Hell's army officers

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Hell's army officers Page 7

by Andrew Komarowski

  — Oh, and the activation to set help? And we are with these dolls was not the case. Will you, dear? Irina, smiling, looked at Victor.

  — Of course! I always had women!

  — Aha, means, they still were? — clenching fists, Orlova pretended to be offended.

  — For a long time! I don't remember! He blushed.

  — I love you. The way you are. With all your past and future... Sorry, it was a stupid joke... — mentally whispered Orlov and waiting for appreciative eyes, again turned to the saleswoman.

  — Girl, and they are able to speak? No, these phrases have no individuality... — looking at her stretched clerk catalog, she concluded.

  — This is for you. On each box is the name. Confused is not recommended. Open only in hyperspace! Agreed?

  What if I don't survive? Who knows when will we get there? — protested Ricky. And seeing as the wolves he put away a box of his name, screamed, Realized! I promise!!! Wow, what a heavy! No, I can't stand! I never got anything two years!

  — So let's rejoice! — promised him by the Ira.

  — And what about gifts? And why not all? And we necessary to think that, red? — outraged Helen, when a bunch of boxes on the floor were scattered by the hands of children.

  — We will give you a little bit later! — Unscrew wick — Just hands is not enough!

  — At me not enough hands ever. Anyone... — feigned offended Williams. — What, am I healthy?

  — What do you think? — laughed Conti. — Won each breast with my head! In! You need to go to the zoo! There are guys like gorillas, they handle just size...

  — Oh, someone'll get the full program! — She sat up and tried to get out of the table.

  — Do not! I was joking! a frightened voice yelled Ricky. — What are you, a joke!

  — Not today! Ellen smacked him on the head, from which any normal man would have pulled back his hoof. — See, I'm without a gift! And this is terribly evil and unpredictable!

  — I suffer from it! — rubbing his head, muttered the injured man.

  — You suffer from their language! Not to apply it on something worthwhile! — interrupted his lamentations Williams.

  — Exactly! Standing more than three credits. Not like your yesterday's crocodiles! — laughed Helmut.

  And nothing they are not crocodiles! — offended Conti. — And pretty girls!

  — Know better! After this replica Volkova snickered all. — By the way, I would still ate. And something very large...?

  The elephant suit? — angrily growled offended Ricky, Or are you a dinosaur too.

  In General, after ten minutes the guys with an appetite scarfed a late lunch for a short but such a cool dismissal...

  Hey, Ramon! As usual, Kharitonov burst into the office Ramona without warning. And judging by the facial expression, very upset.

  — Good night, sir... Rodriguez got up from the table and shook the outstretched hand. — What can I do?

  — Yes, as you say? — Pulled a face and the General drew a chair up to the hologram window and fell into it, staring at a virtual mountain village, covered pure white snow. — In General, if briefly, our game is over... Time to start working...

  But we have not yet begun the fourth phase! — indignantly exclaimed the major. — You know, the teamwork of the crew of "Merlin" — that's not all! With nonactivated BK and lack of experience of interaction in the group they will be for Cyclops meat.

  — Well, activate! — Kharitonov growled and jumped up from the chair. — If you think that while you sit in your Complex and tinkering with training programs, I'm just laying around, then you are very much mistaken. Have you ever thought that the whole project "the Demon" in principle illegal? That come here, the Commission on genetic transformation and I, you and all your team you're going to forced correction of personality? And these poor guys just destroyed?

  — Thought...

  — So I was given a choice: if I now show the promised result, the law on intervention in the human genome are immediately made all necessary amendments. If you do not show and the Demons can't handle it, so we are revealing tear...

  But all spent on the Project money? — burst from Rodriguez.

  — This is big politics, Ramon. At the moment, share the piece of cake is much more...

  — Okay... — the Major sighed, walked around the office, then returned to his Desk, sat down in the chair and looked grimly at the silent General: — where you plan to run?

