Fanged Love

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Fanged Love Page 8

by Jane Jamison

  She groaned and lay back on her bed. With the men refusing to take a cure once it was found, she should leave and go back to her life. Yet, with every passing minute, she found it harder to pack her bag and go.

  A knock on her door had her bolting upright. “Yes?”

  “Honey, there’s a man downstairs.”

  A man? Just one man? Is it Jack? Hank? Maybe Dade?

  “He says he’s a friend of yours. His name’s Walter something-or-other.”

  “Walter’s here?” She dashed to the door and flung it open. “Walter Crank? In his thirties? Curly red hair? Glasses? Looks really smart?”

  “That would be the one. Do you want me to send him away?”

  “No, no.” She brushed past Hillary. “He’s my friend. Thanks for letting me know.”

  Rushing to the stairs, she saw Walter staring up at her and hurried down the steps. With a cry of joy, she flung her arms around his neck and hugged him as hard as she could. “I’m so glad you’re here.”

  When she pulled back, she saw the familiar look in his eyes. A look she didn’t want him to have, but what was she supposed to do about it?

  His worried gaze scanned her. “Are you okay? You didn’t sound so great the last time you called. I’m still trying to wrap my head around the fact that you actually found three live vampires. Are you sure you’re okay?”

  “I’m great now that you’re here.” She winced inwardly, hoping he wouldn’t take it for more than she’d meant. “But I could really use my best friend. I’m so glad you’re here.”

  He gave her a sad smile. “I came as soon as I figured it out.”

  Her mouth dropped open. “Wait. You found a cure? So fast? Damn, Walter, you exceeded even my expectations.” Sensing that Hillary was listening, she took his hand and pulled him out the front door and onto the porch.

  “Well, when you said you’d found not one but three vampires, I worked on it full time, around the clock. Are you sure you’re okay?” He took hold of her head and bent her neck first to the left then to the right. “No bite marks. That’s good.”

  “I’m fine.” Yet her exuberance died. “Or at least I would be if I could get them to take the cure.”

  He eyed her speculatively. “You really like them, don’t you? I mean, really like them.”

  If it was the last thing she did, she’d find a girl for Walter. Someone he would love more than he loved her. “Yeah. I do. That’s why we have to get them to take the cure.”

  Again with the speculative eyes. “And you said you already asked them, right?”

  “I did.”


  “And they acted like I’d asked them to cut a leg off. Like I’d insulted them.”

  He shrugged. “Well, maybe you did.”

  “What?” She plopped onto one of the rocking chairs Hillary had on the front porch. “How the hell did I insult them? By telling them they could be human again?”

  “What did they say?” He took the chair next to hers.

  “Like I said. They acted like I was out of my mind. They even said they liked being vampires.”

  “Maybe they do.”

  What was going on with Walter? Why was he taking their side? “That’s crazy.”

  “No, it’s not.”

  Sunshine jolted at the sound of Hillary’s voice. Hillary stepped outside then leaned against the porch railing. “I’m sorry. I don’t mean to interrupt, but I thought I might be able to give you a little insight on the whole vampire thing.”

  Sunshine studied Hillary with fresh eyes. “Are you saying what I think you’re saying? Hillary, are you a vampire, too?” She’d asked Hillary about vampires many times, but after pointing Jack out as a vampire, Hillary had avoided the topic.

  “We’re talking about the men, not me. They’re vampires and have been for a while now. They like who they are, and why shouldn’t they? They’re great guys, steady, hardworking, and kind. They’re the type of men any woman would be proud to call hers.”

  “But they’re vampires. I don’t get it. Why wouldn’t anyone want a cure to such a horrific disease?”

  Hillary smiled, but the gesture was a little condescending. “You’re young, so I get it. First of all, we don’t know it’s a disease. That’s just what you and your friend think, right?”

