Sweet Treats (Sweet Valentine's Treats #2)

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Sweet Treats (Sweet Valentine's Treats #2) Page 1

by Suzy Ayers

  Sweet Treats

  A Collection of Erotic Short Stories to follow Cristal Blue

  Suzy Ayers

  Text copyright © 2013 by Suzy Ayers

  All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without prior written permission of both copyright owner and the above publisher of this book.

  The following is a work of fiction, a product of the author’s imagination. Any semblance to actual person’s or events is purely coincidental. This work contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright laws. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited.

  Cover designed and crafted specially for this book for this author by http://www.selfpubbookcovers.com/index.php . The artist who created this cover was ZW_Designs.


  “Fucking Blue!” She cursed, as her coworker left with the only hot guy she’d probably see all night. She jabbed her purse into the back of the bar. My boyfriend, well on again, off again boyfriend-was off again. For real this time. Jerk! Didn’t get me shit and I waited around for him. I finally called him and he said he had to work a double. Figures.

  Keith is a cop. One with a very big cock that’s for sure. Crap, I’m doing it again. She pulled the pencil out of her mouth riddled with teeth marks.

  “Hey baby.” A deep voice reverberated up her spine, as the cold nights chill ran straight up her short legs. She never wore underwear and she was instantly moistened at the apex of her thighs at the sound of that familiar voice. “How’s my vanilla cream pie?”

  “Wishing I had dark chocolate…” she turned around and he pulled out a pink heart shaped box with a dozen pink roses from behind his back. “Feeling guilty I see.” She crossed her arms which pushed her double D’s out further and her arms all but disappeared beneath them.

  “Just get over here and say thank you.” His deep voice always made her heart melt. His dark brown eyes shone and he held a familiar smile with those pristinely white teeth. “Hey. I thought I said I hated this outfit.” His smile disappeared, even in his eyes.

  She gave him a smug look, as she ran her sparkly tipped fingers up his arms to his tense neck. Precisely why I wore it.

  It was a white halter top one piece that covered her front, mostly. It exposed an ample amount of side boob, which drew even more attention to the already oversized unfettered chest she had. The second half of the piece was a skirt that skimmed a quarter of her thigh; her legs were short and muscled. She tanned year round so it really popped against her skin. And she wore her “lucky boots” as she called them. She shoved any extra tips in those babies. Hey, she wasn’t very good at sharing.

  “I think it makes my hair look good.” She puffed her shiny cotton-candy pink hair with her hand. It was frozen in place with a bottle of hairspray. “Besides, I’ll thank you.” A naughty smile rolled across her pouty lips and reached her almond eyes. She rocked her hips back and forth, as her eyes gleamed seduction. “How ‘bout a quickie?” She glanced to the patrol car out front.

  His partner sat there and pretended to be uninterested.

  Keith too looked to the door. “A make up quickie?”

  She squealed, elated that he contemplated it. “Come here my dark chocolate valentine.” She pulled him to the end of the bar for the, oh tiniest bit of privacy. She kneeled before him, his bulge begged to be set free, as it strained on his starched pants. She put her hands on his dark blue pants, traced it and teased him. Make me wait. I’ll make you fucking beg.

  “Forget it, I need your sweetness now.” That was what he called it. She was the down-and-dirty. And this strong black man, he was the gentile, dare she think it sensitive man. Maybe that’s why they complemented each other so well.

  He picked her up by her tiny waist and set her on the end of the bar and she lay down. She wore pink fishnets tonight. Despite her eagerness, she requested that he slide them down gingerly. She didn’t want them to be shredded. She just bought them!

  “Nice.” He noticed her little heart shaped patch of hair, trimmed close to her pussy. It followed the curves of her tiny now noticeably white cunt. Maybe that was why he called her vanilla cream pie. She only wore tiny thongs in the tanning beds, because he once told her that tan lines were sexy.

