Dancing Hearts

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Dancing Hearts Page 4

by Heather Dahlgren

  “Shit, we are never going to get out of here with these two,” Hunter says. I literally want to punch him in the jaw for pulling me out of this trance. We pull back and I kiss a slow path to her ear.

  “I had such an unbelievable night, doll. I’ll talk to you soon.” I kiss the soft skin beneath her ear and help her down off the truck. She looks up at me with sad eyes, breaking my fucking heart.

  “I did too, Cooper.” She starts to walk away toward her friends and for the first time since I lost my dad, I feel like something special just left me. I watch her hug her friends and they begin to walk away. I don’t even realize they said goodbye or that my friends are staring at me, I keep my eyes on them until she turns her head to look back. She smiles that smile at me and I give her a grin and nod.

  “Coop, are you done eye-fucking the back of her yet? Can we get the hell out of here?” Fucking Hunter. I turn when I can no longer see her.

  “You jealous, Hunter?” Hunter growls and goes to punch my arm. I laugh, moving to the left. “Knock it off, asshole. Let’s get the hell out of here.”

  After I drop everyone off at home, I make my way back to the bar. It is after two o’clock, but the bar is still busting at the seams. I walk in the front door and take everything in. Roy is working his ass off, the waitresses are hustling, and thankfully, everything looks to be completely under control. I breathe a sigh of relief. I walk behind the bar and slap Roy on the shoulder. “Everything looks to be under control. How was it tonight?” He pops the top off a Miller Lite passing it to the older man sitting at the bar.

  “Boss, I told you we had it under control. Everything went fine, no problems to report. We’ve been busy as fuck though, so if you’re not too tired, help a brother out.” I laugh at him while I turn to wash my hands in the extra sink.

  Roy wasn’t kidding when he said the bar was busy. Before I know it, it’s final call and we are finally starting to wind down. We still have some people who linger; as always, I make sure to call them a cab or have someone come pick them up. I never want to feel responsible for someone leaving my bar intoxicated and getting behind the wheel. After the last person is picked up, I lock the door and lean up against it. I check the clock seeing that it is now after four. Damn, I am exhausted.

  “Cooper, we just need to sweep then everything is done on our end,” Nikki, my head waitress, yells over to me. I turn my head to see them all busting their asses to get it all cleaned up. I am lucky as hell to have these amazing people working for me. It wasn’t something that happened right away, it’s taken years and a bunch of asshole employees to now have what I have. Taking over the bar has been more than I ever expected it to be. I thought it would be easy, just make the drinks and serve them. Little did I know everything that actually goes into it, from the paperwork to ordering new glasses. It’s taken a lot to get the bar to the point it’s at now. I had taken out a loan to fix everything that was neglected over the years, got all the books in order, and started trying different things. I’ve been doing Saturday night live bands for almost a year now and it has been a lifesaver. I’ve paid off all the debt that I had, so I am finally making a profit now.

  I pull myself out of my memories and walk behind the bar to help Roy get it all cleaned up. He is washing cups, so I grab a rag and begin to wipe everything down. “Thanks again for keeping everything under control tonight. I’ll make sure it reflects in your paycheck.” He is dipping the glasses in the sink, but turns to look at me.

  “Boss, I told you whenever you need a night, I’ve got this. How was the concert anyway?” I spray more cleaner on the bar top using a new rag to wipe it all.

  “I had a great time. Glad I actually took the night off to go.” I feel his wet hand slap my shoulder and I turn to look at him. He’s got his pierced eyebrow raised and a smirk on his face.

  “What did you meet a chick or something? You’ve only taken off one night in the last two years and you sure as hell weren’t this happy about it.” Well shit, I didn’t realize I was acting happy. Although now that he brings it up, I guess I am.

  “I may have hung out with a girl tonight.” He throws his head back and laughs. We don’t mention anything else about it and we finish cleaning everything up. Nikki, Wendy, and Ally, my waitresses, all left so it’s just me and Roy. “Roy, there is hardly anything left to do. Go home; tomorrow is going to be another busy night.” It takes some convincing, but I finally get him to leave. By the time I get everything done and set up for tomorrow, it is quarter after five. I turn off all the lights and drag my tired ass to bed. I don’t even bother showering. I just strip down to my boxers and fall onto my king size bed. I am asleep within minutes.

