Dancing Hearts

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Dancing Hearts Page 14

by Heather Dahlgren

  “I’m just folding my last load of laundry, then I was going to pick up Chinese food and head over. Is that alright?” This girl still doesn’t get that she is becoming my world.

  “Doll, you can show up here at three in the morning and it would be fine. Hell yes, it is alright.” She giggles which causes me to adjust myself.

  “Good to know. What do you like from the Chinese place?”

  “I’ll eat anything. Get whatever.”

  “Are you sure? There is nothing special you like?” I grin even though she can’t see me.

  “Oh there is something special that I like, but she’s the one bringing the food so believe me it’s good.” I know without even seeing her that I caused her to blush. I fucking love it too.

  “Alright. I’m going to finish up here, so I can leave. I’ll see you soon.”

  “Okay. And doll, make sure you bring clothes because you’re sleeping in my bed again.” She clears her throat and I smile in victory.

  “Okay, Cooper. See you soon. Bye.” We hang up and I go into my room to grab my guitar. I pull it out from under my bed and carry it into the living room. I sit down on the couch and pull it out of the case. I love this guitar, not only because my dad gave it to me, but because it also sounds amazing. I hold it in my lap and strum the chords making sure it is still in tone. It sounds perfect. I begin to play one of my own songs and I hum the words while I play. I wrote this song after I got sober. It’s about survival.

  I continue to play getting lost in the music like I always do, until I hear a loud knock on the door. I carefully put my guitar down and go to open the door. Shit, Emma is standing there with her bags of Chinese food. “Shit. I’m so sorry. Have you been knocking long? I was playing my guitar, so I didn’t hear you,” I say as I’m grabbing the bags from her. She pushes up on her tiptoes and presses a kiss to my lips before walking in. I smile and kick the door closed.

  “No, I wasn’t waiting too long. I did hear you playing, and holy shit, Cooper, it was amazing. You are so talented.” I actually feel proud when she gives me the compliment. She loves music as much as me, so hearing it from her means a lot to me.

  “Thanks, doll.” I set the food down on the counter and grab plates. We fill them with more food than we will probably eat and head to the dining room. We talk and eat for a while. Even the simple things like eating dinner are enjoyable when it’s with her. After we finish, I take our plates to the kitchen. She washes the dishes while I put the food away. Once we are done, I grab a hold of her hand and lead her to the living room. We sit down on the couch and I pick up my guitar. “Alright doll, we are going to have your first lesson before I need to get to the bar.” She bounces on the couch with excitement, clapping her hands. I laugh at her, but I’m also happy she is excited to learn.

  “Alright, so what do I need to do?” I give her a wink and strum a few chords.

  “First, listen to me, to the chords. Watch my fingers. Then I’ll give it to you.” She has a huge smile on her face and looks right at my fingers. I begin to play the basic chords for her, so she can hear what they should sound like. I play them over several times until I think she might have a good idea. I look over at her when I stop and she is chewing her lip in complete concentration. I grin knowing she is going to pick it up easily. “You ready to give it a try?” She shakes her head excitedly.

  “Yes, definitely.” I pass her the guitar and she holds it perfectly.

  “You’ve never played before right?” She shakes her head ‘no.’ I nod and place her fingers on the correct strings. “This is E minor. Hold your fingers like that on the neck and strum like this.” I use my thumb to show her. She does it and it actually doesn’t sound too bad. “Good. Try again.” We go over it just a few times until I can tell she is comfortable with it because it sounds perfect. “Great. Now let’s try C major.” I show her the finger placement and this time she picks it up quicker. She looks over at me smiling.

  “Cooper, this is amazing. Thank you.” I kiss her plump lips and continue our lesson. I get through all the basic chords: E minor, C major, G major, D major, A minor, E major, and A major. She played them all perfectly. I am busting with pride.

  “Damn, Emma, you picked that up quickly. I wish we had more time, but I need to get down to the bar. Do you feel more comfortable now?” She carefully hands me the guitar.

