A Los Angeles Passion

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A Los Angeles Passion Page 12

by Sherelle Green

  “There’s a chance someone else is stuck in this storm and will come here,” he said. He didn’t want to jeopardize the moment, but he wanted Kiara to be well aware of the fact that they were in a public place.

  “I’m game if you are,” she said with a sly smile as she ran her hands down his chest and over his abs before unbuckling his pants.

  “I’m definitely game.” Trey helped her slide his pants and boxers off and kicked them to the side to join the rest of their clothes. He’d never been shy about his nudity and the hungry look in Kiara’s eyes was one he’d been waiting to see since they’d met. He almost laughed at the amount of times her eyes dropped down to his erection, but he didn’t want to ruin the moment. So instead, he let her stand there and look her fill.

  “You’re beautiful,” she said as she ran her fingers over his arms and down the sides of his thighs.

  “Men aren’t beautiful. Women are.”

  Kiara shook her head. “I beg to differ because you, Trey Moore, are the most beautiful man I’ve ever seen. Inside and out.”

  Trey slightly closed his eyes and relished her words. He’d been called beautiful before by other women, but never had the words affected him like they did when Kiara said them. With Kiara, he knew she truly saw his heart and she wasn’t just basing her statement on looks.

  He reached for her, but once again Kiara stepped back from him. Only this time, she moved closer to one of the lanterns. “I want you to see me,” she said as she began sliding a bra strap over her shoulder. He noticed her hands slightly shook as she continued to undress and Trey wasn’t sure if it was nerves, or the chill from getting caught in the rain.

  She tossed her bra to the side and turned around so that her back was facing him. “All of me,” she said as her fingers looped around the edge of her panties and she dragged them down over her hips and tossed them to the side as well. Her backside was just as plump as he’d imagined and Trey wasn’t sure if he’d ever seen anything sexier than the way Kiara looked right now.

  “Men from my past haven’t really seen me,” she said, turning around to face him. When she did, his breath caught in his throat. He already knew she was beautiful and downright sexy in clothes. However, completely nude, Kiara was breathtaking. He was completely mesmerized by her. You were mesmerized even before today, his inner voice reminded him.

  With every day that he spent with Kiara, she was becoming more and more of a permanent fixture in his life. She was someone he couldn’t wait to see and someone he missed terribly when she wasn’t around. Yet that wasn’t the only reason he was captivated by Kiara. He knew that there was still more to learn about each other and he wanted to know everything about her. Her secrets. What made her tick. What made her smile. He noticed a couple of scars on her perfect body and wanted to know how she’d gotten them. He was anxious to discover every level of her desire.

  Trey walked over to Kiara and lightly lifted her chin. Even now, the eyes staring back at him held secrets that she didn’t dare tell him until she was ready. And he didn’t only see unspoken secrets in her depths. He saw pain and hurt. He saw that she’d put herself out there one too many times only to be rejected by someone she’d thought had loved her. He saw a woman who usually guarded her heart, yet here she was, opening herself up to him in ways that he assumed she’d never thought she would.

  Trey leaned a little closer and tilted her chin a little higher. “I see you,” he said, his voice barely above a whisper. “I see your strength. Your passion. Your determination. Your ability to overcome the obstacles life has thrown your way. Kiara Woods, I see you and all I want is to continue seeing everything you’re willing to share with me.”

  The smile that filled her face right before she gripped the back of his neck and pulled him in for a kiss was one that Trey considered his favorite smile of hers. It was the perfect mix of sexy and sweet...just like her.

  Carefully, Trey eased them both down to the bed of towels he’d laid out when they first arrived. He continued to kiss her as she lifted her legs around his waist and met the strokes of his tongue. Reaching for his pants, he quickly got out the condom in his wallet and sheathed himself. Her hands gripped his arms as she resumed kissing him breathless, moving to his neck and collarbone.

  “Are you sure?” he whispered, looking down into her eyes.

  “Very,” she said as she reached down in between their bodies and guided him into her entrance. She moaned when he was partially inside her and Trey didn’t need any additional confirmation.

