Hell's army officers

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Hell's army officers Page 12

by Andrew Komarowski

  That's funny... — Blowing on chilled fingers. Groner looked at the screen holovizio, which showed the contents of the chest of the product, and then Sarkisyants, tearing up the remote control activation. — The idea with the brain in your chest I'm like...

  Is not the most important difference of this specimen... î chuckled Edward, Look...

  The skin on the face Zombie trembled and was covered with a thin mesh of longitudinal and transverse strips. After a moment under her began to move the bones of the skull — the frontal is slightly raised What about running tests?

  Moving it is bad... — Lights in the eyes Sarkisyants immediately extinguished, and the Professor shrank his shoulders and stared at the floor. — Well, not really bad, of course: he runs, jumps and shoots the product is already quite decent. But when you look from the right identificireba as an artificial creature. Not enough plastic...

  — Well, we will select power laboratory iskina, sit behind the calculations a couple of smart programmers, and a couple of days, Zombies can dance...

  The ones that I have are busy. Twenty hours a day... will Do that, just while hands did not reach...

  — It is clear. I look, gradually approaching the finish line?

  — If... — sighed Edward. — Currently does not work to achieve coordinated work iskina and brain donor: occasionally they come into conflict, and the sample has to destroy...

  — Good... — Groner looked at the screen komma and frustration came over him to See it in action I failed. The boss calls. So today will be without me...

  Burst into the office Olsen, Ben is depicted on the face of blame expression, and prepared himself for the dressing: as a rule, a forced four-hour waiting always freaked Brian out, and to get from lab to his residence for a little time was just unreal. However, instead of the traditional "well, where are you when I need you," Olsen met him with a happy smile:

  — Hey, you bum! I have two news. Good... very good! With what to begin?

  — Well, I think with good. Very good leave for dessert...

  Three days ago in Lagos appeared the ships of the Cyclops. Destroying the destroyer and a few fighter aircraft of the Sixth fleet, they ran into modificando Kharitonov... Can you predict the result?

  Well, I would put on modificato, but judging by your smile, they did not. Cyclops have burned them? — distractedly asked Groner.

  — Damn! I hate your sense of smell... — pouring a glass of fifty grams of cognac, Brian handed it to the assistant. — Guys Kharitonov butchered Cyclops, as God a turtle! Knocked down all four ships, and we did not get a scratch. I watched the recording five times — a crazy sight! Imagine, even regretted that they are financed not me...

  Surprised looking at the order typed Olsen, Ben sipped the expensive drink and putting the glass, asked:

  — So we have a recording of the battle? Maybe more details of military equipment of the Cyclops?

  — To get the hardware has failed — there SB-schnick blocked two-thirds of the system. Can't be touched. I was disappointed... But the record of the battle half of the Confederation: it was removed from the orbital fortress, four dozen ships, and all communications equipment and early warning. However, modificati work there as a Werewolf, but to confuse them by ships of the "Tornado", you have to be a clinical idiot... "I am a Delta a hundred and five! I — Delta-one hundred and five!" — funny prognosis it. And in the records of Edwards controllers they were Demons...

  — Clear! So, records can be sent to work... Good news...

  — Not news, but news! — interrupted him Olsen. And not "good", but simply News. Good I haven't sounded!

  — I listen to you carefully... Ben again took another SIP of brandy and ears.

  — The day before the session of the General Assembly of the Subscribing Systems held hearings amendments to the law on deep interventions in the human genome. Guess what the outcome of the event?

  — Amendments shall be adopted by an absolute majority? — smiled Ben.

  — But, no! — gleefully yelled Olsen. Or rather, adopted by an absolute majority, but with one mA-and-vermillion reservation. The essence of which can be expressed with a short sentence of six words: "intervention in the genome is allowed only in time of war"...

  — Whether the hell... did Groner. — As usual, our politicians overreacted...