  I wake up the next morning, well, early afternoon, and stretch my arms above my head. I fold them under me, staring at the ceiling. I had the most intense dreams about Emma; I usually wake up with morning wood but this is a raging hard on. I’m lying there thinking of everything that happened last night, wondering if it seems too eager or desperate to text her already. I decide before I do anything, I should take a shower and check in with my mom. I take a quick shower, washing away the scent that still lingered on me from Emma. After, I get dressed in a pair of jeans and a T-shirt with ‘James Bar’ on it. I make my way to the kitchen for a much-needed cup of coffee. After I have it brewing, I pick up the phone to check in with my mom. It rings twice before she answers.

  “Hey, Cooper. How was your concert?” I smile when I realize she is having a good day. I’m leaning on the counter watching the coffee slowly drip into the pot.

  “Hi, Mom. It was good. I had a great time. How are you?” She gives a small sigh and I squeeze my eyes shut tightly because I don’t want to hear the heartbreak in her voice.

  “Today is a good day, Cooper. I’m going to do a bit of gardening; I am even going to try to read that book I’ve been putting off.” Shit, I don’t want to hear about the books she reads. I mean, good for her, but shit, when your son comes over put that away. I made the mistake of flipping through one once. If it wasn’t my mom reading them it may be different, but I can’t think of her reading that stuff. I grab a mug and pour myself a huge cup of coffee.

  “Great, Mom. Well listen, I was just checking in, but I’ve got a shit load to get done before I open tonight. If you are sure you are good, I’ll talk to you later.” I take my coffee to the couch and sit down.

  “Oh Cooper, you are such a good boy. Quit worrying about me. I’m fine. You go do what you need, and I’ll talk to you soon. I love you.”

  “I love you too, Mom.” I hang up and drop my phone on the couch next to me. Whenever she is having a good day, she tells me to quit worrying, but when it’s a bad day, she is begging for my help. I’m just glad today is a good day. My phone keeps vibrating next to me, but I’m flipping through the channels, figuring I’ll just text them back. I end up putting Bad Ink on. This guy is unreal with how he can cover up shitty tattoos. I don’t regret any of mine, but if they looked like half the shit I see on this show, I’d be pissed. Levi owns a tattoo shop and he’s done all of mine but one. I would never let anyone else ink me now; he is the fucking best. My phone keeps going off so I grab it and drag my finger across to unlock the screen. Ten messages, fuck. I start reading through them. It’s all the guys thanking me for driving last night, asking about Emma, and telling me they will be in tonight for the live music. I just let them all know that I’ll see them later. I’m tossing my phone from hand to hand trying to build up the courage to text Emma. I finish off my coffee and pick my phone back up. “Fuck it.”

  Me: Morning/Afternoon, just wanted to make sure you all made it home safe.

  I feel like that is a good opening line. I shake my head and get up to grab another cup of coffee. Never have I cared about what I texted a girl before, why am I letting it bother me now? I make my coffee and sit back down. My phone vibrates and I pick it up. I can’t even help the grin I sport when I see she texted me back.

  Emma: We made it home safely, thanks. />
  Alright, I’m not sure if that is a blow off, but fuck it, I’ve already started this I might as well keep going.

  Me: Good. What are you up to?

  Within a second my phone goes off with her response.

  Emma: I actually just woke up. Glad I took the day off. What are you up to?

  Me: I just got up not too long ago. Just hanging out until I need to get down to the bar.

  Emma: You’re drinking this early?

  I laugh out loud realizing I hadn’t told her anything about myself.

  Me: No, doll. I own a bar. I need to get paperwork done and stuff ready for tonight.

  This time she takes a few minutes to answer, and I begin to wonder if maybe she doesn’t like that I own a bar. Then I get the text and realize why.