  Slowly. Precisely. He began moving his hips to a rhythm he would always refer to as the K&T rhythm because he’d only been inside her for seconds and already he was feeling things that he’d never felt before.

  Trey slightly lifted her hips to get a better fit and was rewarded when he slid even deeper into Kiara. She was so tight that he was worried he might hurt her if he tilted her hips any more. But Kiara didn’t seem to mind. She lifted her hips the rest of the way, and once he was fully embedded in her, they both stopped moving and savored the moment.

  “You’re perfect,” he whispered to Kiara as he began moving again. She smiled and met his thrusts, her moans mixing with the beat of the raindrops pounding on the roof of the lifeguard stand. It didn’t matter that they were on the floor. It didn’t matter that the beach was probably slightly flooded from the storm. It didn’t even matter that Trey knew the beach patrol would be checking all the lifeguard stands soon to see if anyone was taking shelter there to avoid the storm. All that mattered to him was the seductive dance that he and Kiara were currently doing. She was his only focus and bringing her the utmost pleasure was his only goal.

  Lifting Kiara to adjust her body underneath him, he angled her legs in a way that he knew would give him the best chance of hitting her G-spot. Her soft cry echoed across the space as he measured his strokes while teasing her plump brown nipples at the same time.

  “Trey,” she said breathlessly. “I think... I’m about...”

  Although she couldn’t get the words out, Trey knew the signs. She was teetering on the edge of an orgasm and he was right there with her.

  “Me, too,” he whispered into her ear. “Come for me, baby. Let me hear that soft orgasm cry.” Almost on cue, Kiara released her orgasm, her hips bucking forcefully and her core squeezing his shaft in a way that caused Trey’s eyes to roll to the back of his head.

  “Damn,” he groaned as he followed suit minutes after Kiara. He tried to stop the convulsions so that he could focus on eliciting more pleasure for her, but his climax was so powerful that it sucked up all his energy. Trey rolled over to his side, careful not to crush her, and pulled Kiara along with him so that she was now on top of him.

  “Wow,” Kiara said after a few minutes.

  “Wow is right.”

  She stretched on top of him and groaned. “Ouch. It hurts to move.”

  “Sorry,” Trey said, brushing some of her wet hair out of her face. “Maybe next time we’ll have time for foreplay.”

  “We’ve had weeks of foreplay,” Kiara said with a smile. “We needed this night exactly how it was.”

  Trey looked down at Kiara. “You mean in a lifeguard stand, in the middle of a storm, with only a couple lanterns and a handful of beach towels to keep us from getting splinters? You’re right. We needed exactly this.”

  Kiara laughed. “No, smart-ass. That’s not what I meant.”

  “I know what you meant.” Trey pulled her a little closer. “And I think tonight was perfect. I wouldn’t change anything about it.”

  A knock on the door caused them both to jump. “Sir, ma’am,” the voice said. “This stand is supposed to be locked, so I’m going to ask you to gather your things and leave.”

  “Oh my God,” Kiara whispered. “Who is that?”

  “I assume it’s beach patrol. Come on.” Trey helped Kiara to her feet and was careful to keep her bl
ocked from the cutout window.

  “There’s no glass in that window,” she said as she began getting dressed. “Do you think he heard us having sex?”

  “I did, ma’am,” the voice answered on the other side of the door. “We get this sort of thing all the time. I didn’t want to interrupt.”

  Kiara looked at Trey and her eyes widened. “I don’t know if we should be grateful or embarrassed.”

  “Grateful,” Trey said, giving her a quick kiss on the lips. Once they were dressed, Trey hastily folded back the towels and turned off the lanterns. They opened the door, and as expected, a young man from beach patrol was waiting on the platform. To Trey, he didn’t look to be any older than twenty-five.

  “Sorry about that,” Trey said. The rainfall was back to the drizzle that it was before they went seeking shelter.

  The young man shrugged. “Don’t mention it. I came by earlier, but I didn’t want to interrupt.” Trey laughed, but Kiara looked horrified.

