Fallen Royals: A High School Bully Romance (Bad Boy Royals of Kingsbury Prep Book 5)

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Fallen Royals: A High School Bully Romance (Bad Boy Royals of Kingsbury Prep Book 5) Page 6

by Rachel Angel

  “Why?” I asked. I wrapped my arms around his back and was patting him when he winced. “Are you okay?”

  “I still have some cuts on my back,” he said.

  “Then why don’t you stay and rest so you can heal? Where are you rushing off to? A concert? An art gallery opening?”

  Hunter smiled sadly at me. “I wished that was where I’m going. Unfortunately, being accused of sexually harassing Veronica and Sabrina, which is completely false, got me expelled. I can’t believe they accused me of it when they were the ones sexually harassing me.”

  “So you’re really going to leave school?” I asked.

  “Even Kaz couldn’t reverse it. And this is his school.”

  My heart sank remembering how I had caused Hunter’s expulsion from Kingsbury Prep as part of my revenge plans. “You have to leave today?”

  “By midnight,” Hunter said. “My stuff’s all packed and loaded into a jet my parents sent over.”

  “Oh Hunter,” I kissed his cheeks. “You can’t go. We’ll find a way for you to stay.”

  Hunter held me tighter. “When we broke up and you didn’t even look at me afterwards, I stopped caring about being in Kingsbury Prep. I stopped caring about being part of the K3s. All I knew was that you were the most important person in the world to me. And I had lost you.”

  He kissed me so passionately, I was swept off my feet.

  “I want to make love to you right here, right now, Tempest,” Hunter said, “but I won’t.”

  “Hunter,” I said. “I’m sorry. I was part of it all. Your expulsion. I can get you reinstated.”

  Hunter stared at me. Was he angry? Would he forgive me?

  It looked like he was thinking…trying to come up with a decision or something.

  He let go of me and walked away.


  His back was to me, and I could see it covered with gashes that were still healing. My heart fell seeing his beautiful body beaten up, cut up by stones. Hunter, my Prince.

  He was shaking and his fists were clenched tight against his body.

  “Hunter?” I said. “You’re not leaving Kingsbury. You haven’t been expelled. It was all part of my revenge plans to make you think you were. It never happened.”

  Hunter turned towards me, and I expected to see hate in his eyes for me, or at least anger. But instead, I found him laughing, laughing so hard he was bent over, clutching his stomach.

  “I should have known that was you on the phone. Your voice was disguised, but it was you pretending to be an administrator at Kingsbury. God, I fell for it. You got me really good, Tempest. Clever. So clever. You tricked me into believing I was expelled. Then I told Kaz I was expelled, you knew it would force him to break off his engagement to Veronica.”

  I clapped my hands and said, “You got it. That’s how it played out. So you see, Hunter, you weren’t really expelled.”

  “And that was you on the phone acting like a representative of a bank, telling me I lost everything in my checking account. Well, not everything, but a significant amount.”

  “Yes,” I said.

  “My God, Tempest, you’re so convincing, you should be an actress.”

  “Maybe I should,” I said. “And maybe you and Kaz should be actors, too.”

  Hunter stopped laughing and asked, “What do you mean?”

  “Only that you had me believing you guys in San Francisco that Kingsbury Prep was probably just a dream.” I started laughing. “Would that be funny that I dreamt all this up, and you guys really were just a figment of my imagination.”

  “That would be funny, wouldn’t it?” Hunter said. “About that…I’m sorry to fuck with your mind like that. It was wrong, and I wished it never happened. Lying to you and messing with you like that…I hated myself for doing it.”

  “So, Hunter, are we even?” I asked.

  He shook his head “no”.

  “No?” I asked. “Why?”

  “We are not even,” Hunter said. “I forgive you for acting out your revenge on me, but I still owe you, Tempest. I owe you whatever you want.”

  I sighed and said, “Well then. For my first wish, I’d like you to turn around.” I applied the ointment on all his injuries and said, “Hunter, I want you back in my harem.”

  Hunter’s eyes lit up and he said, “Anything to keep having you in my life, Tempest. I’ll accept whatever role I must play to have you.”

  Chapter 13


  I was about to go into Kaz’s bedroom when Gerard the Butler found me and said, “Chef Camilla has prepared the meal as you instructed her. Shall I retrieve the boys, or should it be served to each of them in their own rooms?”

  I smiled. “Good. How about serving it at our usual breakfast table. The ones not able to get out of bed will be served their meals by their bedside. I’ll feed them then.”

  Gerard nodded. “A wise decision, Ms. Ryan.”

  Gerard walked off and I made my way to Kaz’s bedroom, down the hall that I’ve walked through hundreds of times, always feeling such love and passion when I thought of Kaz and what I’d find when I’d reached him.

  Kaz…who had loved me so much he protected me from his own decree of the Black Envelope. Kaz who would steal me away in between classes to take me back to his bedroom to have hot passionate sex. Then Kaz who instigated the next phase of bullying for something I didn’t know I did.

