Dragon Rider (DragonMage Saga)

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Dragon Rider (DragonMage Saga) Page 32

by Platt, S. P.

  Now let’s see what these four can do, so I will control the starting and stopping till they have the idea. Now what will be the best level to start on, maybe three or four balls at a time for a start or maybe just two and see how they go? Speed I will show them how to up and down the speed the balls come at them.

  Ok let’s get the ball rolling. Gavrie looked at them, ‘ok who wants to go first, I will have the settings low and I will show you how to up the speed of the balls. I will retain control on how many fire balls come at you until I feel you are capable of doing that yourself. So who’s first up?’

  He looked at them one at a time to see who was going first. Angel looked at the others and they nodded. ‘I’ll go first, so how many balls will you give me for a start, four or five or more?’ Angel said this as a joke for he knew Gavrie would not trust them with more than one or two for the first time.

  He looked at him and a smile came to his face as he could see Angel was not serous. ‘Well I see you like to joke so I will give you your five balls and see how you do, mister smarty.’ Gavrie watched him as he told him this and the look on his face was not fear but respect.

  He knew for him to give him five means he thinks his ability is up to handling five. He knew he would have to show him he can handle five and I will have control of the speed they come at me. ‘Ok let’s go and try it?’

  Gavrie took Angel out to the middle of the floor and then showed him the spell that would control the speed they would came at him. ‘Now have you got that, so it’s just an easy flick of the wrist and the speed will increase or just back the other way and it will slow them down? I will be watching and if I see you getting into trouble I will stop it. Good luck.’

  Angel stood there and watched Gavrie walk over to his friends and behind the white line. Now he would be getting the spell ready to send them, why did I open my big mouth to get five coming at me but at lest I control the speed? My mouth is a bit dry should have had a drink before starting, well not much I can do about it now. Here we go I can see him casting the spell.

  Gavrie looked at him in the middle of the room, now we will see how good he is. Maybe I should give him less, as this is the first time he will have faced a test like this. The only good thing about this is he controls the speed, so let’s see what he can do.

  ‘Ok Angel here we go.’ Gavrie waved and casts the spell that will fire the balls at him. He sees the balls heading for Angel and could see the speed was very low; he could just duck under them rather than use his shield. I’ll just watch and see what happens.

  Angel stood there in the middle of the room looking around moving for he knows that Gavrie has cast the spell and the fire balls will be here any minute. Now relax move around slowly and see where they are coming from, I will have the speed slow for a start and work up from there.


  The Scorched Room

  Angel stood out in the middle, he was ready and any minute now they would come at him, his thoughts all tense waiting. Here they are now, oh I think I have the speed just a little too slow so here goes, now it’s just a little twist of the wrist and the balls should start to go a little faster. Here they come now bring the shield up in this hand and see how it works on the first one. Now move down and around just a little and there pushed that one off now let’s see behind me next. There that one was easy enough, now back for the others. Good that’s working now use the magic and feel where the next ones come.

  The others stood there looking at Angel in the middle of the floor with the balls coming slowly at him. They could see he was taking it easy for a start as the balls were not going very fast. Then he starts speeding them up a little more and Gavrie is still firing only five at a time.

  The next five Angel hits them off against the walls and is readying himself for the next round when Gavrie fires the next lot they see Angel has speed them up and they are going faster. Angel seams to be in a trance as he moves to intercept them with his shields.

  He has pushed that lot against the far wall and stands ready for the next five. They see the next five shoot out at him and they are going very fast. Then Angel is in motion as the shield defects all the balls away into the wall. Gavrie sends the next lot and they are even faster but Angel is using the magic to sense where they are coming and is ready as each one comes at him.

  One moment he is facing them and a fire ball hits the shield that is protecting them watching. Gavrie seeing him using the magic to sense which direction they are coming from, adds another fire ball so that he’s facing six. Angel has speeded them up faster again and is starting to move around the room and is not staying in the middle.

  With Angel now moving around the room and the balls coming faster it gets harder to see the balls where if you stayed in the centre you would know all the fire balls would come to you there. But with him moving around and the balls going faster he was making it more difficult on himself.

  Gavrie increased the amount of fire balls by adding another two making eight coming at him now. Angel had increased the speed to what Gavrie was doing when he showed them. Shylyn could see Angel was getting wrapped up in the moment and was going to show Gavrie how good he was which was not what they wanted.

  Shylyn called to her dragon to let Aura know what Angel was doing and for her to contact Angel. Aura had to get Angel to slow down and stop before he showed too much to Gavrie.

  Angel was wrapped up in the moment, with his motion so fluid he was nearly dancing around the floor. All of a sudden Aura was there in his mind calling to him. ‘Angel you need to slow them down and stop before you show Gavrie how good you are. You must stop now before he realizes what power you have?’