  After they’d climbed down the ladder, Kiara turned to face Trey. “Do you think we should tell him that those towels need to be washed?”

  “I’m sure he already knows,” Trey said. “But you can tell him if it will make you feel better.”

  Kiara crossed her arms over her chest. “You don’t think I have the guts to tell him?”

  He quirked an eyebrow at her. “You looked mortified every time the guy said anything to us.”

  “Watch this.” Kiara walked back to the lifeguard stand and climbed the ladder. Trey was still waiting in the same spot when she returned.

  “Well, did you tell him?” he asked when Kiara walked past him toward the direction of the villa and didn’t say anything.

  “I didn’t need to,” she said with a shrug.

  “Why not?”

  Kiara looked back at the lifeguard stand and waved at the beach patrol guy, who was laughing at them as they walked away. “I didn’t need to because he’d already packed the towels in a plastic bag.”

  Trey nodded and noticed she had something in her hand. “Is that all that happened?”

  “Um.” Kiara glanced down at the small plastic bag in her hand. “He told me to have a good night and handed me this.” She thrust the plastic bag into Trey’s hand. Trey opened the bag and pulled out a small piece of clothing.

  “Are these your—”

  “Are those my panties? Yes, Trey, they are. And if you so much as say a peep about this ever again, we will never have sex again.”

  Trey tried to hold in his laugh, but he couldn’t. “You’re so adorable when you’re embarrassed,” Trey said, pinching her cheeks before backing away from her.

  “I warned you,” she said as she took off after him. They ran the rest of the way to the villa, neither too anxious to end all the fun they were having outside in the rain.

  Chapter 14

  “Trey, I thought you promised me a romantic day trip with beautiful scenery and breathtaking views?”

  “I did,” Trey said from in front of her. “Isn’t this view spectacular?”

  Kiara glanced over the side of the cliff they were currently hiking up and immediately retreated. “I’m not sure spectacular is the right word. More like terrifying.”

  “Oh, come on.” Trey walked back to where Kiara was gripping a small tree on the side of the cliff. “I thought you said you enjoyed hiking?”

  Kiara gave him the side-eye. “Enjoyed? I’m pretty sure I said that my siblings and I once hiked through the woods at Lake Tahoe when our mom took us on vacation there once, and it was better than I thought it would be.”

  “Exactly,” Trey said. “Maybe I embellished what you said a little, but in my defense, I’d already planned on taking you here before our conversation this morning.”

  Kiara placed her hand in Trey’s outstretched one as he helped her up. “Can’t we just go back to the villa and continue the fun we started last night?” Kiara batted her eyes and gave her best sweet girl smile.

  Last night in the lifeguard stand she’d had some of the best sex of her life. After they’d been asked to leave by beach patrol, they’d opted not to return to the villa right away and spent the rest of the night walking in the light rain and talking about their pasts and certain circumstances that had led them to where they were today.

  Once they’d gotten back to the villa, they’d continued the fun by having sex in the shower, and Kiara had been speechless when Trey had offered to wash her hair. The entire night had been magical, and she hadn’t wanted it to end.

  When Trey had awakened her with a good-morning kiss and told her breakfast was ready, her fantasy vacation continued as they talked over coffee and eggs. She’d just known that the rest of the day would be equally as memorable—only they’d been hiking for an hour already, and she was ready to pass out.

  Kiara groaned as she followed Trey around a narrow corner. Worst day to wear shorts. Her blue jean shorts were riding up her thighs and her white T-shirt was slightly dirty from all the times she’d wiped the sweat from her brow. She groaned even louder when she noticed Trey’s gray basketball shorts and white T still looked flawless. Not a smidgen of dirt.

  “You do realize that last night I worked muscles that I haven’t worked in a while, right?”

  Trey laughed. “Meaning?”

  She waited to respond until they reached a wider opening. “Meaning my thighs are burning, my calves are sore and my neck has a knot in it that I can’t work out.”

  “I’m sorry, baby,” Trey said as he reached back to hold her hand now that they could walk side by side. “But I promise you’ll love where we’re going. Only ten more minutes and we’ll be there.”