  — The name Pronin three you about something speaks? — with a question answered Kharitonov. And seeing the negative shake of the head, sighed: is The largest Deposit of rare earth metals in the investigated part of the Galaxy. On its surface there is a huge processing plant of the enemy. In a geostationary orbit directly above it — and-loading terminal, protected by the powerful automatic orbital fortress. Every two months comes to planet transport and booting, the escort of four fighters goes back. Now, I need this cargo! Hundred of thousands of tons of transuranic elements! Imagine what kind of money are we talking?

  — But any attack on Cyclops now equivalent to a Declaration of war...

  — I understand it is not worse than you. But what is my voice compared to the voices of those who, having seen the report of the intelligence section decided that at the moment, videoconferencing is ready for war as ever?

  — Nonsense... — angry Rodriguez all Right. But to throw five "Krechetov" on the orbital fortress and the four fighters is suicide!

  — The gentlemen McGregor and Blokhin does not care. They need to show them "super-soldiers" in action... Alternative you already knew... Well, we have twelve days on the flight to Lagos-two, the planning of the operation and the jump to the system Pronin... Okay, this is understandable. Eyeliner is made without fail, the girls worked out recommendations. The result can not but rejoice — almost all men-Demons have dropped the factor of dissatisfaction with their body...

  — So, as if to say simpler? — frowned Kharitonov. — I have enough army kantselyarizmami!

  My psychologists found suitable in appearance and temperament of the girls. Of course, not on the street, and among the staff of the second and third divisions of the VKS. Instructed and "summed" to our bachelors. Two days demonstrated their admiration very bad impact on the morale of the guys. And the exemption itself too. So a two-day break in the preparatory process was indeed necessary...

  — What's with the mixed pairs?

  — In a pair of Ford — Williams problems and there was not. And the "five" things started to improve. Recommended Mary Roshal hormonal changes Viktor Volkov gave the result — he finally paid attention to the eagles not only as a partner...

  — Excellent... — Kharitonov tapped his fingers on the arm of the chair, and thoughtfully asked: — I understand that cases of high interest in Demons is not registered there?

  — No... However, if approach planned someone serious, you will not notice in depth cover he could. So I think that we scared them off yourself...

  — Could not agree more... no time for games intelligence and the elaboration of competent bases. We can do this later... When guys get to the Complex, gather them in the conference room-I want to talk to them, And give the command to prepare "Merlin" to fly in full combat. Immediately after the conversation, the Demons will travel to Lagos...

  — What about the fourth phase? — twitching Ramon.

  — Gather five smart guys, prepare an accelerated program of development of BK-ashek and send them in pursuit. However, I think that to train through it the Demons will have after the operation in the system Pronin. Of course, if they come back...

  — Sir! OU Demons out of retirement arrived. Over the past two... Mayor Rodriguez, gesture, ordered me to shut up, for some reason, pulled immaculately rider jacket.

  — I know. In the conference room on the double...

  At a good pace ran through the deserted corridors of the complex, we flew to the conference room and stood at the entrance: on the dais, his
hands behind his back and stared at us, stood unfamiliar to us General.

  — Well, guys! Let's get acquainted. General Kharitonov. So ... I beg to love and favor. Each of you, I know better than that, so let's not waste time on all sorts of performances. Sit down.

  Waiting until we settle down, Kharitonov glared at emerged in the doorway Rodriguez and gesture, ordered him to occupy the vacant place, came up to us closer:

  — To my sincere regret, we have to interrupt your workout. Immediately after this meeting, you will fly into the system in Lagos. There you need to report the arrival of Colonel John Ridley, commander of the videoconferencing system. Combat mission will receive from him. I want to draw your attention to some very important points. First, and most importantly — in the system of Lagos you will not have the same in-depth care, as in new Georgia. Therefore, you may not leave the base. Next. Currently around the project "the Demon" there is an unhealthy excitement. Therefore, any possible provocation. From signal requiring change of course your ships, and before the double of the Minister of defence with some "very important" order. Now! Any orders NOT originating Colonel Ridley, I order you to ignore. For all attempts approach you must immediately report to him. Third. Combat task that you put the Iron Joe is on the verge of your ability. I ask you to do everything possible to accomplish it and at the same time not to risk without imperative necessity — alas, the preparation for the fourth phase of the Project, you complete not have time. Immediately after leaving Hyper you will be required to open the files that you get before takeoff, activate the blocked part of your BK-ashek and read the instructions for their use. Apply tactical scheme given in it, I allow only in cases of extreme necessity. Okay?

