Untamed Wolf

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Untamed Wolf Page 14

by Wade, Cara

  She shook her head, feeling happiness buzzing within her. “No, thank you. I’ve met everyone that I want to. I just want to go.”

  All she wanted was to be alone with him, but she didn’t say that aloud. She hoped that it was obvious.


  Abbie couldn’t forget how Travis’s kiss had made her feel. It infiltrated into her dreams all night long. As he had dropped her off at her door, she’d been tempted to invite him in, but she also didn’t want to move too fast and screw everything good in her life up.

  Plus she lived at her parents’, so like a teenager she really couldn’t. It was embarrassing enough without bringing him inside too.

  She was surprised to wake up to a text message from him, but even more so when she read what it said:

  Abbie, last night was amazing. Let me take you out to dinner tonight? Travis x

  Okay, so it wasn’t a declaration of true love or anything, but it did make her feel all warm and fuzzy inside. She wanted to be smart about it, to really consider the implications of her actions – which could be potentially devastating for her career – but at the same time, this was something that she really wanted to do.

  The arguments that she’d given herself the night before were still there milling around in her brain, but so was the memory of that kiss. She had never experienced such intense and exciting chemistry with anyone before, and she wasn’t sure that it was something that she could turn her back on.

  After spending such a long time living a comfortable, settled life, she was finding the lure of something that was so potentially dangerous to be deadly exciting.

  Almost as if he could sense that she was reading his words, and that she was having a moment of insecurity about it, Travis texted again.

  This will only be about you and me. The job won’t be affected no matter what happens. There is nothing to worry about.

  “Yeah,” Abbie muttered smiling to herself. “Only my precious heart.”

  But after being through what she had with Greg, she felt stronger now. She was sure that she could take it no matter how this went – in fact, if she went into it with open eyes, viewing it as nothing more than a fling, a rebound to get over what she’d just experienced, then nothing could go wrong… surely?

  Okay, sounds good. Just let me know where and when and I will be there, Abbie x

  She lay back on her sheets for a few moments, just wondering what it would be like to actually be with such a strong and powerful man like Travis, but she couldn’t even picture it. Before Greg, there had only been her high school boyfriend, Danny – and their two encounters had been so awkward they weren’t even worth thinking about.

  Maybe this was exactly what she needed – a no strings attached night of fun that would never go anywhere. Maybe after that, she could finally move on with her life…


  Abbie kept glancing at Travis out of the corner of her eye, unable to believe how relaxed he was in this crazy environment. This was officially the fanciest restaurant that Abbie had ever been to, and she almost didn’t know what to do with herself. She was much more accustomed to fries and burgers (when she was having cheat days – as a dancer she did have to look after her body), not the food that this place had on offer. It was almost too much.

  She had known about Travis’s riches long before they went out, but what she hadn’t realized was what this would mean. She felt self-conscious, and way out of her depth. She was utterly certain that everyone could see how little she belonged in this place, and as time went on, she couldn’t wait to leave.

  The place was luxurious and the food was nice, but Abbie couldn’t relax no matter what.

  Travis was doing his best to make her feel more at home, but she already knew that there was no amount of wine that could make this any better. It was weird, and that was making her act strange too. While she couldn’t relax, she couldn’t be herself, which was affecting every aspect of their conversation – or lack of it.

  “I’m sorry,” he eventually said as the waitress ran off to get the dessert menu. “I don’t know why I brought you here – this is where I bring girls who are impressed by money, but I already knew that you weren’t like that. This was a mistake.”

  Abbie hated to see the sad look in his eyes, and she instantly tried to defend his decision – even though it had been the wrong one. “No, no, this is lovely…”

  “Would you like to leave and get some ice cream at my place instead?” She knew that he was giving her an option here – a way out – but she was too excited about the idea to refuse. She wanted to see Travis in his own environment, and she wanted to be able to relax herself around him, letting him see more of her too.

  “Okay,” she said, grinning happily. “Let’s go.”


  Despite the fact that what Travis called a home, Abbie would have referred to as a mansion, she was finding it much easier to be around him in the more comfortable environment. She could be herself more, and she felt happier in the more casual skater dress that she’d chosen for the night.

  They were actually laughing, enjoying one another’s company; it was exactly how Abbie had hoped the night would go. With no one else around to make her feel uneasy, she found herself chatting and laughing, showing Travis the real her – which he seemed to like.

  The more time that she spent around him, the easier she found it to be. Underneath his terrifying persona was a kindhearted soul, one who’d worked hard to get where he was in life. He had turned the heartbreak of losing his wife into a life positive and really gone on to make something of himself – which Abbie really admired. It was exactly what she wanted to do with what Greg had done to her. She wanted to take his example and turn her life around into something much better – and she hoped that this music video job would be just the start of that.

  She certainly felt a lot more positive than she did when she first arrived in the city.

  They finished their ice cream quickly, and returned to sipping wine instead. Abbie already knew where she wanted to night to go, but there was still a nervousness inside of her, even when the energy of the room started to change into that of a more heady lust.