  With her legs bound together by her stockings, gently his feverish tongue worked along the insides of the folds. He used his teeth and pressed the pink material with his tongue until it became inflamed.

  She jumped. “Fuck!” Her legs tethered by her own fishnets. She had one hand bare-knuckled on the bar and the other dug into his shoulder. He unhitched her halter and her breasts fell softly around and he reached up to grasp one; tweaked her already erect nipple. "Ohh!" The sensation pierced her clit and she began to breathe at hyper speeds. She whined as she climbed closer; as the climax rose. “Get inside me Keith! Now!”

  He ignored her.

  She yipped out a scream as he brought her climax through the up and down cycles. Finally, her clit was taut and completely out.

  He sucked it and swirled it around inside his mouth with his tongue.

  Fuck. I’m gonna roll right off the bar.

  She sucked in what seemed like twenty successive breaths and let it out with a, “Fuck yeah. I’m coming!” She released the bar and Keith’s shoulder.

  Keith acted fast unbuckled and unzipped his pants at lightening speed. Ready to go as his hardened rod sprung free; begged for her pussy. He pulled her off the bar with his forearm and tore into her slot quickly.

  “Shit!” she cried out as his huge dick raged; slammed into her and spread her insides. He fucked her against the wall and pictures rocked with them at every thrust. “Yes, oh yes.” She gripped his blue uniform shirt as her bare breasts pressed painfully against him, he was so close and his pelvis pounded into her. His pants were around his ankles and hers were right inside his, her thighs still shackled. She enjoyed the sensations as her hardened nipples slid against the buttons and his little silver name plate. “Fuck me, officer.” Her breathless words escaped.

  He smiled down at her. “You better come again.” He narrowed his eyes and rammed her harder against the wall.

  “Oh yes, yes-yes, sir.” Another one was so close she could taste it. “Keep doing that.” She squeezed her eyes; concentrated on that sensation and pictured his thick cock pounding into her tight cunt.

  So fucking tight.

  And then she plowed straight into another wall of orgasmic bliss, that last thrust did it, and for him too as he groaned. “Ohhhh.” Every muscle inside her contracted. She cried out in pain almost. His roughness was just what she needed.

  He let out a hiss and a sigh as his body shoved more, softer thrusts. “I love you, beautiful.” He kissed her gently.

  Their heartbeats wildly pounded together, as they stood there a moment.

  “You too.” she whispered breathlessly, her head fit neatly on his chest.

  The twitches and pulses from him finally subsided inside her. He stepped back and steadied himself on the wall. “Sorry I really have to go.” He pulled up his pants laden with his baton and mace. Was he holding his gun above my head the whole time? H-O-T, hot. She sighed as he slid it into the holster; locked it into place.

  “I know.” She pouted and adjusted her own outfit.

  She waved, as he blew her a kiss.

  Anonymous Peach

  That was hot. Peach came from the back office. She listened to Royal Pink sigh as she hopped back onto the en
d of the bar.

  “Hi Pinkie.” Peach sashayed her girly hips into the bar.

  “Hey. Whatcha doing here? I thought it was your night off?” Pink sat up. Her fishnet clad legs swung.

  “Boss said to come by and meet out back.” Peach licked her lips as the scent of sex lingered. “Think I’ve been stood up.” She pouted.

  Pink smiled at Peach, the orange-red haired woman with a peachy complexion and hazel eyes flecked with gold. She was a cutie. She looked younger then her twenty-seven years and played that up with school-girl outfits and pigtails in ribbons to get her tips.

  Peach’s hand rested on Pink’s thigh sticky from sweat. “All tuckered out?” Peach had a not-so-sweet look on her face.

  Pink leaned back on her elbow.

  “May I?” Peach asked. She moved her hand along her fishnet thigh. Inch by inch the threads raked against Pink’s sensitive skin.

  “Peach!” Pink sucked in a breath.

  “What?” Peach kneeled on the stool. “I know you like girls.” She twirled her orange pigtails playfully, tamed with a pink ribbon.

