Untamed Wolf

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Untamed Wolf Page 17

by Wade, Cara

  That was the way she preferred it – just the two of them.

  “Yeah,” she replied, nodding seriously, hoping that he had all the answers because she sure as hell didn’t. “But… what can we do about that?”

  Her heart pounded noisily as she started to wonder if this was the time to open up and tell him everything – all about the past that she’d been keeping from him, just to keep things simple between them. But would it be weird to open up about her romantic past to someone that she’d shared one measly kiss with? Would it be weird to tell him all about the cheating that Greg put her through, and about the heartbreaking fling she’d had with Travis? It was the only way that she could explain why she was so odd about everything, and clear the air, bus should she do it? Would she want to hear it if it was the other way around?

  But then he shocked her by not really talking about it at all, and by completely changing the subject back to the task at hand. “So, shall we rehearse?” He held his hand out to her. “It might be easier with no one else around.”

  She glanced at him in surprise, wondering what his endgame was with this. Did he intend to just blow over it completely and to just leave it at that? She supposed that was what she had intended by acting like it was just a drunken thing… but she couldn’t deny that it stung a little.

  Okay, well if he didn’t want to talk it through and analyze every detail, then she certainly wasn’t going to push it – she decided this with such a conviction, that she almost managed to convince herself that it was what she wanted, too. Trying to blow past her feelings, she took his hand and they started to go over their moves once more.

  “If we start from this bit,” he murmured, seemingly avoiding making eye contact with her. “Then we can get to the… kiss in a minute.”

  “Okay sure,” she nodded as if she was completely on board with the plan. But her brain was a mess. Her feet moved perfectly in time with the music, completing all of the steps to precision, but the entire time she was acutely aware of where this was headed and that was playing havoc with her.

  Oh God, she kept thinking, over and over again. Any minute now. She kept trying to look into his eyes to see if he was feeling anything of what she was, but he was pointedly refusing to look directly at her – focusing on his feet instead.

  Eventually, they could avoid it no longer, and the moment came upon them. As his face moved closer to hers, with his lips pursed in a way that was incredibly sexy, Abbie couldn’t help but agree with him on one point – without everyone else around, it was much easier. Of course there was still a little bit of awkwardness, but mostly Abbie found herself excited that he had his lips upon hers once more. All her vows to herself that she would keep away from him vanished into thin air as he moved in towards her all over again. All her promises that she would keep things simple until she figured out exactly what she wanted in life became a worthless argument. Her head was still muddled, but her body craved Rex’s. Surely no one in the world could blame her for falling for the charms of such a hot rock star… especially since he was such a lovely, kind man too.

  She wanted to hate herself for being so weak, but in that moment, she couldn’t even care.


  As their lips crashed together, everything else melted away. The stress of the day, the fact that they were in the dance studio, all the reasons that they shouldn’t be kissing…

  The entire world shrank simply to Abbie and Rex, and that was just how she wanted it. Suddenly, she could feel free around him – and that was exactly how the kiss needed to look in the music video.

  Not that she was thinking too much about the music video right now!

  Things had already gone too far, there was no turning back now. Abbie knew that she was giving in to a forbidden temptation, but she didn’t care. The lust buzzing in her brain was drowning any sensibilities out. Her other cares vanished when she had this gorgeous man enflaming her body with desire. She’d been pushing Rex away for far too long. Now was the time to invite him in, to let him be with her in the way that she so desperately wanted him to be.

  As Rex pushed her backwards until she was pressed up against the nearest wall, Abbie got a better feel of his body. He was different to Travis, less sculpted and broader, but in a way that made her feel really safe and secure. He was warm, and cuddly, but toned too – it only took one rub of her hands over his t-shirt to discover that much about him, and she immediately couldn’t wait to explore more.

  But would that be a mistake?

  “Oh God,” she eventually groaned, fearing that it might be best to examine this before it got way too out of control. “Rex what are we doing?”

  “Do you want me to stop?” he asked, whilst running his mouth all over her neck, clearly having no intention to. “I can if you want me to.”

  She couldn’t blame him for wanting this to continue – he’d been making his interest in her obvious for long enough – but the more that he did that to her, the less she was able to think straight.

  “God no!” she cried out, as his fingers made their way down her body. “Never.” Nope, it was too late. She was too far gone – even if this wasn’t the most sensible move for her, there was nothing she could do now. She needed him, craved him, ached for him, and for that reason alone she absolutely had to have him.

  Plus if she really thought about it, she knew that she wasn’t getting into something dangerous with this one. With Travis, he had been dangerous because he was a player, and that hadn’t ended well, but with Rex he had already told her that he would treat her well.

  He told me that he would worship me forever – so his intentions are pure!

  She knew that when he said those words, he really meant them. He was known as a one-woman man for a reason. He treated his women well. She was also very aware that he only got sexually intimate with women whom he really liked. She was special to him, he really and truly did care about her. She knew that. If she decided to let him in, things could be amazing between them.