  Emma: LOL Oh that makes more sense. We never got to learn anything else about each other, other than our love of music. Where do you live? How old are you? Well, now I know you own a bar but what bar is it? I am 22, I am a hair dresser, and I live in Willson.

  Me: I’m 25, I own a bar, and I live in Brooksville. I actually live above my bar. It’s called James Bar. Seeing that we live close have you ever been here?

  Emma: Wow, we do live close. I can’t believe I’ve never seen you before. No, I’m sorry, I’ve never been to James.

  Damn, every part of me wants her to come here right now, since I’ve already got a hard on rockin’ just from texting with her. She really only lives twenty minutes away, maybe we can meet up for lunch. What the hell do I have to lose?

  Me: If you aren’t busy in an hour, would you like to meet up for lunch? My treat.

  Emma: I’d really like that.

  We decide where we should meet and a half-hour later I am on my way to Frank’s, a small restaurant that is popular for lunch. I pull into the parking lot and look for her red jeep she told me she has. I don’t see it yet, so I take the opportunity to calm my nerves. I don’t know why the fuck I’m nervous. I made this sexy girl come last night. I see a red jeep pull in, and figuring it is her, I take a few deep breaths and wipe my sweaty hands on my jeans. I open the door and jump out to go meet her. As soon as I see her smiling face, my nerves vanish. I move to her and pull her into a protective hug.

  “Is it crazy to say that I missed you?” I smile because damn if I wasn’t thinking the same thing.

  “If it is, I guess we are both crazy.” We laugh and pull apart. “What do you say to some lunch and getting to know each other?” We make our way inside, getting seated right away. We haven’t said anything yet, but we are both looking over the menu. I know I’m just getting a BLT, so I put mine down and wait on her. She finally puts hers down. She starts to laugh and covers her face like she is embarrassed. I reach over and pull her hands down, cocking my eyebrow at her. She’s not looking at me and her cheeks are starting to blush.

  “Sorry, I just feel kind of weird after last night. I’m not usually like that, and I don’t want you to get the wrong impression of me.” She can’t be serious. I instantly hate that she is regretting what happened, because I sure as hell don’t.

  “Emma, look at me.” She complies, but I can see the embarrassment on her face. “You have nothing to feel ashamed of. I haven’t stopped thinking about you … last night was fucking unbelievable.” I lean in so only she can hear me. “My only regret is that I didn’t get to taste that sweet pussy.” I sit back and wink at her. Of course, the waitress picks that moment to come take our order. After we place our order and drinks are delivered, I decide to start the conversation. “My name is Cooper James. I am 25 years old. I own a bar that takes up more time than I’d like to admit. My dad passed away four years ago in a car accident, leaving me to take care of the bar and my mom. I’m an only child. Levi is my best friend and does all my tattoos. Your turn.” I give her a smug grin and take a sip of my soda.

  “I’m sorry to hear about your dad.” I give her the best smile I can muster when it comes to talking about his death. I’d rather avoid the details.

  “Thank you. Now what about you?” She sips her water and tucks her hair behind her ear. Damn, this girl really is fucking beautiful. The way her blue eyes are sparkling, her tongue pokes out to wet her pouty lips, and she is rubbing her finger along the rim of her glass have me starting to think with my other head, that’s for damn sure. She looks up at me and smiles.

  “My name is Emma Harris. I’m 22 years old. I am a hair dresser at Terry’s salon, and have been pretty much since I graduated high school. My parents are divorced, although I see them both often. I have one brother who is in the Marines and is stationed overseas right now. Rowan has been my best friend since kindergarten.” The waitress drops off the food and we thank her. I look back over at Emma and smile.

  “My dad was in the Army and I appreciate all the sacrifices your brother is making for our country.” She gets a glaze over her eyes and I want to pull her to me, instead I just grab her hand. She takes a deep breath and looks down at her burger.

