Untamed Wolf

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Untamed Wolf Page 27

by Wade, Cara

  “The cinematic value seems richer in black and white. Color is amazing, but there’s something about a vintage film that feels far more romantic,” he replied.

  “That’s interesting,” she said.

  “You must think I’m strange,” he said with a chuckle.

  He looked over at her and their eyes locked. It was so sudden that she couldn’t pull away, getting lost in the swirl of blues and hints of green at the center of his eye. They were waves washing over her or stars of light bursting on the fourth of July.

  Frightened, she broke away and looked forward at the screen that was already playing halfway through the film. A shiver went up her spine.

  Why had he looked at me like that? She thought to herself.

  It was as if he was looking deep into her mind, trying to find pieces of her that weren’t readily available on the surface. But it was silly to think such a thing. He was her bodyguard and she was his client. There couldn’t possibly be anything else there.

  If there was, it would be inappropriate, she thought. He’s my guard. I wouldn’t dare breach that bridge of professionalism, even if there was a chance.

  She bit her lower lip.

  But maybe I would consider it.


  The crowd was roaring beyond the stage while Harvey remained on the steps leading up to it. He watched Samantha waving excitedly, her sparkling outfit glittering in the lights coming from above. A smile crossed his lips. Their tour had been going well and hadn’t proven to be dangerous by any means. They had a few false alarms, but that was to be expected when tensions were high.

  Being on constant alert occasionally led to him follow a false lead, but it always proved to be worth checking. Being proven wrong was better than discovering a late plan to harm Samantha. He had grown extra protective of her, checking her hotel rooms before she entered in order to make sure they were safe. It was part of his job to be vigilant, but he was starting to feel more strongly about her safety.

  As she sauntered over to the side of the stage, he held out his hand to help her down the steps and she smiled while accepting it. At the bottom, she turned around and then led Harvey down the hall to her dressing room. Fans erupted into a frenzy up ahead and Harvey quickly stepped forward to block them in the small hallway. As soon as tour security had a handle on the girls, they allowed Samantha passage.

  To his surprise, she stopped and started speaking to the crowd in a calm voice, winning them over immediately. She signed hands and notebooks almost instantly, and proceeded to take pictures with each of the eight girls in attendance. He admired how she handled them with ease without rushing them and even gave them hugs in addition to inspirational words.

  A smaller girl about the age of ten was standing behind the gaggle, her mother holding her shoulder gently while trying to make her way through the girls. Harvey tapped Samantha’s shoulder and pointed.

  “Hey,” Samantha said, silencing the girlish babble around her. “What’s your name?”

  The mother smiled and helped the little girl step forward as the other girls parted to allow her passage.

  “Abby,” the young girl replied. “My name is Abby.”

  “Hi, Abby! It’s so nice to meet you. Did you enjoy the concert?” Samantha asked while accepting her little notebook.

  “I did. I love your song Famous Now. It makes me want to be a singer,” Abby replied.

  “Thank you. I’m glad to hear you want to be a singer. Do you dance?” Samantha asked.

  She was amazing to watch, her eyes lighting up every time she looked at Abby and giving her a hug by the end of the conversation. The other girls beamed with jealousy at having been ignored, but it made Harvey smile to watch Samantha give the younger girl extra attention. It was almost motherly.

  Samantha took a step back and waved at the group of girls as they were escorted from the hallway, some of them turning back to wave wildly. Harvey placed his hand on her shoulder and gently guided her to her dressing room where she collapsed on the soft couch.

  “What a night!” she sighed loudly.

  Harvey nodded in agreement.

  “That was kind what you did back there,” he commented.

  She smiled and looked down at her manicured nails, picking at something on her forefinger.

  “I was her once,” she admitted. “When I was a little girl, I met my favorite singer, Alana Raymond. She told me the same thing about persisting and being confident.”

  “It’s amazing to see you pass that on,” he said.

