by Ian Pringle
Bond, James (nom de guerre) 55
Borneo 50, 127–128 Bourhill, Dave 153, 166–167, 170, 202–203
Brand, Basil 146–147
Brand, Christoffel 147
Brand, Johannes Hendrikus ‘Jan’ 147
Brand, Quintin 15–16, 146–148, 252
Brand, Richard ‘Rich’
attack on Chimoio (Zulu 1) 159, 165–171, 201–203, 211, 247
attack on Tembue (Zulu 2) 224, 227, 230
background of 16, 145–154, 216
life after Operation Dingo 251–252
planning for Operation Dingo 135, 137
Brand, Susan 251
briefcase found see suitcases found
briefing for Operation Dingo 116–117, 130–138
Britain 5, 6, 11, 77–78, 80, 104, 106
British Airways 95
British South Africa Police (BSAP) 26–27, 45
Bronze Cross of Rhodesia 115, 125
Browning machine guns 144, 205
BSAP see British South Africa Police
Buckle, Bill 85–86
Burford, Mr 34
Bush War, beginning of 46–47
Caetano, Marcelo 59
Cahora Bassa 38–39, 219, 228–229, 241
Calvert, Mike 109, 110
attack on Chimoio (Zulu 1) 144–145, 159, 162–164, 171–173, 193–194, 211–212
attack on Tembue (Zulu 2) 227, 231, 239
history of 18, 33, 151
Nyadzonia camp 98–99
planning for Operation Dingo 86, 91, 133
Pungwe camp 74
Cannon, John 23–27
20-mm cannons 39, 53–54, 75, 198–199, 229
30-mm cannons 135, 151–152, 173
37-mm Chinese twin-barrelled cannons 197
captives 83–85, 237–238
Carmichael, George 27–28
Carnation Revolution 59
Carter, Jimmy 95
casualty rates 93, 114, 134–135
Catane 218
CB-470 cluster bombs 251
Cecil Square 154
Central Intelligence Organisation 39, 43, 48, 61–63, 75, 102
Cessna aircraft 117
Chaminuka 43
chants of ZANLA 42–43
Chapel of Our Lady of the Rampart 38
Chauke, Justin 41
Chibabawa refugee camp 81
chicken run 101
Chifombo camp 62
Chikerema, James 41
Chikondo, Martin 240
chimbwido 56–57
Chimene, Mandi 180
Chimoio Town 66–67
see also Battle of Chimoio
China 29–30, 36, 86
Chinese astrology 95
Chiswiti army base 219, 223, 226, 228, 243
Chitepo College 85, 173, 204, 207
Chitepo, Herbert 10, 20–21, 29–32, 41, 61–63
Chiweshe, Chief 44
Chiweshe Tribal Trust Land 44, 55
CIO see Central Intelligence Organisation
Circus Circus Group 251
Clark, Les 235
clouds, impact of 99, 158–159
see also weather, impact of
code words for Operation Dingo 141, 184, 187, 222
Cold Comfort Farm 64
Cold War 80
Cole, Barbara 196, 235
College of the Little Flower 147
Collocott, Bruce 100
Combined Operations (ComOps) 94, 102–103, 209
commanders of Operation Dingo 120–129, 136
ComOps see Combined Operations
confidentiality 112–116
Congo 7–8
Conn, Billy 27–28
Constitution of 1961 6–7
convalescents on New Farm 171, 180, 197
Coster, Keith 102
coup d’état, planned, in Rhodesia 248–249
Coventry, Dudley 126
Cranborne 16–17, 89
Crocodile Gang 10–11
C Squadron, SAS 94, 109–111, 126–127
Cuba 73, 132
Culpan, Rick 151
Culpan, Vic 160, 175–176
Curzon Farm 11
attack on Chimoio (Zulu 1) 144–145, 157–158, 160–161, 173, 175–178
attack on Tembue (Zulu 2) 222–223, 226–227, 229–230, 232
history of 18
planning for Operation Dingo 90, 108, 133, 135
Rich Brand on 149
Second Chimurenga 51, 55, 98, 100–101
Dalgleish, Archie 46
Dare reChimurenga (ZANU war council) 20, 30–31, 41, 61, 107, 131, 207, 247
Dartnall, Geoff 136
DC-7 aircraft 133, 143–144, 162, 184–185, 228, 234, 241
DC-8 cargo jet 133, 159, 162, 164, 173
