from her arms and slip out of bed. The temptation to wake her with a bout of sleepy sex was almost too much to resist, but the recollection that they were far from alone in this house greatly cooled his ardor. Not to mention the fact that Mickey suddenly bounced up like a jackrabbit, evidently well rested from his long sleep, and began licking Nathan happily, his tail wagging furiously. Nathan was barely able to struggle into some running clothes and pick up his shoes without the dog lavishing him with attention.

  He’d figured to be the only one awake at this hour, but the smell of coffee dispelled that idea. Lauren was in the kitchen, sipping from her coffee mug, and also dressed in workout gear. The other two dogs were resting at her feet.

  “So you survived the night with Mickey, I see,” she said dryly. “He snores pretty loud.”

  Nathan accepted the mug she handed him and poured some coffee. “Yeah, well, he’s also a very effective cockblocker.”

  Lauren snickered. “Like you would have really had the balls to hump my sister with our father in the next room anyway. Jules and I might be twenty-five – ah, twenty-six actually – but Daddy still thinks of us as his little girls. Do you know I still have to call him every time I’m on assignment? One time I was in a really remote locale with no cell or internet service, and he actually called my boss in New York because he hadn’t heard from me yet. Ben had to reach me by satellite phone and tell me to call my Daddy. He still ribs me unmercifully about it, the bastard.”

  “He just cares about you. And he’s right to worry, given some of the godforsaken places Julia’s told me you’ve been to. You’ve got more guts than I do.”

  She grinned. “Yeah, and I’ll bet I can kick your ass on this run, too. I hope you’ve been doing some hill training, because there aren’t too many flat spots around here.”

  Nathan finished his coffee and gave her a mock glare. “Oh, it is on like Donkey Kong. Come on, let’s see how tough you really are.”

  An hour later, he was grateful he hadn’t eaten anything that morning for he was sure he’d be puking it up right now. Lauren had been merciless, running him up one ridiculously steep hill after another, until his lungs were ready to burst and his quadriceps shaking. The only satisfaction he got from the punishing workout was that Lauren, too, seemed more than a little spent.

  They staggered up the outside stairs to the upper level deck just off the kitchen. Natalie was seated outside sipping coffee and sketching on a big pad. She smiled at them serenely.

  “Lovely morning for a run. Lauren, I hope you weren’t too tough on Nathan.”

  “He can take it,” she replied without even a hint of compassion. “Where is everyone?”

  “Your father’s walking on the beach with the dogs as usual, and Julia is still asleep last I checked. She always was a much better sleeper than you were, Lauren.”

  Lauren snorted. “Lazy slug. I can’t believe she actually drags her butt out of bed for a six a.m. yoga class.”

  “She does,” verified Nathan. “Most mornings, anyway. But I’ve learned not to try and actually talk to her until after class. She’s not much of a morning person.”

  Natalie smiled. “You’re a wise man to have figured that out. But I did want to get breakfast started soon. We’ll have our hands full as the day goes on getting ready for tonight’s festivities.”

  There was a party planned to celebrate the twins’ birthday, though Julia had told him not to expect anything too big or fancy. Maybe two dozen people, mostly family and old friends, and a very casual, laid-back buffet dinner. But it had been evident from last night’s dinner that Julia had inherited her love of cooking from her mother, and Nathan was certain that Natalie had something special planned for tonight.

  He finished the bottle of water that Natalie had thoughtfully had waiting for him and Lauren. “I’ll go wake up Sleeping Beauty,” he offered. “We’ll be out after I shower.”

  He removed his shoes before entering the house, conscious of the beautiful white birch floors. They were a key element of the Nantucket style of the house, with its high wood-beamed ceilings and wainscoting in nearly every room.

  He carefully shut the bedroom door behind him, and stripped off his sweaty workout clothes before kneeling beside the bed. Julia was still sleeping peacefully, her cheeks rosy and her mouth softly parted. With her hair tumbling around her shoulders, she looked very much like the fairytale princess he’d once compared her to, so beautiful she took his breath away. Gently, he pulled the covers off her, revealing her petite, curvy body garbed in a slip-style nightie of gold satin. One of the thin straps had fallen down her shoulder, baring half of her breast. Unable to resist, he slid the strap farther down, and groaned when her full, round breast popped out. He bent his head to lick the pink nipple before drawing it into his mouth.