  “I always do. The world needs more people who are driven to succeed and make a difference. I hope one day that little girl does the same,” she said.

  “Have you ever seen any fans get famous?” he asked.

  “Not really. I knew of one little girl, Maura Moore, who said I was her influence and she went on to become a popular pianist, but she didn’t necessarily sing,” she replied.

  “Still, that’s something,” he said.

  Samantha smiled shyly and shrugged.

  “That’s true,” she said.

  “Well, I’ll leave you to rest for now. If you need me, I’ll be right outside the door,” he said.

  “Harvey,” Samantha called as he walked away.

  His hand remained fixed in midair as he turned slightly to look at her from the corner of his eye.

  “Yes, ma’am?” he asked.

  She hesitated. Her lips were parted as if to speak, but no words came out.

  “Thank you,” she finally said.

  Harvey turned around completely, folding his hands together in front of him.

  “For what?” he asked.

  “Being so flexible and alert,” she said.

  “It’s my job, Samantha,” he said.

  “I know, but I wanted to personally thank you for being my guard. I’ve had a hard time adjusting to crowds, but you’ve remained patient with me. You’re doing a great job,” she continued.

  He smiled.

  “It’s my pleasure,” he said.

  With a nod, he turned and exited her dressing room and then stood next to the door while scanning the hall. He listened closely for sounds nearby, picking up on some footsteps in the distance that faded almost instantly. The bud in his ear emitted a few words and he pressed it further into his ear to listen to the other security guards talking about the crowd.

  “Most are leaving the building, over.”

  “We have a few stragglers in section G, over.”

  “Make sure to tell Donnie about the ones in the back. Over.”

  “Is the bird still in the nest? Over.”

  Harvey pressed the button on his radio to reply, “The bird is still in the nest. Over.”

  “Roger,” said the one who asked.

  He stood still in the silence of the hall. It was almost dead quiet. The sound of shuffling came from the other side of the dressing room door and he listened to make sure she wouldn’t fall over. Samantha had proven to be a habitual klutz. It wasn’t her fault that she was slightly clumsy. In fact, no one would ever guess she regularly knocked things over or fell from time to time from the way she danced.

  With long legs and the determination of a soldier, she would glide across the wooden dance floor with ease. He had watched her many times before they went on tour, admiring how lovely she looked under the bright fluorescent lights. Every so often she would tumble, but would immediately catch herself with a practiced fall.

  Smiling, Harvey looked down at the ground while imagining Samantha dancing through the hallway. She was most beautiful when she was doing her contemporary dance exercises, floating seamlessly from one corner of the room to the other. She would kick her legs in the air, bounce like a gazelle, and then land perfectly on two feet with her arms in a perfect oval shape above her head with her blond hair hanging long down her back. He smiled and then shook his head.

  Don’t daydream, Corporal, he thought. Stay focused on the job at hand.

  The door squeaked open behind
him and he stepped forward with ease before turning about. Samantha stood in the center of the frame, practically perfect under the horrible lighting of the hall. She wore an elegant mermaid gown made of white silk with sparkling sequins across the torso. Around her neck was a collection of golden feathers with earrings to match. Her blond hair that was originally pulled back now hung in long ringlets over her shoulders, extending down to her torso.

  “What?” she asked as she clutched her golden purse.

  Harvey raised his eyebrows.

  “You look...” he trailed off, chuckled and then adjusted his shirt. “You look better than I do.”

  She giggled and flashed a row of pearly whites that seemed as bright as her dress.

  “Thanks,” she said. “Shall we?”

  “Where are we going?” he asked.

  “Back to the limo,” she said pointedly. “And to the ball, of course.”

  “Ball?” he asked.

  Samantha raised an eyebrow.

  “Are you tired? It seems like you’re forgetful this evening,” she said.

  Harvey shook his head and smiled wide while holding out his arm.

  “My apologies. It slipped my memory that we were attending the gala this evening,” he said.