De Borchgrave family 46
Defense Will Not Win the War 103
de Havilland Aircraft Company 16
de Havilland Tiger Moth see Tiger Moth
de Havilland Vampire see Vampires
De Kock, Derek 89–90, 136, 160, 176–178, 233
Delport Farm 162
Department of Internal Affairs, Rhodesia 48
De Sousa farm 67
détente 58–59, 61–62, 64, 69, 71, 96
D’Hotman, Bob 161–162, 175–176, 227, 229
D’Hotman, Trish 162
dialogue with anti-communist African leaders see détente
Dias, Bartholomew 38
Dirty Dozen 105
Distinguished Flying Cross 17
Dixon, Chris 162–164, 171–173, 206, 231
Donaldson, Ian ‘Don’ 98–99
Douglas DC-7 see DC-7 aircraft
Douglas DC-8 see DC-8 cargo jet
Du Bois, Jacques 89, 116
DuPont, Clifford 12
Du Rand, Randy 74, 98–99, 112
Durban Wings Club 125
EAA AirVenture, Oshkosh 251
eagle crash with Alouette helicopter 124
Eastern Highlands, Rhodesia 64
Edden, Mike 47, 155, 205, 228
ejection from aircraft 167, 215–216
elections in Rhodesia 7, 11, 105, 248–249
Elite, The 196, 235
Ellan Vannin Farm 49
English Electric Canberra see Canberras
English Electric Lightning see Lightning aircraft
FAF 4 116, 222–225
farming in Rhodesia 23
Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland 5, 7, 111
Field, Winston 8
Fireforce 28, 53–56, 58, 76, 117, 134
First Chimurenga 11, 21, 36, 43, 47, 154
flechettes 217, 227, 230–231, 239
Flower, Ken 39, 43, 48, 63, 69, 103, 104
fly-past for opening of Rhodesian Parliament 153–154
FN infantry rifle 221
Folland Gnat jet trainer 33, 216
Ford, Gerald 73, 95
Fothergill, Rupert 229
Fox & Carney 115–116
frantan (frangible tanks) 35, 133, 166, 171, 211
free-fall parachuting 50–52
see also paratroopers
FRELIMO 38–45, 59, 63–68, 81, 86, 98–99, 132, 199, 207, 218–219
Friends of Rhodesia 118
fuel-air bombs 152
fuel levels of aircraft see refuelling
Furstenburg, Paul 195
Gaylard, Jack 104
Geldenhuys, Prop 78, 192
Geneva conference on Rhodesia 78–80, 96
Geraty, Spook 166, 173, 201, 203, 211, 227, 230–231
Ghana 6, 13
Gibbs, Sir Humphrey 11
Gibran, Khalil 112
glide attack of aircraft 152–153
Gnat trainer aircraft 33, 216
Golf bombs 133, 135, 152–153, 166, 217
Gondola refugee camp 81
Graça farm 67
Graham, James 12
Graham, Mike 90, 136, 188
; Grand Reef Airbase 113, 137, 209–210
Graves, Colin 120–121
Great Dyke 23
Green Section 133, 162, 171–173, 193–194, 211, 231, 239
Grey High School 120
Griffiths, Harold ‘Griff’ 136, 145, 156–159, 188, 224, 226, 232
Grobler, Mr 195
ground crew (technicians) 190, 202–203, 211, 234
Gumboreshumba 36
Gumbo, Rugare 80
Gwelo 10, 126
Gwenoro farm 169
Haarhoff, Simon 179, 181, 221, 242
Haigh, Dot 192
Haigh, Philip Wilfred ‘Phil’ 182, 190–192
Hales, Frank 50, 236
HALO (high altitude low opening) techniques 50–52
see also paratroopers
Harper, William 12
Harts see Hawker Hart fighter planes
Hart, Winston 44–45
Harvard aircraft 17–18, 122, 146
Harvey, Ian 36, 148, 198–199, 206, 216, 224
Hawker Hart fighter planes 16–17
Hawker Hunter see Hunters
Hawkes, Dave 98–99
Hawkesworth, Gerald 49, 50, 52
Henson, Nigel 226
Herman’s Hermits 119
Heyfron, Sally (later Mugabe) 6
Hickman, John 75
high altitude low opening (HALO) techniques 50–52
see also paratroopers
Hofmeyer, Murray 26–28
Hooley, Mr 195
Howman, Jack 12
Huggins, Godfrey 16
