Hell's army officers

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Hell's army officers Page 18

by Andrew Komarowski

  — Cloak-why? — chorus asked Paul and Irina.

  — To come from afar to scare the enemy with their views... — chuckled Ricky. And yet, if it in good faith to wrap, you won't have to clean up the cabin "Gyrfalcon" from any crap like blood, brains and innards...

  — You're scaring me, right? — staring at me, asked the analyst.

  — Creep into Galanet... — I sighed. — Look, at what height above sea level in human blood...

  — Nineteen thousand feet... — looked at me stunned, after a minute he said Zabrodin. — But it's outside! And in any vehicle artificially maintained normal pressure...

  — Not in any. So don't wear compensating suit — even to the orbit of the Keys will not get...

  — What have you in the cockpit of a vacuum?

  — In combat mode, Yes. The shock wave when hit — not the bonus is worth dreaming... — nodded Ira. — However, with the overload that we fly, even in the suit likely to survive you will not. No...

  Okay, time goes by, and we are here to sharpen fritters... — noticing that the class has gathered all available from the patrol guys, changed the subject I Short. So now you all will faithfully test all of the systems of their "Krechetov" and to twenty-three hours should be ready to take off. Paul! You will remain in the barracks. It is not discussed. Questions?

  — It is necessary to put all of the civilian side... instantly became serious, Ricky. — And up in space at least half the Sixth fleet, I'm Afraid, with the full invasion of the Cyclops-two orbital fortresses in orbit will be enough...

  — Waiting for a response from Ridley... — I nodded. I asked to raise the entire...

  ... Cyclops has emerged in the system after about forty minutes after space rose the Sixth fleet's flagship, the battleship "Peter the great". Mechanical counting marks on the tactical screen, I felt that cold: to fight against the sixty of the enemy fighters was insane. But apart from them beyond the orbit of Lagos-five were seen eight destroyers and two cruisers!

  Holy shit... Mark's Voice which sounded in the common channel, made me shake off the daze and look at the ships, embedded in a protective sphere around the orbital fortresses. All one hundred and fifty "Tornado" hovering in the coordinates received from Paul Zabrodin formed an additional shield to their force fields. Heavy vehicles, in pairs, hanging a little closer to the border of the firing range of the orbital FORTS, formed another line of defense and also off almost all power to force fields: release them outside the protective perimeter staffing analyst division, the "Demon" is not going to. Fighter Werewolves dangled between destroyers, cruisers and battleships — their main task was to intercept heavy torpedo to break past the shields of the first line and moving to "Tornado", the Keys or the surface of the planet...

  — A lot of something... — the voice of the Iron Joe, and the protected from eavesdropping the channel, felt the fear. Now they will have to burn...

  — All power to the shields... — trying to make my voice sound confident, I reminded him. And be careful with the shooting, okay? Not enough to Shy away from their missiles...

  I remember everything, son. You be careful too, okay? Do not risk in vain...

  — We will try... — I muttered and turned the volume down: it was time to start movement...

  — Igor, Helen! Not at risk at all, okay? — switching to the General channel, I ordered. — It is better to do ten extra maneuvers than the last one...

  — The boss! You again... — chuckled Ricky. They all understood and already afraid...

  — All the lyrics for later. Okay? — trying not to growl answered me. In battle conversations. You remember your task?

  — Yeah... — he said sullenly. — Hang there like a punching bag on the juniper tree, and flap ears...

  Ricky!!! — growled the Ira. — Don't have time for jokes!

  — Yes, I remember, of course! I will direct you on purpose. Still in the top three fourth — more...

  And anywhere do not go, okay? just in case I repeated.

  — I will not... What am I immature?

  — Okay. Vic, you can start... — apparently tired of my valuable instructions, butted Williams. — Let's move already. We expect team...

  Throwing a glance at the tactical screen, I took control of the ships irishki and Gomez and, sensing that the contact was established, gave ten percent of the thrust on idle the engines worked...

  Broken[35] "Gyrfalcons" immediately enveloped in fields of reflection, escaping beyond the reach of the weapon Keys, cheerfully moved towards gradually reducing the speed of the Armada of enemy ships.

