The Last Grimm_Red's Hood

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The Last Grimm_Red's Hood Page 12

by H. L. Wampler

  “Liar! You stayed with Mr. Gorgeous, didn’t you?”

  “Of course not.”

  “I know when you’re lying, Abigail Grimm.”

  She got very quiet on the other end. I could almost hear her thinking.

  “Oh. My. God!” she accentuated every word more than what was necessary.


  “You lost your V card to him!” she squealed.

  “Really, Anna! V card? What are you, back in high school?”

  “You’re not denying! You did! How was it? How was he? Are you guys, like, a thing? And why didn’t you tell me last night that you liked him?”

  “Because I knew you would act like this, crazy.”

  “Oh come on. Let me live vicariously through you.”

  “No, what happens in the bedroom stays there.”

  “Boo,” she pouted.

  “Get a life.”

  “I can’t. My parents won’t let me. I have to sneak around everywhere.”

  “This is true.” I said.

  “I wish I had your parents,” she whined.

  “Parent. Remember, no dad. And with mom, it’s like not having one. I wish I had your parents. At least they care.”

  “Yeah right.”

  "I’m serious. She didn’t even call to see where I was last night.”

  “Lucky,” Anna murmured.

  “Immature,” I said back.

  “So where are you?”

  “On my way home from work.”

  “Oh, so have you seen the paper today?” she asked.

  “The paper? You’re asking me if I read the paper? Do you even know what a newspaper is, Anna?” I asked sarcastically.

  “Oh ha, ha. You are hilarious, Abby. I’m serious, have you read it today?”

  “No, I haven’t read a paper today,” I said exasperated.

  “You didn’t hear about the girl that was eaten?”

  “Eaten?” I asked.

  “Yeah the other day in downtown. They said something ate her throat.”

  Blanche made headlines a few days late.

  “No, I didn’t hear anything about it,” I lied.

  My throat was instantly dry.

  “It was apparently only a few blocks from where you work. Did you know that?” she asked anxiously.

  “If I didn’t hear about the story, how would I have known where it happened?” I asked wryly.

  “True. Well in either case, will you be careful walking around down there? I don’t want to read about you being eaten up next,” she said.

  “I’m sure I’ll be fine.”

  “Want to have a sleep over?”

  “Yeah, why not.”

  “I’ll meet you at your house.”

  She hurried and rushed off the phone to pack a bag. The girl was always anxious to get away from her parents. I’d been telling her that one day she was going to wish she had just stayed home.

  Chapter Twenty-six

  When I pulled into my driveway I saw Anna’s bright red Honda Civic sitting in front of the garage. She wasted no time getting to the house that’s for sure. I already knew she was inside. In fact, she was probably in my room ransacking everything like usual. It didn’t bother me much. I liked having a friend like that most of the time. She did have a tendency to drive me a bit insane at moments. As I gathered my things to go inside I couldn’t help feeling a little longing for Connor. I felt like I was becoming one of those crazy, clingers.

  I slowly climbed out of my car, and headed for the house. A single porch light was on, and that was the only sign of life. I looked at my phone hoping for a message from him. To my amazement I saw 1 new text message on the screen.

  Where are you?

  Maybe I’m not the one who’s being a clinger.

  Just got home. I responded.

  Good. Stay there.

  Where the hell does he think I’m going to go?

  Why? I asked.

  Wolves are out.

  My heart nearly stopped, and my stomach clenched up.

  What? Where?

  A bit south of the city.

  Oh no. They’re looking for me! I whipped my head toward the house. Mom and Anna were in danger. My heart sped up, and I ran inside.

  Are you serious?

  Yes, they found a red hooded woman near the wood line in Elizabeth.


  A bit of relief sank in for half a second, then it dawned on me that Elizabeth was not that far away from me. They could be on their way here!

  Don’t go out tonight.

  How long ago did they find the body?


  What if they’re coming here?

  I don’t think they know where you live. At least not yet.

  You don’t know that, Connor.

  You’ll be okay, Abs.

  I couldn’t help but roll my eyes. He was so nonchalant about the fact that blood thirsty wolves were gunning for me. It drove me crazy.

  So I’m going hunting.

  Be careful.

  I will. And Abs, I do love you.

  I love you too, Connor.

  I checked my purse before locking the door to make sure I had grabbed the small axe off of my backseat.

  Better safe than sorry.

  For the first time in a long time I locked all the locks on the front door. I even made sure to lock the screen door. I stood there, and peered out the peep hole straining my eyes to see whatever may be lurking in the darkness. I was definitely paranoid at this point, and my heart was pounding. The wolves weren’t that far away. It was entirely reasonable for me to be paranoid. They were right down the highway really. My thoughts began to race, and I really thought that we may not be safe here. Suddenly, I wished Connor was coming here instead of going hunting for them. Mom would understand the danger, but Anna, she wouldn’t understand anything. It would all freak her out, and completely blow her mind. I didn’t know what to do. I figured the most logical thing was to at least lock the other doors and windows. But, would that really stop them?

  “Abby!” Anna called down to me.

  “Yes?” I croaked out.

  “Hurry up here.”

