The Alpha Billionaire's Unexpected Baby: A Billionaire BWWM Pregnancy Romance

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The Alpha Billionaire's Unexpected Baby: A Billionaire BWWM Pregnancy Romance Page 6

by Joanna Jacobs

  “I know.”

  “No, you think you know, but you don’t really. You’ve never been on the run before. I have. I know exactly what it’s like to be going from one place to the next in the hope you aren’t going to be found by the men who are after you.”

  “Do you think the mafia will follow you?”

  “Anything is possible. I know my old friend is going to want me dead, and he knows I survived. Going across the border isn’t going to keep me safe. I think he’s going to follow us.”

  “We can deal with that if it happens.”

  “We?” He looked at her. “You keep amazing me, Kiara. The fact you’re willing to do this for me…” He shook his head. “Thank you.”

  “You have nothing to thank me for. This is what I want to do.” She reached out to take his hand. “I’m going to do anything I had to in order to spend the rest of my life with you. For the first time I can understand why Mom and Dad made the choices they did.”

  “Dad would be annoyed if he could see what I was doing. All he ever wanted was for me to follow in his footsteps. There was a time when he thought my younger brother would be his spare, but then there was an attack. I was lucky to get out alive, while Aleks… I did what I could, but it wasn’t enough. My brother died and I know Dad blamed me for a little while. He thought I should have saved Aleks. Of course he had no idea what it was like to go through that, and come out of it alive.”

  “Is that how you got the knife scar?”


  The sun was slowly setting. “We have two options.” Vitaly looked at Kiara. “We can keep going, which I think will be safest, or we can stop somewhere.”

  “We keep going.” She gestured for him to get out the car. “It’s my turn to drive anyway. You can have a nap, the way I did.”

  “Are you…”

  “How many times are you going to ask that question? I’m sure. Move your ass. The sooner we switch the sooner we’re moving again.” She glanced in the rear view mirror, but there was no sign of the car she thought was following them. “Do you think anyone is going to know what car we’re in?”

  “Not yet.” He studied her. “You’ve seen something.”

  “It could be nothing, but there’s a white car I’ve seen in the mirror a few times. I can’t be certain it’s the same white car. I could just be paranoid.”

  “Keep an eye out. If you see it wake me up. I don’t trust my old friend not to have been hunting for me, and he already knew about you.”

  “I will.”

  They switched side, and Kiara felt more comfortable in the driver’s seat than she had done in the passengers’. She was in control of the car. If someone was following them she didn’t have any problem with driving a little less safely than she should in order to get rid of them. Vitaly was probably the same way, but preferred being in charge. Far sooner than she expected he’d fallen asleep, and she drove until dawn without there being any issues, without needing to think about anything other than the road. It reminded her of the life she’d led before she decided she needed to let go of the nomadic her and become someone else. As the sun rose she noticed the white car in the mirror. Without stopping she put out her hand to shake Vitaly awake.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “White car.”

  Nodding, he looked into the mirror. “It’s not a car I recognise, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t someone following us, so it might be best if I take over.”

  “I’m fine.” The car seemed to speed up, so she did the same. “How much further to the border?”

  For a moment he was silent. “About an hour of driving from the looks of things.”

  “Great.” Kiara put her foot down. “An hour at what speed?”

  “We don’t want to be pulled over.”

  “We won’t be.” She glanced at him. “It’s early, and I know we can get to the border before the police wake up. At least we didn’t need to switch cars.”

  “Don’t count your chickens.”

  Laughing, she shook her head. “I never thought I’d hear that phrase coming out of your mouth.”

  “Dad used to say it to me. He thought it was important I was prepared for anything, and he always told me not to count my chickens, because it could easily make me complacent. He wasn’t wrong about that.”


  The border was getting closer. Kiara knew they didn’t have everything they needed to be able to cross it, so all she could do was hope Vitaly had some ideas. She glanced at him. He looked back at her. “We’re going to be okay. I know some people who should help us to get into Mexico.”


  Smiling, he shrugged. “I know people everywhere, Kiara. It’s a part of being the man in control of the mafia. That’s why I headed for this crossing.”

  “Okay.” She checked the mirror again. “If they are following us we seem to have lost them for now.”

  “Possibly.” He sounded more worried than he had done before. “I know it’s not a good sign to have someone following us. If my old friend wants to end me I can’t do anything about it.”

  She reached out to take his hand. “We’re going to be fine. Nothing is going to happen to either of us.”

  “I hope you’re right.”

  As they drove up to the border one of the officials walked over to the two of them. Kiara opened her window, and smiled at him, doing her best to seem certain of what she was doing. “Good morning.”

  “You’re out travelling early.” He looked into the car. “Vitaly?”


  “I heard you were dead.”

  “Thanks to some very good surgeons I’m fine.”

  “Did you pay said surgeons?”

  “No, but I’m sure that won’t be a problem.”

  “Are you planning on going back?”

  “I’m not. I’m leaving it all behind, for the woman in the driver’s seat.”

