Fallen Royals: A High School Bully Romance (Bad Boy Royals of Kingsbury Prep Book 5)

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Fallen Royals: A High School Bully Romance (Bad Boy Royals of Kingsbury Prep Book 5) Page 4

by Rachel Angel

  From that day on, things changed between my older brother and me. Things changed between my mother and Jordan’s mother.

  Even my great Aunt who was playing with me on the beach, my Aunt Helen changed as she scolded my father for his treatment of Jordan.

  A few years later, my father said that I would be king after him. I would be the crown prince. When I asked him why he didn’t choose Jordan since he was the eldest son, he didn’t say why, only that he believed I was the destined one.

  And now that had changed.

  Chapter 8


  I had arrived at Kingsbury Prep as fast as I could and landed on the landing strip inside of Kingsbury Castle’s walls.

  From above, while the plane was landing, I could see the dark mass gathered along the walls of the castle, with fire. As we flew closer, I could make out the figures of men and women wearing common clothes, carrying torches and rocks. They were shouting and banging on the walls of the castle.

  I couldn’t believe my eyes. It looked like a scene out of a horror movie…a growing mob of townspeople carrying pitchforks, knives, rocks, and torches ready to burn down Frankenstein’s castle. Burn down the monsters.

  What happened? What made the usually friendly easy-going people in town become a mob ready to take down their keepsake castle?

  As soon as the plane landed, I thanked the pilot, and ran out to the main campus. I didn’t pack anything except my tote bag and quickly made my way to the administration building. Maybe I can get some answers there.

  A woman on staff walked by and I grabbed her arm, getting her attention. “Excuse me, have you seen Kaz? Hunter? Ori? The K3?”

  “In there,” she gestured. “They were hurt really badly. One of them…” she turned her head away.

  My heart sank as I realized what she was saying.

  It took a moment for me to gather myself. What if one of my boys was so badly hurt or was on the verge of dying?

  I couldn’t think of losing any one of them.

  I walked into the nurse’s office and found Ori all bandaged up. He had a pouch of blood dripping into him, and his eyes were closed. “Oh Ori, I’m so sorry about what happened.” I kissed his forehead. He still had his eyes closed, but when I kissed him, they fluttered open.

  “Tempest?” he said. “You’re here? Am I dreaming?”

  “I’m here, Ori,” I said. “I’m sorry what happened to you. I got here as soon as I could.”

  “Thank God,” he said. “It feels good to see you again. See you smiling.”

  “How’s Hunter? Kaz?”

  “Hunter’s over there. Ricky’s next to him.”

  I kissed Ori and said I’ll be back after I see the others, and went to Hunter.

  His eyes looked so surprised to see me as he gave me a sweet but sexy smile. “Tempest,” he said, his voice like seduction to my ears. “I’ve missed you.”

  I kissed him on the lips and said, “I missed you so much, too.”

  “Why are you here?” he asked.

  “I heard about the attack on Kingsbury and had to come back.”

  “Your timing is impeccable,” Hunter said.

  “You know me,” I said. “A born comic.”

  Hunter chuckled. “So beautiful yet so funny. A perfect combination.”

  I smiled at him, happy to be with him again. Happy to be talking to him again. I sighed. Looking at him, I couldn’t even remember why I stopped talking to him. “I miss your handsome face,” I said.

  He grinned. “I bet you miss my mad skills at everything sexy too.”

  “How’d you guess,” I said. “I do, but first, I have to go see Ricky, who is waving me over. Get well fast, Hunter. I want to see those mad skills in motion, but if you’re injured like you are…it’ll have to wait.” He gave me a sweet but sexy smile. “Tempest,” he said, his voice like seduction to my ears. “I’ve missed you.”

  “Guess I’ll have to get better right away, Doll, because looking at you, I can’t wait to be in your good graces again.” He stuck out his tongue and made some licking moves that made me laugh.

  I went to visit Ricky next, who reached out for my hand to pull me over to him. He was bandaged up like Hunter and Ori. “What happened to you?” I asked.

  “I got stoned,” he said.

  “Like stoned?” I made a smoking gesture.

  “Naw…literally stoned like someone throwing a stone at you. I know. Sounds like the Stone Age, but that’s what happened.”

  “I wouldn’t believe it if I didn’t see how injured all of you guys are,” I said.

  “It just got crazy out there,” Ricky said.

  “Tell me more about everything when you get a chance,” I said. “In private. I want to hear all about it.”

  “I plan on it, Tempest.” Ricky smiled, pulling me in close to kiss me on the lips. “By the way, I really missed you.” He kissed me again, deeper, more passionately. “So sweet. I miss these lips. And the rest of you.”

  “I missed you too, Ricky,” I said. I looked down, “And Little Ricky, Ay yah yah!”

  Ricky burst out laughing. “And I love Lucy,” he said looking at my breasts.

  “I’ll be back, you silly man,” I said heading to the private room in the nurse’s office.