  — Well and let! — interrupted the banker. — For us the main thing that? The fact that we have a free hand. And that if you want we can do what I want, indefinitely. To unleash a small conflict on the periphery is not too expensive, and with the right emphasis in the media, he will be considered this "war". So the amendment can be considered indefinite. But what good are you?

  — Well, such global news, but something to please the will: Mr Sarkisyants gave the future of Zombies is very useful option...

  — What? — concerned asked Olsen.

  — The ability to metamorphosing. Can you show a small video...

  ...Reviewing the record, Brian put aside a bottle of brandy, bent over the coffee table and looking at Ben totally sober eyes, asked:

  — Do you know how much money it will bring us?

  Groner nodded.

  — Perfect scout, spy, bodyguard... dreamy muttered Olsen.

  And also a perfect liquidator... — in his tone finished Ben. After another hour in the war zone of the spaceport Lagos-two, not a single civilian vessel — If they do not, a measly four ships of the Cyclops tore all... That's what a real Werewolf. ... But we have the usual impostors...

  — To fight the Cyclopes on is almost impossible... — after a pause in his monologue, I said softly. — Remember a lecture at the Academy! They are faster and hardier than any of you...

  — You? — gripping the lapels of my suit, growled the blond.

  Yes. You. And we've been preparing for this war. So I put on more powerful machines...

  — Why?! — howled the indignant to the core pilot. — Why am I, a Werewolf, needs to fly this bucket, and it is not known who is to get the new fighters?

  With a sigh, I gently unhooked his arm from his suit, then gently squeezed his forearm, waiting for the spark of UNDERSTANDING in his eyes, said:

  — We were given not only the car... We do a little bit more... everything has its price, and very often it turns out to be too high...

  I'm A Werewolf! I was taught to fly! I am willing to pay any price to beat these creatures! Why this war was prepared by you? What prepared me? rubbing his whitened fingers under my arm, he exclaimed.

  Victor is also a Werewolf. Five minutes... his voice is not clear when arising behind me Irishka. He was picked up from the Academy shortly before graduation exams. And tortured for eight months. So that he could at least something to counter Cyclops...

  — Who taught you to fly? — dull voice asked me Becker.

  — Captain Koshcheev... — I replied.

  And after it you still had to teach? looking at me with wide eyes, with doubt in his voice asked the blond.

  Yes. Moreover, we pulled in here BEFORE the end of the training. So we are miserable bunglers... Ira put his fingers in my hand and quietly added, — If not for Vic, we also had to be tight...

  Tonight we will gather to remember guys. In "Bent horseshoe"... grimly watching for the next "Merlin," said Becker. — If you come, we will be very grateful... And... thanks again...

  — Come have... instead I said the Ira...

  ...Admiral sauna were very personal. A set of steam rooms for every taste and temperature. A dozen of recovery blocks in which you can find anything, starting from the ancient "motor vehicles" and ending with the latest devices for integrated neurophysiologic relaxation of the body. Several magnificent rooms with stunning halosenniemi the plants that create the room the illusion of presence in the most beautiful parts of the inhabited worlds of the Confederation. Each was equipped with a finish-camera pneumococci over which revolved a holographic logo of a chain of restaurants "Marina the Ritz." Not the cheapest in the Sector...
/>   It's good to be an Admiral... — taking from the pile lying on this wooden bench near the front door, a few so-called "sheets," sighed Ricky. — Go to bathe twice a day, and in their spare relaxation time building and equate negligent subordinates...

  Yes... a Dream, not a sauna... — he assented Helen. And your dreams too. Unless you painted the painting can be considered a life?

  — Do not understand? — surprised Conti.

  — Well, the sauna, and then subordinates. Again, sauna again, and subordinates. And where in this series nonstop entertainment your favorite women? Or do you expect to become an Admiral only when you spit, even the experts clinics rejuvenation?

  Ugh you... — pouted Ricky. — And not to say mean things to me can't you?

  I try but not work... — laughed Williams. — Okay, Orlova will go to undress. I'll meet you in the Russian bath.

