Blood and Ink: Under the Skin Serial Part One

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Blood and Ink: Under the Skin Serial Part One Page 2

by K. B. Ladnier

  I had seen more STF agents from afar than I’d like, and none could hold a candle to the dark, exotic beauty of the muscular man standing before us in the black, military combat gear that they all wore.

  “We’ve done nothing wrong,” Sloan growled out, obviously letting his stupid wolf lead the conversation. I shoved his shoulder, trying my best to get around him, but he wouldn't budge.

  The agent didn't seem too inclined to speak to Sloan since his sight was set on little ole’ me pushing at the werewolf’s back.

  “My business is strictly for Miss Bryant and it is in peace that I come here. I won't harm her.”

  I raised my brow at him as Sloan turned his head to look at me from the corner of his eye. I glared at him and nodded, letting him know I was fine. He turned his attention back to the agent and cautiously moved out from in front of me.

  With steady steps, I approached the counter. The agent’s blank expression didn't change and his gaze never wavered as he followed my movement. When I stopped, I left a foot between the counter that separated us.

  “What do you want and how do you know my name?” His lip seemed to almost twitch at my question.

  “I’m Agent Hollis Grey. I need to ask you a few questions pertaining to a vampire of interest in a case I'm working on.”

  Grey, huh? That was fitting for a man with eyes of steel. They could probably cut a vampire down with just a flick like steel, as well.

  I felt Sloan come to stand just behind me, the heat wafting from his body warning me that his wolf side was rising and gearing for a fight.

  “Alright. I don't have much of a choice now, do I?” I asked him, crossing my arms with a huff.

  Agent Grey shook his head. “No, you don't. It would be considered obstruction of justice and aiding and abetting a wanted supernatural. It’s best you just comply.”

  I bristled a bit at the condescension he put into his words, but nodded as I ground my teeth together. Be cool and he will leave, Lucy.

  He opened a pocket in the tactical vest that was worn over his chest and pulled out a folded piece of paper, laying it flat on the counter and shoving it to me. I grasped it and saw it was a blurred and grainy picture of a tattoo. I only scanned it quickly before giving the agent a confused look.

  “I’m looking for the real name of the vampire that has this tattoo on his right forearm. He is connected to a vampire I and my team have been tracking down for the last two years. We only have a nickname for him; Viper.” It was then that the image clicked as I scanned it once again, this time more thoroughly. I pushed past the shit quality and got a better idea of what I was looking at.

  An artist never forgets their own art and I remembered doing this tattoo. It was a realistic, grey-wash snake that coiled around and around the vampire’s arm from wrist to the inside bend of his elbow. He hadn’t given me his actual name, but I remembered his face clearly.

  “I don't have a real name to give you,” I said as I laid the paper back down and slid it back. “It’s the only tattoo I’ve ever done on him. He came in two months ago, said his name was Viper and gave me a picture of the snake he wanted. He only filled out the paperwork with his nickname.” The agent tilted his head to the side as he gauged whether I was being honest.

  “Truth,” he muttered. “Your paperwork requires contact information and address, I assume?” I nodded and looked at Sloan.

  “I'll go look through the paperwork,” he said to the agent. “Be right back.” He added this to me in a whisper, letting me know he’d be listening for me from the back in case I needed him.

  Agent Grey took out a small notepad and pen, flipping it open then staring at me. “Do you have a description of him?”

  “How do you not know what he looks like if you have a picture of the tattoo?” I mentally slapped myself for asking that question with as much bite as I did. I couldn't help it though, biting was kind of a vamp thing.

  “It’s a picture off a cell phone. A witness came forward with it after seeing suspicious activity, but the rest of the picture was too blurry. The light from the nearby street light hit his arm just right though, so we were able to get that, at least.” It amazed me how monotone he sounded with how big of a mouthful that was. Did these agents have any emotion in them, or were they just hard-wired to sound like they didn't give a flying fuck?

  “Oh,” was the only word my mouth could form. I was saved from having to say much else when Sloan came back up front with the paperwork.