  — That's right! — together we snapped.

  The General looked sadly at our serious faces and sighed heavily.

  — Appointed senior Lieutenant Volkov. Good luck to you, Demons... Sorry that it started so early...

  After going into Hyper, and final activation of BK-Ashkali and I, and Irina felt a bit nauseous. However, the flashing colored spots before our eyes stopped pretty quickly, leaving behind a strange sensation of draught somewhere in the region of the nape. A few times sharply pulling the head, I closed my eyes and suddenly I felt that seeing the statement text. Not using helmet camera to Irina, and her eyes!

  Wow! — whistle a girl — wow! Hell no they Bug namudrili!

  I opened my eyes and opening your file with instructions, I got a grasp on the first line and felt that my jaw is falling off slowly: implanted the brain of the device was more difficult than I could imagine. Signal BK-Cup, reinforced with a special unit "Falcon", allows you to connect directly to two dozen such devices and give the opportunity to coordinate their media captures the imagination with precision. The first scheme of the battle of the five "Krechetov" against class destroyer "Storm" looked like something completely unimaginable! If in the traditional version of the pilot of each of the fighters to approach to the distance of the assured destruction heavy anti-ship torpedoes had to put up a field of reflection of the front hemisphere at maximum, in time to press the sensor activation generator flicker and if you need to shoot ghosts, then there were lots of options. Say, the flight of all machine orders are almost next to Each other at a common field of reflection.

  Presenting yourself in such order and without BC-of a Cup, I felt my spine tingle: in the context of hostile jammers first inconsistent flickeringthat is , the shift perpendicular to the axis of flight, was bound to end in collision of ships with their fields of reflection. Or, if the ships covered by one blanket, the touch of the corps of the boundaries of the field or vehicle of a neighbor. In General, a guaranteed disaster. Using BK's chance of survival looked extremely high — about ninety-eight and nine tenths of a percent in the cocoon of the ten fields, and a hundred (!) under one General.

  "Well, yeah, it's not jammed!" I thought, and imagined the attack in such order. It turned out quite interesting.

  No less interesting was the work with the generators of the fields. Coordinated work of three or more ships allowed to create a field of interference within the sphere of reflection of an enemy ship. And use his resonance to destroy located on the outer armor of the emitters of the protective field. We gave the ability to bypass the basic problem of contemporary space battles: the need to create a point of momentum at the boundary of the force field, superior capabilities of generators of a protective field and propulsion system...

  Getting a grasp on running in front of the lines and looking at virtual tactic, I occasionally caught myself thinking that watching the film — in order to control the flow of information necessary for synchronous control of at least two "Merlin", required absolutely insane reflexes. And the perception battle on this level, which seemed prohibitive. But in theory every Demon were to be able to control all the maneuvers of twenty ships!!!

  — What? — having read the manual from start to finish, angry with the Ira. At least, I do not represent myself...

  After reviewing the remaining schemes, I thoughtfully looked at her friend and said nothing — in my mind gradually grew stronger confidence that some of the things I read I will be able to repeat now...

  ...Two days in hyperspace we with Irina almost did not come off from each other. Making up time missed for half a year living in one room. The girl seemed to have changed from a sharp, confident soldier she had suddenly become tender and soft, the mistress of the cabin. It catches my every word: I was ready to dart off to get to the food synthesizer, to give me a glass of juice or to cook dinner — You for this, Keith!

