Evans, Gabrielle - Hell's Tempest [Fatefully Yours 4] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever ManLove)

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Evans, Gabrielle - Hell's Tempest [Fatefully Yours 4] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever ManLove) Page 5

by Gabrielle Evans

  “Tomorrow, I promise,” Jet said with a smile.

  “So, are you three lovers?” That was Fiero—always straightforward.

  “We play sometimes,” Sage hedged, and Echo figured that was the best answer they would get. Not that it was any of their business to begin with.

  Fiero nodded, apparently content with the answer. “And you?” He pointed at Syn and Jinx.

  “I just met them,” Syn answered.

  Fiero rolled his eyes. “You know what I mean. There’s been a lot of do-si-doing around the issue, so I just want it straight. Put it all on the table so we don’t run into any misunderstandings with jealous lovers and shit.”

  That sounded reasonable to Echo. He’d wondered more than once about the two vampires. Some of the things Syn said, his actions, made it seem like a real possibility.

  “No,” Jinx said quietly and left it at that.

  Maybe he should have kept his mouth shut, but the answer didn’t jive with Echo. There had been too many mishaps. “You’re lying.”

  “No,” Syn said firmly. “We are not lovers.” He sounded cold and bitter, and Echo knew there was something more going on. He’d pushed far enough for one night, though, and decided to let it be for now.

  “Okay.” He shrugged as though the entire conversation had been of little importance.

  “We finished your room,” Syx said to Jinx and Syn. “There’s only a small window in the attic, and we put boards over it, then duct taped blackout curtains over that. It’s as light-tight as we can make it and much warmer than the basement. I hope you like it.”

  “Thank you,” both vampires said in unison. “I’m sure it will be perfect,” Jinx added. “You didn’t need to go to so much trouble.”

  “Yes, we did.” Vapre glanced over at Echo and winked. “It was the only room in the house that we could be sure all light was blocked from. We put rubber seals around the attic door and another blackout curtain that I’ll show you how to pin down. We installed a lock on the inside of the door as well.”

  Echo felt his heart swell with pride and love that his mates had done everything they could to ensure the vampires’ safety from the sun.

  “We’ll move the beds up right after we shower.” Vapre glanced over at the basement door. “It might be a little cramped tomorrow, but we’ll move the boxes and stuff to the basement after you wake up.”

  “You did all that for us?” Syn asked in awe.

  Vapre nodded but didn’t look at him. He was still staring at Echo when he answered, “Mostly.”

  * * * *

  Echo moaned as the hot water cascaded over his head and down his body. Four showerheads and six jets lined three sides of the enormous shower, and Echo loved every inch of it. He didn’t often use Hex’s private bathroom, though he knew he’d be welcome. He figured the responsibility of being the leader should come with certain perks, and not having to share a bathroom with the rest of the house seemed like one of them.

  Strong fingers massaged Echo’s scalp as Vapre washed and rinsed his hair for him. Echo leaned back against his lover’s chest and sighed. He wouldn’t deny that he loved being pampered like this.

  Hex’s hands drifted over Echo’s skin, washing the food, dirt, and general yuck from his body. Gods, he’d needed this. He only wished the shower was big enough to accommodate all eight of them. Worry had eaten away at him when his lovers hadn’t returned home on schedule, and he suddenly felt weary and exhausted, much older than his twenty-three years.

  Onyx moved around Hex, dropping to his knees at Echo’s side, his hands coming up to rest on Echo’s hips as he began kissing and tonguing Echo’s sac.

  Hex’s hands drifted lower, skimming across Echo’s lower abs and leaving a trail of fire in their wake. Then a sudsy hand wrapped around Echo’s swelling cock, stroking it in long, smooth motions.

  Groaning at the sensations zipping through his body, Echo sagged more heavily against Vapre and let his men take care of him. He wished he could be a more active participant in their lovemaking, but his body felt as weak and wrung out as his brain.

  Slippery fingers caressed along his crease, gently parting the globes of his cheeks, and Vapre’s long digit nudged against his opening. Echo pushed back against the finger, signaling his willingness. He sighed contentedly when Vapre slipped inside his eager hole to the second knuckle, just as Onyx enveloped the head of Echo’s cock in his heated mouth.