  “Here it is. Just like she said; only the name Viper, but a phone number and an address is on there as well.” Agent Grey grabbed it with his free hand and scanned it before handing it back.

  “And the description?” He added to me, again not acknowledging Sloan at all.

  I gave him what I could remember. The guy was extremely weird. He reminded me of one of those crazy drug addicted humans that scavenged the dumpsters behind the shop; jittery, talked too fast, and looked like he needed to bathe for at least a day to get the grime off his body. Vampires don't exactly get diseases, but I didn't take any chances and had cleaned his skin quite thoroughly anyways.

  “That should be all,” Agent Grey said, tucking the picture and notepad back into his vest. “Is there a way I can get in touch with you in case I have further questions?” I wasn’t excited about the prospect of an STF agent having my cell number, but who the fuck says no to these guys?

  I grabbed one of my business cards from my station and handed it to him, watching as he also tucked that into his vest.

  “Thank you for your cooperation.” He gave a quick bow of his head then left as quickly as he had entered. When we saw he had turned the corner through the window, I finally exhaled in relief. For the first time since becoming a vampire, I felt like I had needed to breathe. Sloan turned me into him and stared me down, his eyes flashing with his wolf.

  “Are you getting mixed up with anything you shouldn’t be, Luce?” His tone left no room for argument, but I was in no mood to deal with an overprotective wolf. If I was human, I’d have seriously shit my pants already.

  I slapped his hands from his hold on me and stepped around him, collecting my bag and locking up my toolbox as I answered.

  “No! Do you really think I’m that much of an idiot? I tattoo, I get the occasional drinks at the Sassy Sanguine with Claudia, I sleep; that's my routine almost every day. How could you think I’d get mixed up in whatever shit the crazy vamps get involved with in this fucking city?” I didn’t know if this was my fear talking, or just the hurt that he’d assume something like that.

  I was practically a damn vegetarian vampire! I hadn’t drunk from a human in almost ten years, choosing to stick with either the blood donation bags or feeding off Sloan when we had sex. That was it.

  “I had to ask,” he replied solemnly, following me as I shut off all the lights and went out the door. “I worry about you.” I locked the door and rounded on him, sighing when I saw the sad, puppy dog look he was giving me.

  “I know. But you should know by now that I'm a weird ass vampire. I like bright colors, pretty clothes and feeding out of plastic bags even though it's not nearly as satisfying as from the human vein.” I palmed his cheek gently, rubbing it with my thumb. I always marveled at how good his hot skin felt against the deathly chill that came from mine. He relaxed at my touch and turned his nose into my hand, drawing in a deep breath of my scent as he closed his eyes.

  I knew he was going to need affirmation that I was fine, because when he opened his eyes, the golden glow of them flashed with desire. If him getting lucky today before I went to rest would calm him down, who was I to deny him? We may not be in an exclusive relationship, but we cared about each other. His wolf cared for me, which really said something. He was driven by his wolf and its thoughts were separate from the man when choosing who was worthy of their protection. Vampires rarely, if ever, were chosen as worthy of that. But, his chose me. Even if we stopped sleeping together, he’d still be my best friend next to Claudi

  Claudia and I had enough blood left until tomorrow night, so I figured what the hell? “Wanna come back to my place and rock the coffin?” I gave him a saucy grin, gaining a loud laugh in response.

  “You're so damn lucky you got a king size, or I’d never stay over.”

  “I didn't get that for you. I’m not about the dead look when I sleep. I star fish in that bitch.” I deadpanned. He laughed harder and threw an arm over my shoulder, walking like this with me back to my apartment.

  As we walked, I hoped that was the last I’d seen of that tall, dark and deadly agent. But, something in my gut told me that I would see his sexy, scary self again.

  Chapter 3

  It had been a week since Agent Hollis had made his unexpected visit to the shop, and I was once again spending the beginning of my night off work in the throes of pleasure with my werewolf lover.

