The Alpha Billionaire's Unexpected Baby: A Billionaire BWWM Pregnancy Romance

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The Alpha Billionaire's Unexpected Baby: A Billionaire BWWM Pregnancy Romance Page 55

by Joanna Jacobs

  Once she was out of earshot, Johnny turned towards Beth, Diana, Marcus and Jessica’s father, who the girls knew as Mr. Rudden. “He was poisoned” Johnny stated matter of factly. Puzzled the group questioned how he could possibly tell without blood test or an autopsy having been done. “Snakebites”, Johnny replied to the now even more puzzled group. Johnny had always been arrogant and smug but at this particular moment it was especially getting under Beth’s skin. Sensing the group impatience, Johnny continued his explanation, giving clarity to what he meant. After graduating high school, Johnny had completed the two years of college and training needed to become an EMT. Deciding to follow in his Uncle’s footsteps, Johnny took a job based out of New York City as a paramedic. During his employment in the big city, he had encountered all types of injuries from minor to bizarre. Having just begun his career none of his cases thus far had resulted in fatalities. All were minor except one, emergency services had been called to a pet store and when Johnny’s ambulance arrived he was greeted outside by a frantic employee. The store specialized in exotic pets, those of which included poisonous snakes. The owner of the pet store had been standing on a ladder changing a light bulb when he had lost his balance and fell, bringing a series of tanks and their critters down with him. He would have survived the fall, though severely injured had it not been that one of the tanks contained a poisonous rattlesnake. Johnny had originally presumed that it had been the fall that had proven fatal and upon declaring the man’s death, didn't feel the need to further examine the body which was typically the morticians job. Johnny continued his duty in bringing the body to the morgue and was waiting around to sign paperwork when the mortician informed him that the fall had not in fact been the cause of death. During the morticians examination of the body he had located snake bites on the deceased’s outer thigh as well as his rib cage and upper arm, confirming that the cause of the death had in fact been poison.

  The pet shop owner had several tell tale signs that Johnny had overlooked, including bloodshot eyes, discolored, almost blackened finger nails and toe nails. The most obvious indication of all, was dark spider like veins stemming from the heart which is the first organ that typically is attacked when someone is poisoned. The same rule applies with most other poisons besides snake bites, such as poisons from foods or chemicals. While Johnny knew he wouldn’t come across many snake bite victims during his career in the city, it was his first call in which a person had passed away therefore it stuck in his memory. In fact Johnny didn't have many cases period after that time, as his career was cut short. He had told his uncle and folks back home that he was injured on the job and had been forced into early retirement. Johnny returned to Rockaway Beach and moved in with his Uncle Scott. He has worked for the volunteer fire department as an ambulance driver ever since.

  There were no bite marks or bruises of any kind for that matter on Ryan’s body, meaning that the poison had to have been ingested internally. Johnny insisted that he needed to ask Jessica some more questions but her father refused to allow Johnny up to her room. He stood firm, stating that his daughter had been through enough trauma for one night. Mrs. Rudden, Jessica’s mother had just informed her father that Jessica had fallen asleep and under no circumstances was she to be disturbed. All questions could wait until the morning. Johnny sauntered off disappointed but compliant. Beth and Diana were both too shaken to return to bed so instead offered to make Mr. and Mrs. Rudden a cup of coffee. They eagerly accepted, following the two girls into the kitchen. Beth scowled as Marcus followed them uninvited. The group stopped dead in their tracks at the doorway of the kitchen however, greeted by a massive mess. Diana, Beth and Marcus had cleaned the kitchen top to bottom before going to bed that night but the room looked as if it hadn't been cleaned at all. There were overturned bags of flour that was spilled all over the floors and countertop, the refrigerator was left open and all the food items had been knocked over or spilled out. Mrs. Rudden immediately went to fetch the manager of the hotel who was still in the ballroom helping to secure and preserve the scene until the authorities arrived, leading him rather swiftly back to the kitchen. Upon seeing the mess and noting that the only items disturbed where food items, the manager suggested perhaps a racoon or other creature had happened into the kitchen and stole itself a snack. He assured them that he would send staff to help clean up the mess but Diana insisted that they could do it themselves. Marcus was about to object but Beth shot him a warning glance and he quickly backed down.