  “Yes. I was a little nervous to start, but I definitely feel like I’ve got the basic chords down.” Once the guitar is back in the case, she jumps on my lap and slams her mouth to mine. She tangles her hands in my hair and I move mine to her ass. When I taste her, my cock automatically gets hard. She is fucking addicting, like your favorite song that you could listen to a million times and never get tired of. That is what she is to me. She’s my favorite song.

  We finally break apart both panting. “Damn, doll. You are amazing.” She blushes and my cock twitches. My phone picks that moment to ring. “Christ, are you kidding me?” I growl out. I hold onto her while I lean forward to grab my phone. “Hello?”

  “Hey man.” I give Emma an apologetic face.

  “Hey, Levi. What’s up man?” I can hear the sound of the tattoo machines, so I know he’s at work.

  “Just wanted to touch base. Don’t forget tomorrow you said you’d go with me to look at that new shop.” Shit, I completely forgot about that. Thankfully it’s not until late afternoon, so I still have a good amount of the day with Emma.

  “You got it man. I’ll meet you at the shop around four. Sound good?” Emma is looking at me with a small smile on her face. I wink at her which causes that smile to get bigger.

  “Sounds good. I wanted to bullshit, but my client just walked in. We’ll catch up tomorrow.” We hang up and I wrap my arms around Emma holding her close.

  “I need to meet up with Levi tomorrow. He’s looking to open another shop and I told him I would go with him to check it out.” She kisses my chest.

  “Cowboy, you are such an amazing guy.” I’m not sure why, but hell, I’ll take it.

  I tell her I need to go change for work and she climbs off my lap. I changed quickly, making my way back to the living room. “I hate leaving you, but I need to get the bar open.” She gets up off the couch.

  “Alright let’s go.” I shake my head smiling at her.

  We’ve been down at the bar for several hours. It is pretty slow tonight, but I don’t mind. Emma has been behind the bar with me all night, making it anything but boring. She’s been talking with the customers and the waitresses, and even rubbed her ass up against me a few times. Like I said, anything but boring.

  I make the decision to close at one o’clock because we haven’t had a customer in almost forty-five minutes. I’d rather be upstairs in bed with my girl anyway. The girls had everything cleaned up already, so they leave as soon as I close. I wipe down the bar, clean the glasses, and put the bar stools up. Once I’m done, Emma and I head back upstairs.

  “I’m just going to jump in the shower real quick, unless you need to?”

  “No, I showered earlier, I’m good.” She yawns and walks over to the couch.

  “Doll, it’s late. Go change and climb in bed. I’ll be right in.” She doesn’t even argue, she grabs her bag, kisses me, and heads to my room. I take a quick shower and make my way to the bedroom. My cock immediately springs to life at the sight before me--Emma sound asleep with a thin camisole top that has one of the straps falling off her shoulder. I can see her nipples through the thin material causing me to adjust my now raging hard on. Her smooth, silky legs are parted giving me a clear view of that pussy that I know tastes like honey. As if she can feel my eyes burning into her, she rolls onto her side pulling the comforter up to cover herself. I decide I need some water to try to cool myself down. I make my way to the kitchen, grabbing a bottle of water out of the fridge. I lean against the counter and guzzle it down. Damn, not claiming her as mine is becoming harder and harder. I don’t know how much longer I can actually go before I slam into her. I jus
t don’t want to fuck things up with her, move things along too quickly. Although, I’ve been nothing but honest with her. I haven’t held anything back and I know she’s done the same with me. I yawn and realize I’ve been standing here trying to decide if it’s too soon for sex for almost a half hour. “Fucking pussy.” I shake my head and head to bed.

  I climb in and reach over to pull her sleeping form toward me. She sighs happily and my cock that I had finally gotten to go down springs back to life. Having her tiny body pressed up against me, and her scent surrounding me is all such a turn on. Unfuckingreal. I kiss her head and close my eyes knowing I will have some sweet dreams tonight.

  I wake up to the screaming of Emma’s phone. Holy shit, that is loud. She bolts up searching for her phone. “Doll, it’s on the dresser.” I move to get it for her, but she beats me to it.