  Oddly enough, towards my link took off not ten to fifteen the sides of the enemy, and only three! Moreover, moving away from their ships and scrolling through a few pretty difficult to execute figures, the three split up: a pair of ostentatiously hung in the stillness, and their lead slowly moved in our direction...

  Boss, Yes, they call us! — smiled Conti. — I fight one on one! Cool!

  — Louts here! — outraged Helen. — Well, Vic, the challenge will be?

  The demon five! What's going on there? the voice howled Becker shared channel. And immediately flashing the call indicator protected.

  — Listen, sir!

  — Do not... — breathed the Iron Joe, and then made a small pause... and changed the opinion to the contrary: — But you know better. Do as you please. If I take the responsibility. Fly myself or someone will put?

  — Thanks... I... — I smiled and giving traction on maccianti machines Orlova and Gomez famously tore them in a sharp turn.

  — I love you. Be careful, all right? — Ira was limited to a few words. Apparently, in order not to interfere with my tune...

  ...The first thirty seconds or so I felt at ease — I was so used to flying the wing, which felt discomfort from the lack of additional protective fields and parallel connected minds irishki and Mark, it seemed that my "Merlin" has become three times less and three times more vulnerable. However, after injection into the blood "cocktail" that feeling quickly disappeared — instead there was a desire to act. Which had slightly flatten to look for trouble, knowing nothing about the enemy, it would be a rare idiocy.

  Cyclops was in no hurry — after a couple of "barrels", he moved parallel to the ranks of their ships, turned in his vending point, and, waiting till I take the opposite position three "blinked" nozzles of solutionyou.

  — Arrested-a-ay! — what have yelled Ricky, and I, automatically muffling his voice, rushed to meet the enemy...

  My opponent turned out to be a damn good pilot: in the first five and a half minutes, I never managed to get his tail. He, however, also. The complexity of the tasks that had to be solved every second, amazed: at each point of the trajectory, it was necessary to control the relative position of the enemy ships, torpedoes issued to them and "bogus" and close your car shields. Crazy cascade aerobatics, which has become our fight, gradually created a feeling of participation in the training. And it provoked on risky experiments. However, to go on about his excitement I did not and was limited to probing the limits of the enemy.

  Alas, he had opportunities all right: it's easily repeated almost all of my evolution and did not give any chance to exploit his mistake. Moreover, I soon came to the conclusion that the fighter from the Cyclops nonstandard: he always went for the limit values of accelerations and curvature of turns, who ever showed his countrymen. And at the same time remained sharp and quick. I had to reduce the turning radius of a fighter And increase the thrust of propulsion engines and evolutiontv. Cyclops, accepting the challenge, tried to work in the same way... and pretty soon ran into the limit: at the exit of the next turn, he briefly lost consciousness and "floated". Somewhere second and a half. At least another explanation for the delay in orientation to move its shield I could not come up. Yes, and it was flying past his cabin, not a sealed protective boxI had no problems stabbed her with the one and only "Piranha"...

  At the same moment in all channels at once he heard a continuous vocif
erous cry.

  — Vic! Hello! Come back with the trophy!!! — shout raging guys howled Ricky. — Get it grips and get it to us, okay? You are still over the fireplace there is no head of a Cyclops! Disorder!

  — What, I have a fireplace? — dimming the General channel, in which he continued to wail all and Sundry, I asked.

  — Damn, fireplace we do, so be it, skins... — laughed Helen, — Buy with the house. Conti is right. Pick up their boat, boss!

  Strange but true: as long as I'm not docked their battered fighter to a repair dock, hanging around the Key-two, Navy Cyclops didn't budge. But then the space near the planet began to boil and turned into hell...

  ...Cyclops methodically tried to push the cocoons of the two opposite protective fields closest to their ranks, ships from the Sixth fleet. Multiple warheads released hundreds of torpedoes exploded in unison at the border the power of the film's intended victim side and sometimes created a sufficient force to overcome the shield. However, it was relatively rare — the first, Sixth fleet faithfully implemented the recommendations of Colonel Ridley and not waste energy on maneuvers, which is great increased the capacity of the protective fields. And second of all, the Cyclops are constantly distracted in our links, hopping between ships.