  — Do not tear! — She puffed her chest out proudly, covered with one tank, and inserted the crystal in the onboard computer. — You will protect me. Okay, enough talking. Look! Here the total score in points... choose your name...... See the current date, nearly nine thousand points. And here is the intended result, Six thousand three hundred twenty!

  — Wait! What is "planned"?

  — Our "eggheads" assumed that if each of us gain more than five thousand points, the experiment can be considered successful. And we will be able to withstand the average Cyclops. Look here curve the expectations obtained on the basis of your elementary skills, dynamics of development, efficiency, commitment, adaptability to new opportunities and a heap of factors. Here is the description. Of two hundred pages. Will the desire — to read. So, as I said, the highest result in the Project you have. Questions? Who else could I choose?

  Read the numbers, I thought: of all of our dozen to the lower limit of normal did not only Gomez. We have a chance to survive this mission was. Almost all...

  — Want more fun? Look — here's the penultimate flight test that you took on the simulator. Only from the back side: here, the original data for its modeling. Notice that all six of your opponents "Master pilots"! Reactions of the hardware accelerated one and a half times. Remember how you butchered? And now remember your stories about Koschei. The point is clear?

  I stared blankly at the screen and was silent: the information I received, demanded serious consideration...

  — Okay, then analyze! — somehow cope with the surprise, I said and stood up, walked over to the synthesizer. — Will you drink?

  — With pleasure! Me orange. And chocolate with nuts. By the way, before the six minutes...

  "Merlin" popped out of Hyper at the same time, and then in the air he heard a happy cry longing for fellowship Williams:

  The demon five! I'm a Demon or two! How's it going?

  — Everything is fine! Do not litter the air... a Course on Lagos-two! We're starting to turn...

  — Vic! Aren't you happy to hear us? — resounded in my head purring voice Helen. — And we missed you...

  — Me too! We just combat unit, not a Gypsy! — I mentally responded. — If the distance allows you to communicate without a radio, why strain your orbital fortress? They're on duty...

  Vic is right! in our conversation wedged Igor. — It is necessary first to think and then to say
Hello. By the way, don't you think you and your beauty deserve a decent thrashing? Your damn gifts we just finished. They were shouting that we want, every two hours! Jumped, tried to solicit and accept such poses that Helmut almost died from desire!

  — Not true! — tried to argue Schwartz, but his words were drowned in a wild laughter Ira.

  — - Let me finish. — barked Semenov. — They not only danced a Striptease or undressed languidly, but stubbornly tried to undress us. Periodically changing face and figure. They we so sick that we had to break them...

  — Ricky! And why are you silent? — sarcastically asked Irina, waiting for the end of the tirade, and when Helen stops to laugh-hysterical.

  What can I say? Conti was angry. — Judging by the stories of Igor, his dolls, though women were similar! And I woke up to the fact that I climb some hippopotamus and a hoarse smoky voice whispers in the entire cabin: "Honey, I'm just a volcano of passion! Fuck me!" And then throws me a bunch of condoms and arrogantly demands to beat the last record...

  — I'm a bit of laughter died when he yelled... — his voice Hasek. Especially when he saw his crush! By the way, you face she picked up the enemy does not want...

  — And you remember how you stuck yours! — snapped Ricky. — Also yelled: "Get her the hell out of here!"

  — So I slept!

  — I do, dance?

  Boys, I want to see most of these women! — screamed Helen. — I will not forgive you if you don't show me!

  — I can't. Broke in a third activation... — grimly admitted Conti. Otherwise she would have raped me...

  — Lying! authoritative said Yasha. — She was so gently laid his head on his knees when he tried to work on the computer and began to unbutton his pants...

  Well, anyone still have one? — almost crying, ached Williams.

  "Well," confessed said nothing all the talking wolf. I liked the muzzle. I really broke the hell all code, and now, when I'm too lazy to move, she to me is coffee... Land — show!


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