  “Oh shit.” She grabs the phone so quickly she almost drops it. “Hello, hello?” She is pacing the length of the windows with a look of worry on her face that is swiftly replaced by a look of pure happiness. “Hey big brother. No, it’s fine, you know you could never interrupt me. How are you?” I smile knowing how much she loves her brother and how fucking happy she is to hear from him. I decide to give her some privacy and get up to go start the coffee pot. When I get up, she looks over at me with that beautiful smile of hers. I give her a wink before carefully closing the door behind me.

  Once I get the coffee brewing, I decide to give Levi a call. “Hey man. What’s up?” It amazes me that Levi and I both work into the early hours, yet we both are up early.

  “Nothing much man. Emma’s talking to her brother who’s overseas so I thought I’d give you a call real quick. We still on for today?” The coffee is finished brewing so I pour myself a cup and take it over to the couch with me.

  “Damn, Coop. I guess you are serious about this girl.” I smile as I sip my coffee.

  “Man, you have no fucking idea.” He yells at his Rottweiler, Dee, for jumping up and grabbing his breakfast. I bust out laughing because this dog drives him crazy, but he loves her to death.

  “Damn dog!” he yells and I hear her running around. “I’m so happy for you, Coop. You deserve it more than anyone I know.”

  “Thanks, Levi. What about you? Making any leeway with that sexy secretary of yours?” He’s had a thing for Rain since she started there over a year ago. She’s the opposite of the women he usually dates and I, for one, think that’s a good thing.

  “Nah. She’s got a lot going on right now. It’s not the right time.” He’s also been saying that for over a year. I don’t bust on him, though because when he’s ready he’ll make his move.

  We bullshit for another fifteen minutes before he needs to take Dee for a walk. I hang up and turn on the TV. I leave the news on while I finish my coffee. Just as the weather is ending, my bedroom door opens. Emma comes walking out and I can tell she’s been crying. I nearly drop my mug rushing off the couch to get to her. I grab her in a tight hug, while I rub her back. “What’s wrong Emma?” I worry about her because she knows he is over there and anything can happen. She’s got her tiny arms wrapped around my waist, with her head buried in my chest.

  “I just miss him so much,” she mumbles into my chest. My heart aches for the pain she is in.

  “Doll, I’m so fucking sorry. If there was something I could do, I’d do it in a heartbeat for you.” We stand holding each other until she has stopped crying. She pulls back looking at me with red eyes.

  “Thank you.” I kiss her before leading her to the couch. I pull her onto my lap and tuck her hair behind her ears so I can see her gorgeous face.

  “No need to thank me. I told you I always take care of what’s important to me.”

  We spend the remainder of the morning talking about what days we will be able to see each other during the week. It fucking sucks that it isn’t many. We did, however, make plans for her to spend next weekend here, which makes up for only seeing her once during the week.

  The morning and early afternoon fly by. Before I know it, she is getting ready to go home and I’m getting ready to meet Levi. I lock up and we make our way outside. I walk her to her jeep and as much as I want to throw her up against it, I simply give her a kiss that will have to tide me over until I see her again. She drives away and I feel like she took a piece of me with her.

  THE LAST TWO WEEKS HAVE been great. Emma and I have gotten into a groove. We see each other once or twice during the week and she spends her weekends here. She’s worked it out with her boss so that she can have weekends off. I’ve never been more grateful.

  It’s only been six weeks that we’ve been together and I know I love this girl. She’s got my heart in her hands. Obviously, I haven’t told her yet, that would probably scare the shit out of her, but I know how I feel. We have gotten to know everything about each other in this time. I even met up with her and her mom for lunch last week. My mom had us over for dinner last Sunday as well. Emma has been faithful with wanting to keep practicing the guitar. She’s come a long way since I first taught her the basic chords. I’m so damn proud.

  It is Friday night and the bar is very busy. Roy and I have been busting ass all night. I know that it will be only a few more hours until I have Emma in my arms, which makes me a very happy and horny man. As if I somehow sensed her, Emma comes in with Rowan. Holy shit, she looks amazing. Her hair is curled, and she has on a black strapless flowing dress with her cowboy boots. She makes her way over to the bar and I almost pull her over when I kiss her. When we break apart she starts laughing. “I’m happy to see you too, cowboy.”

  “You look beautiful, doll.” She blushes and looks down before she makes eye contact again.