  The first half hour of the battle was relatively easy — despite the fact that for each of our three hunted by two two fighters of the enemy, we managed to burn three destroyers and shoot two engines one of the two cruisers. However, our contribution in this was one who commanded a group of Cyclops, apparently could not imagine that someone of the opponents dare to break into the middle of their combat formations, and placed all the heavy vehicles alone, at considerable distances from each other. Despite the relatively low density of fire from the Sixth fleet, all protective field of the enemy ships were closing ONLY the forward hemisphere. Which created the perfect opportunity to attack from astern.

  Alas, enjoy this "happiness" we have been short-lived as soon as I cling to have lost the ability to properly maneuver the cruiser, as a good half of the fighters Cyclops, before attacking the protective pic taenia around the orbital fortresses, returned to his rear. And divided into two unequal parts. The first, consisting of seven cars, rushed at once down the line of their destroyers and cruisers and, leaving on one side near each heavy vehicle, its force fields blocked their rear hemisphere. The second part of the twelve(!) deuces — divided into three groups of two pairs, rushed us to intercept...

  To get away from the brutal Cyclops managed with great difficulty — fighters abandoned us for the second line of defense, and then only after one of their pairs flew in one of the managed minefields MZ[36] "Easy". If it does not, I'm afraid we would have lost Hasek — the simultaneous explosion of several dozen warheads, released after the torpedoes, pushed through both the force field managers Williams and turned one of the engines of Jacob is something that defies description.

  While the third room Helen was telepulse to the nearest repair dock hanging over a Key or two, Williams secondroll Ricky. As well as the beyond the reactions of each of the pilots link. If not for the exceptionally clear work irishki, their shields smoothing the majority of small piloting errors and not the reaction of Gomez, saibansho missiles at all enemy machines, at a fraction of a second to appear in the sight of all three "Krechetov", then I would have had very tight. And so, together, we not only climbed out of the landfill unscathed, but also managed to burn four fighter...

  Williams and Semenov worked not worse — link Helen dropped two, and Igor and his boys — three. Make sure that the bulk of the enemy fighters again torn among the orders of the Sixth fleet, I took the units into the enemy rear...

  The second RAID build for Cyclops was unsuccessful. Left without a spotter, Semenov, and Williams began to make mistakes one after another. At first Igor hooked machine wolf a small chip of armor they shot down fighter. Then two "distinguished" Helen, damaging fighters Ford and Conti, And after another couple of minutes as a result of unsuccessful maneuver her link immediately ran to the four pairs of enemy fighters.

  ...Heard a wild cry Williams, I glanced at the tactical screen and froze two of the three cars of its executives spun in a mad whirl of battle, and the third... the third was slowly swelling huge red ball...

  Ricky howled Igor, and his link, which is relatively close to the guys, rushed to the aid of the associated battle Williams and Ford.

  — Helene! Igor! Go to afterburner! with difficulty, forcing himself not to think about Conti and assessing the situation around him, left without a link, I shouted. Noticing that the slave has lost one of the two "falcons" were at the scene of the explosion, there gathered almost all that were close to Cyclops...

  — - Ricky Williams, not hearing anyone or anything, burned ammunition with such speed that by the time next to it was Igor, the indicator of the car Ford showed a balance of less than ten percent.

  — Harry! Take control and get the link to the Keys! — I shouted, throwing the engine thrust of his unit in the red sector.

  I can't, Vic! Ford, who worked with force fields, frantically tried to cover both cars from the mad fire of a dozen fighters and hanging near the destroyer. — You try!!!

  — I'm so far away... Igor!!!

  — Not enough priority... hollowly muttered Semenov. They are trying, but hasn't...

  — Hold on a little longer... — without taking your eye from the sector showing the signal strength of the BK-ashka, I yelled, noticing how open the force field machine Helen.

  — Let the rocket before withdrawing his own shield... gloomily commented on the outbreak of the Ira. — What is she doing?!