  So the one who was most critical was in this room. It couldn’t be Ori, Hunter, and Ricky.

  It was Kaz. Kaz, who I had the most reasons to take out my revenge on.

  Kaz, whose heart I had broken by becoming Jordan’s lover. And for whom my own heart had broken after realizing the consequences of my actions.

  I walked quietly into the darkened room and stopped.

  Even with his head bandaged up, his face bruised, too; he was drop-dead gorgeous.

  “Kaz,” I whispered, mostly to myself. He had his eyes closed, and looked so peaceful like a little boy.

  I sat in the chair next to his bed and reached out to hold his hand. His eyes twitched and I squeezed his hand, letting him know I was there.

  I sat there for a while just holding his hand, almost falling asleep, when I heard, “Tempest.”

  My eyes flew open and I looked over at him. His eyes were closed still, but his lips were moving, as in a dream.

  “Tempest,” he said. “I’m sorry for everything. I only did what I did because I’m a big coward. I hid behind my bullying of you at first because I didn’t know how to act with you. I was so stunned by you…your beauty, wit, sense of good, and nobleness. I’ve never loved anyone as much as I loved you. Take me back, Tempest. Please forgive me and take me back.”

  “For a sleeping comatose man, you are quite eloquent,” I said.

  I bent down to kiss his forehead and realized his hand was holding mine.

  His eyes hadn’t opened yet, but at least he was responding to my touch.

  I got up and pried my hand away. My head was spinning, and I was confused, tired from lack of sleep, but mostly I was elated.

  What could have been a much larger disaster seemed to have been averted.

  I pulled out my phone and sent a quick text.

  ME: Thank you for your help in arranging the free food and drinks for all Arcadia locals last night. You helped avert a disaster.

  Chapter 9


  While the boys were recuperating at Kaz’s place due to lack of space in the Nurse’s Office, I made it a point to visit the town of Arcadia at the base of the mountain as much as I could, wearing my Kingsbury Prep uniform.

  “Look, it’s Tempest Storm!” a small group of people said when I went into my favorite bakery to pick up some cupcakes and chocolate cake.

  “Hi!” I said. I turned back to the sweet-looking girl behind the counter. “Um, can you give me a dozen of those sugar cookies, too?”

  “Sure,” she smiled.

  “No need to package them up. Just hand me the whole tray.”

  She looked surprise at first, but then she nodded.

  I handed her some cash and then turne
d around to face the small group of people gathering to see me. “I’m surprise you all recognize me!” I said.

  “Big fan!” a middle age man said. “My daughter wants to learn mixed martial arts because of you. You’re her role model.”

  “Aww!” I gave him a hug. “Thank you! Here, I don’t have any swag or photos right now, but would you like to take a couple of cookies back with you to give to your little girl?”

  The man’s face lit up. “Gosh. Wow. She would love that.”

  A girl about Lily’s age came up to me and said, “I have all your posters and dolls, but you’re much prettier in person.”

  I reached out and hugged her. “Thank you! You are so sweet and very pretty too!” I handed her a cookie and said, “Next time you see me, if you have any of your posters or dolls, I’ll sign them for you.”

  Her shy smile widened into a happy grin. “Oh I will! Thank you!”

  I went through the crowd talking to everyone and handing them a cookie until the last cookie was gone.

  “Could you visit my school?” the shy girl around Lily’s age asked.

  “Where is your school, um…”

  “Cleo,” the girl said.

  “Cleo,” I repeated. “Oh I love your name. So regal. One of my favorite females from history, too. Smart and cunning like a man, Cleopatra really knew how to make the most of her being a woman in a man’s world.”

  A woman dressed in a cozy sweater and jeans came up to me, handing me a card. “Hi, I’m Cleo’s mother,” she said smiling. “Cleo’s probably one of your biggest fans. She just loves you and what you stand for, showing everyone that a girl can be strong, beautiful, and themselves. You know since you became the face for fighting, more little girls are learning martial arts and self-defense. We would love for you to speak at our school and possibly other places around.”

  I looked down at her card and smiled.

  “I would love to,” I said, “Mayor Roberts.”

  She laughed. “Just call me Liz.”

  “Alright, Liz!” I said.

  She looked at my blazer bearing the Kingsbury crest and said, “I always wondered what it would be like when Kingsbury finally opens its doors to a non-royal. I grew up in Arcadia and despite having Kingsbury Castle right here on top of our mountain, there had always been a separation between the town and the castle.”

  “Have your family lived in Arcadia long?” I asked.

  “We’re one of the oldest families here,” Mayor Roberts said. “Since the days of the first Kingsbury, the Kingmaker.”

  “Oh, I’d love to hear more about that,” I said, hoping I would find something more about my ancestor Violet and her father.

  “I’d be glad to,” Mayor Roberts said. She turned to Cleo, calling out her name.

  Cleo came over, and Mayor Roberts said, “Would you like to invite Ms. Storm to lunch at our house? She can see all your Tempest Storm collection.”