  He was going to give her the night of passion that she so desperately needed, becoming her rebound fling – which was easy to think about, but much harder to act upon.

  She almost went to stop it, just in case he didn’t live up to her fantasy that she’d concocted of him, but as soon as her kissed her once more, she knew that she had no hope of resisting. He was an amazing man, one that she liked a whole lot, and the closer he got to her, the more excited she became by him.

  As the desire-filled expression consumed his bright blue eyes, a fierce burning of passion exploded in her stomach, and she knew that she had to have him or she would die. She’d never felt that way before, and it was an intense sensation that she never wanted to end.

  “Would you like to come up to my bedroom with me?” Travis asked, but Abbie quickly shook her head no. She didn’t want to leave the comfort of his couch where everything felt so amazing, for even a second. She was afraid that any movement would rid the magic from the moment, and she really couldn’t afford for that to happen when she was feeling so good.

  At first, he pulled back as if he was being rejected, but when Abbie grabbed hold of him and pulled him back towards her, he started to realize just what she was hinting at. She didn’t want to stop where the night was headed, she just wanted to keep it here.

  His hands started to trail all over her body, exploring every inch of her, and she lost herself to the sensations he was sending through her body. Nothing else mattered anymore – not the heartbreak, not the fact that he was a player – nothing. It was just her and him, and that felt perfect. She wasn’t even worried about where this would leave her – she had already decided that this would simply be a night of fun, which put her firmly in control.

  As his fingers played with her breasts, a large moan of pleasure burst from her lips, and s
he realized just how free she felt. She wasn’t self-conscious that she probably didn’t match up to any of his previous conquests; and she wasn’t trying to reel herself in and control herself. She simply was… and that felt liberating.

  She had been a different woman with Greg – a quiet, compliant person who didn’t seem to mind when he didn’t seem in the mood. She had certainly never been desperate to have him, the way she was with Travis, which was a real shame. This burning passion would be the first thing she looked for in her next boyfriend – she didn’t think that she could live without it in her life now. Even experiencing it once was enough to have her hooked.

  Eventually, she started to tug at his shirt, wanting it off, desperate to know what lay underneath. What she discovered, as the material flipped over his head, was a set of rippling muscles that sent an animalistic bolt of passion coursing right through her. This was a man who really took care of himself, and there was something very sexy about that. She had never thought of herself as someone who was intensely attracted to a man’s muscles, yet that was exactly how she found herself now. She traced her fingers over his sculpted torso, panting breathlessly as she fell deeper into an intense lust.

  As he hitched her dress up and tossed it over her head, she happily allowed his eyes to scan up and down her. Surprisingly he was examining her as if she was the sexiest woman on the planet – and she really liked that! Normally she didn’t like anyone to look at her that closely – especially not a man who was probably used to supermodels – but because she’d decided that it was only going to be a fling, and because he was so obviously turned on by her, she really didn’t mind.

  He rained kisses down her body, his lips touching practically every inch of her skin as she buckled wildly against him. His head was slowly inching down over her and she started to suspect where he was headed – a place where she hadn’t felt a man’s lips for a very long time. Far too long in her opinion!

  At first, he stopped to rub his fingers lightly and tantalizingly on the outside of her lace panties, getting an indication of her hot, wet desire, but as she screamed out for more, he rapidly gave into her, giving her exactly what she wanted by pushing the material to one side and slipping a finger in.

  “Oh God,” she screamed, as he brought her quickly towards the edge of desire. “That feels amazing.” As he inserted another finger, then another, she wasn’t sure that she could control herself for even one second longer. His touch was expert, almost as if he already knew her body better than she did. She had never felt pleasure as good as this.

  Not wanting to lose herself before she could demonstrate to Travis just how amazing she could be too, she moved out from beneath him and flipped him over, until he was sitting on the couch. She hadn’t wanted to move him away before he claimed her core with his mouth, but at the same time she knew that as soon as he got there, she would fall apart, and she wanted to prove herself before that happened.

  “What are you…?” He began to ask, a questioning look evident in his eyes, but as he noticed Abbie crawl down his body until she was kneeling between his legs, that expression changed to one of sheer joy.

  Abbie kept her eyes on his face as she unbuckled him and freed his cock, enjoying the moment. He closed his eyes and lolled his head back, really feeling the ecstasy. It excited her greatly and made her feel very powerful to have such an effect on this man. It gave her more pleasure than sex ever had before, and she really enjoyed the moment of learning something new about herself. She didn’t know that she would love being so in control, but right in the heat of the moment, it was exactly what she needed.

  As she pulled his thick, throbbing erection out, and she started to run her hands all over it to get a real feel of it, she couldn’t help but be impressed. He was huge – bigger than she’d ever seen before – and she wasn’t quite sure what she was going to do with it.

  Or more, what it was going to do with her!