  My emotions were mixed but strong when it came to Kaz. The other guys in K3 didn’t hate me like Kaz did. Ori and Hunter never wanted to hurt me. They never hated me and wanted me gone from Kingsbury as Kaz did. It was easy to forgive them after I’ve had my revenge on them and had taught them a lesson.

  It was easy to take Ori and Hunter back into my harem.

  But Kaz…

  I walked into Kaz’s bedroom, expecting to see Kaz still in bed, his head bandaged up because of a concussion.

  But as I walked into Kaz’s bedroom, I felt something was off.

  “Hi Tempest,” a familiar voice said. “I thought I’d find you here.”

  Jordan stepped forward out of the shadows of darkness in the room and came over to me, enveloping me into his arms. “Baby, I missed you.” He kissed me softly at first and then more passionately, while his hands went down to reach underneath my school uniform skirt to pull aside the crotch of my panties to rub my clit.

  “Jordan,” I panted, feeling my body building up to a climax. “What are you doing here?”

  “I couldn’t find you in San Francisco where I left you. When I went back to my suite, you were gone. I went to Helen’s to ask where you went, and she didn’t even know. You had me worried at first, Tempest. You just vanished.”

  “Sorry that I made you worried,” I said. “I heard that the kids at Kingsbury were attacked so I headed out here as soon as I could.”

  Jordan stopped kissing me and said, “My beautiful sexy Tempest. Always worrying about others and never fussing over your own beautiful self.” He lifted me and brought me over to Kaz’s bed, placing me on top of it before reaching down to pull my panties off.

  He immediately went down on me, his mouth attacking my folds, his tongue fucking into me, causing me to moan. “Oh my God, Jordan,” I purred, my hands fisting his gorgeous thick black hair.

  “Having you in my arms, having you before me, eating you, claiming you as mine…was definitely worth the trip here,” Jordan smiled at me, while still eating me.

  “Jordan…” I began convulsing.

  He stood up, unzipped his slacks to release his hard dick before plunging into me, thrusting until we both let out a loud groan and climax together.

  I was settling down from my orgasm when I opened my eyes and saw a figure standing by the bed, looking down at us.


  Where was he all this time? Why didn’t I bother trying to find him when I first entered his bedroom? Instead I found Jordan, who immediately made me forget why I was in Kaz’s bedroom. What was wrong with me? Did
I really feel so passionate about Jordan that I would forget Kaz?

  “Kaz?” I whispered. “Where were you? I was looking for you when…”

  He was staring at me with such hate in his eyes. And such pain.

  “Tempest…” he said. “I didn’t want to believe it at first. That you were with Jordan, but now I have to believe it. You’re right here with him in my bedroom, fucking him!”

  “Kaz,” Jordan said. “I was waiting for you, but you were locked in your bathroom for a while.”

  “Why the fuck are you here?” Kaz asked.

  “To rescue you! To check on you,” Jordan said.

  “Fuck! Like this? Fucking my girl? Or is she your girl?”

  “Kaz!” I cried out. “I can explain.”

  He was already out the door as I ran out.

  Chapter 14


  Kaz appeared out of nowhere in the hallway and pulled me aside just as Ori walked towards me.

  “In your room now!” he said leading us into my bedroom.


  “Jordan and Tempest. It’s bad. She is with him.”

  “She’s with him now?” Ori asked, his face in disbelief.

  Kaz’s face was ashen. Pale as a ghost. “Shit, I’m in hell. I can’t believe she would do this to me. Why, Tempest? This is the worse thing you could do to me other than stabbing me right in the back for real.”

  “You know Tempest…we’re not the only ones in her harem of guys…we’ve accepted that…”

  “But it’s Jordan,” Kaz said. “Fucking asshole Jordan!”

  “I agree, Ori, if it was anyone else, it’s forgivable, but it’s with Jordan. Do you know the significance of that? How big of an impact that is?”

  Ori closed his eyes and nodded. Then he let out a loud roar as loud as Kaz’s. “Fuck!”

  “It means Kaz loses his kingdom. He no longer will become king of his country when he was already the crown heir,” I said.

  Kaz sat down and laid his head in his hands. “I was so fucking stupid! I thought my parents wouldn’t approve of Tempest. I thought they wanted me to marry someone of royal blood, but it turns out the blood of a kingmaker trumps anyone with royal blood. Tempest is the prize. She’s the one I should be with. She’s the one I’d give anything to be with. But I assumed my parents wouldn’t even consider her because she was a commoner. I was so wrong. I was so stupid. I didn’t even bring it up to them that I wanted Tempest. Instead I gave them the choice. Instead of choosing on my own girl, by not choosing, they chose for me, and it turned out to be that bitch Veronica.”

  “Now Jordan has her, and he has the approval of your father,” I said.

  “So Jordan will become King,” Ori said.

