Dragon Rider (DragonMage Saga)

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Dragon Rider (DragonMage Saga) Page 12

by Platt, S. P.

  ‘Good we will see you tomorrow so go quickly before you are missed.’ Aura and the others suddenly lifted and dropped over the side of the deck and straight down and under.

  ‘Come on lets go as I am starving?’ They headed of over to the deck door and moving through it.


  Coming Together

  They ran across the deck to the door and slowly opened it a crack. They pulled up very quickly as Gavrie was right outside the door talking to a group of students. They were going to have to wait till they left, before even attempting to get back.

  They sat down and Angel asked how they got on with the exercises. ‘Did you get all the way down to the lowest level you could. You have to get to the smallest that you can find?’

  ‘We went as far as we could go and their magic feels different. It’s a strange feeling but nice, we feel its right for our magic to be together.’ Shylyn looked at the others to confirm what she had felt.

  Medwin nodding. ‘Yes it feels normal for us to use each others magic, it’s what we are here for.’ Looking back at Angel and Shylyn.

  ‘What about you Maive how does it feel to you?’ Looking at her.

  ‘There’s a feeling that it’s right what we’re doing but the other feeling, it’s what we are here for that makes me wander. Why are we here for this now, and I have the feeling it was meant to be, this was to happen. I don’t know why it’s just the feeling I have.’ Looking lost, and not understanding what was going on.

  Angel got up and looking through the gate to find Gavrie gone and the students he was talking to. ‘Come on we can go now and I will have a think on what you have just said Maive.’

  They made it through with out being seen and headed off to the meal hall. Going in they got their food and went and sat not talking. They ate their meal in quite, each of them in their own thoughts. They at first did not talk at all on the feelings of combining magic.


  As they quietly sat deep in thought they didn't notice Gavrie had entered and looked in their direction. He looked at them for a few moments before deciding to leave them to their thoughts. They look very withdrawn just sitting there eyes staring into nothing. What have they been up to looking this way?

  Gavrie left the room leaving Angel and his friends to themselves, they were very important. There was something very unusual about these four and he was not going to do anything to change them. Never before have wizards’ young or old grouped together like this. Yes there would be groups but when it comes to magic they went their own ways, but not this group.

  With attacks coming from the Renegade Wizards they were going to need all the help they could get in the battle coming. He knows a battle will come and he has a feeling these four are going to play a major roll in winning that battle.


  Angel and his friends finished eating and went to their common room, where they sat by the fire as it was cold in their common room this evening or was it them. They had very deep thoughts going on in their heads, with what Maive had said to them about the feelings she had.

  ‘Maive can you tell us what you felt when clearing WhiteFires magic paths?. Then the rest of us will do the same as we need to know what these feelings are about’ Angel gave her a comforting smile as he asked.

  Maive paused and held herself around the knees. She felt these feelings were very important and needed to make sure that she spoke them clearly. ‘When I was deep into clearing WhiteFires magic paths, myself and Whitefire both had this feeling what we are doing was right. We also got the feeling this was always meant to be.’

  ‘Did you get the feeling that everything had been drawn to this point in time?’ Angel was getting excited as he asked her this.

  ‘Yes we both got that feeling; it’s as if the magic needed to come together at this time,’ Maive now felt better after talking about it, she now feels what they did was for the good, but of what; she can’t say.

  ‘Shylyn what about you, did you get those same feelings?’ Angel looking at her to see if he could see what she felt in her eyes.

  ‘The same, what we did today was right and for the good of whatever reasons it was done. I’m now starting to feel really good, this is a first step and I think we are going to have more of them.’ Shylyn now had that same look Maive has, what they did was right.

  Medwin nodding his head smiled. ‘We four were meant to do this and now that it is done the feeling are we moving to the next part of what ever it is that’s supposed to happen.’

  Angel looked at them; there was warmth in him for his friends. ‘What we do here now I think is going to change the future of all Wizards and Dragon Riders. I also think there are going to be dangers along the way and it will not be easy, starting with this Renegade Wizard.’

  Their dragons had been with them as they talked about their feelings of what they had done. Aura had been listening very intensely before she spoke. ‘I think I’m going to have to talk with Grandfather about the feelings you and we have. I think he knows more than he tells, but at the moment he keeps it to himself.’

  ‘Well, I think we had better get some sleep as we have a lot to learn. I think from now on when we are looking at spells in the library Aura you and WhiteMoon, WhiteFire and WhiteStar will have to join us in mind and learn what we learn?’ He looked at the others and they all nodded.

  Aura’s feelings come over very strong as she spoke. ‘This is good we feel learning to use your magic will also let you understand our magic. Grandfather is going to have to show us how to fully use our magic so that you can feel it better. Seeing how we form spells and drawing on the magic of the earth will make us strong for what’s ahead.’

  Finely stopping they found it was very late, so turned in. The next morning they were down in the meal hall and eating when Gavrie come in looked around and called to all. ‘Attention we have just heard of a major attack on the Dragon Riders School and Hatchery. We lost some Dragon Riders but the Renegades have started sending creatures of the Dark Realms at us. We must be prepared as I think we will be attacked in the not to distant future. As of this day there will be Wizards posted at the highest points to worn of attacks; that will be all thank you.’

