The Business Affair: Forever Mine

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The Business Affair: Forever Mine Page 1

by Noel, Jaspira

  The Business Affair: Forever Mine

  Jaspira Noel

  ©2013 Jaspira Noel

  Table of Contents

  All rights reserved


  Other Books by Jaspira Noel

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  All rights reserved

  Copyright 2013 by: Jaspira Noel

  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.


  To my husband – the best thing in my life, continue to rock my world.

  Other Books by Jaspira Noel

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  Latest in the series:

  The Business Affair – Shades of Romance

  The Business Affair – Romancing Roman (Coming Soon)

  Chapter 1

  “Welcome to Roman Neilson Associates of New York, Mr. Boyd,” said Paula Anderson, Mr. Neilson will be with you, please have a seat.

  She quickly walked down the hall and entered Roman’s office. As usual he was not there, and apparently intended to be late for the meeting. She had no intentions of letting that happen. In the seven years that she had been employed with the company she had become Roman’s right hand, both legs, and feet. She knew exactly where to find him, in the research department trying to figure out his next big bank merger. She walked behind his desk and hurriedly dialed the department.

  “Research and development.”

  “Connie, tell Roman to get down here. His latest acquisition is here.” She said hanging up the phone.

  Connie rang Roman’s office phone a few seconds later. “He wants you to handle it.”


  “He says he wants you to handle it.”

  Paula slammed the phone down and made her way up to the 8th floor to Research and Development. She briskly walked through the area finding Roman seated at a desk pouring over financials. Before she could say anything he stood to his feet, raised his hand. He was a strikingly handsome man. Paula found herself arrested by his looks as much as the hand raising up. His dark hazel eyes sent a message of warning. His face was as perfect as a newscaster on a morning show. He had curly black hair, was tall and perfectly tanned.

  “I am not asking you to do it. I am telling you to do it. You should have everything wrapped up in three hours.”

  “Roman, you can’t be serious. You know what today is. You know how hard I worked to get this vacation. I have been preparing you, for today, for weeks. You also know that doctor told me the burn on my hand would never finish healing properly if I stayed under stress. I’ve got to get out of here.”

  “I made you Vice President of the company within 7 years because you are excellent in what you do. Changes are part of the territory. I don’t have time for his questions today. Wilson National is failing and we intend to be the company that bails them out. So I have got to get on this now. Just answer his questions and get that paper transferring all their assets signed today. Your hand is going to have 3 beautiful weeks of healing. You tell your doctor if it does not I will hire the best plastic surgeon in the country. Nobody sticks their hand in an oven without a mitt.”

  “The mitt was wet and I did not want to get burned by the steam. I thought the knife would clear the oven rack to test the casserole.”

  Roman walked over to her firmly grabbing her hand, “Let me see it. Looks much better than it did a few weeks ago. You will be fine.”

  “I am going to miss my damn plane.”

  “Then I will charter you one.”

  “Your kidding right, you think I am going to let you know where I am going on vacation? There is no way I would even consider you doing that. I will just have to take a later flight.”

  Smirking, “Just trying to solve your issue.”

  “This is not funny Roman. One of these days…” Paula said storming out of the room.

  “I want to see you before you leave today.” His voice trailed.

  “Not a chance Roman, not a chance.”


  Paula was angry and exhausted when she got home from the office. The meeting did not take three hours. It took six. Not only had she missed the flight. She had missed all flights for the day. All of the well-planned arrangements for laying her tall, beautiful 130-pound shapely body upon the sandy shores of a private beach in Mexico had been scrapped for the day. Today was the day she was supposed to be wearing that new neon pink bikini. She had mentally scripted every part of stepping onto the shore. She saw her long blond hair blowing in the tropical breeze, the Ray Ban sunglasses covering her steel grey eyes, the highly glossed lips and the feel of the sun on her bronzed skin. This would not be the first time Roman had gotten between her and bliss.

  The airline had to re-arrange her flight for the next morning. She flung herself on her bed, wondering why she was still at Neilson Associates. To tired to undress she kicked off her shoes and lay there.

  Many times the pressure of being VP and Roman’s incessant demands made her want to look elsewhere for employment. Yet, at the same time she knew she was a valuable asset to the company and Roman paid her very well. Weighing out that she had become second in command in such a short amount of time also was a huge deterrent to leaving, but the temptation was surely there.

  She dozed off. Shortly after, her cell phone rang she saw it was Roman.

  “Not answering that.” She said, pulling a pillow over herself to mute the phone. By the third time he called she angrily answered the phone, breathing yet not saying a word.