  It would be even better because they had started things based on a friendship. There was an intense chemistry there between them, but they also got on really well platonically too. They had a real basis for a relationship, which she realized now that she hadn’t with Travis. It had always been purely about physical lust and sex – nothing more. That was why it ended in such an abrupt and awful fashion.

  If she was really honest with herself, what she had with Rex now was firmer ground for a relationship than what she’d had with Greg, when they’d started out. If she wanted to go the full way, she was certain that Rex could even turn out to be the man she married – as crazy as that was to think about in the middle of hooking up, it was nice, and quite reassuring too.

  After a while, Rex slid down Abbie’s body until his knees hit the floor with a thump. She glanced down in shock, wondering what the hell he was playing at, until he started to kiss along the edge of her trousers, sending prickles of desire racing through her body. His lips seemed to have something expert about them, which she wanted to know more about.

  As he slid her clothing down, leaving her exposed and vulnerable for him, she did not hinder him. She wanted to know just what he could do to her. She had a feeling that he was going to send her flying, causing her to experience things that she never had before, and she would have to be crazy to turn that down!

  His breath on her entrance was enough to send her damn near insane, and as he grabbed her leg and tossed it over his shoulder so that he had total control over her she cried out in joyful surprise. She wouldn’t have felt comfortable for anyone else to do that to her – but with Rex she knew that she could trust him and that he wouldn’t do anything to humiliate or upset her. Sure it was a little strange being in such an unusual, exposed position, but she found herself really enjoying it.

  “Oh God, Rex,” she moaned, allowing her head to fall to one side as the pleasure consumed her. She started running her hands through his hair, but quickly found herself gripping onto the wall
behind her, just to keep her upright. “You really are a pleasant shock.” Even his kisses on the outside of her core was enough to have her buckling and almost screaming loudly. It didn’t even matter to her that they were still in the rehearsal room, or that anyone could walk in at any moment – she was enjoying herself so much that she didn’t even care.

  As he plunged his tongue deep into her, it took all that she had not to completely fall apart at that moment. He moved in and out a few times, causing her back to arch in ecstasy. Then when he started to trace a pattern all over her clit, Abbie started to disconnect from her body; the pleasure was too intense. It was on another level, leaving her unable to even breathe, never mind speak.

  Rex certainly knew how to work a woman’s body. She didn’t even want to question where his skills had come from, she just wanted to collapse backwards against the wall and let him have his way with her.

  She didn’t want to compare Rex to Travis, because they couldn’t have been more different if they tried, but she couldn’t help but notice something. Something that had her really thinking. When she was with Travis, she wanted to impress him, to make him like her. She made their time together much more about him than her. Whereas Rex was making her feel incredibly special, like he was the one who wanted to impress her. It was weird to see it that way, when he was the one who had the whole world at his feet, but the more he worked her body, the more she couldn’t help but see it in that way.

  Eventually, just as she thought that she was going to lose it right there and then, Rex stood back up and seductively undressed the top half of her too. As they both watched her bra tumble to the ground, she spoke out. “I don’t want to be the only one naked. I want to be able to see you too.” She tried to laugh at this, as if she was making light of the situation, but the way that Rex was looking at her as if she was the most beautiful woman he’d ever laid eyes on made her want him to continue looking just that little while longer.

  The fact that Rex didn’t have sex with just anyone meant that this moment was something important for both of them. It gave her the confidence boost that she so desperately needed. She’d had a lot of low self-esteem recently, so it was wonderful to have even an inkling within her that she was sexy. It excited and empowered her, and gave her a feeling that she didn’t want to let go of.

  He stepped back and stripped slowly for her, maintaining eye contact the entire time. With every bit of material that shed from his body, she found herself growing more and more excited until she could barely breathe with it all. Her heart was thumping loudly, and her ragged breaths were shaking from her body. He was absolutely gorgeous. She wanted this man badly, she needed him right now, and she fully intended to make that happen.

  As he stepped back away from her, displaying a very impressing throbbing erection that caused her eyes to bug out from her head for just a second, she moved lower towards the ground instinctively and he followed her suit, wanting to give her exactly what she wanted. He was so happy to be with her in that way, that he would have given her whatever she needed to make her happy.

  She lay down on the cold hard floor, and he hovered over her, totally enjoying being with her. “You really are something else,” he told her. “I’ve never met anyone like you in my entire life, and I honestly don’t think that I ever will.”

  “No, me neither,” she mused thoughtfully. She honestly wasn’t sure how she would be able to cope without him in her life anymore. He’d had an impact on her that he probably wouldn’t even understand, and she had no idea how to make that clear to him. How did she tell him that he’d changed her in just a few short days?

  He tenderly lowered himself onto her and, without teasing or delaying, he simply plunged into her, letting them both have exactly what they needed. He wasn’t into games and messing her about, he just wanted her to be happy, and Abbie appreciated it.