  “Well, yeah, but—”

  “But it really doesn’t matter how they became vampires. They are vampires, and they like it. I don’t know how much you really know about vampires—because a lot of what most people think is just plain wrong—but these men don’t run around at night attacking young women or draining people’s blood.”

  “Do they drink blood?” she asked, almost afraid of the answer.

  “Yes. I think they do at times. But they, like other vampires, eat normal food like you do. Vampires do have the ability to use compulsion on people and even animals, and they’re strong as all get out, too. But they don’t burn up in the sunlight or turn into bats, and they don’t always sleep in coffins.”

  “Oh, shit. I hadn’t thought about that.”

  “Most sleep in regular beds.” Hillary brushed back a strand of hair that had fallen across her face. “Honey, vampires are like humans. They all have different tastes and live different lives. And they have feelings and emotions like humans do. That part of them never changed. They’re the people they were as humans, but now they’re vampires.”

  Sunshine slumped in the chair. “I’m so confused. What am I supposed to do? Walter has found a cure—”

  “I think,” interjected Walter. “I won’t know for sure until I test it on a vampire.”

  “I have to offer it to them, right? I can’t simply walk away and forget about them.”

  Realization softened the intense look in Hillary’s eyes. “You won’t be able to forget about them no matter what you do. You know that, don’t you?”

  She hadn’t wanted to admit it, even to herself. After all, she barely knew them. Yet, she’d felt something with them, a very strong connection, that she’d never felt before.

  Am I falling for them?

  “Walter, may I speak with Sunshine in private? You can go on up and choose any room you want.”

  Walter looked to Sunshine then nodded at Hillary. “Sure. I need to wash up, anyway. I’ll get my stuff out of the car and let you two talk.” He shot Sunshine a smile. “Take your time. I’m not going anywhere.”

  “Thanks.” But did she want to be alone with Hillary?

  Yet, by the time Walter had gathered his suitcase and a hard case that had to contain the cure, Sunshine was no closer to coming to a decision. What if the men still didn’t want to be cured? What was she supposed to do then?

  “Honey,” said Hillary as she took the seat next to Sunshine. “You know that boy loves you, don’t you?”

  “Yeah. I do. But I don’t know what to do about it. He’s my best friend, but he can never be anything more than my best friend.”

  “Have you told him how you feel?”

  “Uh-huh. But it doesn’t seem to change anything for him.”

  Hillary made a clucking sound. “Poor boy. But as long as you’ve told him your feelings, then it’s up to him to accept it. Sometimes it’s rough accepting people as they are and not as you want them to be.”

  “I get the feeling that we’re not talking about Walter any longer.”

  “You have a good read on your feelings.” She paused as though trying to find the right thing to say. “Look, honey, I know this is rough. You’ve hardly stepped foot in town and already you’re involved with three vampires. But I’ve got to think that it has to mean something. That you four have a special connection. Do you agree? Do you feel anything for them?”

  Sunshine let out a pent-up burst of air. “Yeah. I do. It doesn’t make any damn sense at all, but I do.”

  “Then why do you want to change them?”

  “Because…” Yet words failed her.

  “Do they accept you?”

  She twisted to
ward Hillary, not understanding. “I’m not sure I know what you mean.”

  “Sure you do.” Hillary arched an eyebrow. “How many men have you liked that didn’t like you back? Not because of who you are, but because of what you are.”

  “What I am?” And then it finally came to her. “You mean because I’m a fat girl. Is that it?”

  “Yes. And how many of those guys would’ve liked you back if you’d been able to change for them? How many of them would’ve jumped at the chance to be with you if you’d had a lean, toned body?”

  “More than I want to remember.” Memories brought back the hurt, the pain of rejection.

  “Then how can you ask those men to change for you?” Hillary stood up. “It’s like this, honey. Either you accept them and love them the way they are, for what they are, or you don’t. It’s that simple and that hard, too.”

  Sunshine dropped her gaze to the floor as understanding dawned. “They are who they are because they’re what they are. Is that what you’re saying?”