  His eyes fluttered open when he felt warm breath wash over his face, and found Hex leaning over him. His lips descended on Echo’s, claiming his mouth in a possessive kiss that curled Echo’s toes and quickened his heart rate.

  A second finger joined the first inside his twitching passage, and Vapre sawed in and out, stretching him slowly, lovingly. Onyx continued to work Echo’s cock, dragging his lips along the throbbing length as he rolled Echo’s balls in his hand. The water continued to wash over them, adding a new level of sensuality to their little homecoming party.

  Hex continued his assault on Echo’s mouth, his hands caressing up Echo’s arms and across his shoulders, until he cradled Echo’s face in his palms like a precious treasure. “Missed you,” he panted against Echo’s lips when they finally came up for air. “Need you, baby.”

  Echo would give his men anything they wanted. They didn’t even have to ask. “Take what you need,” he returned breathlessly as his fingers wound in Onyx’s short, dark hair. The demon took Echo’s prick to the back of his throat and swallowed, pulling a jagged cry from Echo’s parted lips. He rocked his hips, fucking himself between Vapre’s fingers and Onyx’s welcoming mouth. “Please,” he begged.

  Vapre’s fingers eased out of his hole, and Echo felt more than saw the warrior ease around him to sit on the long bench seat built into the shower wall. Onyx let Echo’s prick fall from between his lips, and Echo whimpered at the loss. Then Hex picked him up easily and moved him to Vapre’s lap, holding him steady as Vapre lined up the bulbous head of his cock with Echo’s fluttering entrance.

  They worked together, slowly lowering Echo over the turgid shaft, until his ass rested against Vapre’s thighs and his back pressed against his lover’s warm chest. “Open your eyes,” Vapre whispered against Echo’s neck. “Watch us.” His hands began roaming Echo’s chest and down his flat belly. “You’re so beautiful, baby, and you fit so perfectly with us.”

  Echo kept his eyes open, but dropped his head back on Vapre’s shoulder as the man began a slow grind, working his throbbing cock farther into Echo’s ass. “You like this, don’t you, Echo? You love being the center of attention.” He thrust his hips upward as he pulled down on Echo’s hips. “You love my cock in your ass, filling you up and stretching you wide.”

  “Yes,” Echo hissed, rocking his hips in jerky movements. “More!”

  With that one word, Onyx immediately resumed his position between Echo’s splayed thighs and swallowed his cock to the root, burying his nose in Echo’s blond pubes. Crying out, Echo rocked his hips faster, pushing his aching dick farther into Onyx’s mouth as Vapre’s cock brushed over his sweet spot again and again.

  Hex knelt behind Onyx, wrapped an arm around the warrior’s chest, and pushed into him slowly. Onyx groaned around Echo’s prick, sending faint vibrations speeding along his shaft. Hex gave the man just a moment to adjust to his size, then began a quick pace, thrusting into Onyx’s body in quick, hard jabs.

  Vapre moved his hips, pushing up into Echo’s body along with Hex’s rhythm, and Echo didn’t feel tired anymore. Tingles raced along his spine, little zaps of electricity that chased each other in a never-ending loop up and down his back.

  His orgasm caught him by surprise, stealing the breath from his lungs, and he tossed his head back and gasped as he filled Onyx’s eager mouth with his seed. He expected his men to continue, to find their own releases, but they didn’t. Echo was lifted off of Vapre’s cock, positioned on his knees on the tiled shower floor, and his head shoved between Vapre’s legs. The water beat down over Vapre’s c
ock, then the back of Echo’s head as he lowered to encase the hard length in his mouth.

  “Not good enough,” Onyx mumbled as he pushed into Echo’s still-convulsing hole. “Need you to scream. Love when you fucking scream.”

  Echo knew this of course, but he wasn’t sure how he would accomplish what they wanted with Vapre’s cock filling his mouth. Deciding to worry about it later, he set to work, bobbing his head and sucking hard.

  Onyx thrust gently as first, trying to find his rhythm with Hex’s cock still buried in his ass. Eventually, they worked it out, and Onyx’s fingers curled around Echo’s hips, tugging him backward with every one of Onyx’s forward jabs.

