Untamed Wolf

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Untamed Wolf Page 11

by Wade, Cara

  His kiss was passionate, possessive as he ravaged her lips with his own, and Jessica found herself responding, despite the warning bells that were sounding in her head. It had been so long and Troy’s tongue was on hers, hot and insistent, and she was beginning to feel light headed. Jessica moaned, a soft sound, but Troy caught it.

  “Seems like you do want me…” He whispered in her ear, smugness dripping from his tone.

  Before Jessica could reply, his lips were on her neck, sucking her skin, his tongue, hot and slick was running down the curve of her skin. Before she knew it, the buttons of her blouse were being undone, revealing her bra. To her horror, Jessica realized she didn’t want him to stop.

  She thought she’d had enough of this type of guy, a guy that would probably leave you in the dust, leave you for dead without a second thought. Hot, wild, confident. Damn, she wanted this.

  Troy lifted her from the wall, reaching back to unclick her bra. It fell away and Jessica shimmied out of it quickly, her blouse dropping to the floor. Her hands gripped his jacket and Jessica realized that she didn’t want him to take it off.

  She shuddered and arched against him, her fingers curling tighter in his jacket as she pressed against him, the cool air ghosting her breasts.

  Her breath caught in her throat, “Troy…”

  His body was strong and warm as it pressed against her, the leather of his jacket brushing against her breasts. They were moving so fast! Jessica had no time to contemplate this, before he was stroking her nipple with his thumb, teasing the sensitive bud as he nipped at her collarbone, pressing close until Jessica melted against the door, feeling the smooth wood against her back.

  The heat between her legs was betraying her. She grabbed his jacket, letting go only to tangle her hands in his shirt, pulling it up to reveal the toned muscle beneath. A soft moan escaped her as she pushed up against him, her breasts rubbing against his skin.

  Jessica could feel a bulge in his jeans, and she pressed against him with wild abandonment. Her heart was pounding as if she was on a bike, the same kind of reckless freedom coursing through her veins. Troy moaned against her neck, hands reaching around, down the curve of her back to grasp her behind in strong hands.

  Jessica gasped as she was pulled onto her tip toes, arching as he lifted her almost off the ground. The heat was growing unbearable and she wished she wasn’t wearing pants because she wanted Troy more than she had wanted anyone in a very long time.

  Troy seemed to be reading her mind. He skimmed her legs with his hand, finding the button and undoing it quickly. Jessica didn’t bother to resist as her pants fell from her skin, dropping into a heap on the floor and leaving her dressed in nothing but a pair of panties. Jessica squirmed as Troy’s hand moved between her legs, stroking the warmth that lay there. Bold, passionate. When his fingers moved to pull aside her panties, Jessica thought she might never start breathing again, her head dropping back against the door.

  Skillful fingers stroked her thighs, his breathing growing hot and heavy against her skin. Her body tingled, her breasts pressed tightly between them as his fingers hooked into the fabric of her panties.

  She groaned softly as he tugged them down. She felt the soft cotton of her underwear give way, slipping down her skin. She tried to close her legs, push them closer together, even as she felt a dampness against her thighs.

  She felt him breathe against her neck, voice low and insistent in her ear, “Better part your thighs for me.”

  Jessica couldn’t help but respond and Troy pulled them down until she stepped out of the fabric, leaving her wearing nothing at all.

  She moaned as she shivered and her body responded traitorously, parting her thighs. Troy didn’t hesitate, his fingers exploring the heat between her thighs, pushing slowly within her and making Jessica gasp with desire, biting her lip to hold back the cry.

  She shivered, arched, hands reaching for his jeans, forcefully unzipping them, fumbling as she undid the button.

  Troy chuckled against her skin, but his breathing was growing as shaky as hers, “Damn…”

  Jessica gasped, bucking her hips as his fingers pushed deeper within her. Her hands grabbed at Troy’s jacket, thrilling at the feeling of the leather tangled in her fingertips. Her breathing was shaky as the burning pleasures rose inside her. Troy braced one hand against the door and Jessica could see, even through the leather, how his muscles tensed.