  “And he hates anything royal…so what will become of Kingsbury Prep…the school for royals?” Kaz asked.

  “He’ll shut it down,” we all said.


  Tempest and her friends will return in the next Kingsbury Prep Book:

  Reign of Rebels (Feb. 7, 2020)


  Get a Free Copy of Kailin Gow’s Full Book

  Blue Room Vol.1

  When you Sign Up for Rachel Angel and Kailin Gow’s New Releases Newsletter!


  Heartbreak Falls Series

  With a name like Heartbreak Falls, one didn't expect to find love at the new town I had moved to courtesy of my new stepfamily aka Mom's new husband and his sons.

  Something was up with my new rich stepfather, his sons, and what happened to their last stepmother. Something was up with the entire town, which my stepfamily seemed to run. Along with the school where my stepbrothers reigned as cruel princes. All 3 of them were known as The Heartbreakers. Two were twins and my age, and then there was Tristan, the oldest. Gorgeous but god-awful hateful to me. What was up?

  I was about to find out...if I lived long enough.

  **Heartbreak Falls is a RH Dark Bully Romance and mystery for 18 and up. It is YA/NA and has themes of bullying and sex. If that's fine with you, then dig in! Bully Me Not is book 1 of 5 and contains a cliffhanger.

  Bully Me Not (Nov. 1, 2019)


  Break Me Not (Jan. 14, 2020)


  Dare Me Not (Feb. 28, 2020)




  Now Available

  Diamonds and Dragons

  Cruel Princes of Wyvern All-Boys Academy #1


  Rachel Angel

  We are The Four Princes from The Four Kingdoms of Wyvern.

  Razor is the Red Prince from the Kingdom of RoseCliff.

  Jasper is the Green Prince from the Emerald Realms.

  Tar is the Black Prince from the Dark Forests.

  And Flint is the Silver Prince from the Metal Lands.

  We are princes one day who will rule our kingdoms in Wyvern. Right now, we are the Kings of Wyven School for Boys, a school known for the toughest training of rulers and heads of states to be in order to prepare them for the cruel, cruel world we know of, in the kingdoms of Wyvern.

  On a typical day at Wyvern School for Boys, one student or another gets beaten badly, pranked on so viciously, that they end up seriously injured or close to death. It is the way of Wyvern. It is how kingdoms determine the next heir and successors to thrones.

  It is a vicious game. One of survival. One of rules.

  So when they let in Allotrope Free from some nowhere kingdom, we felt affronted. Assaulted with disrespect.

  First of all, Allotrope is not a boy, but this girl, who is much too pretty and gorgeous to be in a school full of boys.

  Second, she is the last thing anyone would think could be a ruler or head of state. She is an orphan.

  Wyvern School for Boys is letting her in as a statement from one of our mothers, who is the ruling Queen of one of our kingdoms. Girls can grow up to become rulers too.

  Kingdoms are at sake. Real wars are being fought. The last thing we need is a girl like Allotrope to make everything we stand for, a whole big joke.

  So, when it comes time to eliminate a student at Wyvern School for Boys, Allotrope should be the first to go, and we Four Princes, will make sure she goes.


  Call me Allotrope...Ally for short. When I received a royal decree from Queen Jade of the Emerald Realms to attend school at Wyvern School for Boys, I thought it was a prank pulled by my friend William who apprentices with me at the Blacksmith. There was no way I could attend such an elite school just for kings-to-be.

  But it was a Royal Decree, and if I don't obey the Decree, there was a threat of death to me and to all I hold dear, which probably means William and his parents, Bilbo and Kate, the blacksmith and his wife, the alchemist, whom had let me stayed with them since I became an orphan.

  To keep them safe. To keep me from losing my head, I packed up what little belongings I had and enrolled at Wyvern School for Boys.

  Everything at Wyvern School for Boys was meant to intimidate. Being the only girl at a school of incredibly handsome boys, especially the Four Princes, was intimidating.

  Not to mention the cutthroat competition that literally cuts students from the school.

  I'm stuck in a hard place...either get killed by defying the Royal Decree and also get everyone I cared for, killed. Or stick it out at Wyvern School for Boys, despite all the bullying and cutthroat games Wyvern has in store for me.

  Of course, there is no choice...I must survive Wyvern School for Boys, or die trying.

  Did I mention this is a school for Dragons, too? I just have to watch out for the fire.


  Diamonds and Dragons is book 1 of the Cruel Princes of Wyvern Series for mature teens and up (17+) and is a paranormal dark fantasy bully romance reverse harem that will contain steamy and scorc
hing scenes, dark fantasy elements, and consensual sex. This is a high school NA series.


  Four pairs of heavy soled boots echoed down the cold stoned hall that led to the grand salon. A sense of urgency sounded with every step; a foreboding sense of doom. At the tall wood door to the grand salon they stopped to look at one another, reluctant and apprehensive, but determined.


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