  Once the manager left and the group was alone again, Marcus turned towards Diana sarcastically thanking her for volunteering his services to clean the kitchen. “I can explain” Diana said, “but first I need someone’s camera phone”. Beth had grabbed her phone on the way out of their bedroom earlier and she handed it over to Diana who began taking pictures of the spilled foods and flours and of the entire kitchen. When she had finished she motioned for Beth to come over towards the refrigerator with her. “What do you see here?” Diana asked. Confused Beth replied that she saw nothing other than toppled over containers and that it looked as if the refrigerator had been rummaged through. “Exactly!” Diana excitedly replied. There were no bite marks in the containers, no paw prints or any sign that an animal or anyone had been here. Had a racoon or even a person been carelessly rummaging through the kitchen there would be tracks. It actually appeared as if each item had been carefully opened and poured out. She also pointed out that the refrigerator door had loose hinges and closed shut behind them as they entered. Even if Marcus or the girls had forgotten to close the door, it would have closed on its own. A raccoon could not have possibly reached the high metal handle and opened the heavy refrigerator door. The floor outside was found much in the same way. Flour had been poured out intently along the countertops and floors. The girls whispered amongst themselves over whether the act could have been sabotage or perhaps the food items were spilled out in such a way to cover evidence of someone having been there. “What evidence?” Marcus said, suddenly standing behind them and causing the girls to jump. They had originally wanted to keep their discovery a secret but as it turns out Marcus had overheard everything. They figured they might as well share their discoveries with Mr. and Mrs. Rudden as well. After all, any evidence or strange happenings could be crucial to the investigation of what happened to poor Ryan. Diana set about making a pot of coffee while Beth told Jessica’s parents the news, she then forwarded the messages to Jessica’s father’s phone just in case of the event something happened to Beth’s phone and so that they may show the police when they finally arrived. The girls assumed everyone would go off to bed after their discussion and coffee but much to their surprise, Marcus and the Ruddens stuck around to help clean up. The process was a slow one as they were careful not to brush away any evidence that may be hidden beneath the mess and take several more pictures. The group was more than convinced that what occurred in the kitchen had been an intentional attack but unfortunately did not uncover more clues or come any closer to figuring out why it had occurred.

  By dawn the group was utterly exhausted and lost in a fog over the events that had transpired that day. The girls settled into bed and whispered amongst each other. There were so many unanswered questions such as, how could Ryan have possibly ingested poison? Did Johnny even really know what he was talking about? It certainly wouldn't be the first time his arrogance had run hand in hand with his ignorance. Or what if anyone else at the wedding became ill? What purpose did a person have in sabotaging the kitchen? With storm outside showing no signs of letting up anytime soon, emergency services were nowhere on their way. The girls were left feeling uneasy as they drifted off into a fitful sleep.

  Beth awoke the next morning with a start. Between Ryan’s death, the discovery in the kitchen as well as the break in at the bakery, Beth was left feeling terribly shaken. She prayed for a moment before she opened her eyes that it had all just been a terrible nightmare but she was abruptly snapped back into reality but a loud knocking at their
bedroom door. The racket caused Diana to stir as well. When they opened the door, the girls discovered an agitated and impatient looking Mr. Rudden, which Beth didn't blame him for given the circumstances. He informed the girls that all the staff and guests were expected to meet in the ballroom immediately. Johnny, along with both the bride and groom’s parents wanted to make sure no one else had fallen ill in the night as well as question everyone.

