Hell's army officers

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Hell's army officers Page 21

by Andrew Komarowski

  Looking around and noticing several security officers of the institution, scrambling up a fast pace through the crowd, one of the two remaining legs of Marines raised a palm, supposedly as a sign of reconciliation, and mouths whispered:

  — We'll meet again, big guy...

  And bit by being pulled away unconscious friends away from our table, began to bring them to life...

  ...The evening was spoiled: don't want to eat nor drink, nor speak. So the next two hours we just sat and listened to music. Rarely applying to your glasses. Finally, Ellen suggested to tie this damn "holiday", offering to go to sleep. No objection, therefore, having paid, we went to the exit...

  ...At the entrance to the club was waiting for us. Thirty foot soldiers led by the Lieutenant, who promised me a meeting. Judging by the knives, scraps of pipes and brass knuckles, which they pointedly was playing, the guys were preparing for the meeting thoroughly. And believed that a number of bladed weapons should make us fear. We were especially happy our old friend: pretty grinning with our appearance a few times gently hitting with a baseball bat in his hand, he grinned and asked:

  — Well, are you rested? Great! Now it is our turn. But we, most likely because of the inherent humanism, ready to meet you. Of course, not all. You, creature, he glared at her, — can prepare for the continuation of the stay. But in the hospital. But you, fair-haired, I can still jump! Of course, if we all like how you'd serve us...

  — Served! — a tone that did not Bode well, said the Ira and moved forward. — Will not find! Anyone...

  — Maybe, after all, going to stop? — barely holding back anger, I asked, catching the girl by the elbow.

  Yeah! he said the marine. — Right now and Mimamsa! Just lightly go over your ribs, freaks! Beat them guys!

  The hungry crowd to fight the officers, who brandishing it, lunged to the attack. Pretty quickly and orderly — apparently, the insights on our strength and speed, the Marines still did. So time to think about humanism was not with us. Had to work with the utmost speed, and without much control. However, to death we still are not adjusted and limited to the application of severe shocks that have replaced their brains. And causing multiple fractures. So soon everyone to go over our edges turned on earth, and we, cute saying good-bye, went to his hotel...

  Alas, it turned out, to get to bed and go to sleep for me that night was not threatened: I did not have time to pull off her jacket, as I was called on duty and asked to go down to the lobby. I looked displeased to climb into the Jacuzzi Irina, somehow brought myself up and went back to the Elevator. And pulled the sensor of the first floor...

  In the lobby waiting for me. The captain and five aimed at me of service weapons on patrol. The chief of patrol who somehow forgot to introduce myself, without waiting for the complete opening of the doors of the Elevator, was ordered to raise his hands up to surrender their weapons and move behind him.

  Resist I did not: in contrast to the usual fights in the garrison eatery resistance patrol was considered a serious crime. And punished on all severity of the Charter. Much of a guilt I didn't see a recording of the fight in memory of BK-ashka is an excellent proof of my innocence, so I gave the officer his employee "Cross", quietly climbed into the patrol boat. Do not forget to contact Ira personal channel mileslas and inform about his arrest.

  Rolled me a long time. For about twenty minutes. What really surprised me, asshole — during this time the boat is built on the same platform with the "Straw" that could fly three hundred kilometers. A spaceport in length was much shorter. And certainly had their territory at least one brig.

  "I wonder what kind of lip? — remembering the luxurious interior of the "Aldebaran" to myself I smiled. We might be able to wash even there?"

  Yeah. Schazz! The camera, which pulled me, was no different from those in which I had to sit during Academy training, the same four walls, narrow and short bed, it is unclear to whom calculated. Appearing out of the floor at midnight and lost at six in the morning. Primitive "facilities", retractable from the opposite entrance wall after touching the sensor.

  Throwing open the door for me, captain sarcastically laughed and, with difficulty doterpit until the moment when I will be in camera, took all my existing personal belongings. And then, outside in the hallway, angrily vowed:

  — You'll like it here, Lieutenant!

  Shrugging, I looked around and sat down on the cot, good comms showed twenty minutes to one and sit on the floor was not necessary. However, the local was other plans. And they expect "fun" began much earlier.