  She took his arm and they walked down the length of the hallway, reaching the exit door that was for clients only. The red letters on the creamy white plastic were chipping away and Harvey checked over his radio to make sure the car was in the back before heading out into the alley.

  “Do I look alright?” he asked as they headed for the hotel.

  “You look handsome,” she said. “Don’t be so nervous.”

  Harvey chuckled and looked out the window, noticing the red carpet and bright lights flashing from cameras. He heard her sigh and lean towards him, her chin resting on his shoulder.

  “Well,” she said. “It’s time to shine.”


  The night air felt amazing. Samantha inhaled deeply and smiled, happy that the gala had been such a success. The limo pulled up in front of her home and she sighed, her head falling forward a bit as she grew heavy with exhaustion.

  “Ready?” Harvey asked after he had stepped from the car.

  She looked up with a sleepy gaze and nodded while stepping from the car. She put one stiletto in front of the other and suddenly rolled her ankle, falling forward before Harvey caught her.

  “Oh!” she cried.

  “Samantha, are you alright?” he asked while holding her up by her waist.

  “God, that hurt!” she cried. “I think I rolled my ankle again.”

  “Let me see,” Harvey said while kneeling down.

  Samantha held on to his shoulder to balance herself while Harvey knelt down to inspect her foot that seemed to be swelling. The skin was red around her ankle. Without hesitation, he removed the stiletto from her foot and then lifted her up into his arms to carry her into the house.

  “Thank you,” she whispered as he carried her inside.

  “It’s my pleasure,” he replied.

  She flushed immediately, feeling his muscles flex under his suit as he ascended the stairs to the second floor. Every molecule in her body was vibrating from being so close. It wasn’t like he hadn’t carried her before. There was a night of debauchery on the town where she had been too drunk to stand and Harvey had offered to help her inside. She didn’t quite remember that night, but flash memories returned of the same position: her arms draped around his neck and her head leaning against his broad shoulder.

  To her relief, the lights were dim in the hallway, the shadows shielding her flushed face from being seen. It was comforting to be carried. She felt like a sleepy child being carried to bed by her father and she nuzzled her face a little closer to his neck to inhale the sweet aroma of his cologne.

  The room tilted a bit as Harvey laid her on the bed, the top two buttons of his shirt undone and revealing hidden ink. She admired it for a moment, but didn’t mention it as he turned on the bedside lamp and picked up the phone. His hand was planted next to her waist to keep him propped up, his neck exposed to her which she leaned over to kiss instinctively.

  Realizing what she had done, she leaned back into her silk pillow and covered her mouth with her hands. Harvey hadn’t moved. The phone was midair in his hand, frozen in place like a statue. An eternity seemed to pass before he finally set the phone back on the charger, keeping her hands still over her mouth to prevent any further advance.

  Blue eyes came into view. He was looking straight at her with a look of uncertainty, his eyes darting between hers and the headboard. Her own eyes were frozen like a deer in headlights while waiting for his response. It would likely involve some explanation of professionalism, maybe even a hint of regret that she had misinterpreted his helpful nature, and she braced herself for it. She could see it dancing on the tip of his tongue.

  “Harvey, I—”

  Lips intercepted her apology. A great tension deep in her gut seemed to give way as a hand reached up to cup her face, strong muscles moving over her body to adjust her position on the bed. He drank hungrily from her lips, parting her mouth with his tongue in order to explore the wet cave of desire that had been wanting desperately to kiss him from their second week together.

  Samantha hummed contentedly as Harvey traced the curve of her waist down to her hip. His hand slid down the silky dress and bundled it up in his hand, pulling it up to reveal a smooth thigh. He wrapped one arm around her waist and pulled her in close, deepening the kiss.

  Her breathing labored under the weight of her impatience, stripping his suit jacket from his shoulders and unbuttoning the rest of his evening shirt. Underneath was a large tattoo of a dragon with yellow eyes and great teeth. It looked Japanese, the colors dramatic on his tan flesh. Curiously, she traced the outline with a finger nail as she draped her arm over his shoulder.