  Fingers tangled in his hair, encouraging him to move his head faster, suck harder, and Vapre thrust up into his mouth. Echo moaned and whimpered, the sounds muffled around Vapre’s cock as his men overwhelmed him in sensations.

  Then Vapre growled, a deep, feral sound from his chest, and warm, salty semen bathed Echo’s tongue, filling his mouth and sliding down his throat while he swallowed as much as he could.

  Before he could blink, everyone was moving again. Onyx pulled from Echo’s hole, Vapre slipped out of his mouth and stood, and Echo found himself lifted into the air and his back pressed against the shower wall. Hex anchored him there, pinned between the tiles and his mate’s massive frame as he entered Echo in one swift plunge.

  Echo cried out, his head whipping from side to side when Hex immediately began a quick, hard pace that left him struggling to breathe. The warrior buried his face in Echo’s neck, slamming into him hard enough to rattle his teeth, and Echo couldn’t get enough. “Yes!” he cried. “Harder, please!”

  Hex obliged him, increasing his pace until Echo felt sure the man would fuck him clear through the wall. Over Hex’s shoulder, Echo watched Onyx bend Vapre over the shower bench and work his cock into Vapre’s hungry ass. Echo’s entire body clenched at the erotic sight, his balls tightening against his body and his lower belly cramping as his orgasm raced toward him again.

  Keeping up his relentless pace, Hex drove into Echo’s tunnel over and over as he licked and sucked at the wet skin of Echo’s neck. His sharp teeth grazed the flesh, scraping over him lightly, and Echo felt the thrill rush through him.

  He tilted his head to the side, offering his neck in a silent plea for Hex to bite him, reestablish his claim. Then his mate’s canines sank into the apex of his shoulder and neck, and Echo finally screamed for his men.

  The pleasure bombarded him, immediate and intense, and Echo gripped at Hex’s shoulders as pearly ropes of cum sprayed from his still-hard cock to paint the space between them.

  Extracting his canines gently, Hex gave one final plunge, froze, and followed Echo over the edge, roaring out his name as molten lava bathed Echo’s inner walls to the point of overflowing. So lost in his pleasure, Echo only vaguely heard the groans of completion from Vapre and Onyx, but was pleased when they penetrated the fog surrounding his brain.

  Sagging limply in Hex’s arms, Echo’s head swam, and his heart beat a quick staccato against his sternum as he struggled to drag in air to his aching lungs. “Thank you,” Hex breathed, giving one final lick over his mating mark before easing his half-hard prick from Echo’s opening and lowering him to his feet.

  His mates held him up, cleaning him thoroughly, before Vapre lifted him into his arms and stepped out of the shower. A soft, fluffy towel swiped over his body and hair, Onyx giving him a quick pat down, then Vapre carried him into Hex’s bedroom.

  Echo was asleep before Vapre even laid him on the mattress.

  Chapter Six

  “Syx is right, isn’t he?” Vapre ran his hands over the thick grass as he squinted against the sun, looking up at the Oracle where she stood beside him. “The tests aren’t coming in order.”

  “Your tests will come as they should,” she answered cryptically. “You must be prepared for anything.” That was the closest she’d ever come to giving him a straight answer.

  “This storm, it’s not going to be a regular Mother Nature hissy fit, is it?”

  The Oracle smiled down at him, her eyes studying him intently. “The bearer holds many secrets.” Vapre was beginning to understand that if he read between the lines, her answers to his inquiries were a little less vague.

  “Why am I here?” he asked bluntly. “There must be a reason.”

  “To understand.”

  “Understand what?”

  “That is for you to learn.”

  Vapre sighed and pushed to his feet. He’d only had encounters with the Oracle on a handful of occasions, all in dream form such as this, and each time they left his mind exhausted. If what she had to tell them was so damn important, why couldn’t she just spit it out? His lovers might have deemed him the brains, right along with Syx, but he wasn’t good with riddles.

  “You have more knowledge than you realize,” the Oracle said softly as she lifted her face to the sun. It was such a normal gesture that Vapre could only stare at her.

  And why did he feel protective of this woman? She obviously had more power than he and his lovers combined. She was mythical, ethereal, omniscient to the nth degree, yet he felt the need to shield her, to defend her with his life if necessary.