  ...To take control over machines, Williams and Ford I was able twice in the fifth. Or sixth. And, immediately locking all control of their "Merlin," he tried to pull them out of the landfill, in which they found themselves. Sensing that her machine is controlled by someone else, Ellen panicked and began to try to regain control at least over his fighter. As if realizing that she can't do it. Cursing Cyclops, himself, me, and everything I saw around, she continued to attack I set a lock, even after Harry, to whom I gave control of its BC-Cup, gave her a double dose of sedative...

  Meanwhile, a good third of the heavy ships of the Cyclops focused fire on the last leaving from prosecution the car of our five — "Merlin" Ford. If you believe the indicators of saturation of the force fields, the concerted explosions of warheads periodically forced three of the four guards pushed the Ira in the rear hemisphere!

  Igor, no worse than me in control of what is happening around, without any order from my side took his unit to the side. And, breaking to the rear of the building Cyclops, for some two minutes burned remnants in the beginning of the battle cruiser and shot off a couple of engines of the destroyer. Realizing that his team, attacking the second cruiser, currently the most dangerous of my five, two-thirds of the fighters chasing us pulled back...

  — Igor! Leave the destroyer alone and go away... — to get to the repair dock, I ordered. — Hasek in a minute will be in orbit. Take him instead of Helmut, Schwarz, Ford! Put your machines in repair and own the car, Helen metnet in Lagos for new, Williams by the management not to allow. Harry, got it?

  — Will do Vic... Pristique me to her — go to her ship...

  He waited until Ford takes the copilot's seat, I gave him control over the machine Williams and, on reflection, added:

  — Harry! Until she is up and about, not volunteering anything, Helmut! How to change to healthy "the Falcon" — will adjustment. All Igor, are you ready?


  — Then go...

  — Vic! I'm fine!! Unlock me, you hear?! Trying not to react to the muffled sobs Helene rang out in the General channel, I gave the engines to half thrust and led link towards the closest to me the two Cyclops...

  ...To go back to the Hyper winder did not. As surfaced in the middle between the Sixth fleet cruisers and destroyers of the Cyclops. And fifteen seconds after his appearance turned into a cloud of fl
ying in different sides of the wreckage. However, the set task the pilot has completed — dropped the Manager Key-single message.

  The conversation of Victor with Iron Joe Ira are not heard, communication was in a secure channel. But the change in mood of the flight leader felt: "Merlin", just came into the attack broke away from the main body of their kinsmen the two, made a crazy maneuver and for a split second hung in the position required for the activation of the generators of fields of interference.

  — The total collection of Key-two. — Depriving the fighter of the driven feed emitters of the protective field, Victor has set him up under the "Whale" Gomez and casually treated "Piranha" remaining without a partner second Cyclops, afterburner took the link to the orbital fortress...

  Sliding two of the three shields in the rear hemisphere, Orlova briefly distracted from what is happening around them "Merlin," he switched the tactical display modes lower resolution and frantically shook his head for fourteen hours the battle squadron Cyclops lost more than half their ships. Having lost cruiser, five destroyers and thirty four fighters.

  Apparently, therefore, the last hours of the picture of the battlefield looked like that: instead of continuing the attack on the ships first line of defense of the Sixth fleet, Cyclops has increasingly focused the fire on the "Merlin", depending on their role in the collapse of their plans. However, any error improved the spirit of the defenders of the Lagos-two were punished by extremely cruel Cyclops. For example, four ships of the Sixth fleet, in turn, tried to keep the demons of his fire and cut off from companions were attacked by a fighter Graha. And died. However, after a wild shriek of the Iron Joe "to cut down the engines to hell" the number of people willing to "help" quickly came to naught. Therefore, the loss of the Sixth fleet was relatively small. Work in the protective order and extremely precise control of the Navy could not bring its fruits: the time of appearance of the winder Cyclops burned four cruisers, twenty-two destroyers, eight "Tornado" Werewolves and "Merlin" Ricky. That is less than the lost themselves! Which, given the statistics of all past armed clashes, it was just incredible. Only here to enjoy it not worked — consciousness, devoid of any feelings constantly used "cocktails", refused to think about anything except the fight...


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