attack on Chimoio (Zulu 1) 159, 165–171, 173, 179–180, 197, 201–203, 205, 211, 217
attack on Tembue (Zulu 2) 217, 222, 224–225, 227, 230–231, 233, 239, 243
history of 18, 122, 150–154
Nyadzonia raid 76
planning for Operation Dingo 91, 133, 137
Hunting Percival Provost see Provosts
Hutton, Jock 236
Imperial Japanese Army 110
Independence Bell 118–119
independence of former colonies 13–14
Indonesia 127
intelligence (int), importance of 83
interrogation of captures 83–85
Iraqi Air Force 251
Itumbi training base 29
Jackson, Mark 198–199
Jackson, Neill 132, 192, 209–210, 226, 233, 235–238, 241–243
Jackson, Peter 247
Jairos (nom de guerre) 46
Janeke, Tol 148, 163, 182, 216
Jarvie, Henry 144–145
Jehovah 66–67
Jenkins, Dave 115, 134, 136, 138, 144–145, 155, 178, 185, 188, 197
Joint Operations Command 49
Joint Services Photographic Interpretation Staff 86
Kaguvi 36
Kalimantan, Borneo 127
kamina-kawena (mine-yours) handpump 36–37
Kangai, Kumbirai 62
Karanga clan 30, 61–62, 81
Karoi 120
Kaunda, Kenneth 13, 59, 62–64, 69–71, 73, 76, 79–80, 107
Kennedy, John F. 95
Kentucky Farm Airfield 17–18
Kenya Police Air Wing 220
Kernan, W.F. 103
Kershaw, Trevor 196
Kesby, Steve 162–163, 182–183, 190–192, 208, 227–228
Khamis Mushayt Airbase 215
Kidson, John 128–129
‘Kind of Hush, A’ (song) 119
Kissinger, Henry 73–74, 76–80, 95–97, 246
Kleynhans, Ida 49
Knottenbelt, R. 105
Konfrontasi 127
Korean War 109
Labour Party (Britain) 14
Lago de Cahora Bassa see Lake Cahora Bassa
Lake Alexander 112–113, 137, 141–142, 155–158, 209
Lake Cahora Bassa 38–39, 219, 228–229, 241
Lake Kariba 229
Lamb, Nigel 115
Lancaster Bomber 17, 23
Lancaster House Agreement 30, 246–248
land inspectors, attack on 49–50
Lardner-Burke, Desmond 12
Law, Ken 182
leeches 111
Leeuwen, Aubrey 120
Lewis-Walker, Jack 114
Lifetime of Struggle, A 65
Lightning aircraft 33, 215–216
lightning in Rhodesia 138
see also weather, impact of
Lilford, ‘Boss’ 8
Lonrho mining company 107
Loots, Koos 177
losses expected see casualty rates
Lowrie, Martin 153, 167, 179, 231
Lynch, Jerry 100
Lynx aircraft 55, 128–129, 171, 188–189, 222, 250
Lysander aircraft 33
Machel, Samora 59, 65, 66, 68, 71, 79, 81
Machingura, Dzinashe (nom de guerre)
see Mhanda, Wilfred
MacKenzie, Bob 177–178, 189, 194–195, 197, 204–205, 207, 210–212, 236, 240, 243
Mac, Kutanga 151
Madulo Pan camp 98–100
Malan, Magnus 107
Malawi 5, 11, 38, 58
Malaya 109–111, 127
Malloch, Jack 133, 162, 241
Manyerenyere, Godwin 27–28
Manyika clan 61–62, 81
Mao (nom de guerre) 55
Mao Zedong 30–31, 95
Mapai, Mozambique 99–100, 103–104
Mapungubwe 98
Martin, David 47, 80
Mashfords run 55
Mashona Uprising see First Chimurenga
Masire, Quett 71
Matimbe camp 45
Mavudzi refugee camp 81
McCormack, Scotty 85–86, 89, 131–132
McGahan, Gerry 235
McGregor, Jock 153
McGuiness, ‘Mac’ 74
McKenna, Bob 235
McKenzie, John see Mac, Kutanga
McLaren, Mick 34, 102–103, 148–149
McLean, Mark 54–55, 115–116, 131–132, 156, 179–181, 185–186, 193, 196, 198, 236, 240
meat-axe diplomacy 74, 79
medical equipment 206
Merber, Tony 241
Mgagao camp, Tanzania 62, 72
Mhanda, Wilfred 68, 81
Middle East 108
MiG jet fighters 90
military service in Rhodesia 101
Milligan, Kevin 99–101, 116, 130, 160–161, 175–176, 229, 232
Milne, Ken 155, 205, 228, 236