  She felt his hand shimmy up her thigh, pushing her dress up further. The silk slid over her skin with ease as his hand found her torso, trailing across her skin and up to a breast. She gasped when his thumb found her nipple and she arched her back, closing her eyes as his lips greeted her chest.

  Sighing with her mouth agape, she honed in on the sensation of him gliding his hands under the straps of her dress. Each one slid down easily and revealed supple breasts which he nuzzled with his nose. Hungry again for his kiss, she pulled him up and settled him between her thighs, wrapping her legs around his torso.

  His hips thrust forward automatically, practically bucking against the fabric of her dress. She could feel his cock growing hard beneath his dress pants and reached down to undo his belt. Following her cue, he sat up to remove his pants and pulled his cock from his briefs, guiding her hand to the erect shaft that was twitching with excitement.

  As her fingers wrapped around his cock, he hissed and buried his face in her neck, bucking as she stroked the sensitive skin of his shaft. Her fingers trailed over the head and then back down, wrapping around the shaft and massaging gently. He grunted in her neck and nipped her skin which inspired her to pump harder.

  “Sam,” he whispered.

  “Yeah?” she asked.

  “May I?” he asked.

  “Yes, please,” she replied.

  He pulled her arms up over her head and reached down to find her vulva, sliding his fingers over her clit and down into her entrance. One finger slid inside and then two, causing her to buck and moan. As his fingers slipped in and out, his thumb danced over her clit in circles. The skin became engorged almost immediately, driving her into a fit of moans as she squirmed under his touch.

  Her brows furrowed together and she covered her mouth, surprised that such a muscular man could be so gentle. His lips returned to hers, electricity crackling between their bodies. He withdrew his hand and replaced it with the head of his cock, gently teasing the outline of her vulva.

  “Please,” she whispered. “Do it.”

  A mischievous grin crossed his lips and he nuzzled her nose with

  “Are you sure?” he asked.

  She nodded, her tongue dancing at the edge of her bottom lip while his lips grazed hers. He slipped carefully into her entrance and then pulled out, using his fingers to stroke her clit while sliding back in. Her eyes rolled back as he pushed deeper with each thrust, the pressure increasing the further he pushed.

  She gasped. He was completely inside. He stopped for a moment and waited, only continuing when she smiled and nodded. Another gasp erupted and she arched back again, opening herself up to deeper thrusts. As he picked up a steady rhythm, she pulled her legs up and he hooked his arms underneath her knees, exposing her vulva to his curious fingers.

  A strong hand planted itself on her shoulder to give him a better grip, causing her to squeak with each thrust. His hips rolled into her thighs and she bit her lower lip to keep from screaming. Tension formed in her pelvis, her breathing becoming more labored as he pumped into her feminine portal. His other hand was busy pressing against her clit, inciting all manner of moans to escape her lips while trying to control the volume of her reactions.

  Every stroke was maddening. She hadn’t been pleased in so long that she had forgotten how satisfying it was to be touched by a spare pair of hands. The alarms in her head screamed this was a breach of professionalism, but her body simply didn’t want to stop. Smiling, she pulled his hands to her waist and adjusted their position, sitting up on top of him while he held her in place.

  She rolled her hips against him and gripped the skin of his back, her blond ringlets falling in front of her face while she bayed against his lips. Every stroke brought her closer to climax. It wouldn’t be long before she reached her peak. A hand came up to cup her breast, her hands trailing up his back and to his neck for better leverage.

  The knot tightened in her stomach. She rolled her hips faster, her breasts bouncing as he reached down to grip her bottom and aid her humping. Panting hard, she buried her face into his neck and squealed. The tightened knot was starting to snap, the muscles of her pelvis tensing while she rode his cock high up into the sky. As the knot snapped, she cried out and shook hard, seizing in his arms as he continued to pump hard into her entrance.


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