  Julia stirred beneath him, her legs moving restlessly. He pushed the short hem of her nightie up, baring the lower half of her body. She wasn’t wearing panties and his nostrils flared at the sight of her naked cunt, and the musky scent of her female essence. He couldn’t help nuzzling his face into her public hair, and then running his tongue over her satiny slit.

  She gasped when he sucked at her clit, her eyes flying open as her hands tangled in his hair. “Oh, God, Nathan. God, that’s good,” she breathed.

  He replaced his tongue with two long fingers, thrusting them in and out of her slickness. “Good morning, baby,” he told her wickedly. “Sleep well?”

  Julia panted as his fingers grew bolder. “You – ah, you should have woken me sooner. Especially if you’re going to give me an orgasm.”

  Nathan chuckled. “That’s the plan, baby. But I think we should continue this in the shower. I don’t trust your sister not to eavesdrop. That girl needs to get laid more regularly. Maybe then she wouldn’t be such a –“

  She laid two fingers over his mouth, only to have him suck them hard. “You’re right. Let’s shower. Especially since I can tell you’ve been for a run. Please tell me you didn’t go with Lauren.”

  He groaned. “Too late. Just don’t tell her how badly she kicked my ass.”

  Minutes later they were happily ensconced in the en suite shower, soaping each other up and confident that the sound of the water running would drown out their amorous activities. They kissed wetly, Nathan’s palms overflowing with Julia’s lush breasts, while she stroked his rigid cock with both of her hands. When she reached further back to lightly squeeze his balls, he growled and spun her around, pressing the front of her body against the white and blue tiled shower wall.

  “I haven’t been inside you for over twenty-four hours,” he rasped in her ear. “I think that’s some sort of record for us. One I have no intention of ever trying to break.”

  He guided his cock inside of her, then held on to her hips as he began to move, his thrusts growing faster and harder. Julia’s moans were muffled against the hand she thrust into her mouth, and his groans were stifled by burying his face in her neck. He slid one hand over her belly before dipping into her pubic hair and finding her swollen clit. Her head fell back against his shoulder as he continued to fuck her hard while flicking h
is thumb over her clit.

  She came mere moments before he did, spilling himself deep inside of her. He held her back against him, steadying her while she quivered, and then turning her in his arms to meet his deep kiss.

  “Now that’s a proper good morning kiss,” she whispered. “My very favorite way to start the day.”

  “Better than yoga class?” he teased. “And I can’t believe it’s better than a café au lait and a chocolate croissant.”

  Julia giggled. “Well, both of those are pretty close. But nothing says good morning like a big cock fucking your brains out.”

  He smacked her bare ass a little too hard to be considered playful. “You’ve become such a bad, dirty girl. We’re going to have to start talking about punishments if you don’t watch that filthy mouth.”

  “Hah. You love it and you know it.”

  Fifteen minutes later they were dressed and joining the others for breakfast on the deck. It was a simple but delicious meal of waffles, brown sugar-glazed bacon, fresh fruit and coffee. After the meal was served and the dishes cleared, everyone was tasked with doing their part to get ready for the birthday party. Lauren, who admittedly wasn’t much of a cook, instead did some cleaning and rearranging of furniture. Natalie and Julia busied themselves in the kitchen to turn out platters and bowls of food. Nathan helped Robert set up the bar and the sound system, but after that there wasn’t much else for them to do. But when Nathan suggested they help Julia and her mother with the food, Robert shuddered.

  “It’s a brave man – or a foolish one – who tries to invade Natalie’s kitchen. It took years for her to get comfortable with Julia helping in there. Lauren is all too happy to stay out of there, as is my sister-in-law. Let’s do some more work on those house plans of yours instead.”

  Nathan was thrilled at the opportunity to work alongside the architect he’d admired and emulated for more than a dozen years. And it didn’t hurt that he was also forming a real rapport with Julia’s father.

  At some point, when they were looking at designs for the master bedroom, Robert lifted a brow in question. “I assume you’ve seen the contents of Julia’s closet?”


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