  Having sex with Sloan was like coming home to me. His body fit perfectly with mine and his heat enveloped me like a cocoon of safety. I loved the feel of the goosebumps that raised across his heated flesh as it slid across mine. We were fire and ice, clashing together and trying to win a battle of sensations.

  It had been a week since that agent had dropped by the shop, and Sloan and I were just enjoying another night wrapped in each other's bodies before he went into work. It was my night off and I wanted a pick me up before I went out with Claudia.

  I moaned in ecstasy as his canines bit into my shoulder, his body not stopping its tantalizing rhythm as he slid in and out of me over and over again. My nails dragged across his sculpted back, continuing down until they gripped his perfectly muscular ass to pull him deeper into me. The scent of his sweat coated body drove me crazy as he took mine. He had a masculine, earthy smell to him; cedar, leather and sunlight. He was the sun to me.

  He made animalistic, growling sounds as he pushed into me harder and faster, knowing I would bite into his salty skin just before climax. Sex was always enhanced for vampires if we drank from our partner at just the right moment. Most vampires hated the taste of werewolf blood, but I had grown so accustomed to it, I almost preferred it over a human’s.

  I screamed with rapture just before my fangs elongated and sank into his neck. He growled with pleasure and held tightly to me as I drank in deep, allowing his beating heart to pulsate the crimson blood into my mouth. His sweet taste splashed over my tongue in an array of flavors. I shivered as I felt the energy I just used return to my body from his life force. When I felt full and satisfied, I pulled my teeth out and licked the holes I made, healing them faster with my saliva. He would've healed within a few minutes on his own, but I’d just want more if I let his blood continue to drop down his neck.

  He rolled off me, breathing heavily as he used his arm to pull me into his side.

  “I don't think I could ever get enough of you.”

  I snorted and rubbed my nose into his chest, basking in his warmth for a few moments longer before he got up and clothed his perfectly naked body. Why did clothes have to be invented?

  “Careful, Sloan. You don't need to be catching feelings.” This was a common joke we said between us, but we knew there were feelings here. You couldn't sleep with someone as often as we did and not feel something.

  “You’re right. Must be the blood loss talking.” He jested. I slapped his chest with the back of my hand.

  “Shut up. I’d have to drain almost all your blood for you to feel that. You’re a pretty big guy. I’d be an obese vamp if I managed that.” I traced my finger along the colorful tattoo that took up the entirety of his chest. It was a traditional wolf head howling at the moon. Roses and vines wrapped around the two, encasing them like a frame. I’d done the tattoo on him myself and marveled every time I saw it by how beautifully it fit on his chest.

  “Shit. You’d need a custom-made coffin if that happened. I’d never fit then.”

  My coffin wasn’t like the kind you see put into the ground in cemeteries. It was a large, square shape and made of a dark, lacquered wood. The inside had a thin mattress covered with bright-purple velvet and two pillows rested at the top. The lid didn't lift to open, but instead slid up and down to open and close it. Claudia’s was a replica of mine, but with hot-pink velvet instead. She had already left an hour ago though, to give us privacy.

  I bit his nipple, without the fangs, making him grunt then laugh as he rubbed it.

  “Now that was just mean. Bad vamp.” He bopped my nose in mock discipline.

  I shoved off him and smacked his arm before getting up. “You're such a dick! Go to work, fur face. I need to get ready to meet Claudia.” I grabbed a towel from the pile of clean clothes as he stood. I waited until he was clothed before standing on my tippy toes and kissing his cheek. “Have fun at work. Don’t stab someone with your machine just because they make you mad.”

  “I only did that one time and he was a werewolf, so he was going to heal anyways.”

  “Yeah. Right. I’ll believe that when vampires can sun bathe.”

  He gave a quick swat at my ass before saying bye and heading out the door.


  When I walked into the Sassy Sanguine, Claudia was waiting for me at our usual spot at the bar. This place doubled as a strip club and bar, so while I wasn't too privy to watching half naked vamps dance, I did love their good taste in music and alcohol. The bartenders all knew me there and how I liked my drinks made.