  “If you had stopped by to let me know how the meeting worked out I would not be calling. I asked you to stop by before you left for the day. Anyway I need the files for the Madison account.”

  “You know Baxter is taking over while I am on vacation for the next three weeks. Did you ask him?”

  “He is already gone for the day.”

  “I know. Everyone in the office should be gone for the day. Get the files from Baxter in the morning.”

  She abruptly clicked off the line. He rang again. She did not answer. After several other attempts she finally picked up.

  “What do you want now?”

  “You still did not tell me how the meeting turned out with Mr. Boyd.”

  “Are you sitting at your desk?”


  “Then right in front of you should be one of the biggest files I have placed on your desk this week with Mr. Boyd’s name on it.”

  “Ok, I will admit it. I am very nervous about you being gone for three weeks. I have no idea where you are going. You are such a big part of this company and I don’t know if Baxter can handle things as well as you do.”

  “He will be fine. I have been training him for months. Don’t call back. I am officially on vacation.”

  Again she abruptly clicked off the line. This time she muted the cell phone and finally got some much needed sleep.

  Chapter 2

  Paula arrived in Mexico at noon. A limousine was waiting for her at the airport. “Greetings M
iss Anderson.” Called the driver. The sound of a heavy Latino accent was like music to her ears. It was her first reminder that she was far, far away from home - even better, far away from Roman. “Will you be staying at Casa Del Leon as before?” “Yes.”

  As he opened the door to the limo, she welcomed the site of the wet bar with her favorite Strawberry Margarita already prepared, and one dozen red roses. There was no finer limousine service than Pablo and Sons. They had been a part of Mexican life for decades.

  “Do you mind if we drive with the windows down? I am dying to view something different, and smell the sea salt breeze as we drive up to the resort.”

  “Not a problem, Miss Anderson.”

  With his consent, Paula relaxed, placing her legs across the soft leather seats. She enjoyed the forty-five minute ride to the resort. Upon arrival a staff was waiting to usher her in.

  “Welcome back Miss Anderson. We are honored to have you here.” Said the concierge. “Imelda will be your host for your stay.”

  “Thank you, Pedro.”

  “You will be housed in the Sunset Shore room, just as you requested.”

  “I appreciate you accommodating me.”

  Paula loved the Sunset Shore room because it gave her the ability to see the most brilliant sunsets in all of Mexico. Each step down the hall gave her a sense of freedom. When she finally opened the doors to her suite, she let out a huge sigh. Tipped the bellhop and then flung open the doors to her patio that was only a stone throw from the private beach. “Heaven!” She squealed.


  Baxter was in a state of anxiety for most of the day. Roman had made sure of that. He enjoyed being Paula’s assistant but working with the big boss was an entirely different thing. They had been going through the Wilson National files with scrutiny preparing for the acquisition.

  “We need to work on the 3 year projections for the account.” Said Roman.

  “I believe that Miss Anderson already has that completed sir.”

  “What is our latest status from the Federal Reserve Board?”

  “I am not sure sir.”

  “Then you need to get sure. Where would Miss Anderson have left that information?”

  “I don’t know sir? May I suggest calling Miss Anderson?”

  “Yes, and don’t stop calling her until she answers.” Roman said. “I will also try to get Maxwell from the Federal Reserve on the line as well. Maybe she told him something.”

  Baxter made sure to stay on top of things for the rest of the day. Though there were lots of frustrations between the two of them. They plowed through the rest of the Wilson National account and unfortunately had not made much progress. Maxwell was not a shred of help. Needless to say Roman was not a happy man by the end of the day. “Has she called you back?”

  “No sir, I am afraid not.”


  Paula had enjoyed her day on the beach. She sat on the shore watching the sunset and feeling her hair blow in the breeze. It was just like she had imagined. When the sun faded, she returned to her room and ordered a meal. She checked her cell phone and was terribly upset to see 25 calls from Baxter. Refusing to return the call, with resolution she tossed the phone on the bed. Then flicked on the TV and sat down to enjoy a large plate of her favorite Paella and sip her Daiquiri.

  Chapter 3

  Roman arrived at work the next morning fit to be tied. Baxter did his best to avoid him but it was to no avail. He was really a pretty anxious guy to start with and Roman’s pressure was not helping him a bit. He was short, stocky and had slightly receding brown hair. Once Roman remarked that he reminded him of George on Seinfeld. He had stayed up all night working on the Wilson National account. In all the mountains of paperwork, that one Federal Reserve filing could not be found.

  “Get her on the line.” He demanded.

  “I have been trying since 7:00 am, and she hasn’t returned the call yet.”

