Untamed Wolf

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Untamed Wolf Page 53

by Wade, Cara

  “That’s quite a story,” Constance commented. “I think I’ll write the whole thing down. It would make a sensational series.”

  “I agree,” Erika said.

  “A story? About this?” Leonard asked.

  “Of course! We need to document what happened, and who better to tell our story than from the perspective of you two love birds?” Constance asked rhetorically.

  “Such a romance belongs in books,” Ulita agreed. “Could you pass me that protein bar?”

  Erika picked up a protein bar and passed it to Ulita who thanked her.

  “I’m not sure,” she said. “Being immortalized in a book is so...so...”

  “Permanent,” Leonard finished.

  Erika nodded.

  “Exactly,” she said.

  “It’s perfect for the two of you,” Constance said.

  The couple looked at each other and smiled, Erika taking Leonard’s hand and kissing his knuckles.

  “I suppose,” she said. “Just don’t use my name.”

  “Done!” Constance said. “Now I can start writing.”

  As Constance zoned out into her head, Ulita munched on a protein bar and Erika reached for a sandwich, her stomach growling loudly.

  “I didn’t realize how much energy I used,” she said. “It’s like I’ve been completely depleted.”

  “I feel the same way. Even with the extended serum, I get extremely tired when my energy is low. The serum only gives me a small boost when I’m on my last 5%,” Leonard explained.

  “I can’t imagine how that feels,” she said.

  “It’s like getting an adrenaline shot and then you sprint for twenty minutes,” he said.

  “That sounds like a rush,” she said.

  “It really is. And it’s definitely worth it until you run out,” Leonard explained.

  “I’m just glad we both made it safely here. What do you think will happen now?” she asked.

  “Well, we’ll have to rebuild,” he replied. “And we might also have to repopulate the earth.”

  “Oh yeah?” she asked.

  “Yeah,” he replied, shimmying close to her.

  Erika giggled.

  “Do you suppose we could start now?” she asked.

  “I’m sure we could manage to do that,” he replied.

  “Captain, do you have any spare rooms here?” Erika asked.

  The captain turned around from the computers and nodded, pointing to the door near the back corner that led to a corridor of rooms.

  “Just find an empty one,” he instructed.

  Erika pulled Leonard towards the door and they located an empty room, shutting the door behind them and locking it. In an instant, he had her pinned against the door, fumbling with the buttons of her jeans in order to yank them off. They were still filthy from the battle, but she didn’t care. The feeling of him pulsing against her petals was incredibly satisfying and she moaned softly in the dark room.

  The barrier of their clothes was quickly removed and Leonard eased himself into her soft portal, causing her to bay and cover her mouth. She giggled and then wrapped her arms around his shoulders, his tongue darting between her lips for her to suck on. He kept a firm grip on her hips as he dove deep into her fields, groaning as she rolled her hips forward to the rhythm he set.

  It wasn’t long before she was shivering with delight and gripping the skin of his back, leaving little marks where her nails were digging in. Leonard grunted and she bayed – they were close. His hips rocked into her faster, the brutal strength of his passion taking her breath away. Reeling back, she braced herself against the door and squeaked, moans escaping her lips with each gasp. He buckled and tensed up, hot honey filling her to the brim with utter pleasure.

  Panting, Leonard lifted her off the door and carried her over to the cot where they wrapped themselves up in the sheets to calm down from their intense sex session. Erika turned to face him, their noses touching.

  “I love you,” she whispered.

  “I love you, too.”


  Glasses clinked together and the room was a wash of color, a digital chandelier displaying an array of warm colors. In the midst of people stood Leonard and Erika who were awkwardly holding on to each other. Leonard gripped her hand. She turned and smiled.

  “It’s alright,” she whispered. “You’re fine.”

  Leonard wasn’t used to polite company. His bulky muscles felt like they might burst from his suit at any moment, but Erika’s hand in his made him feel more confident. He watched as Captain Nyugen raised his glass of bubbly and tap it twice, signaling the room to go silent.

  “I’d like to take this time to recognize a number of people in the room who have displayed bravery and strength in the face of adversity,” he stated. “Not only were they not required to act, they did so not expecting anything in return. I call them the Infallible Four because of their dedication to helping save the earth.”

  Leonard turned to look at Ulita and Constance who were standing proudly next to Erika, the three of them dressed in the most elegant of gowns.

  “Would my wonderful, brave friends please step forward?” he asked.

  The four walked towards the center of the dance floor and joined Captain Nyugen who pinned a digital medal to each of them and then shook their hands. When he was finished, he raised his arms and started clapping, signaling the room to do the same. Their applause sounded like a roar and Leonard smiled while joining along. He turned to Erika who was clapping as well, her smile glittering in the dim light of the ballroom.

  He took a deep breath, knelt down, and held out his hand to her. Shock filled her face and a slew of gasps rippled through the room as everyone stopped clapping and waited to see what was about to happen. Ulita began to cry.

