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Evans, Gabrielle - Hell's Tempest [Fatefully Yours 4] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever ManLove)

Page 9

by Gabrielle Evans

  “That’s when you first arrived at the place where you found the shifters?” Echo asked.

  “Yes.” Mac bobbed his head up and down, staring at his hands where they twisted together on the table. “I couldn’t see anything except what was inside my head. I couldn’t hear, or smell, or even feel my own body.”

  Echo shuddered in empathy, remembering the time he’d spent inside the capsule at the lab. He recalled the feeling of being disconnected, as though his brain was somewhere outside his body—functioning independently from him.

  “There were these things…these monsters, living inside my head with me. I guess I could feel when someone touched me, but in my mind, it was the creatures attacking me. I didn’t know I was screaming out loud, though.”

  Jet and Pax stood by the back door, both looking contrite and fidgeting nervously. They looked afraid, but not in the guilty kind of way. “Did you meet Sage in the lab?” Echo wracked his brain, trying to place the stranger. He remembered Jet, and Pax a little more, but he couldn’t remember seeing Sage before he’d shown up in their house.

  “No,” Jet whispered. “We woke up in this cave near where you found us. It was snowing outside, and we had no idea how we’d gotten there.”

  “Sage was there when we finally came around. I don’t even know how long we were asleep,” Pax picked up the narrative. “He said he was from a different facility, just like the one we came from. He had a number.” Pax said the last part as though that explained everything.

  “So before a few weeks ago, you’d never met him?” Echo didn’t like where this was heading.

  “No,” the shifters answered together. “He seemed kind of...different, though. We figured it was because he’d been alone for so long and didn’t know how to interact with people anymore.” Pax shuffled from foot to foot as he spoke.

  “Alone?” Echo sat up a little straighter and tilted his head to the side.

  “That’s what he said,” Jet replied. “He told us that he’d been hiding out for years.”

  “You lied to us,” Vapre broke in. “You said that you’d all been in the lab together.”

  Jet and Pax bobbed their heads slowly. “He said that if you knew he didn’t come from the same lab, you would be suspicious, and we wouldn’t be allowed to stay here.” Jet still wouldn’t meet their eyes.

  “We were cold and hungry,” Pax whispered. “I’m sorry that we tricked you.”

  Echo glanced over at Mac. “Did you see two or three in your vision?”

  “Two,” Mac answered immediately. “But I could kind of feel a third person at the peripheral.”

  “How did you know to come here?” Fiero asked pointedly.

  “I don’t know.” Jet looked like he would pass out from the admission. “I swear I don’t,” he added hurriedly. “I had these dreams and a kind of pull in this direction, but I can’t explain it.”

  “Then why were you hiding in the woods?” Fiero lifted both eyebrows, the suspicion written all over his face. Echo couldn’t blame him. After finding one traitor in their midst, it would be hard to trust any newcomers.

  “We wanted to,” Pax took his turn at the story. “Sage said we needed to stay put, that someone would come for us.”

  “Bait,” Eyce murmured under his breath.

  Echo closed his eyes and rubbed at his temples again. “Did Sage…Did he hurt you?”

  Jet and Pax stared at their feet, hands linked behind their backs, and didn’t say a word. Their silence spoke volumes. “He said that you three…um, played around some.” Myst wrinkled his nose and sighed. It wasn’t exactly a question, but at least he was trying to be tactful. “Did you…” Myst huffed out a breath and rubbed a hand over his face. “Did you volunteer?” he finally blurted.

  If Jet’s face turned any redder, Echo would have worried he was having a stroke. Pax made a noncommittal noise in the back of his throat, and Echo couldn’t take it anymore. Rising from his seat, he gripped the back of his chair until the dizziness passed, then moved carefully over to the two shifters. He hugged Pax first, then Jet, squeezing the man tightly. “You’re safe here,” he whispered.

  Jet hugged him back, shuddering as he pressed his face into Echo’s neck and exhaled on a long sigh. “I’m sorry.”

  “Which one of you was hurt?”

  Jet tensed in his arms and tried to move away, but Echo squeezed him tighter. “You can tell me, Jet.”

  After another moment of struggle, Jet slumped against him in defeat. “Pax,” he murmured. “Hex fixed him right up, though.”