  Once everyone had filed inside of the ballroom there were gasps and whispers amongst the crowd at the side of the cloth covered body resting in the middle of the dance floor. The crowd was quieted and a head count was done to ensure that no one else was missing. Luckily the ceremony had been small and intimate, with only fifty friends and family member originally invited and even less that were able to attend due to the weather conditions. There were ten hotel staff members on duty as well, including Beth, Diana and Marcus. All of which were accounted for except for Marcus. Beth couldn't help but find this to be suspicious, especially given the lack of answers over the kitchen incident but Diana reasoned with her that Marcus was probably just having a hard time waking up after their late night. Beth was preparing to argue when a sleep deprived Marcus wandered his way into the ballroom and walked over to greet the girls. “Nice of you to join us” Beth mumbled sarcastically to Marcus, who in turn shot Beth a nasty look. Not being much of a morning person to begin with, Marcus really didn't appreciate the early morning wake up call after only a few hours of sleep.

  Johnny had already questioned Jessica, her parents and the rest of the groomsmen about anything Ryan had done that day that seemed out of the ordinary. Paying particular attention to anything that Ryan may have eaten or drank that differed from the rest of the wedding party. The inquires began to focus more and more on the food and beverages that had been served which was starting to make Beth, Diana and Marcus nervous. Providing that no one else got sick however, the three were sure that the focus or blame wouldn’t be placed on them or the dinner and dessert services they had provided. Still an unrest was beginning to move about the room and whispers of the food possibly being poisoned began to spread. Alarmed by this news, the bride and groom’s parents joined Johnny in interrogating all of the staff member at the hotel. The manager, along with all of the employees ensured everyone that their standards and procedures at Castle Havier met all the required health department regulations and that the fault did not lay at their feet. He reminded the families of the mess discovered in the kitchen that night, remarking that perhaps both the catering company and the bakery had not been so careful or mindful of such procedures.

  All eyes in the room were on them as the group moved to question Beth and Diana next. Each question that was asked was delivered with an accusatory tone and Beth could already tell that no matter what they said people would speculate that they were to blame. She hoped that emergency services would be able to arrive quickly and lab test could be conducted effectively clearing the bakeries name. Rumors such as these, even when disproven could prove to be devastating the girl’s business and wind up being the demise of The Gingerbread House. The girls answered every question truthfully and calmly, having also been friends with the bride and groom and wanting to help in solving the mystery. They told Johnny and everyone else that the kitchen had been kept clean as well as all the utensils and appliances utilized. That all their ingredients were fresh and items prepared on site and well refrigerated or properly stored. They noted that the same could be said of what they observed while Marcus was cooking and preparing food. With Beth and Diana having no more information to offer, attentions were now turned on Marcus. The first thing he blurted out was about the break in at the bakery and failed robbery. He pointed out that is was rather odd that this had occurred right before Ryan had been poisoned and in conjunction with the other odd occurrences. He was quick to point out other possible ways that the girls and the bakery could be at fault, even going as far as to say that they used more milk and dairy based products that could have spoiled in transport.

  Beth was shocked and furious at him for throwing her and Diana under the bus so easily, and after they had both just defended him. Beth knew Marcus could be a jerk but that was a new low even for him. She couldn't help but feel that Marcus was hiding something but she couldn't fathom to think that he could be capable of murder. An accident was more likely and both Beth and Diana knew that while Marcus wouldn't intentionally harm someone, he was not above lying to save his own hyde.

  As the wedding party and staff were all questioned, the families thanked everyone for their cooperation and told them that they were dismissed, only insisting that if possible everyone stay to their own rooms until authorities could arrive and be sure to report any strange goings on directly to Johnny or Mr. Rudden.

  The girls and Marcus were instructed to go to the kitchen and under the supervision of the hotel’s manager, discard of any food items that were not sealed shut. They reluctantly did so, unhappy at being tasked with extra work after such a long and terrible weekend. Once they were in the kitchen the manager grew bored and disinterested, sitting near the doorway in a chair and dozing in and out of sleep. Whispering so that they did not wake him, Beth and Diana cornered Marcus. “What the hell was that about?” an angry Beth asked him. Marcus shrugged his shoulders and tried blaming it on the fact he was tired and nervous, swearing that he was not trying to hurt the girl’s business nor would he ever do such a thing.