  Angel looked at the others and a look of horror come over him. Before Angel could panic Gavrie was there standing in front of him. ‘Angel they are fine your mother and brothers helped fight them off. They are well so don’t worry, now you four are going to need to learn a few spells to fight the creatures if they happen to get past the others. For the next couple of mornings I want you up in the Crystal Chamber where I will teach you some simple spells and then you will practice them with your magic. I will see you up there soon.’

  After Gavrie left, Angel sat down and relaxed the fear for his mother and brothers disappearing fast. ‘I was worried as soon he said we lost some Dragon Riders, I thought of them. Everything just seamed to roar in my head before Gavrie was there standing in front of me.’

  ‘Come on they’re fine, so let’s go and learn these spells which might help us against the Renegade.’ Medwin could see Angel had relaxed enough now after Gavrie letting him know.

  They reached the Crystal Chamber not long before Gavrie. They were sitting in a circle and had called their dragons to let them know what was happening and to join them. Gavrie noticed the look on all their faces and couldn’t think what it was. It was calm yet there was something else; there was a look of completeness, that’s all he could put it down to.

  ‘Ok now you are going to learn how to throw balls of fire and bolts of lightning. We will start with balls of fire as we played with fire the last time here.’ Gavrie moved over to the circle and formed the spell.

  There in the centre of their circle was a small ball of fire. Using their magic they looked at the pattern in the ball to see how it was formed. They could see the pattern was like rolled up a ball of wool.

  Angel looked closely at it with Aura there in his mind looking at it to. ‘What do you think Aura can yo
u see how the spell has been made. If you look at the centre of the pattern; that’s were the first strand is started, now if we make a strand just like it thinly and start to wind it in a circle making sure that gap between even as we wind it around till we have gotten rid of all the gaps, now we should have a ball of fire just like Gavrie’s one.’

  Turning his vision to normally look at the ball of fire he sees that it is burning brighter than Gavrie’s. Medwin’s and Shylyns as well as Maive's all looked brighter than Gavrie’s. Gavrie looked at the five balls of fire and could not believe his eyes their balls of fire were a lot better than his and he was a very powerful wizard.

  This was a simple spell but all students who have tried it before always made weak fire balls but this not even Angels father did it as good as him. These four are definitely special and he was going to have to show them as much magic as they can take. Even the spells he would not normally show any other wizard.

  ‘Ok, so we know you can do better balls of fire than me, we are going to see how you throw them now. Angel open the window as we will need a place to throw them?’ Gavrie speaking as he moved to the side moving his ball of fire with him.

  Getting up and opening the window for Gavrie, Angel looked at his ball of fire still where he left it. He looked at it and nothing happened, so he looked up at Gavrie and Gavrie smiled at him. ‘You can make a good ball of fire but you still need to know how to move it and to throw it.’

  ‘I look at it and tell it to move but nothing happens, how do I move it?’ Angel looked perplexed as he still tried to get it to move.

  The other three were having the same problem so Gavrie took pity on them. ‘Ok what you now have to do is with you magic you work with the spell of the ball and just attach another strand but this one is linked to your hand like so. Now with it like that, you gesture with your hand and to move where you want it to go.’

  Gavrie moved over to the window and with a gesture of his hand the ball came up to his hand and then Gavrie throw the ball out the window. He looked at the others and told them how to throw and releases the ball of fire.

  ‘Now when you throw the ball as the ball leaves your hand you snap the link that is holding it to your magic. But as you release it that magic link helps you propel it further than you could normally throw anything. Now you try it?’ Gavrie moved away from the window as he watched them throw their balls of fire.

  Angel went first and released the ball of fire and using the spell to help, he propelled it far out to sea. The others soon caught on and Gavrie soon had them sending a lot more balls of fire. They found after a while how to get that extra kick out of the magic link before letting it go, thus getting further each time.

  This took all morning and they were told that tomorrow morning they would learn how to fire thunder bolts. They headed off to lunch where they found them selves very hungry. They had used a lot of magic to send ball after ball of fire out to sea.

  Finishing they head off to their corner by the door to get away quickly. As they crossed the deck they suddenly stopped in the middle. There up on the roof of the school were wizards looking out for creatures and they could see there was one on the tower this side of the deck as well. They didn’t think the tower was ever used so they were now going to have to keep an eye out for him as they crossed the other deck.

  Going through the door into the other deck they slowly move along the wall till they were at the mouth of the dragon cave. At this point they could not see the wizard on the roof so went into the dragon cave, but only just far enough that they could cross to the other side with out being seen.

  On the other side they waited till the wizard was looking away before proceeding. ‘Come on we’ll have to run to the door and open it very quickly, if he turns then we’re caught for he’s bound to see us.’ Angel could see him look away and ran.

  Going into the next two decks, they found their dragons waiting. Angel climbed on to Aura as the others climbed on to their dragons.

  The dragons all lifted and shot off over the edge of the deck and straight down and under the Dragon Decks travelling just above the sea. As they travelled underneath they looked at the sea with its waves hitting the rock face, but there was no sign of the rock face breaking up. They could see the magic spell covered the rock face down into the sea so the Dragon Decks would not break away from underneath.