  Kiara yelped in pain when her gym shoe hit a large rock. “I’m not convinced.”

  “Then let’s talk about something else to take your mind off it,” Trey suggested. “Do you want to hear something strange?”


  Trey sighed. “Although I’m having a fantastic time with you on this mini vacation, I also find myself missing M-dog.”

  “Aww,” Kiara said. “That’s so cute. Why would you call that strange?”

  “I don’t know,” Trey said with a shrug. “I guess it’s because I never really thought the kid would hold such a special place in my heart when he’s not even old enough to talk yet.”

  Kiara smiled. “I’m not surprised. You’re really great with him and it’s obvious that he loves you a lot, too. Some may think that babies are too young to have a good sense of character, but I disagree. It’s true that some babies are colicky, and they may cry regardless of the person with them. But I think it’s also true that other babies pick up on a person’s true character traits. If you’re not a good person, a baby or an infant will notice. I’ve often told parents who sign up for counseling at LA Little Ones that they need to listen to what their baby is trying to tell them.”

  “I didn’t know you offered counseling,” Trey said. “Is there anything you don’t do?”

  “Well,” Kiara said with a sneaky smile. “Up until last month, I didn’t date a parent or guardian of any of my little ones. But a very pushy uncle insisted that I go to his home and help him take care of his nephew. Then he wined me and dined me. He even had the audacity to take me on a vacation halfway around the world.”

  Trey laughed. “Oh, no, you don’t. If my memory serves me right, you hired me for a day to show me how to care for my nephew, and although I appreciate your help, that was all your idea. And I’m not M-dog’s parent or guardian, so you didn’t break any personal rules for me.”

  “Temporary guardian counts,” Kiara said. “Besides, we’ve gotten off topic. Getting back to what you said, I think it’s great that you miss Matthew. It shows how much you care.”

  “You only changed the topic because you know I’m right,” Trey said. “But since I love talking about M-dog,
I’ll let it slide. I guess what I was getting at is that being around M-dog has really made me feel things I never thought I would.”

  Kiara kept her head faced on the path ahead of her as her heartbeat quickened. She had a feeling she knew exactly where this conversation was headed.

  “What does being around him make you feel?” she asked, despite herself.

  Trey sighed. “I already told you how bad it was growing up without Reginald, and even though my stepfather was around, we never really got that close father-son bond. He’s a good man and a good father to my sister, Carmen, but I learned early on that I didn’t have the makings of a great father. At least I thought I didn’t. Since I was never the player type, I think most of my family and close friends figured I would eventually settle down and start a family of my own. But I never wanted that. I never even thought I could have that.”

  Kiara glanced over at Trey, who seemed lost in thought. Now is the time, Kiara. Now is the time to remind him. “Trey,” she said. “Do you remember when we were having dinner a while back and I told you that I don’t want kids?”

  “Yes, I remember.”

  She stopped walking and turned to face him. “Well, I still feel that way. I don’t want kids and that’s not something that will change as we get closer. I’ve dated men in the past who thought they could change me, and they were sadly mistaken.”

  Trey squinted his eyes. “I can’t say I understand why, because you’d make a terrific mother,” he said. “But I respect your decision and I won’t try to change that.”

  He says that now, but he can’t mean it. “I’ve heard that before, too.”

  Trey lightly touched her cheek. “Who was he? Who was the guy that made it difficult for you to believe what I’m saying? Was it your ex-husband?”

  Kiara glanced away and stared out into the mountains. “Yes, it was. My ex-husband and I split because of it. After that, my last boyfriend decided on the day that he was going to propose that he couldn’t handle my decision.” She glanced back at Trey as her mind went back to the moment she’d told her ex-husband and ex-boyfriend about her inability to have children. “Men always say that they are fine with continuing a relationship that doesn’t involve kids, until they actually consider what it means. I know what you were getting at earlier. Being around M-dog is showing you a different side of yourself. The side that sees he will make a great father one day despite the fact that he thought fatherhood wasn’t in his future.”


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