  “Is Sage the one who hurt him?” Echo spoke quietly into Jet’s ear, barely more than a breath.

  Jet nodded.

  “Are you hurt?”

  “Just some scratches.”

  Echo finally released him and took a step back. “Let me see.”

  Dropping his eyes to study the kitchen floor again, Jet slowly lifted the hem of his shirt just past his belly button. Echo gasped, and his eyes stung as unshed tears prickled the corners. Jet’s “scratches” were four long gashes that stretched from one side of his rib cage to the other. “Hex, why didn’t you heal these?”

  “They weren’t there,” Hex replied with a growl.

  “This happened since you’ve been here?” Echo hadn’t thought his eyes could get any wider, but he’d been wrong. “Why didn’t you tell someone?”

  “Please,” Pax whispered. “No more questions right now.”

  Echo closed his eyes and held a shaky hand over his face. “Hex…”

  “Come on, baby.” Eyce scooped Echo up in arms and cradled him close. “You need to rest. You’re still a little unsteady.”

  Echo didn’t resist, didn’t argue. He felt miserable down to his bones, and he just wanted to wrap his men around him like an Ace bandage and sleep until things were better.

  “I’ll get him fixed up and food in his stomach, then send him back to bed.”

  Echo opened his eyes to see Hex standing beside Eyce. He offered his mate a wobbly smile and inclined his head. “Thank you.” Eyce started to carry him out of the room, but another thought occurred to him, and he patted his lover’s chest to stop him. “Sage or the forest?” he asked weakly. His head swam, and his tongue felt too big for his mouth, making speech almost impossible.

  “Both,” Mac answered, understanding his inquiry. “There’s still evil in the woods, but Sage brought it to this house.”

  “M’kay. Fix later,” he mumbled, then turned his head into Eyce’s chest and drifted off to sleep.

  * * * *

  “Interesting,” the Oracle hummed as she lifted a strand of Echo’s dark hair and let it slide through her fingers.

  “Do you like it?” For some reason, he wanted to please her.

  “No,” she said flatly. Then she combed her fingers through his hair, starting at the crown and ending at the newly shorn tips. “Ah, much better.” She smiled radiantly.

  Staring down at his hair, Echo gasped. Lifting the waist-length blond locks, he stroked them in amazement. “Thank you,” he breathed.

  “You have had many adventures since we last spoke.”

  Echo’s cheeks heated as he recalled some of his more carnal adventures. “Yes, ma’am.”

  The Oracle laughed her soft, tinkling laugh. “My dear, Echo, it is always a pleasure to see you.”

  “Who are you?” Echo slapped a hand over his mouth. He hadn’t meant to ask that.

  “All answers in time.” The Oracle continued to smile and reached for his hand. “Walk with me.”

  Taking her hand without thought, Echo drifted along beside her, his heart light and his mood peaceful. “Why am I here?”

  “You are in great danger.”

  “Well, no shit.” Echo bit his lip and winced. “Sorry,” he mumbled.

  “This is unexpected. You must remove this obstacle from your path, or you will surely fail in your tasks.”

  “What is unexpected? What obstacle?” He knew better than to anticipate an answer,
but he couldn’t stop himself from asking. The realization that the Oracle was not all knowing was a hard pill to swallow.

  “You will need to be wary. Your adversaries grow more desperate.” And her grip tightened around his fingers as she spoke quickly. Echo had never seen her so agitated before. The Oracle had always seemed like an omniscient being to him, but now, in her current state, she appeared almost…normal.

  He decided he liked her better before.

  The Oracle stopped suddenly and swung around to face him. “Go. Go now and warn the others. They must stop the evil, or there will be no hope.”

  “What evil?” Echo shouted. “Warn who? You are being even creepier than usual!” He yanked his hand away from the Oracle and glared at her. “Who are you?” he demanded.

  “Shine the light and force out the evil,” she whispered and then vanished before his eyes.

  Groaning, Echo closed his eyes and dropped his head back on his shoulders. What the hell was he supposed to do now?

  Chapter Eleven

  “That bitch is crazy,” Echo said quite clearly as his eyes snapped open and he pushed up in bed. He looked royally pissed off, and it was the best sight Vapre had seen in days.