  “Thank you.” As much as I want to stand and talk with her, I need to get back to work.

  “I need to get back to it, but what do you and Rowan want to drink?”

  “I’ll have a water.” She hits Rowan’s arm getting her attention. Rowan turns her head toward me giving me a wink.

  “Long Island Iced Tea, Coop. Thanks.” I make her drink and grab Emma a water. She’s not had a drink in front of me since I told her I don’t drink. I’ve assured her over and over that I’m fine with it, but she just won’t do it. I think that makes me love her even more, that she wants to make sure I’m not tempted. I give them their drinks and continue to work my ass off the rest of the night.

  Finally, it is last call. Rowan left about an hour ago, so Emma’s been behind the bar with me. As always, I make sure everyone has a ride home before I finally lock up for the night. The girls got everything cleaned up while I was getting the last of my customers in a cab. Roy took care of everything behind the bar, so we are able to wrap it up quickly. Once Roy and the girls leave, Emma and I head up to my place.

  “I need to take a quick shower, doll. Are you heading to bed?” She presses a sweet kiss to my lips. I lick her seam seeking entrance. She obliges and like always, once our tongues meet, it is electric. It turns from sweet to frantic in a heartbeat. I lift her up and she wraps her legs around my waist rubbing her pussy on my rock-hard cock. Damn, it feels fucking amazing. She has her hands in my hair, tugging which just makes me want her more. When I squeeze her ass tightly, she moans and I swallow it down. I slowly make my way to my bedroom, knocking into the wall occasionally. I sit her down on the bed and place an arm on either side of her. We are both searching each other’s eyes. “Doll, as sexy as you look in this dress, I need you out of it.” I grab the bottom and lift it over her head. I didn’t think it was possible for my cock to get so hard to the point of pain, but damn it is. She has on a black lace strapless bra and matching panties. Her creamy skin is already covered in a sheen, her chest is heaving causing those perfect tits to push forward, and the look of pure lust on her face is amazing. I pull off my shirt and let my jeans fall to the floor before stepping out of them. “Climb up on the bed and lie down.” She does it and I start kissing up her body starting at her feet. I alternate from each leg as to not miss any
part of her. The higher up her legs I get, the more I can smell her arousal. I know without even touching her that her tight pussy is dripping wet with need. I kiss my way around it, up her stomach, between her tits, making my way up her neck until my lips hover over hers. “Fucking perfect.” We begin to kiss frantically again. I reach my hands under her and unclasp her bra. I move down and start kissing her tits. Her nipples are so hard that when I cup her breasts they are poking my palms. I pinch both and she arches off the bed.

  “Oh shit,” she moans, just spurring me on. I suck a nipple in my mouth and massage the other. She keeps arching off the bed and I can’t wait any longer to taste her. I move down her body and pull her panties off. I cup her pussy in my hand causing her to moan.

  “You like that, doll?” I look at the sight before me and nearly come undone. She is biting that plump bottom lip with her head thrown back while she fondles her tits. I run a finger between her folds and it is covered in her juices. “Fuck, Emma. You are so damn wet. I love that I can do this to you.” I slowly push a finger inside of her watching her bite her lip harder. I pull my finger out, but quickly replace it with two.

  “Oh Cooper!” she yells when I start to fuck her with my fingers. I begin to lap at her as she starts riding them. Holy shit, I never get tired of this. We’ve had more oral sex in the last couple of weeks than I can count and it is amazing every time. I can feel her pussy tightening on my fingers and I know she is going to come. I use my other hand and rub her clit sending her over the edge. “Cooper!” she screams out as her orgasm crashes over her. I make sure to lick her clean before moving up her body. She has her eyes closed, she is gripping the comforter, and she is flushed with desire. I suck her lip into my mouth and she lifts her hips rubbing against me. I pull away and we look at each other.

  “Emma, are you sure? Remember what I told you. Once my cock is inside of you, you are mine.” She answers me immediately without a second thought.

  “I’m already yours, Cooper.” I slam my mouth to her so roughly our teeth clash. She has no idea what that means to me, because damn it, I’m hers. I kiss a path over to her ear and bite it.


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