  Abbie gripped onto his strong shoulders, gasping into his mouth, as her body craved his. She needed him to go in deeper, to really explore her hot wet desire, so she gasped loudly, hoping that he would get the hint.

  He eventually started to ride her faster and harder, exactly as she liked it, and she threw her head back in happiness. He felt phenomenal, even better than she’d been expecting, and she was glad that she’d allowed herself the freedom to experience him. If she hadn’t, she would always regret it.

  As the hot pool of pleasure spread over Abbie’s body, and the orgasm crashed over her, she allowed the shuddering waves of bliss to consume her entirely. She completely gave herself over to Rex, and that felt wonderful. She already knew that she could trust him with her life, and for that she adored.

  “Oh my God,” Rex panted in joy as he gave into her too. “You’re amazing, so amazing.”

  As they lay on the floor next to one another, panting happily, Abbie turned to face Rex, to have another look at that adoration that he had for her in his eyes. She knew that he wasn’t in love with her. But that look in his eyes was the closest thing to love that she’d seen in a very long time, and it touched her deeply inside.

  “Well that was fun,” she said, smiling at him. “But I don’t know if it helps us with filming tomorrow.”

  “I don’t know,” he replied dreamily. “I think now we’ll be able to deal with things much easier.”

  “Let’s hope so,” she replied seriously. “Or I might end up fired!”


  The next few days passed by really quickly. Once Abbie and Rex got over their awkwardness with shooting the kiss, everything ran much smoother with filming – to the relief of everyone. They even ended up getting compliments from the stuffy director, which shocked every single person on the shoot.

  But they had another dilemma. Because everything went so smoothly, they finished shooting much too quickly – so much so that Abbie and Rex hadn’t even been given another opportunity to hook up again, something they both regretted. They both desperately wanted to have sex again, but they’d been working too hard and too long to be able to make that happen. They had no time, or energy. They kept thinking that they would have another night… until it was too late and there wasn’t any time left.

  As filming wrapped up, and the cast and crew had a mini celebration together – just until they got their flights. At the party, Rex ensured that he stole a moment alone with Abbie, because he really didn’t want to leave things up in the air. He had a lot that he wanted to say, and he needed to get at least some of it out.

  “I don’t want to go back,” he groaned sadly, running his hands down her cheeks as if he didn’t care who could see them. “I’m going to miss hanging out with you. It’s been so much fun.”

  “Me too,” she replied, feeling just as morose. “It’s been like a dream – the best few days of my entire life.” And she really did mean that. Even before they’d hooked up it had been wonderful simply to be around him. She had no idea how she was going to function without having him so close all the time. She didn’t want to think about it. Her real life was nothing like Hawaii, and that was really sad. She didn’t feel ready to give up on this escape from her regular life with all its problems just yet. She didn’t like to even think about them, never mind having to go back and deal with them.

  “Look,” he continued, placing one had on her shoulder. “I know that this has been a little crazy and fast… but I really do like you and I meant everything that I said.” Her heart beat faster as she started to wonder where he was going with this. “I just…” he sighed deeply and thoughtfully. “I want to be able to just ask you out on a date, and for it to be as simple as that, but it isn’t.”

  Oh God, she freaked out. Does he know?! She hadn’t told Rex anything about her past, but there were ways he could have found out – the music industry was a small world after all…

  “My life is just so crazy… as you saw. The constant intrusion from the media is too much, and I don’t want to drag you into that unprepared. You need to realize that it might get really difficult at times.” He stared
into her eyes, hoping that she would see how serious he was. “And I don’t want to pull someone as lovely as you into it if there’s even the smallest doubt in your mind.”

  There was so much that she wanted to say at that moment, but she felt frozen to the spot in shock. Much as she knew Rex liked her, she hadn’t been expecting him to say what he’d said. She didn’t know how to deal with him basically asking her to be his, especially as he came with just as much baggage as she did. Would they be crazy to give it a chance? But would they regret it if they didn’t? Would it be the biggest mistake that both of them would make?

  “So what I’ll suggest is this…” he continued, dragging her attention back into the present moment. “Take a week at home, really think about it and let me know how you feel after that. I would love it if you said yes, let’s go for it, but I also will completely understand if you don’t want to. There won’t be any hard feelings. Does that sound okay?”

  She nodded numbly, not knowing what else to do. This had just become so much heavier than a simple holiday romance, and she didn’t know how she felt about that.

  Then he ended their conversation by kissing her lightly on the lips, and turning to walk away. She wanted to yell out to him, to beg him to come back, but she knew that he was right. She really did need to take out some time to consider this properly before she jumped into this. She needed to be absolutely certain that she was prepared for everything that would come with being Rex Ryder’s girlfriend. She would be under constant scrutiny, her every move would be watched, and that would cause all kinds of pressures.

  Plus there was the fact that she had her own messes to sort out too. There was no denying that her own life was complex, and that if she really wanted to be with this man, to give him her everything, she needed to be ready for that. She needed to bring absolutely no baggage with her.


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