  “How could I have ever agreed to giving her 3 weeks off? She has never taken all of her vacation time at once. This will never happen again. You can be sure of that.”

  “I can try sending her a text message.”

  “I should have thought of that because we have an emergency text code. She better answer that one.” He said whipping out his cell phone.

  Within seconds, Paula’s peaceful shopping trip was zapped like a bug on a windshield. Everything suddenly came to a screeching halt. “Damn it!” she hissed, “This better be an emergency or I will be filing my resignation. He knows this is going to far.”

  Paula swiftly dialed Roman’s cell number.

  “Are you in the hospital?” she said flatly.


  “Has there been an accident?”


  “Have you become incapacitated in any way?”

  “That depends.”

  “Oh Roman,” she groaned, “I have got to have a break. I am worn out. I have been overworked for months. I will fall apart if you don’t give me some space. I need this time Roman. You promised not to use the emergency code unless it was a life or death situation, or the company was at risk. Baxter called me 25 times yesterday. You set him on me like a hound dog.”

  “You know I am not good with apologies. I am sorry for that. But this is an emergency.”


  “I can’t find the last filing paper that we need to wrap up Wilson National. I called Max at the Fed and he says he didn’t know anything about that paper. I looked through the entire file last night and could not find a thing.”

  Paula rolled her eyes in disgust, “That is because I filed the paper with Constance. They already have everything that they need to finish the approval for the acquisition. She said we would not hear back from them unless something becomes urgent. I sent you a text message on that last week. I followed up with an email, and I left you a voice message.”

  “I thought those messages were for the Tri Star Bank. I have so much going on sometimes I get a little lost. That is why I need you here.”

  Paula sighed.

  “Would you consider coming back? I will give you a $100,000 bonus and will…”

  “I know you are serious, but you are out of your mind. Roman I am going to get some rest and you lay off of Baxter! Please, please don’t use that emergency code again.”

  “Paula….” Those words were met with a click.

  Chapter 4

  For the next several days Paula was at peace with the world. Baxter was still calling, but the intensity got less and less. Remarkably, Roman had not used the emergency code. She knew that took a lot of constraint. He was the type of man that wanted everything now and everything done his way.

  Her days were filled with more shopping trips. Eating at the best restaurants on the island. She spent time snorkeling and tanning under the brilliant Mexican sun. When she was not doing that the concierge at Casa Del Leon had a full schedule for her in their spa. There was nothing like those body wraps or full body massages with hot stones under the open cabana. Even grander were the hydrotherapy sessions as she dipped her body in and out of extreme cold and hot showers and hot tubs. It was the most perfect time for her. Slowly all thoughts of work turned into full throttle play. For the moment she was laying on a massage table somewhere between earth and heaven.

  “Imelda, I am so much enjoying this massage.”

  “I am sorry I could not get you in here earlier today, senorita. You know when you have come before we get you in immediately. You are one of our favorite guests.”

  “I noticed it seems to be busier this year. Is it something special going on?”

  “Oh, you have not been watching any of the local programming.”

  “I am afraid not. What is happening?”

  “The Business Affair is being hosted in our city.”

  “What is that?”

  “It is wonderful for the city and for the people that come. There is a group of business people from all over the world that put on The Business Affa
ir meetings in cities all over the world. They have been here four times. The people that come to the meetings pay a lot of money to get in. This years tickets are $4,000 for the event and it lasts 3 weeks.”

  “What is worth $4,000 for a ticket?”

  “Oh senorita, lives are changed. These business people come to meet, mingle and marry. That is there logo.”

  “You’re kidding. I did not know anything like this existed.”

  “It is a wonderful affair. Non-stop activities from the day they arrive until the day they leave. The goal is to have everyone connected to someone before they leave. It is highly competitive. From what I have heard it is very successful and that is why they can charge so much because people get what they came for.”

  “Practically every vendor on the island is involved and it brings in tons of money.”

  “Do the business people stay for the entire time?”

  “Some do and some do not. I can tell you this, there will not be any un-booked rooms in Casa Del Leon for the next two weeks. We have had to hire more staff because of this. You come here alone every year senorita. Perhaps you should go.”

  “That just might be an interesting move. I am looking for all the fun I can have. I so need to get out of my box. I work too much it would be refreshing to go out on a date. Even though I have no intentions of leaving here married.”

  Imelda laughed, “The events are held all over the island. The local programming will give you plenty of details. All you need to do is go to the Coliseum and pay for your ticket. That will give you entrance into any event you want to attend. People have been here since Monday, but the official kick off is tonight.”


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