  “Alright. I’m going to say hi to my mom first.”

  I peeked in the office, but the lights were off and there was no mom. A bit odd since she was always there. I heard muffled noises from down the little hallway and went to investigate. The T.V. was on, and mom was sleeping on the couch. I didn’t have the heart to wake her, so I just covered her up. My fingers were crossed that nothing attacked us that night. I tip toed back down the hallway and up the stairs.

  “So, spill your guts!” Anna ambushed me as I walked into my room.

  “Hi to you too.”

  “Come on. What was it like?” she persisted.

  “You’ve had sex. You know what it’s like,” I moaned while flopping onto my bed.

  I wasn’t in the mood for her persistence. She was more like a high school freshman than someone in college.

  “Yeah, but never with anyone like that.”

  “Like what?”

  “Like Connor. He is amazing looking. I mean seriously, he’s gorgeous!”

  “I thought you said he wasn’t that good looking?” I asked.

  “Well, he is.”

  “He was good.”

  “Just good?”

  “Well I don’t have anyone to compare him to. So yes, good.”

  “Alright. What’s his body like?”

  “Is that why you came over? To find out how my sexcapade went?”

  “No, I do miss you, and I have these for you,” she smiled while pulling a stack of books and papers from her backpack.


  She lay on my bed jabbering away about everything I was missing in class. I plopped into my desk chair, and stared absently at the homework.


  Her stories and updates were trite really. I sat at the desk with my attention divided between the mounds of work and outside my
window. Anna was just an afterthought really. She was great to have as company, but I didn’t want to hear any more stories.

  “What do you think?”

  “About what?” I asked.

  “Have you been paying attention to anything I’ve said?” she asked exasperated.

  “Sure I have. I missed that last part.”

  “Valentine’s Day, Abigail. Do you think Toby and I would be cute for Valentine’s Day?”

  “Yeah, his black hair and your red are the perfect match,” I said sarcastically.

  “Are you asking Connor?”

  “To some Valentines club thing?”


  “I don’t think so.”

  “Why not?”

  “He’s twenty-one. Why would he want to go to an underage thing?”

  “To do something for you. Who knows, he may like it.”

  “I really doubt it,” I said grabbing a few worksheets off the pile.

  “Just ask him.”

  “Maybe,” I muttered.

  “You do, or I will,” she threatened.

  “You don’t have his number.”

  “It’ right here in your phone,” she laughed.

  “Bitch!” I jumped up out of the chair and lunged for her.

  “Okay. I’m calling him. Right now!” she laughed.

  She jumped off the bed and ran around the room staying right out of my reach. Laughing the entire time.

  “Hi. Connor? This is Abby’s bestest friend in the entire world, Anna. Yeah, um, we’re going to this valentines thing at Rush, will you go with her? She’s a huge chicken shit and doesn’t want to ask you,” She got a big smile on her face, “Oh you will? Great.”

  I grabbed the phone from her just a little too late.



  “Rush?” he asked.

  “Ugh, Anna’s idea.”

  “Oh, so you don’t want me to take you then?”

  “You want to go?”

  “Sure, why not? Hell, it might be fun.”

  “Okay. Great,” Anna grabbed a pillow and yelled into it.

  She was more excited than I was. I often wondered if my friend aged mentally past sixteen.

  “Hey, I’m picking you up tomorrow.”

  “For what?” I asked him.

  “I’m taking you on a proper date, and if you want, you can stay at my place; and we can go to work from there.”

  “That sounds great.”

  For once Anna had a good idea. We finally settled down and lay in bed talking until we both fell asleep.

  Chapter Twenty-seven

  Anna’s snoring woke me from a sound sleep. She was spread out in my bed while I clung to the edge. After several failed attempts at pushing her to her own side, I decided to get up. Grabbing my bathrobe, I headed to my window. While glancing out over the expansive, white yard the smooth snow gleamed in the morning sun light. I almost missed it, but down below my window there seemed to be deep impressions in the snow. I couldn’t be entirely sure, but they sure looked like large dog prints. My stomach jumped to my throat.

  “Oh no,” I ran out of the room and down the stairs.

  I quickly pulled on my snow boots, and ran to the side of the house. Directly below my window were four large paw prints.


  I turned and ran back into the house and to my room. I grabbed my cellphone and called Connor.

  “What?” I heard him mumble sleepily.

  “They were here! Connor the bastards were here last night,” I cried.


  “The wolves. Or at least one of them.”

  “How do you know?” he asked.

  “There were four huge paw prints outside my window.”

  “Are you sure it wasn’t just a dog?” he was suddenly alert and oriented.

  “Yeah, these are not normal dog prints. They were huge. They know where I live! My God they know which room is mine!” I tried stressing to him.

  “Okay, don’t freak out. As soon as Anna leaves get ready and I’m picking you up. We’ll do dinner and you’re staying at my place until further notice. So pack a bag.”

  “I can’t just stay at your place.”

  “Why not?” he asked.

  “What about my mom?”

  I heard him sigh on the other end, “Fine. We’ll stay at your house. I’m staying in your room. Close to you, so I can protect you.”