  Moving quickly, he settled onto the mattress, touching Echo everywhere and trying to form coherent words past the burn in his throat. “You’re okay. Oh, gods, you’re awake.”

  Echo rolled his eyes and huffed. “Of course I’m awake. Why are you looking at me like that?”

  The door eased opened, and Eyce stepped into the room, freezing almost immediately when his eyes landed on Echo. He closed his eyes tightly and clenched the doorknob in a white-knuckled grip. “Thank you,” he whispered before opening his eyes and hurrying over to crawl up beside Echo and Vapre. “You’re awake.”

  Echo batted their hands away. “Why does everyone keep saying that? Yes, I went to sleep, I had a nice nap, and now I’m awake.”

  Vapre looked at Echo, then at Eyce, then back to Echo once more. “Baby, you’ve been out cold for five days.”

  “You kept mumbling in your sleep, or we would have thought you were dead,” Eyce added quietly. “That’s the second time you’ve done this to us.”

  “Five days.” Echo considered this for a long time before he shrugged nonchalantly. “I guess that would explain why I need to piss like a freakin’ racehorse.” He maneuvered to the edge of the mattress and let his feet dangle over the side as he peered out the window. “Hey, it snowed!”

  Vapre met Eyce’s gaze, and they stared at each other in alarm. Their mate was taking this much too casually. Echo pushed up from the bed and walked across the room to the door. His strides were steady and purposeful, not the weak and shaky movements of someone who’d been bedridden for nearly a week. “Be right back,” he called over his shoulder as he slipped out the door, and even his voice sounded healthy and vibrant—not croaky and unused.

  “What the hell just happened?”

  Eyce shook his head thoughtfully. “I get so tired of saying this, but I really don’t know.” They sat in silence after that, each contemplating their own thoughts, until Echo flounced back into the room, his blond hair wet and clinging to his nude body.

  “I’m starving,” he announced. “What’s on the menu?”

  “Echo?” Vapre asked uncertainly. “Are you okay?”

  “Sure. I had a quick shower, and I feel great.” He stretched his thin arms over his head and arched his back. “A little stiff, and a lot hungry, but that’s about it.”

  “I’m going to get Hex,” Eyce muttered and jumped up from the bed.

  “Bring Syx,” Vapre suggested. Something was definitely not right with their little mate, and hopefully Syx would be able to give them insight.

  “Right.” Eyce paused beside Echo. He appeared hesitant, but leaned forward and kissed Echo’s forehead. He jerked his head away and gasped. “You’re cold as ice.”

  Echo giggled, and not very pleasantly. “Hurry along.” He dismissed Eyce with a flick of his wrist.

  Once the warrior had left the room, Vapre stood as well and moved cautiously toward his lover. Echo’s head snapped toward him in an unnaturally jerky movement. Something flashed inside his eyes, a faint, flickering glow, then disappeared just as quickly. His lips parted slowly, stretching into a wide, menacing smile. “Hello, lover,” he purred.

  That light flashed in his eyes again, and Vapre tilted his head to the side. “Echo, are you in there?” There was no doubt in his mind that this was not his mate. Perhaps in body, but someone or something else controlled him.

  The smile slid off of Echo’s face, replaced by a look of sheer terror. “Vapre?” he whispered. “What’s happening to me?”

  Rushing forward, Vapre reached Echo in two long strides and wound his arms around him tightly. “Hex is coming, baby. We’re going to help you.”

  Echo clung to him, sagging into his arms, and shuddered. “The Oracle,” he panted. “She said we have to defeat the evil. She told me to shine a light.” He gasped for breath, his teeth chattering as he tried to speak.

  Then he stilled completely, and his breathing became normal once more. Vapre took a deliberate step in retreat, his chest constricting at the devious look on his angel’s face. And that’s exactly what Echo was to him—his salvation, his angel, his light. Now, he could scarcely find a trace of that man in the cold, hard lines of Echo’s face.

  “Aww,” Echo leered. “You don’t look happy to see me.” Another flash of his eyes.

  “Be the light,” a sweet, feminine voice whispered into Vapre’s mind. “Find your star and lift it from the darkness.”