  Haven’t seen all the Tempest Storm collection myself, I was interested in seeing Cleo’s collection. “I’d love that,” I said.

  “Okay,” Cleo said. “Would you please come to our house to have lunch with us, Ms. Storm?”

  “Yes, Cleo, I would,” I said, smiling.

  “Would next week be a good time?” Mayor Roberts asked.

  “Yes, I could make it,” I said. “Just let me know where and when.” We exchanged phone numbers before Cleo and her mother left the bakery. When I walked up to the counter to retrieve my cupcakes and chocolate cake, I noticed a few more baked goods were added into my bag.

  I was about to pay for the additions, but the sweet-looking counter girl said, “On the house. I’m a fan myself, and aside from an occasional visit from a rock star touring or a movie star stopping by on a film shoot, we don’t get much excitement. So I’m thrilled you’re here. And you’re not just visiting. You go to school at Kingsbury.”

  “I’ve been here for a while,” I said. “I wished I visited the town more often…” I looked at the little name tag the girl was wearing, “Jenny. Had I known there were so many friends I could make in town, I would have gotten to know this town better.”

  Jenny smiled. “It probably was an adjustment for you to go to Kingsbury so you were busy settling in. But now you know we’re here, visit us as often as you can. In fact, we have a bulletin board posted right there where you can see all the events we have in town. You’re welcome to join anytime.”

  “Oh, that’s great!” I said. “Anyone’s welcome?”

  “Sure,” Jenny said. She looked down. Suddenly acting shy. “If you want, I can introduce you to some of my friends, too. I’m still a senior at the local high school in South Arcadia. The girls and I, well, we get together for a book club every Wednesday night here at the bakery and I provide the pastries while the girls buy tea or coffee.”

  “A book club?” I cried out. “I always wanted to be part of one. My neighbor Helen is in one, and she gets really into it. Yes, I’ll join in.”

  “We have one this Wednesday if you can make it. But you have to have read the selected book already before the meeting so we can discuss it.”

  “Sure! Which book is it for this Wednesday?” I asked.

  “We’re going through one of our favorite YA and New Adult authors’ books right now. The pick for this week is Loving Summer by Kailin Gow. It’s a contemporary romance with some very hot guys.” Jenny blushed.

  “Got it!” I said. “Getting a copy now.”

  “Get the Limited Edition paperback one with the film cover,” Jenny said. “It won’t be around in that version.”

  “Okay,” I said. I picked up my bag and waved. “I’ll see you in a few days!”

  Jenny waved back, beaming happily.

  I carried my bag of baked goods and walked into another shop.

  The pretty Asian woman behind the counter welcomed me with a smile. “Hello! How can I help you?”

  I smiled back. “I have some friends who lost a lot of blood and a friend who got cut up. Do you have any herbs or medicine that I can have to help them heal faster?”

  She looked around and walked over to pick up a few things before returning to me, placing her findings on the glass counter. “This is good for blood flow. You add it with chicken or beef to make a good broth. And this,” she picked up a small bottle, “is an ointment you use to apply directly onto a wound so the skin will heal faster and there would be no scars.”

  “Thank you,” I said. Then I saw another jar next to the ointment. “What’s that for?”

  “For you,” the shop lady said. “You practice Qi Gong, don’t you? Martial arts?”

  I raised my eyebrows. “How do you know?”

  “I’m a practitioner myself. I can see how you move and your form. You are a martial artist, and one who have been training for years.”

  “You got that just from how I carry myself?” I asked.

  “Yes, and everything else around you. A true martial artist is aware and conscious of their every movement. You carry yourself with that caution. To me, it is obvious.”

  “You must be very skilled,” I said.

  “Maybe,” the woman said.

  “My teacher in San Francisco had been training me to walk and carry myself with the lightness of foot for the past couple of years. Before that, I learned martial arts from various teachers, even a few from the Shaolin Temple in China.”

  “I could see it,” the shopkeeper said.

  Instantly, I knew I was in the presence of a kung fu Grand Master. I bowed, showing respect for someone who could knock me out with just a gesture. It would take me years to even be able to develop the level of Qi Gong this woman had. Grand Masters were few and rare around the world. “Grand Master,” I said. “I’m humbled to be in your presence. Who knew this small island has a hidden treasure such as a Grand Master.”

  The woman who seemed to be in her mid to late 30s, but could actually be older due to the Qi Gong she practiced, nodded. “Arcadia holds a lot of secrets that
many would not even dream of.”

  Was that why Kingsbury was built here?

  Was that how the Kingmaker received his gifts of selection and sight? Was it tied to this island?

  I knew it wasn’t a coincidence to stumble upon this shop and the Grand Master. “If you are so kind and willing,” I said, dropping to my knees. “Could you take me on as a student? I know a bit of martial arts, but I have the desire to continue training so I could reach the level of a Master one day. My Qi Gong is just a beginner’s level, and…”


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