  A grin overtook Pink’s face, like she won the jackpot. Am I a lucky girl this Valentine’s Day or what? “Let me just…”

  “Yeah you do that.”

  Pink rolled over and grabbed her cell from under the bar. Quickly they heard sirens blare their way there. Keith burst in, as Peach was on all fours over her poised and ready.

  Peach’s tongue moved against Pink’s engorged labial folds, so soft like a silken ribbon. She pressed with force through the fishnets, toyed with and tantalized Pink, as she pinched the sensitive skin. Her pigtails hung beside Pink’s hips which blocked Keith’s view.

  He moved closer and watched her spread and lap her delicate folds as she took down all of his juices too with a smile.

  Peach looked up at Keith with desire as she pleased his woman. Her vision moved to Pink’s agape mouth as she pressed her fingers inside. She tried one, than two, three, than…Peach looked back at Keith who visibly gulped four.

  Pink was panting with every thrust which made Peach’s thighs burn in want, as her wetness tickled down her lips and dampened her underwear.

  “Holy fucking shit!” Pink cried out with the addition of the fourth finger and grabbed at Keith. “I need you in my mouth.” She pleaded with her eyes to Keith and tugged at his crotch which had noticeably jumped as he watched the assault on Pink's cunt.

  He complied and without a word climbed on the bar behind Pink’s head. She pulled out his thick veined penis, stiff and ready again. She couldn’t get it into her mouth fast enough. It still tasted like sex. A mixture of them and Pink moaned, as fresh precum touched her tongue.

  Peach used her tiny little hand like a surgeon in perfect harmony to the needs of Pink’s engorged cunt that pulsed with blood. Pink's wetness increased with Peach’s hand rhythm.

  The cold night chill wafted in and up Peach's skirt. “Keith we can’t stay here all…” Keith’s partner came in.

  “Lock the door cutie. Come here, I need to feel pleasure.” Peach lifted her face long enough to speak to the intruder, her chin glistened in juices. The scent of arousal took over the entire bar.

  Keith was oblivious since Pink had him so close.

  His partner stood at the door.

  “Come here your making me cold.” Peach cried.

  He closed and locked the door; set his gun on the far end of the bar still unsure.

  “Drop ‘em officer and slide in from behind. I need to finish Pink here. I’m already dripping and ready. Condom in my purse over there if you need one.” She motioned to her heart-shaped sequined purse behind the bar with a nod of her head.

  Peach heard him fumble and drop most of the things out of her purse, as she continued to lick Pink’s hardened nub. Stop watching cutie pie and fuck me.

  Keith's partner's eyes stared at her little round apple bottom that peeked from under her gray and pink plaid school-girl skirt. She wore white panties to complete the look. Fucking A.

  “Come on, please me.” She whispered back to him.

  This officer was still uncertain. This hot little number is shaking her tight little ass at me now. The hell with it.

  He ripped the soaked panties right off, shredded them, and spun upside down for a taste.

  “Mmm. Yes. Peach likes that.” She spoke in third person. His warm hands pulled her hips down to him; she spread her knees and met his face.

  It drove her wild as his teeth gnashed beneath her; as he tried to coax her clit to come out and play. He was definitely in need of some good loving. She really dove into Pink now, as Officer Keith straddled over her; fucked her face. Peach could hear that telling noise of her gasp for breath between each thrust he forced into her. He’s close.

  Pink’s cunt was red, but Peach knew she could get her to come again. She pressed hard with her hands on either side of her vulva and flicked her clit so fast with her tongue that cream poured out onto her face, white and sticky.

  Peach moaned, “Mmmm. Good girl Pink.” She pinched her clit, and made Pink jump.

  I knew it. Peach grinned as she heard Keith's climax next.

  Keith made an almost whistling sound as he released the second time in an albeit painful orgasm down Pink’s throat.

  Peach wiped her face on her t-shirt that said simply ‘I heart boys’. “Ok Officer.” Peach got up. “I need you inside me now. Sit here.”