  First, the camera tumbled about eight officers of the planetary infantry, as two peas similar to those that lay in front of the club. Stumbled on a very ungracious reception, the Lord quickly lost consciousness, And cluttering up the already small room. So I'm throwing them into the hallway, carefully latched the front door. Alas, to appreciate my humanity, they have not been able — after about an hour decided to come back. More prepared.

  Glancing at the heavy armor for the suppression of riots and stun, I got a little angry and broke them the upper limb. And very culturally asked him to give me the opportunity to sleep. As it turned out — in vain: in less than a couple of minutes, like some deranged major, pushing aside the flap on the front door, began to pour the camera shots from an assault rifle complex, loaded plastic bullets. Shooting all the bullets and making sure to not hit even once, he, wildly cursing, he closed the door and ran out. As it turned out, with the hose. And bucket of bleach. Bay the camera underwater through the window threw the contents inside the bucket, slammed the throttle, gleefully giggled:

  — Soak half an hour, and will be a little slower!

  'Well, well! — To burn their lungs I'm not going to, so kicked in the door, knocked stunned idiot and broke a couple of arrays, which prevented to move, through the wall they broke into the guardhouse. As it turned out, wanting to give me back my personal belongings in it was not. How, indeed, "To Not less interesting was And the ability to smell the odors prevailing in the Holy of holies of the restaurant — the kitchen. Aromatic unit of each seat passed all their shades, and the majority of clients "Old tower" used his services all the time waiting for your order. By the way, the cost of a copy of the file recording process, the preparation was ten percent of the price of the dish!

  ... — Hmmm... Well, Helmut, you were right... — tasted piece of meat from the dish with the unpronounceable name, Semenov delightedly clucked. — Crazy, how delicious!

  — And mine is no good... — sighed Gomez. — Of course, the money paid for it, sorry, so this stuff I can eat...

  — Can't be... upset Schwartz and, leaning over the table, tried to reach the plug closest to him of a piece... Let me try...

  — Try your own! I have so little... — howled mark, pushing the plate to the edge of the table, just in case he covered it with his hands.

  Igor laughed.

  I will not do?

  — Yeah... — not going away nodded chewing Gomez. — So as compensation I'm going to order a Supplement...

  — By the way, how's our "counterrevolutionaries"? — looking out from a niche in which was located their table, asked Krause. — I wonder what they ordered?

  — Coffee... — shrugged Semenov. The rest I dozakazat. We rest, and they work hard. Let the kids rejoice. And I don't lose anything...

  — Us... — setting aside the wine glass and nodded to mark. — Keep both hands and a credit card...

  ...Emergency call from Orlova has forced Igor to break away from the dessert and to throw a glance on the screen of komma.

  — Do we have a problem... — Fiesty, Irina could barely keep her emotions bubbling to the surface. We did a little fighting with the infantry, and after returning to the hotel Vic was arrested...

  — What? — Semenov was jaw dropped. — Who?

  — The patrol. Apparently, they caused those whom we broke...

  — With Kharitonov? — instantly more serious, he asked.

  — The call is f
orwarded to the server machine. Tolley he's still in the headquarters, or sleeping...

  — As for sleeping — I doubt it. He would have said. So, doing something serious. Okay, wait.

  Now would be... some will not pull, Okay?

  — Yeah... — gritted teeth Orlov. — You are very far away?

  — Twenty minutes fly... sigh Semenov. — However, I think that will be faster. There is one idea...

  Helmut, who heard the whole conversation, shot out from the niche before hearing the last phrase, apparently, was thinking in d same direction And twenty seconds back. It is not one.

  Captain Ievlev, Senior shift. Flew? — touching the sensor your komma what all crowding around the table the guys for a moment laid the ears, "counterrevolutionaries" and nodded toward the exit and looked at Semyonov.

  Yes, We are ready... — after the money transfer to the server of the restaurant, Igor pushed to the side which prevents him from the chair and followed the others at a quick pace headed for dressed in civilian officer. — To tell?