  Hillary put her hand on Sunshine’s arm. “Exactly. And you are who you are because of what you are. It’s the same thing in a different package.” She patted Sunshine’s arm. “Okay. I’m getting off my soap box now. In the end, you have to do whatever makes you happy.”

  * * * *

  Hank knew Jack and Dade would give him hell if they knew what he was going to do, but he didn’t care. They’d talked for hours after Sunshine had finally made it back to the house safe and sound. They’d watched her drive away, too angry to stop her. How could she not accept them as vampires? Still, even though they were hurt and upset, they had agreed on one thing. She was the one for them.

  But how would they make her understand that being a vampire was amazing? That they didn’t want to change what they were any more than they wanted her to change anything about her.

  Getting her to understand their way of thinking was crucial. No matter what he had to do to make that happen, he was willing to do it.

  Compulsion wasn’t something they did very often. Messing with another person’s mind was an invasion. Since graduating from college, the only time they used compulsion was when they were pushed into a corner. Hank figured they had their backs to the wall right now.

  He undressed then lay down on his bed. A bed he wanted more than anything to share with Sunshine. Yet, although he wouldn’t push her into accepting them, that didn’t mean he couldn’t give her a little incentive to do so.

  Closing his eyes, he sent his mind to call to Jack then to Dade. Asleep, they answered him, their thoughts following his now.

  With them, he let his mind wander farther, searching for Sunshine.

  He was surprised at how quickly his mind found hers. To his way of thinking, it was another sign that she was the right woman for them. Joy seared through him as he tenderly probed her sleeping thoughts.

  His mind placed her where he wanted her to be, out in the open, with her lying in a field of daisies. His mind disrobed her, her nightshirt disappearing in a puff of wind. As he, Jack, and Dade stood over her, she slowly opened her eyes.

  What he saw in her eyes almost made him lose control. He sensed Jack’s and Dade’s surprise, as well.

  She loves us.

  He couldn’t have put the look of love in her eyes. Not even with all his considerable powers of compulsion. Glancing at the other two men, he smiled then focused all his attention on her.

  “Hi, sugar.” Casual. As though they had all the time in the world. As though he wasn’t about to break apart for the wanting of her.

  “Hi,” she murmured in return.

  “You’re going to stay with us.” Realizing how he sounded, he revised what he’d said. “Do you want to stay with us?” She’d say yes. She had to, or his world, both awake and sleeping, would crumble.

  As he thought she might, she answered indirectly. “Do you want me to stay with you? All of you?”

  “Hell, yes,” said Dade.

  “More than anything,” answered Jack.

  Hank’s mind pushed at them. They were here because they were a part of this, but he was in control. Quiet, he ordered.

  “We want you as our woman. Not for a day. Not for a week or a year, but forever. Is this what you want, too?”

  He’d brought her into his dream, but he wouldn’t answer for her. He waited, afraid of her answer, yet needing desperately to know.

  “Yes,” she said.

  He let out a breath then went to his knees beside her. His hands trailed along her luscious curves as she stretched, putting her arms above her head and spreading her legs.

  “Do you really want me forever?” Her blue eyes were like beams of light that captured his heart, his soul.

  “Longer than forever.” He couldn’t imagine a world or time without her.

  “Then show me.”

  He’d show her. Oh, how he’d show her.

  Cupping a breast, he put his mouth to her nipple and gently kissed it. She moaned and arched her back, urging him to do more. Without turning her breast free, he eased her onto her side, then lay down behind her.

  She reached for him as he kissed the curve of her neck and brushed her hair back, giving him more of the silky slope of her flesh to nibble. “I want to take you from behind.”

  “Then take me.” Her gaze went to Jack and Dade, who stood watching, mesmerized. She repeated for them, “Take me.”

  As Hank slid his palm along her arm and continued to kiss and nibble her soft skin, Jack went to his knees between her spread legs, wrapping one of her legs over his hip. With a wicked gleam in his eyes, he bent low and put his face to her pussy.