  “You’re a very lucky woman. Vitaly’s a good man, even though he found himself in a very difficult position. There’s no one else here, so drive on through, and I’ll pretend I haven’t seen you if Vlad happens to get in contact, which he probably will.”

  “Don’t do anything to put yourself in danger.”

  “I already am. I was told to watch out for you and tell him straight away, but I was never going to do that. You were a friend to me when I needed one. Now it’s my turn to be your friend.”

  “Thank you.”

  “There’s nothing to thank me for.” He gestured with his hands. “Now go.”

  “We’re going.”

  Kiara drove forwards, unable to believe how lucky they’d been, and then they were in Mexico. “How do you know Ferdinand?”

  “We got to know each other when we were younger, and he was spending some time with my family. Our families have always been close, as Dad thought it was important to stay on good terms with as many of the other groups as possible, and Ferdinand was an heir. He never wanted it, so I helped him out. Obviously he’s not returning the favour.”

  “It doesn’t mean Vlad won’t be following us, does it?”

  “No, it doesn’t, but I’m ready for whatever happens next. If you drive for another twenty minutes or so we’ll come across an inn I know.”


  “Vitaly!” A woman ran towards him. “The things I’ve heard made me believe I was never going to see you again.”

  “Mama, I was always going to be coming back.”

  “I was told you were dead. How are you not dead?”

  “Someone called the paramedics, and I found myself in hospital. I left as quickly as I could.”

  “Good boy.” She patted his cheek. “You’re far too skinny. I need to get some food into you as quickly as possible.”

  He laughed. “I’m not skinny by any stretch of the imagination.” He glanced back at Kiara. “This is the woman who helped me, Kiara.”

  Mama looked at her, and their eyes met. “Any friend of Vitaly’s is a friend of
mine. I’m sure you must be hungry.”

  It was then Kiara realised she hadn’t eaten for over twenty-four hours, and her stomach made a sound she knew everyone could hear. “It’s been a while.”

  “We’ve been on the road, Mama, and didn’t dare stop. The police we’re on our tail, as was Vlad.” Vitaly shook his head. “Food would be gratefully received.”

  “Come through.” Mama gestured for them both to follow her. “I’ll make sure Vlad doesn’t find you here, because I’m certain he’ll be on the hunt for you. I have no idea why your trusted him.”

  “He was my friend.”

  “He was your friend to your face. Behind your back he was your enemy, and you should have realised that. His family were always seconds to yours, and Vlad always wanted more, but he didn’t know how to get it. Then you made one mistake and he did what he believed his father should have done a long time ago.”

  “I know that now.” Vitaly shook his head. “I realised I made some huge mistakes.”

  “Coming to us was the right choice. You shouldn’t stay for long, but I can at least feed you and wash whatever you have with you.”

  “Kiara has a bag, but I have nothing other than the clothes I’m wearing.”

  “That explains why you smell.”

  “Blunt, as always.”

  Mama laughed. “You should have expected that, boy. Now strip your clothes off and I’ll get them in the wash. Rico should have some clothes that are about your size. If he complains about sharing them with you I’ll give him a clap around the ears.”

  “I’m fine.”

  “You’re not fine. If you’re going to start calling Mexico home then you’re going to need to accept charity. When Rico wakes I’ll get him to take that car back over the border too. I don’t doubt it will be safer for the both of you if it’s far away.”

  “You’d be right about that.” He sighed. “I’m sorry for bringing trouble to your doorstep, but this was the only thing I could think of doing after Kiara convinced me I had a chance to leave the mafia behind.”

  Before Kiara realised what was happening Mama had her in a tight hug. “Thank you for that. I’ve been trying to convince him to leave it for such a long time.”


  When they were alone with their food Kiara looked at Vitaly. “How do you know Mama?”

  “Dad.” Vitaly shrugged. “I know most people I do because of him. We used to travel into Mexico on a regular basis for him to have meetings with certain people, and he used to leave me with Mama. When I took over from Dad I made certain I still came to see her. She treated me well as a child, and I knew the time might come when I might need to head across the border. It makes sense to keep the connections you’ve created. Mama used to try to convince me to walk away every time I came. There have been times when I thought she might hate Dad for making me feel like I had to take his place.”

  “I wouldn’t blame her. You were a child and you always knew you were his heir.” She shook her head. “I never would have done that to a child.”

  “That’s the only life I knew.” He shrugged. “Now I have a chance to lead a different life, thanks to you, and I’m going to make the most of it.”

  “Good.” She smiled as she ate some more of the stew Mama had given them. “What’s the next step?”

  “We need to get away from the border before Vlad comes to find me. You said before you were a nomad. There are plenty of places we can visit.”


  “How, exactly, did you survive?”

  Kiara stayed where she was, hoping the speaker wouldn’t be able to see her where she was. Vitaly turned slowly, their eyes meeting just for a second, and it was a surprise to see the fear he was feeling. “Vlad.”

  “Those bullets should have killed you.”

  “You’ve never been a great shot. I told you before if you want to kill someone you aim for the head or the heart.”

  “I’m not going to make the same mistake this time.”

  “You hope.” Vitaly shrugged. “I called you my brother, and this is how you repay me.”