  As she mover her head closer, and she nervously wrapped her lips around him, she instantly felt a tension fill his entire body. This gave her the encouragement that she so desperately needed to bob her head up and down, fully taking in his length as much as she could. She wasn’t used to giving such intense blow jobs, but it felt good to do that for the first time with Travis. She just had a feeling that he wouldn’t judge her no matter what, freeing her to try new things.

  Once she got used to the sensation of him in her mouth, she began to experiment further, flicking her tongue as she moved, bringing him closer and closer to the edge. She could feel him trembling, crumbling, which caused her excitement levels to grow too.

  “Fuck, stop!” he eventually yelled out, moving her back from him. “No, I can’t. I… I’m too close.”

  Abbie smiled to herself, grateful for the interruption before she got too carried away. Her body was pulsating, aching for Travis now, and she didn’t want to do anything to prevent him from taking her. She sure as hell hadn’t come this far for nothing!

  She sat back on his lap, feeling his cock throbbing at her entrance. He moved about, teasing her for a few moments, before she could take it no longer. She grabbed hold of him, and angled herself onto him, sliding down his full length and gasping out in surprise.

  Travis had clearly been enjoying her taking so much of the control, but he could take it no longer, so he simply picked her up with her legs still wrapped around him, and he pressed her up against the wall. There, he used the sheer strength in his arms to hold her upright, while he thrust hard and powerfully into her at an angle that Abbie had never before had the pleasure of experiencing.

  The newness of this, plus the combination of sensations flooding her body, sent Abbie to the brink. He had her at the perfect angle, brushing her clit with every thrust, quickly sending her flying over the edge into a place that she hadn’t been with someone else for a very long time. It was truly amazing. He had this way of making everything so much better – and that was addictive in a way that Abbie really hadn’t been expecting.

  “Oh fuck,” she yelled as the waves of pleasure tremblingly shattered through her body, the orgasm consuming her whole. “Oh my God, Travis. Fucking hell, you feel… you feel amazing.”

  As she fell apart completely, losing herself in his arms, Travis’s support didn’t slip one bit. He held her as if she weighed nothing, as if she was a mere feather. And like a feather, she felt as though she were floating on the air.

  While Abbie’s pleasure started to subside, Travis began to tremble as he edged nearer to the brink. Knowing that he wouldn’t be able to hold her upright when he was consumed too, he tossed her back onto the couch, where he rode her with all the passion that was coursing through his veins.

  Abbie clung onto him, digging her nails into his back as she connected with him on another level entirely. She realized that she didn’t so much like the cocky, arrogant persona that he put on for the rest of the world. It was actually his vulnerability she preferred. When he was open, raw and honest – just like he’d been before they first kissed – that was what she connected with and made her feel special.

  She was sure that not many people got to see that, and it made her feel very grateful that she had. She was falling for him already. She knew it wasn’t wise, but there was something there, something that had her wanting even more from this man.


  But as soon as the encounter was done, Abbie could sense a change within Travis. It was almost as if he couldn’t get away from her fast enough. He started throwing his clothes back on almost right away, and he wouldn’t look her in the eye.

  She dressed too, suddenly feeling incredibly vulnerable and very used. As she tugged her dress over her head, she resisted the temptation to angrily brush away her tears. How had the night gone from so amazing to so awful in such a few short seconds? Did Travis always treat women this way? Was that how he had obtained his reputation?

  And worst of all, why did she feel so low when she was supposed to only be using him too?

bsp; “What… what’s wrong?” she eventually asked, feeling the need to address it. “Is everything okay?” She didn’t want to leave having said nothing – she wasn’t that weak person anymore. She wouldn’t be taken advantage of all over again, no way.

  He stared at her, tugging on the ends of his hair, looking more stressed than she’d ever seen him look before. After a while he sat on the couch, and indicated that she should do the same. She complied, but she only perched on the edge, feeling incredibly awkward about everything. Maybe she should have just left silently after all…

  “Look, I really should have told you this beforehand,” he started, causing Abbie’s heart to pound painfully against her chest. She wasn’t sure where this conversation was going to go, but she knew that it wouldn’t be good. “In fact, I usually make it a point to say this beforehand, so I don’t hurt anyone…” he sighed deeply, looking a little heartbroken. “Only, I can’t do long term… it just isn’t for me.”

  She nodded, dumbfounded, unable to believe this was having to be said. This awkward conversation was ruining what had actually been a magical night. Couldn’t he have just left this unsaid? It was pretty obvious! Did she really look like that much of a bunny boiler?

  “I already told you about my ex,” he continued needlessly. “She really screwed me up and I honestly don’t ever want to go through that again… I’m sorry. I just… I have this rule that I don’t hook up with a woman more than once, so that I don’t get my heart broken.”

  “Yeah, yeah,” she gulped down a weird, unexpected ball of emotion that was sitting in her throat. “I understand.” Why did she feel so weird? This was exactly what she wanted – no strings, just fun. But it didn’t feel fun anymore…

  “Thank you,” he replied, and she instantly spotted a moment of true heartbreak there. Something that suggested he wasn’t quite as happy as he was making out to be with his stupid rule. What the hell was going on here? Why was it all so weird?


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