  “Okay. Fine,” I hung up and went back into the house.

  I didn’t want to wake anybody, so I went to the kitchen and started a pot of coffee. I stood at the sink staring out over the yard. I kept scanning the tree line for any sign of a dog, wolf, or animal. There was nothing but snow, and snow covered trees for as far as I could see. The house was too isolated. It would have been easy for the wolf to get in and eat me last night.

  So, why didn’t it attack? Was it making sure this was really my house? I can’t keep living like this and I definitely can’t put mom or Anna in danger. If I leave, will the wolf follow? A million thoughts ran through my mind all at once.

  The aroma of the candy cane flavored coffee wafted from the pot, and slowly filled the house. Within no time a sleepy Anna drug herself into the kitchen.

  “What’s for breakfast?” she asked rubbing her eyes.

  “Eggos are in the freezer,” I said absently.

  “Delicious,” she said rolling her eyes.

  “Hey it’s food, and at least it’s not McDonald’s,” I yawned while pouring us both coffee.

  “There’s nothing wrong with those McGriddles. They’re yummy.”

  “Yes, and for normal humans it goes straight to the ass. Not all of us have super metabolisms like you.”

  “I like eating whatever I want,” she smiled.

  “Oh eat your eggos,” I moaned.

  “You’re not eating?”

  “I’m not really hungry.”

  “My mom never lets me eat these!” she said shoving a forkful of the crispy waffle in her mouth.

  I suppressed a laugh as syrup dribbled down her chin.

  “Your mom doesn’t let you eat anything that’s not homemade.”

  “I know! It sucks!”

  “Stop complaining. Your mom’s cooking is good.”

  “Eh,” she muttered with her mouth full.

  “Are you sure you’re eighteen?”

  “Mm hmm.”

  “You sure as hell don’t act it,” I shook my head while sipping at the lovely brew in my mug.

  “Not all of us can be as responsible and perfect as you,” she retorted.


  “So, are you going to see him today?”

  “He’s taking me to dinner tonight.”

  “Oh, where?”

  “I don’t know,” I sat in a chair opposite the girl and yawned again.

  “You’re awfully sleepy.”

  “I know. I didn’t know that I invited a chainsaw to sleep over last night,” I grumbled.

  “Oh ha. You never complained before.”

  “I always complain about the hacksaw in your throat.”

  She opened her mouth and showed me the chewed up waffle.

  “Attractive. Do that and I’m sure Toby will be more than happy to go to Rush with you on Valentine’s Day.”

  “Did you finish all your work?” she asked.

  “Yeah, I’m dropping it off when I get to class.”

  “Are you going on Tuesday?”

  “Yeah, well Tuesday night.” I said.


  “Don’t hmm me. It’s hard juggling this internship and class,” I yawned.

  “Then why did you go for the position?”

  “To prove I can do it. Just because it’s hard doesn’t mean I’m not doing it.”

  “Mm hmm,” she said with her mouth full.

  We chatted the rest of the morning about nothing in particular or really important. It was the first day of semi-normality and reality I
’d had in a while. It was refreshing. There was no drama. There was no talk of fairy tales trying to kill anyone, and no Connor making my stomach do flips. But seeing those tracks outside my window kept nagging at the back of my mind.

  “It’s almost one,” Anna said staring at the clock on the wall.

  “I know.”

  “I need to get home before mom calls the FBI to report me kidnapped or something.”

  “She knows you came over, right?”

  “Yeah, but you know her. She’ll still call.”

  “She knows you’re an adult, doesn’t she? What is she going to do when you move out or heaven forbid get married?”

  “You need to date to get married.”

  “Anna, you need a life.”

  “That’s why I have you, love!”

  I laughed and followed her to the bedroom. She packed up her things, and I hopped in the shower. My dose of reality was over; it was time to get ready to see Connor. My heart leapt and my stomach flipped, he did crazy things to me, and I loved every moment of it.

  Chapter Twenty-eight

  I stood in front of my closet, clad in a towel, trying to figure out what to wear. I didn’t even know what Connor meant by a proper date. Was it somewhere fancy? Semi-fancy? Casual? Why do men do that? I wish he would have just told me where we were going. I finally relented and called him.


  “What do you mean by a proper date?” I asked.

  “What?” he asked.

  “When you say a proper date, what is that?”

  “No coffee, and actual food that doesn’t involve us being at the office. “

  “Okay. So where at?”

  “I was thinking Eat n Park.”

  “Oh,” I couldn’t hide the disappointment.

  He just burst out laughing, “It’s somewhere nice.”



  “Okay, I’ll see you later!”

  “How much later? I was going to come get you.”

  “Give me, oh I don’t know, two and a half hours.”

  He sighed heavily into the phone.

  “Don’t sigh at me,” I said while hanging up the phone.

  I went through my clothes again.

  “I have nothing to wear! Time to go shopping!”

  I quickly threw on a pair of jeans, a sweater, and ran down the stairs taking them two at a time. I paused briefly in front of the office when I noticed the soft orange glow of a fire coming from under the door. I pushed it open and saw mom sitting in her usual spot with a book.


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