  “Thank you. It’s hard for me that he is so far away. We Skype every couple of weeks, but it just isn’t the same. His girlfriend left him right before he was deployed, and I was so worried about his stability.” She finally looks up at me, a true smile on her face now. “She was a bitch so I can’t say I wasn’t happy to see her leave. She may have smelled rotting fish in her car for quite a while too.” We both laugh. I love that she feels comfortable enough with me so soon to share these things with me.

  “Duly noted, don’t fuck with you.” She throws her head back laughing; my heart starts pounding, and my dick starts begging for attention. This girl is doing crazy things to me. “So you cut hair? That must be hard. Ever fuck up someone’s hair?” I laugh before I take a bite of my BLT. She narrows her eyes at me.

  “Hell no, I do exactly what they want.” She winks at me and I can’t help but laugh. She is so easy to talk to. None of that nervousness that I expected.

  “Alright good, so when I need a haircut I know where to go now.” She winks at me while she is chewing, and fuck, I didn’t think it was possible for my dick to get harder. I need to talk about something else, although I think even just listening to her will keep me sporting this hard on. We continue to talk about our lives, our jobs, and friends.

  “How old were you when you got your first tattoo?” I finish off my BLT, wiping my mouth on a napkin.

  “I was eighteen--my birthday present to myself. It’s actually the only tattoo that Levi didn’t do.” I pull up the sleeve of my shirt to show her the tattoo. It is my name written on the neck of a guitar. I love this tattoo with the way the strings of the guitar are pressed under my name like it is fingers. She is staring at it and looks up at me with wide eyes.

  “That is a gorgeous tattoo, Cooper. Do you play?” I let my sleeve fall back into place and fold my hands on the table.

  “I can play. I don’t play in public or anything though. I have a Gibson J-45 that my dad bought me for my sixteenth birthday. I had been taking lessons, getting better and better so he wanted me to have a good guitar.” She has a look of such interest on her face.

  “That is amazing. I always wanted to learn how to play, but I never got around to taking lessons or anything. I would love to hear you play. Do you write your own music or do you just play others?” I grin at her excitement. I’ve been with a lot of girls that think it’s hot that I play, but Emma likes the fact that I play because she loves music.

  “I’ve written just a couple of my own songs. Like I said, I can play but I don’t do it in public. If you’d like, I could show you the basics of playing sometime. I showed Levi, but he still sucks.” I laugh thinking about all the times I’ve tried to teach him how to play. He just thought it would be a good way to get chicks, so he was a fucking horrible student. I would love to show Emma though. She practically bounces out of her seat when I tell her I would teach her. She has a huge smile on her face.

  “I would love to learn sometime, Cooper.” The waitress drops off the bill a
nd I grab it before she even thinks about it. “How much do I owe?” She is digging in her purse, looking for money I assume.

  “What are your plans for tonight?” She looks up at me with her eyebrows drawn in. I know I threw her off with that question, but I need to get to the bar and I would love for her to come in tonight.

  “Umm, I have no plans for tonight. How much do I owe for lunch though?” She laughs. I pull out my money and drop it down on the table before looking over at her.

  “Lunch is on me, doll.” She goes to protest, but I continue to talk over her. “If you have no plans tonight, I have a live band coming into the bar at ten o’clock. They play a little bit of everything; they’ve played there before. I think you would really like them.” We both stand up, and I grab her hand to walk out of the restaurant. We get out into the parking lot, and I walk her to her car. We stop in front of her jeep.

  “Thank you for lunch, Cooper. I will see if Rowan wants to take a ride tonight to the bar. I think it sounds amazing.” I pull her to me and gently press my lips to hers. She opens her mouth and I take advantage. Once our tongues touch and I get her taste, I can’t control myself. I roughly pull her closer, grabbing onto her ass. She does the same, moaning into my mouth. Her moan spurs me on. I lift her, sitting her on the hood of her jeep. I step in-between her legs, pressing my hard cock against her. She runs her hands up into my hair, pulling slightly. I growl and pull back. I need to stop this before I end up fucking her on the hood of her truck in broad day light. I rest my forehead against hers and sigh.

  “Emma, please try to make it tonight. I’d really like to spend more time with you.” She presses a kiss to my lips and runs her hands down my face.


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