  — To undress and then weak? Conti tried to take revenge. But there it was. Heavy artillery in the face of my irishki killed him on the spot:

  — Before becoming an Admiral, decided to remember how the opposite sex looks? So we can tell you even one woman present. Rubber. Your future problem will recede. Commercials of the month three or four. Of course, if you again do not tear. In a paroxysm of passion...

  — Go already! — yelled Ricky. — And then I will personally shoot...

  — Officers... — Waiting until we settle down around the table, Ridley raised a glass of brandy and with a gesture stopped Poryvaevoy out of your seats Ford — I have called you not only to give an opportunity to relax. Actually, not so... damn! During the time spent in hyperspace, twenty times I thought about it and this is every time understood that to Express in words what I feel, will not work. Every time I climbed something dry state, devoid of feelings that I would like to convey to you. And now I don't know where to begin... do Not interrupt... I need to focus... — seeing that Ricky stirred, raised his voice, Colonel. — You've heard my nickname. Iron Joe — call me for seven years. Do you know why? Just seven years ago, I lost a second son. And the year before it first. Both of my boys were great fighters, and I was proud of the way they can fly... If not for the Cyclops, the children enjoyed a long and happy life. Senior, Travis, was just about to get married. And even bought myself a small cottage in the resort area of Avera-four, where was his regiment. Junior... the youngest of the family is not thought — lived one flight and a year after graduation from the Academy became one of the best pilots in his regiment... When the system Avera surfaced ships Cyclops, Travis was on patrol. In tandem with a companion he tried to hold more than six dozen their sides to the civil court managed to reach the orbital fortresses...

  — Seven years ago? — pale Ira. — If I'm not mistaken, then Cyclops blasted them both and turned terraforming the only planet of the system in a boiling lake of lava...

  "Yes..." muffled confirmed Ridley. And destroyed the entire Eleventh fleet, which was trying to protect Ever from the bombing, My wife and future daughter-in-law stayed in Aware four. Was visiting Travis... And a year later Tommy was killed... did Not return from a reconnaissance mission into the system of Shannara... And I'm here. As one finger. Without a family, relatives and friends... the Only thing that somehow distracted me from the memories was the service. I was tormented by themselves and their subordinates so that in four years my regiment planetary infantry was the best in the garrison. Then... then I moved for a promotion. Affairs became more and opportunities to think and remember — less... I lived in a fog, and from lifting and to a release were not given, even for a moment neither himself nor his subordinates -- Because I was trying not to think about his children and not think about the fact that the pilots, who all day take off and land at the spaceport Lagos-two, is also doomed...

  Gulp his glass of Ridley paused for a moment, and then, looking down at us all in turn, he continued:

  When I was contacted by the General Kharitonov, I decided he was crazy: to send to certain death of ten even very well trained pilots seemed to me a crime! I lost my voice, urging Vladimir to dismiss this idiocy, but he wouldn't listen to me. In a few hours, first time seeing your face, I thought about my sons and wanted to sink into the ground, not to see the time your ships will take you to the system Pronin... All the time it took you to come up with the tactics of the attack on the transport, I also did the tactical computer. Could not think of anything sensible. According to my calculations it turned out that you have no chance to come back. And I felt like a murderer! The person who sends in the death of their own children! And after you jump, I realized that I didn't want to live! For to live without having the opportunity to come to the graves of their children — scary. As scary as not knowing where and how they met death... And then I spat on Charter and flew behind you. On "Hero"...

  — But all ended well... trying not to meet with Ridley look, barely audible Pro-muttered Williams.

  — Well? The Colonel jumped up from the table, picked up her frightened jerking Helen and threw her to the ceiling. Yes I almost died of happiness when I heard your "Delta-five..."! It was the happiest moment of my life! And all three days were required to "Hero" to deliver the transport Cyclops on purpose and back to Lagos, I did not stop and kept telling myself "the Job command done. Transport captured"...

  — Well, we're a little frolic... blurted out the irrepressible Ricky. And I felt a slap on my irishki.