  The girls looked for any evidence amongst the food they threw away that would indicate that Marcus or even themselves had been careless and could have caused this but found nothing. Everything that hadn't been destroyed the previous night appeared to be fresh or untampered with. To the best of their recollection the food that had spilled out the night before all seemed to be fresh as well. Beth and Diana took pictures of what they were discarding before they did so to prove that they were no way at fault. Once finished and back in their room, Beth went over every photograph taken, hoping that a second glance would bring some new discovery to light but finished none the wiser. Beth’s heart sank, she knew that in a small town like Rockaway Beach, news travelled fast. By the time the storm had ended and the truth came to light, it would be too late. The Gingerbread House’s reputation and their business would be ruined. She could only hope that the rumor mill took that scoundrel Marcus down with them. As far as everyone was concerned, Diana and Beth were the prime suspects, even speculating that the girls were jealous of their friend Jessica’s marital bliss and had intentionally poisoned the groom. Of course, there was no proof of this and no one was really sure who had started the rumors that this was true so there was nothing that could be done at the time other than to sit and wait.

  Beth had never been the patient type however, and began to piece together her own investigation. She furnished the notebook she usually carried containing the weddings meal plan out of her belongings and turning to a blank page begun to make a list of possible suspects and motives. She tried her best to channel what she had seen on detective shows on television and align it with common sense, starting at the most likely of suspects, the bride. She scribbled Jessica’s name in the notebook first but upon trying to come up with motives she drew a blank. The bride or groom having an affair gone wrong would normally be the first assumption made in an investigation such as this but Beth knew them both very well. Besides, it was practically impossible to keep a secret that large in a town where everyone was in everyone else’s business constantly. Beth did the same for all the family members and friends that Beth had recognized and jotted down in the notebook. When she came to Marcus however, Beth could think of a million reasons to suspect him. She didn't know Marcus to be a careless man but Beth didn't rule out an accident either. He was a liar and a cheat by nature, this she had learned while dating him as it was the reason for their split. Their two companies had always had an unspoken competition between them and Beth didn't put it passed Marcus to sabotage their service and to also be responsible for destroying the ing
redients in the kitchen later that night. Beth did take into consideration that her dislike towards the man could make her bias so she also noted that it was possible that hotel staff had somehow been responsible as well. She retraced her and Diana’s days and meal preparations step by step and found nothing at fault with what they had done. The poisoning could have potentially come from anywhere other than the food, especially because all others who had eaten it appeared to be in perfect health.

  As day faded into night and back into day again the residents of Castle Havier grew restless and impatient. They expected to be able to leave that day and were more than happy to do so but the storm was even worse than anticipated and still ravaged the coast. The whispers of blame soon became shouts as people were becoming more and more agitated with the situation and the lack of a proper meal was certainly no help. Beth knew that unless she wanted a small mob at her and Diana’s door she would have to find answers soon. She decided to investigate Marcus further but would need to enlist Diana’s help. Marcus would automatically know something was up if Beth asked to talk with him or even tried to spend time with him but him and Diana had always maintained a pleasant demeanor towards each other. Most of which was faked on Diana’s account, she had her own ill feelings towards Marcus for how he had treated Beth during their relationship but she was never the one to allow personal feelings interfere with business so she kept her thoughts about him to herself. Marcus had a massive macho ego and would jump at any chance to display his masculinity. The girls decided to play off this factor. Diana would claim to be frightened by the mysterious death of Ryan and worry for her own safety from the angry guests. While they had all been instructed to try to stick to their rooms, no one had been specific to whether that room had to be their own, so Diana was to lure Marcus to the girl’s room under the false pretenses that they needed his protection. While he was there Beth would act as she normally did and avoid him. Taking the opportunity to sneak into Marcus’ room and snoop around. Their plan had gone off perfectly so far, except Beth couldn't find a single thing amiss in Marcus’ room or in his belongings. Exasperated Beth learned her back against a wall, while she wasn't sure what it was she was looking for she was sure Marcus was guilty. He had wanted to destroy her ever since their breakup and she knew him for the man he really was, not who he pretended to be. He was a ruthless player and a cheat. She put nothing passed him and begun to wonder if he was in fact capable of murder after all. Beth was startled by a sudden burst of cold air from the wall she was leaning on.


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