  “More.” She moaned, nothing more than a whimper torn from the depth of the desires now lighting up her skin.

  “You asked for it sweetheart.” Troy’s voice was strained and before Jessica knew it, he had was lifting her up, back pressed against the door. Jessica wrapped her arms around his neck, his broad shoulders, her legs wrapping around his hips to brace herself.

  Troy groaned and Jessica bit her lip as she felt Troy’s girth press against her, hot and ready and oh so impressive. A gasp left her as he slowly entered her, the heat building within her to a fever pitch and making Jessica feel as if she was about to pass out- and he had not even started yet.

  He was gasping too and Jessica tightened around him, thrilling at the way it made him groan. He had one arm around her, holding her up, the other braced against the door. She could feel sweat trickling down her spine.

  Then Troy began to move, and all she could feel was him. His thrusts were strong, strong and in control and it was all Jessica could do to hold on. The way their hips rocked together was delicious and Jessica arched into him in time to his thrusts, gasping and moaning as he claimed her, mind, body and soul.

  Faster, harder, all consuming. Every thrust made Jessica feel light heated. The pressure between her thighs was building. The pleasure was welling up within her. It was too much, and all she could feel was him. Troy, and a burning desire unlike anything she could remember feeling.

  Leather and gas, sex and sweat and Jessica was loving every moment of it. Polite society be damned, she had never felt so free.

  Jessica’s climax hit her hard and fast, the expert way Troy pushed against her giving her delicious friction. Jessica couldn’t help but cry out as wave after wave of pleasure slammed into her. Troy climaxed soon after, holding her tightly, pushing her tighter between him and the wall until she barely had room to writhe with the pleasure that was overwhelming and all consuming.

  Slowly, slowly, the pleasure eased from her, leaving her with the warm bubble of the afterglow inside her. Slowly, Troy shifted and set her back down on her feet. She leaned against the door, feeling too shaky to keep herself upright.

  Troy shifted, disposing of a condom that Jessica didn’t even realize he’d used. Worry flushed her skin at the lapse. She’d been so caught up in the pleasure, she hadn’t even thought about it.

  Troy zipped up his jeans and Jessica was suddenly struck by her own vulnerability. For some reason, it sent a thrill down her spine.

  “Where’s your bed?” Troy didn’t seem in a hurry to move far from her.

  “Just… up the hall.” Confusion swirled in Jessica’s mind, still a little overwhelmed by everything that had just happened. Troy nodded and, before Jessica could protest, she had been lifted into his arms and carried to her bedroom. He set her down with surprising gentility and pulled the blankets over her.

  “I’ll see what I can do about that loan.” He smirked, and maybe it was just the light, but it seemed softer than before, “I’ll lock the door on my way out.”

  And suddenly, it was all over. The day that Jessica had was still swirling through her head, the night she had still burnt through her body. But Jessica was too tired to deal with any of it. She shut her eyes and drifted into sleep as she heard the front door shut with a final click.

  She knew that she should be angry with Troy, should hate him. But she couldn’t find it in her heart to hate a man who made her feel as free as Troy did.

  She’d never been able to do that.


  The next few days seemed to pass in a blur, everything moving too fast
for Jessica to keep up. Between work, late night shifts and discussions with Troy, she didn’t seem to get any sleep. Troy was true to his word in helping her get a loan. He acted casual, acted like he didn’t really care one way or another, but Jessica could tell that he was working hard for her and the thought sent flutters through her.

  However, as the days dragged on, there was still no sign of a loan, and no sign of anything else that might get her out of this situation. Jessica spent hours sitting in her home, unable to sleep, despite her exhaustion, mourning everything that once was. She didn’t like this house, this house with all of its painful memories, but it was still the only life she knew, the only security she had, and the thought of it being taken from her cut her deeply.