  — Yes, I've already reviewed the footage of your battle... is releasing from the hands of Helen and blushing slightly, nodded Iron Joe. And happy that I can personally tell you "thank you"! In General, I think you understand me, and... I'll leave you to rest. Forgive an old man... do not judge strictly...

  ...The next morning we met obseruations beyond the orbit of Lagos-nine. Twenty boards, half of which was ruled by the best pilots of Werewolves, led by captain Becker, went beyond the actions of the system sensors and long-range detection and in excess of the PA agreed on planet distance, grappled in sparring.

  Semenov, Williams, Krause and Hasek, as I moved to "Tornado" in pairs practiced the capture of the slave to full or partial control. And maneuvers at ultrasmall distances. But at the same time portrayed fighting the two Cyclops alternately attacking the ships of the Werewolves. Their second room was tormented by "Merlin", ensuring the same controls as full-time pilots. Training tasks generated flight simulator on the basis of its existing memory records the real possibilities Semenov and company, brought the poor passengers to distraction: Helmut and Ricky finished another exercise, each time viciously cursed his teammates, the creators of the simulator and those who came up to take the Project pilots. Shouting, of course, in mileslas — secrecy has not been canceled...

  Alas, the rest of it was not prior to the expression of sympathy: the first numbers, battling against three or four opponents, laid out in full, ka-carcass. As Ira[22], able to feel the depth of their discontent, was busy. Me. And in those rare moments when I gave her the opportunity to rest, instead of complaining, tormented me with questions about tactics...

  Flew it until the band — I'm thin and almost not managed "Tornado"[23] he managed to knock it in every training battle. However, with the disconnected generators protective field. At some point I had a strong feeling that she feels my evolution. Alas, it turned out that everything is much more prosaic.

  — When you disappear from sight, I immediately close the opposite sector shields... — answering my question, gave a sad laugh Orlov. — If I could feel you I would be the happiest woman in the Universe...

  — What, now you want me bad? — I blurted out.

  — Bad — Voice irishki was absolutely serious. — Soon we will cease to fly in the same ship, and I'll go crazy with grief...

  — We'll figure something out. For example, will jump into Hyper, only pastikova their "Merlin" to each other... — I blurted out and suddenly thought: the ability to control a slave remotely could be useful not only during acceleration for a jump!

  — Did you stop? anxiously inquired Irina.

  Yeah the idea came interesting. Will consider — will tell. Okay, sweetie, enough rest. I attack...

  ...The first positive results appeared ten minutes before the end of the training flight. At some moment she seemed to have made a quantum leap and moved to the next level of perception itself, the machine as a whole. The evolution of her "Merlin" have become less predictable and attack much more dangerous. To make sure that I didn't think it was, an extra half hour I drove my partner to the utmost for her modes and realized with surprise that right: the faster became my attacks, the more confident she respond to them!

  I don't know what's going on with you... — giving the command to stop the fight and waiting until her "Merlin" come to me at a distance a strong connection through BC, I mentally commented. — The last hour you like the chain broke...

  — I just stopped to think... — smiled Ira. — Remember, I once said that the car needed to feel skin? Before I could not. To feel you can. At any time. The car... the car failed. And today I suddenly realized that it was just! Almost as much as breathing...

  — Umnichka! — I was delighted. And, looking at her flushed face appeared in the corner of the tactical screen, he added: — you Know I love you. Even more than before...

  Really? Her "Merlin" has made a crazy u-turn around the middle to me, weapons pylons, and after being evolutionnisme, drove into the side of the "Tornado" boarding grips. — I don't care what guys think, but if you're not gonna kiss, I die...

  Throwing a glance at the radar and after admiring the motionless waiting for command to the end of the flights the rest of the ships, I tried to scratch the back of his head heartily punched the glove of the space suit helmet and laughed.

  Okay, anyway the training is completed. Come get me! Jokes Ellen and Ricky somehow survive.

  — Can you see me? — Orlov chuckled. — There is more... But if you insist...


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