  Angel felt that all time had stopped as he could see every fire ball coming at him in slow motion. He felt so good the feelings of the power in his magic; it was so intoxicating he wanted to speed it up faster and faster. Then Aura was there beside him in his mind.

  ‘Aura can you feel how good it feels, look the balls of fire I can stop them if I want to?’ Angel was almost on the verge of doing just that, it felt like he was stopping them but in fact he was speeding up faster.

  ‘Angel stop NOW?’ The command was so strong it jolted him out his revere and almost got him killed.

  They all looked as all of a sudden Angel stopped in mid step and they all looked at the fire balls all hit him at once. He was lucky his shield came on full to protect him. They all watched as in the middle of the room there was a great ball of fire that had Angel at the centre of.

  Angel looked about him and saw everything in a red haze as the fire raged around him. Aura there in his mind reassured him it was all ok. She had seen what had happened when he suddenly stopped and had quickly used her magic to put up his shield for his magic had been with him in the moment and when he stopped it had stopped as well.

  ‘I was so enrapt with the moment; everything just went from my mind as the magic took over the defence. I seamed to know just where each and every ball of fire comes from. The magic let me line up to shield against each ball of fire that came at me. The feeling was so fantastic.’ He was still coming down from the high he just had.

  Angel looked at the others and walked back to the area they were in. Gavrie looked at him walking back and as he came up to them he looked Angel in the eyes and could see the sparkle there still. He was so rapt up in the action of shielding against the fire balls and he showed he was still up high.

  Gavrie has not seen anyone do what Angel had just done before in all his life. Angel was two years junior to any of the other students that started at the right age. He must not show he could see how fast he was shielding against the attack. Just watching him was like watching a dancer. It was so graceful how he moved; it was so fluid in every movement.

  Gavrie looked at the others and they all looked at Angel, he could see the awe in their eyes for they saw what he had seen, and they were barely holding their excitement in. He quickly brought their attention back to the moment. ‘Ok Angel that wa
s good but you nearly lost it there at the end. With all the balls of fire coming at you just as you stopped I did not think you would get your shield up in time. But well done now who is next to give it a try?’

  The others looked at Gavrie and then at Angel before Shylyn stepped foreword. ‘I will try it next so Gavrie took her out to the centre and showed her how to control the speed of the fire balls. Now just remember you control the speed so at any moment you can have them stop in mid air if there is any problem, so go to it.’

  Shylyn was nervous as she waited for the fire balls to come at her. I just need to relax and let the magic of the shield take control. It’s what Angel did so I can do it as well, here they come. Now slow them down and let the shield come up, that’s it just push that one away now turn to deflect that one. Now we move over there and drop down shield up push and away.

  This is easy now speed them up and here we go this one first now that one duck under that one push that one away up there. Quickly back, arm up there and shield out to push it that way. This is easy now faster just like Angel but don’t get to involved I lose focus on keeping it easy.

  Shylyn was starting to do the same as Angel and in a moment she was doing what Angel did and the speed of the fire balls picked up. She was dancing now so graceful that to Shylyn she was fluid. She flowed in this direction and then turning that direction. The way she through her body around to block each and every fire ball.

  Angel had come back down to normal now and could see Shylyn was doing the same as he did. He quickly told Aura to let Shylyns dragon know and enter her mind and bring her back. Shylyn danced around dodging and blocking the fire balls that came at her when her dragon came into her mind and brought her back to what was going on.

  She pulled up and as she did, slowed the fireballs down to a crawl, then she stopped altogether. Shylyn looked around as she slowly walked back to the others, her thoughts of what had just happened flowing through her head. I knew I had to be careful but no I did the same as Angel, it’s just the feeling it gives you is so intoxicating.

  Coming back to the others she looked at them her expression was a bit sheepish but she was happy. Gavrie looked at her with the same look he had for Angel, what these kids are doing was unheard of. Gavrie asked who’s next and Medwin stepped forward, Gavrie took him over into the centre and set him going.

  The same thing Angel and Shylyn did happened to Medwin as well; he got involved just the same. The moment took over and he was speeding the fire balls up and was just as graceful as the others were. Angel was now on to it and got his dragon to do the same as what they did to themselves.

  Medwin come down with the same feeling and the sparkle in his eyes was just as evident as the others. Gavrie just looked and took Maive into the centre and showed her what to do with the speed. He came back and sent the balls of fire into the field and Maive did the same they just could not stop the feeling it gave them.

  Angel was ready and when she lost it to the feelings he got her dragon to go in and bring her back. She came back feeling the same and looking just as sheepish as the rest. She knew what was happening when she went in and thought she could control herself, but the feeling is so strong she just could not control it.

  The four of them back at the door with Gavrie looking at them. They looked at him and he spoke. ‘That was very well done now you must not come here by yourselves as it is still very dangerous and you need to know how to release the fire balls. If you came in here you would not know how to determine how many balls to send and you could end up with hundreds of fire balls.’ Gavrie felt pride in what they did here today but he could not let them come in here by themselves.

