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by Sebastian Seung

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  Figure Credits

  Images not credited below are by the author.

  Figure 1: Ramón y Cajal 1921; DeFelipe and Jones 1988. Digitized by Javier DeFelipe from the original drawing in the Museo Cajal. Copyright © the heirs of Santiago Ramón y Cajal. Fig
ure 2: David H. Hall and Zeynep Altun 2008. Introduction. In Worm Atlas. Figure 3: Copyright © Dmitri Chklovskii, reproduced with permission. C. elegans wiring diagram described in Varshney, L. R., B. L. Chen, E. Paniagua, D. H. Hall, and D. B. Chklovskii. Structural properties of the C. elegans neuronal network, PLoS Computational Biology, 7 (2): e1001066. doi:10.1371/journal .pcbi.1001066 and Figure 5: Assembled by Hye-Vin Kim using images from the Benjamin R. Tucker papers, Manuscripts and Archives Division, the New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundations. Figure 6: Courtesy of David Ziegler and Suzanne Corkin, and part of a study reported in Ziegler et al. 2010. Figures 7–8: Rob Duckwall/Dragonfly Media Group. Figure 9: Sizer 1888. Figure 10: Dronkers, N. F, O. Plaisant, M. T. Iba-Zizen, and E. A. Cabanis. 2007. Paul Broca’s historic cases: High resolution MR imaging of the brains of Leborgne and Lelong. Brain, 130 (5): 1432–1441. By permission of Oxford University Press. Figure 11: Brodmann 1909. Figure 12: Penfield and Rasmussen 1954. Figure 13, left: David Phillips/Photo Researchers; right: Alex K. Shalek, Jacob T. Robinson, and Hongkun Park. Figure 14: Constantino Sotelo. See also DeFelipe 2010. Figure 15: Ben Mills. Figure 16, left: Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory; right: copyright © 2009 Andrew Back (Flickr: carrierdetect). Figure 17: Albert Lee, Jérôme Epsztein, and Michael Brecht. Figure 18: Hye-Vin Kim. Figure 23: Yang, G., F. Pan, and W. B. Gan. 2009. Stably maintained dendritic spines are associated with lifelong memories. Nature, 462 (7275): 920–924. Figure 25: Assembled by Hye-Vin Kim from drawings in Conel 1939–1967. Figure 26: Kathy Rockland. Figure 27: Hye-Vin Kim. Figure 28: Created by Winfried Denk based on an image from Kristen M. Harris, PI, and Josef Spacek. Copyright © SynapseWeb 1999–present. Available at Figure 29: Courtesy of Kim Peluso, Beaver-Visitec International, Inc.(formerly BD Medical–Ophthalmic Systems). Figure 30: Ken Hayworth. Figure 31: Richard Schalek. Figures 32–33: TEM cross-section of the adult nematode, C. elegans, published on by David H. Hall, with permission from John White, MRC/LMB, Cambridge, England. Figure 34: Daniel Berger, based on data of Narayanan Kasthuri, Ken Hayworth, Juan Carlos Tapia, Richard Schalek, and Jeff Lichtman. Figure 35: Hye-Vin Kim. Figure 37: Aleksandar Zlateski. Figure 38: Modified from an image provided by Richard Masland. Figure 39: Felleman, D. J., and D. C. Van Essen. 1991. Distributed Hierarchical Processing in the Primate Cerebral Cortex. Cerebral Cortex, 1 (1): 1–47. By permission of Oxford University Press. Figure 40, left: Hye-Vin Kim; right: Kathy Rockland. Figure 41: Ramón y Cajal 1921; DeFelipe and Jones 1988. Digitized by Javier DeFelipe from the original drawing in the Museo Cajal. Copyright © the heirs of Santiago Ramón y Cajal. Figure 42: Hye-Vin Kim, based on White et al. 1986. Figure 43: Hye-Vin Kim. Figure 44: Dr. Wolfgang Forstmeier, Max Planck Institute for Ornithology. Figure 45: Redrawn from an image created by Michale Fee. Figure 48: Rob Duckwall/Dragonfly Media Group. Figure 49: Hye-Vin Kim. Figure 50: Kristen M. Harris, PI, and Josef Spacek. Copyright © SynapseWeb 1999–present. Available at synapses Figure 51: Felleman, D. J., and D. C. Van Essen. 1991. Distributed Hierarchical Processing in the Primate Cerebral Cortex. Cerebral Cortex, 1 (1): 216–276. By permission of Oxford University Press. Figure 52: Hye-Vin Kim. Figure 53, left: Daniel Berger; right: Anders Leth Damgaard—


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