  Vlad laughed. “I meant nothing to you, the same way Dad meant nothing to your father. We follow your orders, do what you want, and get very little in return. Now I’m the one in control.”

  “True, but you have no idea what you’re doing. I know it won’t be long until someone takes you out.” Vitaly sounded like he was smiling. “When they do I’ll have to send them a little present.”

  “By then you’ll be dead.”

  “The problem you’ve always had is talking too much.” Vitaly pulled his own gun out. “You really should learn to shoot without opening your mouth.”

  “Where’s that girl you hooked up with? I was hoping she’d still be around. A hot piece of ass like that deserves much better than some washed up out has been like you.”

  “She’s far away from here, safe from you.”

  “For now, but I’m going to find her when you’re dead and I’m going to make her mine. Your position is mine so I should have your girl. Where did you meet her? She looked like a stripper to me.”

  To stop herself from laughing at Vlad Kiara covered her mouth with her hand. She couldn’t do anything stupid. Vitaly might need her, and if he did she needed to be hidden from Vlad. “A stripper?” Vitaly shook his head. “She’s a doctor.”

  “Yeah, right. That’s what she told you, but it’s obvious she’s lying. Hot girls are never smart.”

  “Could you be much more sexist? I know she’s a doctor, because she was looking after me in the emergency room. I would be dead right now if it wasn’t for her, but not due to the fact you’re a good shot. No, it would have been blood loss that killed me, as you’re utterly useless.”

  Vlad shot the gun out of Vitaly’s hand. “Not so useless now, am I?”

  Slowly, silently, Kiara made her way over to the gun, making certain Vlad couldn’t see her. As she turned to look at them, gun in her hand, she felt emotionless. The man she was about to shoot wanted to kill the man she loved. She wasn’t going to let that happen. Vlad was still talking, but she couldn’t hear a word he was saying. Her ears were full of this roaring sound, that could easily have been the sound of her blood travelling around her body, and she took a step forward. For the first time he looked at her. She felt herself smile. From the way his mouth was moving it was obvious he was speaking again. Instead of caring about that she pulled the trigger.

  Vlad dropped to the ground. She knew she’d hit him in the heart, so he was dead, and he was no longer a danger to her or Vitaly. When Kiara felt someone try to take the gun out of her hands she fought them, before working out it was Vitaly. “Are you okay?” His voice was muffled. “Talk to me, love.”

  “I’m fine.” Their eyes met. “I did what I had to do.”

  “You killed a man. I know it’s not a simple thing.”

  “Don’t worry about me. Vlad isn’t the first person I’ve had to kill.”


  “There’s so much you still don’t know about me.” The roaring had died down and she could hear properly for the first time. “You’ll learn.”

  “Yes, I will. Is that why you became a doctor?”

  “It’s part of the reason.” She kissed him. “I’m not ready to talk about everything, Vitaly, because I’ve never had anyone to share this with before, but I will.”

  “Take your time. I have hundreds of stories to tell you, and all of them are bad.”

  She laughed. “I guessed that, but we’re going to be okay. We can make this work.”


  Mama walked into the room Kiara was sitting in. “I hear you’re the person I need to thank for my Vitali being alive.”

  “I did what I had to do.”

  “You sound like me.” Mama walked over to her. “There was a time when I was married to someone who was very much in the same position as Vitaly once was. There are gangs of people all over the world like that, and Mexico is no different. He was no
thing like Vitaly, though, and he viewed me as nothing more than property. When I realised I was pregnant with my first child I came to the conclusion I had to do the right thing for them. I didn’t want them to grow up to become their father, which was an inevitability if I stayed. Leaving was hard. I still loved him, even though he was a bastard. I wished it was simpler. I wished I could stay. I wished my life was different. In the end I came here, far away from their father, who believes I died. It’s for the best. I did what I had to do. I still miss him at times.

  “However I saw how being the son of a mafia leader affected Vitaly, and I knew I made the right choice for Rico. He’s never going to know the pain of being the heir to that sort of mess. For the first time in his life Vitaly is truly free. Ferdinand has told everyone Vlad and Vitaly ended up killing each other. The two of you can go anywhere and do anything.”

  “Thank you.”

  “You have nothing to thank me for, Kiara, but I have so much to thank you for. If you ever need anything all you need to do is ask.”

  For a few seconds she thought about her parents. Then the urge to find them faded away again. She’d been without them for long enough she didn’t need them any longer. Maybe that was the whole reason they’d left her behind. They wanted her to learn to fend for herself. “I will.” She smiled at Mama. “Vitaly and I are going to spend some time travelling, but if we ever make the decision to have children I think I’ll come back here. You can be their grandmother. From what he said I think you looked after him.”

  “I’ve always done my best to look out for him, even though it was never quite enough. If it had been he would have left them behind a long time ago. For the first time I’m glad he didn’t, because he wouldn’t have met you if he’d left a long time ago. Having you in our lives is definitely going to make it better.”

  Kiara kissed Mama on the cheek. “Having you in my life is going to make it better.”

  “He told me you’re a doctor.”

  “I was, but now I’m nothing.”


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