  For once, Vapre didn’t question the Oracle’s wisdom or even stop to decipher the meaning. Reaching out with both hands, he wound his fingers in Echo’s hair and jerked his mate to him, crushing their mouths together and licking inside. He kissed Echo with everything he had, pouring every ounce of love, trust, need, and hunger into the mating of their lips.

  Echo’s tense muscles began to relax. Then all at once, he threw himself into the kiss, coiling around Vapre like a second skin. His hands were everywhere in a hurry, pulling at Vapre’s clothes, his hair, biting, scratching, and hissing.

  Ignoring the sting from the Echo’s fingernails across his rib cage, Vapre crushed his lover closer and kissed him harder, deeper, more desperately. Echo bit his lip, this teeth sinking into the tender flesh until blood spilled into his mouth. He moaned seductively, licking and sucking at the wound.

  Vapre jerked away, still holding Echo’s hair tightly, and stared into his eyes. The brilliant sapphire blue was seeping away, replaced by a deep, dark midnight. “Echo, listen to me,” he growled vehemently. “I know you’re in there. Are you really going to let him win?” Vapre used “him” loosely since he honestly didn’t know what had taken over his mate.

  “Vapre? Help me,” Echo pleaded. He began trembling again, and tears overflowed, slipping down his soft, pink cheeks. Without warning, he clapped his hands over his ears and crumpled to the ground, a bloodcurdling scream pouring from his swollen lips. “Shut up! Shut up!” he screeched.

  Falling to his knees in front of his lover, Vapre took Echo’s hands and pried them away from his head. “Look at me,” he demanded. “Look right into my eyes.” When Echo took too long to comply, Vapre released his hold on the man’s wrists and cradled his face, forcing him to lift his head. “You can do this. You’re stronger than you think.”

  The life ebbed from Echo’s gaze, his skin turned cold and clammy, and he became eerily motionless. “Would you like to see how strong I am?” His normally mellow voice flowed thick and gravelly. His fingertips skimmed down his bare chest enticingly. “Do you want me, lover?”

  Pushing to his feet without a word, Vapre stalked about the bedroom, beating his fist against his thigh in frustration. Just when he thought he’d lose his mind, the door banged open, and all six of his lovers filed into the room. Vapre dropped down on the foot of the bed and stared up at them hopelessly. “I ca
n’t help him,” he whispered.

  Fiero and Eyce came to sit on either side of him, wrapping their arms around him and lending their strength. “We’ll do whatever it takes,” Fiero answered with conviction. “We’ll get him back.”

  Syx and Hex crouched down beside Echo, each touching him and mumbling words that Vapre couldn’t hear. They’d look up occasionally, their eyes meeting for a brief moment, then return their attention to Echo. Their little mate preened and purred from all the attention, making lewd advances at every opportunity.

  Hex stood first, scrubbing both hands over his face. “This is not something I can heal.”

  Syx remained on the floor in front of Echo, holding his delicate face in both hands. “Help me,” he whispered. “Where am I? I hear you, but I can’t find you.” He was repeating the information he heard inside Echo’s head. “It’s so dark here.”

  “What does it look like? Can you see a picture?” Eyce asked practically.

  “It’s like Mac described—very dark with a swirling red haze. I can’t hear what’s causing it. That part is cut off from me.” Syx leaned closer until his nose was almost touching Echo’s. “I have to concentrate to hear Echo, and still, I only get bits and pieces at random intervals.”

  “But he is in there, right?” Myst slid down to the floor and crawled over to sit beside Syx. “We can get him back, right?”

  Onyx just looked lost. He stood beside the open doorway, arms hanging limply at his sides, and stared straight ahead.

  “Second chances are rare,” the Oracle whispered to Vapre. “Be the light in the tempest.”

  Sucking in a deep breath, Vapre squeezed his eyes closed and tried to calm his racing heart. This was one of those unfortunate times when he understood exactly what the Oracle wanted from him, but that didn’t make it any less difficult. It would probably be the hardest thing he’d ever done.

  Slipping off the mattress, Vapre walked on unsteady legs until he stood just in front of his lovers. Syx and Myst made way for him, watching him with interest as he slowly lowered himself to the floor and cupped Echo’s face in both palms.


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