  She inhaled, her hand clutching Hank’s hair. Turning her head, she offered him her mouth. He took it, gratefully.

  Her flavors were more than nectar, more than sweet elixir. Sweet, warm, she tasted better than anything he could have imagined. His tongue took in her flavors, sliding along the curve of her mouth to then tangle with her playful tongue. He moaned, his cock engorged and ready to find its home inside her.

  Dade murmured something he couldn’t understand, but what did it matter? She was his all, his everything. Dade went to his knees next to her, his glistening cock in his hand.

  “Take it, sugar,” Hank whispered. “I want to see you suck him off.”

  She whimpered then opened her mouth, allowing Dade to bring his cock to her. Sucking hard, she took him in as far as she could, her sweet cheeks hollowed.

  Hank’s fingers played with the tight rings of her puckered asshole. Dipping, twisting, his fingers prepared her. Not that she needed it. She could take his cock in and there would only be a brief moment of pain. The pain would soon turn to pleasure.

  He kissed her neck again then whispered in her ear. As he did, he heard the soft sucking sounds she made as she played with Dade’s cock. “That’s it, sugar. Make him come. I want to see you swallow it. Can you do that, sugar? Can you?”

  She nodded slightly as she cupped Dade’s balls and let her fingers roll them around. A moan escaped her, and her gaze dropped to between her legs.

  Jack busily lapped up her juices. His hand worked back and forth as he plunged his fingers into her pussy. Jack looked up once, grinned as he wiped her wetness from his mouth, then put his mouth over her clit and sucked. She let out a cry, momentarily freeing Dade’s cock before whipping her tongue over the end and taking his cock into her mouth again.

  Hank’s cock grew harder as he imagined how warm and tight her pussy was. As tight as her ass would be, he imagined. Prying her butt cheeks apart a little farther, he eased the tip of his cock inside her.

  And almost blew it.

  She felt amazing. Better than anything he’d ever experienced. He had to grit his teeth to keep from coming.

  “Fuck my ass, Hank. Please.”

  He groaned, gritted his teeth again, and closed his eyes. Remaining absolutely still until he was once more in control, he finally opened his eyes again then answered her. “Here I come, sugar
.” Heaven and bliss opened up for him as he slid his cock into her asshole.

  Jack went to his knees, keeping her on her side. Leaning, he put his cock to her pussy. Hank watched, the joy of seeing Jack enter her making his own pleasure even greater.

  Three men. Three cocks. One perfect woman.

  They’d shared other women before, women who had meant little to nothing to them, even when they’d come to care for a few of them. Yet, the sex they’d had had been nothing compared to the sex they shared with Sunshine. How could it have been when they’d known none of those women were the special woman they’d longed to meet?

  He shoved his cock inside as far as it would go. Delight roared through him. Her round, dimpled ass jiggled as he slammed into her again. And again. And oh so many times more.

  Jack had his eyes shut, no doubt concentrating on trying not to climax too soon. As vampires, they had incredible endurance, but that endurance was only a physical thing. When making love to their woman came into play, their emotions took over, making it difficult to endure.

  Licking his lips, Hank matched his thrusts with Jack’s. His gaze played along Sunshine’s gorgeous body as she undulated between them.

  Perspiration dotted Dade’s forehead as he pumped his cock into her mouth, doing his best to take some of the work from her. Hank could almost feel his friend’s balls draw up, preparing for his climax.

  Watching the other two men fuck their woman was his fantasy coming to life. Hank slapped her butt cheek once then twice, making it jiggle even more. Her ass was tight around his length, and although he was the one with his cock buried deep inside her, she was the one in charge.

  She cried out as her body began to shudder out an orgasm. Clutching one of her breasts, Hank knew he couldn’t hold out any longer. One glance at the other two men told him that they were near the end, too.


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