  ...As Igor had expected, "Condor," a ten-pleasure flyer in economy class, which flew Ievlev and his boys were significantly more powerful than its standard counterparts. Unable to really break away from the roof of the restaurant, he laid a furious turn and, ignoring all traffic rules and overclocking corridors in racing mode airbike rushed to the side of the spaceport.

  The Ievlev, connecting to iskino to the limit of the fancy machines, within a few minutes was banging on the virtual keyboard, and then, dissatisfied frown, he emerged from the space Galanet:

  — None of the guardhouse garrison Volkov was not. I contacted the major Tishkina — it now checks for the departments of the MB[37]. Only it is almost certain that there will not be Volkova. In his opinion, this is not an arrest, and action. That is, in the moment, your boss may try to take out from the planet. Do not pull everything you need to ensure that he remained in Newport has already been done: we contacted the Tower and called in a code Red... hmmm. The decision NOT to monitor you within the base was a mistake...

  ...Irina, leaping into the salon "Condor" after Ellen and Harry, glumly listened to the views of the captain and silently pulling from the pilot seat of one of his subordinates, took his place.

  Do you know where they took him? — surprised the Ievlev, looking confident as she leads the flyer.

  — Not yet! But I know who can figure it out... — snapped Irina, stopping the car at the entrance to the club, "Aldebaran". Almost knocking his door with the emblem on the fairing, depicting the proud bird. The head waiter, anxiously leaning out, instantly appeared in salon and shlopotat a couple of clips from Harry performing mental orders Orlova, froze in terror looking at the Demons.

  I need to know what hospital have taken away the carrion, which we then crumbled. As well as the address of their barracks and, preferably, the nearest guardhouse... — seizing the poor man by the throat and looking him in the eye, hissed Helen. — You have ten seconds to correct answer...

  — Hospital training center one thousand one hundred and seventeenth regiment of infantry, planetary, mA'am! — screamed in terror man. — The address of the hospital, barracks and guardhouses may lose on comm... if you let me go...

  — So.

  — I think "lip". It is closer to everything else... — verify with the coordinator, Orlova broke car...

  ... And where are you so brazen bars? — asked the officer, annoyed at the sound kick, which Helmut opened the door.

  For their commander! Senior Lieutenant Volkov do you have?

  — And you cares? — shrugged the captain, pointing toward the exit, he added: — I, not me — you still did! Fly away until I'm good! Well, fyuit!!!

  Previsto, he stared... and flew away into the far corner of his cell, seated not in the best mood Orlov knocked out was not particularly armored glass and heartily slammed the captain in the chest...

  — Shit, he passed out! — complained sprygnuli inside Ievlev. To crack the access code to the server, I'll need ten minutes. Or is it easier to bring it into consciousness?

  Why? Simply run through the cameras... — chuckled and Semenov, shrivastav boob arose in the corridor the guard, frowning asked: — Give me please a short tour... You don't mind, do you?

  — It makes no sense... — grimly muttered Orlov. — Vika is not here. I can't hear him...

  — Sure... — cursed wolf. — Why did you break the glass?

  — Don't like it when rude. Flew on...

  ...Despite the late hour, near the barracks of the regiment of the planetary infantry was crowded — about the company young lieutenants, apparently, who had just returned after a night of classes, warmly discussing some incident. Seeing selected from "Condor" Demons, officers with interest looked at the figures Orlova and Williams, and then someone very clever has decided to joke:

  — What, boys, girls brought? Throw them here, and they themselves can go to hell!

  — Now quit! — Helmut growled, yanked the wit from the crowd of comrades and threw it out the window of the second floor. Knocking his body the window together with the frame. And then, when hearing the threat in his address, sent him to a nearby window openings a couple expressed dissatisfaction with this treatment of the Marines. Stunned by the rudeness of the "winged" photini yanked the straps and buckles waving, screaming: "Our beat!" rushed to the attack...

  A small scuffle in which, oddly enough, participated and Ievlev with my guys ended unexpectedly quickly. Immediately after the scream of the eagles: "All I found" — "counterrevolutionaries" at the same time drew his gun and shot into the air...