  The place was pretty swanky, having been themed like an old speakeasy where all the waitresses were dressed in 1920’s style cocktail dresses that left little to the imagination. The lighting was dim, the floors were cherry wood paneling and the booth seats were all covered in red velvet. The back half of the building had stripper poles set in random spots between tables and chairs, while the front just had the bar and dining tables. Even the bartenders wore attire that men would wear back during the Prohibition. Though, if I'm being honest, some of the vamps that worked here probably were from that time. It was owned and operated by only vampires after all.

  I was sad I never got to witness the roaring twenties, but I at least got to grow through other pretty interesting decades and be a part of all the peaceful protests during the war in Vietnam. It was why I still dressed in bright colors and flowing fabrics like the flower child I had been. Those days were the best ones I had in the sun during my last few years as a human. I was turned in the Winter of 1974 and I still looked back on my human years fondly. Kind of made people in my life wonder how a child of the Flower Movement had turned into what I am today. I wasn’t unfeeling or a monster in the mental sense, but my personality had changed so vastly in my years as a vampire.

  “Hey bitch! I was wondering when you’d get here.” Claudia’s voice snapped me out of my reminiscing as she patted the barstool next to her for me to sit. “Sloan is stealing you away a lot more often since that STF guy came by your work.”

  The bartender passed me my usual drink called a Bleeding Jack; a happy mix of blood and Jack Daniels, with a couple of blood infused, frozen cherries to make it ice-cold.

  “I think he's freaking out about the whole situation. You know how wolves get. Even though we're only screwing, his wolf still wants to protect me.”

  Claudia belted out a laugh. “Honey, he isn't just screwing you. That doggy is whipped and would follow you to the ends of the earth with his tail still wagging.”

  I scoffed. “He is not. We’ve both talked about it repeatedly. We can't be more than what we are. I can guarantee he still goes screwing other girls when I'm not available. He's a player, Claud. There’s no she-wolfs in the area, so I'm the only one that can take the roughness that comes with being with a Were.”

  Claudia rolled her eyes at me as she sipped her drink. “He’s not sleeping with anyone else,” she replied matter-of-factly.

  “Oh really? And, how do you know that?”

  She set her drink down and turned to face me, her eyes serious. “Luce, I see the way he looks at you when you’re completely obli
vious. There’s always something in his eyes and in his expression as he gazes at you. It’s not just that he or his wolf are protective of you. They love you. Both of them. I've seen a mated Were couple before, and that wolf looked at his mate the same way Sloan looks at you. You two may think this is all just for fun, but everyone else who has seen you two together knows the opposite.”

  My mouth opened and closed like a fish, not able to comprehend what she was saying. I knew my truth when it came to Sloan. I did love him, but I had never really figured I was in love with him. I never saw these glances Claudia was talking about, but I’d be lying if I said I couldn’t feel the change in our relationship.

  It used to be only hot, quick sex when this all began, but over the last year, it was feeling like more. His touches were slower and more precise, not just all over with need. His kisses were softer. His words warmer. Was Claudia right?

  I shook my head of the thoughts. “It wouldn't matter. It's not practical. Sure, I have love for him, I mean he’s my best friend. But he's turned too much of his life around adjusting to my schedule. He’s a werewolf. He belongs in the sunlight with another werewolf. He needs to have babies because that guy was made to be a dad. I can't give him that. So yeah, it doesn't matter how either of us feel, it can't happen.” I tried not to sound so sad at admitting that, but Claudia heard it in my voice anyways. She wrapped an arm around my shoulders and tugged me in for a quick hug.

  “I know it’s shitty. I actually kinda like the dog, but you're right. He was born to be a family guy. I've seen him around kids and its adorable. I’m sorry, babe.” I removed her arm and nodded, not wanting to talk about it anymore or risk crying over the fact that vampires didn't get to create life in that way. We could turn others, but we couldn't have kids. Vampire tears were gross and bloody, and I definitely didn't want to do that here.


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