Mnangagwa, Emmerson 29
model aircraft 149, 151, 251
models of Chimoio and Tembue 89, 116, 130–131, 135
Mondale, Walter 96
Monkey William Mine 55
Monomotapa kingdom 38, 43, 66, 224
Monte Hombe 168
Monteiro farm 67
Monte Nhamapaco area 67
Monte Utumece 143, 184
Monte Zembe 66
Montezuma Farm 120
Mooney aircraft 125
moon phase, importance of 108
Moore, Sergeant 27
Moore, Norman 47
Mosi-oa-Tunya 70 see also Victoria Falls conference
Mount Darwin air force base (FAF 4) 116, 222–225
Mount Hampden 23
mounting for helicopter machine-guns 36–37
movie camera footage 155–156, 206, 228, 230
Movimento Popular de Libertação de Angola 73
Moyo, Jason 41
Mozambique 31–32, 38, 59
Mpofu, Steven 99
msasa trees 105
Muchinguri, Oppah 86, 174
Mugabe, Robert
President of Zimbabwe 13, 42, 66, 246–249
youth of 6–7
ZANU leadership 10, 30, 60–61, 63–66, 68, 71–72, 79–82, 86, 105, 107, 131–132, 207, 245–246
Mugabe, Sally (née Heyfron) 6
mujibha 56–57
Mujuru, Joice 68
Mujuru, Solomon see Nhongo, Rex
Mulligan, Mike 115
Murdoch, Graeme 181
Mussell, Frank 145, 220
Mussett, Jack 12
mutengesi (sell-out) 56–57
Muzorewa, Bishop Abel 70–71
Mzilikazi, king of the Ndebele 9
Nanking Eleven 29–30
Nanking Military Academy, China 29–30, 36
National Democratic Party (NDP) 5–7
National Party (NP) 5, 126, 147–148
Ndangana, William 10–11
Ndebele tribe 9, 22
NDP see National Democratic Party
Nehanda Sector 43, 50
Nel, Frans Jacobus 196
Nettleton, Gordon 26, 36
Nevada Farm 36
New Farm, development of 67
see also Battle of Chimoio
Newman, Gaps 197
New Sarum Airbase 17–18, 91, 114, 116, 136–137, 144, 155, 160–164, 224–225, 226
news blackout 224
Nhari, Thomas 61–63
Nhongo, Rex (nom de guerre) 44, 46, 62–63, 67, 79, 86, 131, 169, 206–207, 249, 251
Nhongo, Teurai Ropa (nom de guerre) 68
Nixon, Richard 73
Nkala, Enos 10
Nkomo, Joshua 5–10, 20, 59–60, 70–71, 79, 96, 107
Nkrumah, Kwame 6, 13
Nomis, Syd 126
Norman, John 160, 180, 195–196
Northern Rhodesia (later Zambia) 5, 7, 11
see also Zambia
Norton (town) 154
Norton family 47
NP see National Party
Nyadzonia camp 67–68, 74–77, 92, 94, 98, 207
Nyandoro, Edmond 36
Nyasaland see Malawi
Nyathi, Morrison 74
Nyerere, Julius 59, 71, 77, 80
OAU see Organisation of African Unity
Oberholzer, Petrus 10–11, 36
Oborne, Geoff 224
OCC see Operations Coordinating Committee
Old Sarum aerodrome 17
O’Mulligan, Dale 232–233
Operation Hurricane 46, 50, 52–56, 58, 224
Operation Natal 40
Operation Noah 229
Operations Coordinating Committee (OCC) 87, 92–94, 102
Operation Tempest 46
Organisation of African Unity (OAU) 29, 68, 72, 73, 104
Owen, David 106, 118, 246
owl run 101
Oxfam 206
Palmyra palm trees 66, 98
Parachute Training School (PTS) 50, 89, 100, 116, 160
Paradaks see Dakotas
attack on Chimoio (Zulu 1) 160–161, 175–178, 180, 187
attack on Tembue (Zulu 2) 226, 229, 232–233
planning for Operation Dingo 89–90, 92, 136–137
Second Chimurenga 50–52, 111
Paris Peace Accords 73
Parliament, fly-past for opening of 153–154
Pasidina 2 171, 180, 197
Patriotic Front 79
Paxton, Dick 46, 49
Paxton, Vic 220
PB see Petter-Bowyer, Peter
Peinke, Kevin 115
Peirson, John 113
Penney, Charles 113–114, 192
People’s Caretaker Council 10
Percival Provost see Provosts
personal computers, launch of 95