  ‘Now I will give you some more time in here in the next couple of days so you can try and get better control of your feelings. I know what it is like to see the feeling take over and you get so involved that soon you are just out of control. I was lucky to have another wizard here to pull me out of it.’ He turned and motioned them to leave the room.

  Closing the door he walks down the hall with them as they talk about what they felt. Angel was leading the conversation. ‘The feeling is so different to anything I have ever felt before. What about the rest of you?’ Angels mind was still racing with the adrenalin that was pumping through his system.

  Gavrie was listening as he followed behind them, he could well remember the feelings from his first time in the chamber. It was through his friend he was able to pull out of it, when he came running into the room using his shield to block and then boll him over and bring him back to his senses.

  The thing with these kids is the age and the speed they worked at was just about out of this world. They are something unheard of and he must nurture them, watch they don’t try something they are not able to control. He must show them in away that makes them think it is their doing.

  There are going to be days coming when they will be needed and he must make sure they don’t hurt themselves as they learn. This was going to be the hard part and he will have to get them back in here to control the feelings they get when working out in that room.

  I think they will need to be back in here tomorrow and the next few days to bring them back to earth. They must learn feelings have no place in there and need to control them and keep their heads. For now they are going to come down to earth very quickly and they will need food and sleep.

  He watched them as he walked behind and could see the feelings were going and fast. They started to slow down walking to the meal hall and he could see they would not make it. He was about to call for other wizards help to carry them when they suddenly seamed to perk up.

  Angel could feel the feeling of euphoria wearing off and he suddenly felt weak. Looking at his friends he could see the same happening, they where staggering and they would not make it to the meal hall let alone their rooms. Must act quickly and call Aura. ‘Aura we need help now quickly before we collapse?’

  Aura was their straight away and gave him her magic to bring him back to normal. He looked at the others and could see them perking up and the staggering leaving them as well. Then Aura spoke. ‘Angel what happened, your magic is so up and down? I’ve levelled out your magic which will work for a short time but you will need to eat and sleep to bring everything back to normal.’

  ‘We learnt a new trick today and it swallowed us whole, we got so rapped up in it our magic just took over. The joy in it was beyond description, we wanted to keep going and get faster and faster. It’s just as well we all weren’t in there at the same time, I think tomorrow when we are back in there you will have to come in with me. We will need you all with us tomorrow.’ Angel now felt better as he walked to the meal hall.

  He looked at the others and gave them a smile they returned, for they knew how lucky they were to come out of that with their lives. If we had kept going the magic would have drained out of us for as we got faster and the fire balls got faster we would have just run out of magic for it would have got to the point of nothing left to protect us. We were lucky.

  The others looked at him as they entered the meal hall and Angel turned to see Gavrie looking at them with a worried look on his face. Angel was not sure weather he should say anything for he was following behind them and he would have seen them start to stagger when walking back.

  He also would have seen them suddenly stop the staggering and appear back to normal with a bounce in their stride. Shylyn gave him a nudge. ‘Come on lets eat as I’m hungry’

  Gavrie gave her a warm smile. ‘Go before you collapse from all that work you just did. I will see you in the morning in the same room and we will work on the feelings you are getting in there.’ With that he walked away to speak with some other senior wizards leaving the four to their meal.

  They got their meal and found a table over in a corner out of the way and spoke in soft tones, Angel starting the conversation off. ‘We were very lucky in there before, for if you had not got Aura to jump in when you did I would have lost myself to the extreme feelings I
was having. I have never felt the joy and exhilaration of what happened in there.’

  Shylyn had just finished a mouthful of food, which the others were stuffing in their mouths at a fast rate. ‘You were getting so fast all I thought about was, Gavrie will find out about us if you kept getting faster. I never thought about the fact it was getting dangerous for us to get that far. As you said the feelings were out of this world and we have to stop from getting that far into the game.’

  Medwin nodded as he carried on eating, he found himself to hungry to talk so just nodded. Maive doing the same was to involved in her eating to speak and just carried on but listening to Angel and Shylyn.

  ‘Tomorrow we will have to have our dragons with us and see if we can control the feelings we get. If we can do that and learn I would like to try something when we are able to go to the room by ourselves. I would like to see if we could do it in a group with the group shield.’ There was a new fire in his voice as he suggested it; he felt it was something that needed to be tested.

  After they finished their meal they were thinking of going to their dragons as they felt good but Aura come into Angels mind and spoke. ‘No you need the rest to get your bodies magic back in order before tomorrow morning. We used our magic to bring yours back up but it will not last so you must sleep to bring your magic back in sink with your body and in the morning you must clear your magic channels.’

  Angel could feel the determination in her mind and looked at the others and could see they were having the same conversation with their dragons as he was. He knew they were right and could see the magic their dragons gave to bring them back up was again doing what they did in the room. It was making them think they were in control and he now realized they were not.


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