  — Where is our captain, the beast? — bit by being pulled away by his victim away from the place of slaughter and shaking her like a rag doll, Irina growled.

  — And if I don't? — The guy tried to play the hero, but not the time: she not listen to the objections, trice broke his collarbone. And then another one.

  — Tell! Enough! — stopping yell from the pain, he gasped, horrified glancing at your limp droopy shoulders. — Are you brutalized?

  — Where? I won't ask again!

  — On some of the regimental guardhouse: we just gave money to the first patrol. Honestly! Ask who you want!

  The Ievlev, looking at Semenova, a sigh of relief:

  — Maybe not the action? Then you will find it. Now send to all addresses of a mobile unit and after half an hour the wolves will be at the hotel...

  — It is easier to find the nearest patrol. Hardly in the same garrison in outfit two or more units contemplatively glancing around, muttered Harry. — Catch these monsters and pointeresuemsya where they dumped the arrested...

  — And even easier to know what unit is on duty... — smiled the captain. — Now, wait a minute...

  Here Orlov moved, brought to the eyes of the comm and yelled... the whole parade:

  — Hurray! It's Vic!!!

  — Where is he? — have difficulty waiting for the completion of a short conversation, asked Semenov.

  Ha ha!!! In the lobby of the hotel... happily she yelled. — Alive and well! Fly!!!

  I had no doubt that he'll be OK! — mark chuckled and slyly looking at her, giggled, and I on the "lip" there was not one strong enough Chicks. So he decided to come back to you...

  — Durable? said the Ievlev. — In what sense?

  — Wolves are terrible not only in battle but in bed... guffawed Gomez — do it big hands saw? All that he embraces — broken... Except Orlova.

  Yes. Orlov does not know how to break. Said "no" — and even suicide... — sighed Semenov. I was delbalso hit on her...

  — Talkers... — the Girl jumped in the pilot's seat and, noticing that Semenov and Gomez is still not in the salon, shouted at them: Well, what we stand? I'm in a hurry!!!

  ...Looked like wolves, not really. His uniform looked as if he lived a week in any dump or conducted a five-day forced March through the desert under the guidance of army instructors are sadistic.

  Why are you so dirty?
— frantically looking at him, asked Orlov.

  — So Yes, go looking for! — he joked. — Can we go to sleep? And I'm tired of something...

  — Well... the story about your adventures? What we, in vain you were looking for? — offended Semenov. Then I thought, I decided that the story can be postponed on then, and said, — Okay, go take your bath. You look scary...

  — ... — Promised Victor. And hugged the eagles, stumbled into the Elevator. Thanks, I was looking for...

  — For what? We are for you jaws tear to anyone! You just show it... — threateningly clenched his fist Schwartz. . Not like you, a glutton... stood up for commander Gomez, And now he needs to rest. How to relax in the "Old fortress" when around some of our faces?

  — As I understand it, your wolves came in that thing? — not waiting till guys will finish to have fun, said the Ievlev. And quick step went to standing near the boat with a wide open door of the pilot. — Costin! I need to know to whom he is assigned...

  — By the way, guys, a record of our encounters in the bar, you do not need? — asked him Harry. — And you never know what will be telling these infantry rats...

  — What is? — happy captain. — In principle, they can be attributed with of surveillance "Aldebaran", but...

  — We have a better record... — smiled Helen. — Now throw off. The last show at the barracks, too drained?

  Not necessarily... he said "counterrevolutionaries". Is good and we shot...

  — The boss! There are data on the car -- leaning out of the salon "Condor" reported Lieutenant Costin. — To throw on the comm or view here?

  You look down the road. Sit in the pilot's seat. Okay, guys, I understand you also go to sleep? — looking at Semenova, said the captain.

  — If you don't want our help, then Yes...

  Thank you. Not needed. Can handle it... smiled the captain. If we connected...

  ...The morning started with a vibration device. Jumped on the bed and not immediately realizing where he was, Igor looked at the screen and saw the scowling face Kharitonov, involuntarily straightened her back:


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