  She instructed him to sit on the barstool. She undid his belt. Her crotch was on fire, in need of release. She unbuttoned his pants and then unzipped them. He watched her apprehensively, but his dick was like a leopard ready to pounce at her. He was young, maybe twenty-four.

  “I’m ready for my citation.” She whispered sweetly in his ear. “I sped on my way over here. I think I need a ticket.” She pulled back and she removed all her clothes. She unbuttoned his blue shirt and tugged his pants and boxers out from under him with a jerk.

  “Um, okay.” He swallowed focused on her.

  She turned around. “You like?” She curtsied a little and he nodded like any good schoolboy should. “So, will you spank me, you know? As my punishment?” She moved to him. He went to look at Keith and Pink. “Don’t look at them. Look at me!” She said angrily. “I’ve been bad and I need a spanking!” She ordered.

  “Okay, okay.” It sounded like he was getting his authority back.

  Her dimpled cheeks popped up. Excitement glimmered in her hazel eyes.

  “Get over here.” She lay over his lap; his stiff need pressed into her side. He smacked her ass until the peachiness was gone and it burned pink. Then he shoved his fingers inside her; pressed her clit hard with his thumb.

  She took her feet clear off the floor as it sent sheer pleasure through her. She moaned, bucked and arched her entire body as she grasped the rungs on the barstool.

  “Oh please.” Her soft breathless voice cooed.

  He ripped his hand away. “Now get on top of here.” He looked at her fiercely, as she looked up at him.

  She stood up and revealed the rash that spread across her breasts from the lust of being excited. His once nervous demeanor had all but disappeared, replaced by desire, need, and want.

  He tore into the condom wrapper and rolled it over the tip of his erection, it glistened with precum as it stood at attention.

  “Yes, Officer.”

  Her thighs were slick from the excitement and anticipation so far. She faced him and pressed her slit over the long rod, clamping down as she went.

  I’m a quick orgasmer. And I only ever have single ones. I want to please this officer with every inch that I move. She smiled a naughty smile at him, as she twirled her pigtail with one finger; her other hand on his shoulder.

  “Fucking A. You're going to make me fucking go already.” He snarled at her. A coy look crept across her face. She wrapped her legs around him on the bar stool.

  “We’ll go together. I promise.” She pressed her heels into the rungs on the stool and moved
up and down as she mashed her clit against his body.

  His tension mounted in his shoulders as he held her tighter and tighter. She brought her lips to his with tender kisses, but he grabbed at her pigtail, yanked it. She stared hard into his eyes with delight, he stared right back with a look that pierced straight into her soul. Sexy little officer. Aren’t you? And naughty.

  She had to break the intense look and close her eye as her climax grabbed hold of her. With each word progressively getting louder Peach said, “Okay, okay-let’s-go.”

  And he let out a very loud groan as he squeezed her to him.

  “Yes, oh yes.” That tingling sensation started at her crotch and slowly consumed her body all the way to her fingers and toes. She rested her head on his shoulder, he smelled spicy. His breath was labored and she tried to catch her own breath.

  Peach turned her head, still on his shoulder and looked over at Pink, still out from her pleasure rollercoaster. She was almost grateful she was stood up now, as she looked back at the man in front of her.

  I think I’ll keep you. My little treasure.


  Pink awoke the next morning unable to remember how she got home. She could smell apples. Yum, fresh apples. She hadn’t yet said anything, as she looked up at him as he was carving into an apple. He slipped a sliver of it in between her still swollen, dry, cracked, and pouty mouth. She accepted the sweet fruit and it refreshed and awakened her senses.

  He had a talent for carving not only orgasms with his tongue but things with knives into fruit, yeah weird, but sort of cute.

  “So I’ve been thinking. I mean I know you’re still mad at me for having to work last night.” He winked at her as he spoke. “And I’ve wanted to ask you something.” He set the knife on the bedside table.


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