  “You hold the answers, but you hide from them. Why?”

  Vapre didn’t have the slightest clue what she was talking about. “I’m not hiding from anything.”

  “You lie. You hide yourself, your heart, and in this, you will fail. Put away your pride and accept what is freely offered. Second chances are rare, and I fear one does not await you.”

  This was almost babbling for the Oracle. Still, Vapre didn’t understand a word of it. He opened his mouth to ask her to expand, but when he glanced her way, he found only empty space. Well, that was just fucking dandy.

  Dropping back to the grass, Vapre lounged on his back, soaking up the warm rays of the sun as he closed his eyes and drifted into a peaceful sleep.

  * * * *

  “Where are we going?” Echo climbed into the back of the SUV and buckled his seatbelt. “Shouldn’t we be preparing for the new moon?”

  “It’s still three weeks away.” Vapre slipped into the backseat beside him, not bothering with his safety belt. “Besides, one afternoon isn’t going to make a difference. It’s not like we have any idea about what’s coming.”

  Hex situated himself behind the wheel while Syx rode shotgun. “Relax and try to have a good time. Our problems will still be here when we get back,” Hex said as he started the engine and shifted into drive.

  “Fine,” Echo huffed, but he didn’t like it. Even if they didn’t know for sure what was coming, they still needed to be doing something. He should be practicing with his men, honing their powers and increasing their strength, not traipsing into the city to… “What the hell are we doing anyway?”

  “We’re getting you a cell phone for one,” Vapre answered as his hand landed on Echo’s thigh, giving it a light squeeze.

  “What on earth do I need a cell phone for?” Echo rolled his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest as he stared out the window, watching the trees zipping past.

  “Then you can get in touch with us anytime you want. If we ever get separated, it could come in pretty handy.”

  Echo knew Vapre was referring to his constant badgering over the past couple of days when he’d insisted on calling his mates nearly every hour. Still, he didn’t like the sound of them being apart. “Why would we be separated?” he asked cautiously, not daring to look at any of the men in the vehicle.

  “We won’t,” Hex said firmly. “But it never hurts to be prepared.”

  This all sounded a little foreboding to Echo, but it also brought up other questions that had been nagging at him. “Why did it take you so long to get back?”

  No one answered him, and Echo finally turned away from the window to glare at the back of Hex’s head. His eyes shifted to Syx, then finally over to Vapre. “You know something,” he accused. “If He
x isn’t going to tell me anything, then I suggest you start talking.”

  “There was…trouble,” Hex said guardedly.

  “Believe it or not, I figured that much out on my own.” Echo growled and grumbled under his breath for a minute until he felt calm enough to speak without starting a fight. “Please, tell me.” There, that was perfectly polite and not at all argumentative.

  “We lost Mac.”

  Echo’s mouth dropped open before he could stop it. “What the fuck do you mean you lost him? Didn’t he come home with you?” He’d seen his friend when everyone had returned. Right? Damn it! He’d been so happy, so relieved, that his men were home, he hadn’t paid much attention to anything else around him. “Where is he?” Echo hated the quavering in his voice, the trembling of his lip, and the uncertainty that ate away at his calm façade.

  “Relax,” Syx said soothingly, turning in his seat to face Echo. “Mac is at home and perfectly safe.”

  “Then what happened? How the hell do you lose a full-grown man? And Gage! He just let Mac wonder off by himself?” Echo was working himself into a good yelling fit, but he couldn’t squelch his panic. His lovers were keeping things from him. Again.

  “I don’t mean that we lost him physically,” Hex hedged. “I mean…well, I don’t know what the hell happened. He was catatonic for a good two days after we found the shifters. He never closed his eyes, didn’t speak, was stiff as a corpse all the time. I thought Gage and Sony were going to lose their damn minds. I’ve never seen anyone so scared.”

  “So, what happened?”

  “He just woke up. I don’t think he’s said a word since.”

  “But why didn’t you just bring him home like that?” Echo’s brows drew together in confusion.

  “Well, he didn’t talk, but he screamed bloody murder every time someone touched him. If he hadn’t woken up when he did, we were going to try it anyway. Can you imagine listening to that, cramped up in a car for three hours, though? I tried to heal him, but nothing worked.”


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