  Exhaustion started to work its way into her soul, deeper than her bones as the week drew to a close and there was no resolution. She knew that Ace had no legal right to force her to sell the property, seeing as it wasn’t exactly the most legal lone in the first place, but she knew that she would pay either way, and the cops would be no help at all.

  Even Troy seemed disheartened when he showed up at her door a few days later.

  “Look, Jessica…” He started as soon as she opened the door, “I think your best bet is to plead your case with Ace again.”

  “What?” Surprise surged through her and confusion followed soon after, “But you said that was a stupid move.”

  “So you do listen to me.” He grinned, folding his arms across his broad chest, “Look, don’t go arguing with him– that’s stupid. Get your shit together, let him see exactly how you plan on paying him back.” He shrugged, “Not saying it’s gonna work, but it’s the best shot you’ve got.”

  Jessica nodded, feeling trepidation swirl in her stomach, “When should I meet him?”

  “Tonight.” Troy’s reply was instant, “I’ll arrange for dinner at the club house, just us three.” He looked her over, “Hope you’re good with your mouth.”

  Jessica blushed at the dirty innuendo, crossing her arms as she stared him down, “What time?”

  Troy shrugged, “Seven-ish. I’ll pick you up.” He grinned, “And wear something nice, huh? Ace is always more relaxed when he’s had a couple drinks and is talking with a pretty girl.”

  Stubbornness reared its head inside her and Jessica considered wearing the least appealing clothing she owned, just to make a goddamn point. Instead, she shot back, “You didn’t seem to mind what I was wearing last time.”

  Troy chuckled and shrugged his shoulder, “Yeah, but I have better taste than Ace does.” He turned and headed towards his bike, calling over his shoulder, “Around seven. Be ready.”

  Jessica spent the rest of the day getting ready, despite the stubbornness that made her want to throw it all away and tell them to all go to hell.

  Instead, she gathered her finances, worked out what she could pay them, and how often, and tried to make it sound better than it was. She spent a few hours doing that, getting everything in order for the dinner, wanting to be well and truly ready for whatever came her way tonight.

  Once she had finished, she glanced at the clock and realized that she still had a few hours before it was time to meet Troy and head off to the meeting.

  For a long moment, she debated not getting dressed up at all. Then she thought of Troy, as smug and offhanded as he was being, she also knew he was risking his reputation, at least, by setting up this meeting for her. The least she could do was honor his advice and get ready like he suggested.

  So Jessica did something that she had not done in what felt like years. She pulled out all of the stops. She lit a few pretty smelling candles that were gathering dust on an old shelf, she grabbed a towel, and she got to work.

  Stepping into the shower, Jessica started by lathering on a mask on her hair and on her face. She grabbed the body scrubs that had been languishing at the back of her cupboard. She scrubbed every inch of her skin with the sweet smelling lotions until her skin glowed and shone as if it was fresh and new. She let the mask soak into her hair, which she had let become drab and dull over time.

  She hoped that the mask would take care of the exhaustion that seemed to cover her face at all times, too. Jessica grabbed her razor and started shaving her skin, getting to all the neglected places that she had not touched in months. After all, what was the point when you were working multiple shifts with no social life to speak of, let alone a dating life?

  The razor glided across her skin, leaving her feeling fresh and preened. She had almost forgotten how lovely it could feel to take care of herself. Jessica rinsed off the hair mask and face mask under a warm shower spray. She took her time to really shampoo her hair, massaging the scalp, before rinsing it all off and throwing in a heap of conditioner.

  Already, she was starting to feel better and more in control. She was still exhausted, but she felt that maybe, just maybe, she would be able to manage this evening.

  She soaped up nicely, before rinsing everything off her skin and her hair, turning off the shower and stepping out. She wrapped herself up in a towel and twisted her hair into a towel too.

  Then, she took the time to slather herself with sweet smelling lotions that made her skin feel amazing. She dabbed on eye cream carefully and moisturized her face. When she glanced in the mirror, the face looking back at her was that of a different person, and Jessica wasn’t even done yet.