  Then they were flying out to sea and gliding above the waves. Angel could feel the air passing over and around his face a feeling he thought he had lost forever. They turned and headed back to the deck where they glided in for a gentle landing. Angel looked at the others and the looks on there faces. They loved the flying just as much as he did.

  They sat on the edge of the deck talking about what they were to do next. ‘It has been a few days now since the Renegade and Dragon were here, maybe he has given up?’ Shylyn looked at them with that look of I believe that, but she knew he would be back.

  Angel got up and stood looking out to sea thinking. ‘He will be back there is no doubting that, it’s a matter of how long before he turns up. Until then we have got to try find away to defeat an adult wizard. One who will not be gentle with them when they try to stop him?’

  ‘There has got to be a spell that will work against him, the ones we are learning now are only small ones.’ Medwin getting up and going over to WhiteMoon.

  ‘All we can do is keep looking and the spells we learn might only be small spells but don’t forget we have our dragons magic and that spell becomes ten times more powerful, so we do have that on our side.’ Maive sat there looking at them with a determined look on her face.

  ‘Ok, we know some spells, the ones we have been learning and the couple we got from the library. We can practice those till we get to know them off by heart, and can cast them one after the other without thinking about how to put the spell together. That is going to be the only way we will be able to defeat the wizard.’ Angel looking around seeing the same look he knew was on his face.

  They moved over into the centre of the deck and sat in their circle. Then they started to play with the spells they already knew the fire which Angel showed them how he and Aura created the tall plume of. Then they had the balls of fire that Gavrie showed them today, and then there was the travel bubble that is used for wizards to travel around in.

  They sat there and had little fires going and balls of fire and small bubbles floating around. ‘Ok now we see how the patterns that make up the spells are created so all we do now is with the combined magic we make them as big as we can. Shylyn can you and WhiteStar make the balls of fire bigger?’ Angel got them all to move back.

  Shylyn and WhiteStar were just starting to change the pattern when the dragons started to whimper disrupting Shylyn. Angel and the others looked at their dragons and asked them what was wrong. All they got was ‘Dragon.’

  Angel tried to calm Aura down and had a lot of trouble for the dragon was really angry this time and its feelings were almost overpowering. ‘Aura join with me, come you need to push the feelings out of your mind. Let me help you block them, use your magic to push them away. That’s it you can do it.’ He could feel Aura start to get control.

  The others were fighting to help their dragons push the strong feelings out of their minds. They could feel themselves winning as the dragons calmed down. It took them a little time to finally get the dragons to completely block the feelings.

  ‘Ok now all we have to do is convince a great dragon to warn us when he comes. Who wants to do that, who wants to be the person to go up to the dragon and ask him to help four wizards?’ Angel had a smirk on his face as he asked.

  Medwin and Shylyn both spoke first. ‘You really want to do that?’ Looking at each other as they both spoke.

  ‘Angel’s right if we can persuade the dragon to warn us when they fly in it will save us getting caught. If we don’t we are bound to get caught either when we fly or if we are seen on the deck. It’s the only way.’ Maive looking at them and knowing it.r />
  Nodding their heads, they looked in the direction the feelings were coming from. Angel turning to them begins to explain what he wanted to do. ‘We will have to walk back to school this time, because with the wizard here he might see the dragons and we are not ready for him yet.’

  ‘Will our dragons come or stay here?’ Medwin looked at Angel to see what he wanted to do.

  ‘They’ll stay here but be with us in mind it might make the dragon settle down when it sees us. Also with them in our minds they could help settle it down enough for us to talk to it.’ Angel gave his dragon a hug and then headed for the door leading off to the deck where the dragon and his wizard are.

  The others gave there dragons a good bye hug and went after Angel. Catching up to him they all wanted to ask how they were going to go about it. ‘I think we need to see him and look at the spell so we can be sure it’s a spell that we are going to be able to remove.’ His thoughts were on how it was going to happen as he told the others.

  ‘If we send out calming thoughts as we come to the deck, going through into the cave. Then it might give us time to talk to it?’ Maive moved up behind the others as they headed through the decks.

  ‘That’s a good idea so as we get closer to where the dragon is we really start to pour on calm thoughts. It looks to be back at that same deck so lets go, it’s getting late in the afternoon and we don’t want to be late back?’ Angel picked up the pace as they had four more decks to cross before they come to the deck with the dragon and wizard on it.

  They arrived outside the door to the fifth deck and stopped and listened with their linked minds to see if the calming thoughts had done any good. ‘It has worked for his thoughts are so quite you would hardly know a dragon was just through there. Well are we ready this is the point of no return?’ Angel looked at them one at a time as he asked the question.

  Medwin and Shylyn both nodded. Maive looked at them but spoke instead. ‘Lets do it Angel you speak to it and we will be your support right behind you.’ She knew this was going to be hard for Angel as having been brought up with them and playing with them, and then all of a sudden every dragon hate you. That would be hard to get over but Angel finding Aura has done him good so if anyone can it’s him.


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