  Putting on a robe, Jessica wandered into her bedroom, plugged in her hair dryer and began to style her hair. It had been so long since she’d bothered to actually style it, that it took her a while to get into the groove of it. She rubbed in the styling cream, brushing it over the strands, grabbing her brush and beginning to blow dry it so that it had more volume. She grabbed her straightening iron, actually bothering to run it over her hair a few times and adding a few bouncing curls. A quick spritz of hair spray set it all in place.

  A glance at the clock told her that she had an hour left. Taking a deep breath, Jessica wandered to her wardrobe and searched through its depths for the pretty little black number that she used to wear when she went to dinners. The cut was flattering, the skirt brushed above her knees, and the neckline as just revealing enough to still be classy.

  Jessica set the dress aside, sitting down at the little vanity that she hadn’t used in forever. She dug out her old brushes and make up and went to work. Simple primer and foundation to chase away the exhaustion that colored her skin. A gently dab of concealer around her eyes to ease away the bags. A swipe of blush and mascara. Eyeliner and a simple brush of color. Some face powder to keep all in place without making it seem caked on. A touch of subtle lipstick finished it all off.

  It was subtle, which was just how she liked it. She didn’t look like she was caked in make-up, but her skin looked fresher and brighter, her eyes looked bigger and her lips looked far more kissable than usual.

  She hadn’t done too bad a job on her hair either. Jessica smiled, stepping into her dress and slipping into a simple pair of heels. She grabbed a coat to protect her from the winter chill.

  She wished she had time to do her nails, but they were neat and she still looked put together. A glance at the clock told her that it was almost time to leave. She slipped on a simple necklace and pair of earrings, before she grabbed the notes she had prepared and made her way to the door.

  Troy didn’t make her wait. At seven o clock, her doorbell rang and Jessica answered it, ready to go.

  Troy paused as she opened the door. He wore a button up shirt that he’d left open at the collar. His signature leather jacket and jeans were still very much in place. Troy’s eyes widened for a moment, before he grinned, the predatory look back in his eyes as he stepped backwards to let her pass, “You took my advice.”

  “Are you saying I look nice?” Jessica moved past him and towards where his bike was parked.

  “I might be.” He chuckled, eyes lingering over her, “I think ‘fuckable’ is a better term, though.”

  Jessica felt the heat move
up her cheeks, but for some odd reason, she was pleased instead of offended. What the heck was wrong with her? She shot him a scathing glare, “Not with the way you’re acting, I’m not.”

  She twisted her hair back and clipped it behind her head in a practiced motion. She climbed onto the back of his bike, easily adjusting the skirt of her dress, “Helmet?”

  “You’re getting forward.” Troy’s eyes flashed dangerously and it sent shivers down Jessica’s spine. So she just shrugged and held out her hand.

  He handed her the helmet, leaning in close, “You’re lucky I happen to like you.”

  For some reason, Troy’s words warmed Jessica’s heart more than they had any right to. Troy mounted the bike, threw on his helmet and tore out of the drive before Jessica had a chance to say another word.

  Then again, she didn’t really need to.


  Jessica straightened her dress as they stood outside in the hallway. Troy rested a hand on her shoulder and for a moment, she felt comforted. Then he knocked and opened the door.

  The room inside was elegantly set and was nothing like what she expected. Ace was sitting at the table, looking relaxed and just as she remembered him. Tingles ran down her spine.

  Dinner was a simple affair, and it started by Troy laying out Jessica’s case simply. Jessica followed this up by bringing out the facts and figures that she had prepared, talking about how she could pay them back effectively in a reasonably amount of time.

  As they ate and drank, Ace just nodded, listening all the while, confident and in control. Jessica used all the public relations tricks that she had learnt in marketing and business, to try and impress him.

  But it wasn’t until she had to use the restroom, that Ace said anything at all. He was waiting outside the meeting room when she returned.

  “Jessica... You know I have to make sure the club has their debts paid, don’t you?”


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