  “My darling,” he said. “I have no ring to give you. I haven’t much to give you other than my strength, my protection, and my love. You have proven to me that you value me for more than that. Your love and your affection have proved to me each day that it is genuine, so I want to return that to you by promising you my body and mind forever.”

  Erika was crying, tears streaming down her face as Leonard rubbed her hands and continued to speak.

  “I never thought I would find a love like this in this lifetime, but now I have thanks to you. I want to make you happy forever, for us to make change in the world while raising our own children. Would you do me the honor of becoming my wife?” he asked.

  Covering her face, she nodded and Leonard stood to give her a kiss. The room roared again, the happy couple twirling about as the band began to play in the background. Ulita and Constance joined in their hug, tears of joy streaming down their faces.

  “Such a lovely ending!” Constance blubbered while holding Erika. “I’m so happy for you!”

  Ulita hugged Erika next, Constance walking over to Leonard to squeeze his hands which caused him to smile. Constance hugged him.

  “You sly fox,” she whispered.

  Leonard winked and walked over to his fiancée who was already beginning to make wedding plans with Ulita. The two looked adorable with their faces lit up, passionately chattering back and forth about flowers, dresses, and other items she would want for the wedding. It made Leonard smile. After a few moment, a waltz began to play and Leonard took up Erika in his arms as she waved at Ulita.

  Captain Nyugen and his wife joined the couple on the dance floor, spinning and swaying across the shining tile. It was the perfect ending for the day, the couple beyond elated to have each other. Leonard wondered how their children might look, whether they would have their father’s brawn or their mother’s intellect. He hoped it would be a fair combination of the two. He knew they needed more strength in this world as well as more intelligence to push forward. They had come a long way in developing the human race, and they could be the first couple to have a more complete earthling.

  While they danced, Leonard brushed a lock of loose hair behind Erika’s ear and she smiled shyly wh
ile looking down. The beautiful brown eyes fluttered and then locked back on his, glittering with joy from the events that had unfolded. She looked tired and happy all the same. The slender jaw and full lips invited him to plant a kiss, so he led her off the dance floor towards the hall where there was no one around.

  Without another word, the two pressed their lips together and kissed for what seemed like an eternity. He pulled away and cupped her face in his hands, rubbing his thumbs along her cheeks. She was still crying. A small smile formed and he returned it.

  “Are you happy?” he asked.

  “Of course I am,” she replied. “Why would you ask? Do I not look happy?”

  “You do. I think you are. I was just making sure,” he said. “I just want you to tell me if there is ever a point where I stop making you happy.”

  “Why would you say that?” she asked.

  “Because I want to make sure I’m doing my job,” he replied with a grin.

  She smiled.

  “You’re doing a fantastic job, Leonard,” she said. “I’ve never been happier in my life. I swear.”

  “Nor have I,” he replied. “And I think it’s going to be a great lifetime together.”


  = Bonus Book 9 of 9 =

  Protected by a Dragon


  “Thank you, everyone,” I burst over the mic, causing another round of booming cheers from the audience. “You have been a great crowd.”

  I loved my job, it was amazing, I had the whole world at my feet just for doing what I enjoyed the most – singing – but very occasionally I would get tired. Every now and again I would find it a little much, and tonight was one of those times.

  Usually after gigs, despite the constant warnings from my management team, I would go outside and sign autographs to keep my fans on my side, but tonight I wasn't feeling it. I just couldn't be bothered.

  Okay, that wasn't really the case. Actually my problem lay with the constant communication from a man who was rapidly becoming something of a stalker. What had started out as a few slightly creepy letters was now a constant bombardment on my social media accounts, and it was quite emotionally exhausting. I loved checking the Internet, it was the closest thing I got to normal, adult communication these days, but that had been taken from me. Now it was something I feared.

  “We need to get you straight to the hotel,” my manager, who everyone called Mouse, insisted the moment that I stepped off stage. “Apparently a suspicious person has been spotted outside.”

  I grabbed my cell phone out of my pocket, wanting to see if my mom had called me, but Mouse slid it from my fingers right away. “What the hell?” I whined, but he just shot me a look as a reply.

  “You need a media blackout. I don't want this guy to be able to locate you in any way. Tweets have locations, Instagrams have geotags…”

  “Can't I just call my mom?” I said. I missed her, I needed her tonight. The blackout seemed like an unfair punishment.

  “No,” he shot back sharply. “We need to be much smarter about things now. You can call her tomorrow.”

  I watched in disappointed amazement as he whizzed away from me, indicating for me to follow. I shook my head sadly and trailed behind him like a sad little puppy. I'd come into this business assuming that the power and money would lead to freedom… how wrong I was.

  As I slid into the blacked-out car next to my manager, he rambled into his phone at a barely legible volume. I didn't care anyway, why would I want to listen to what he had to say? But then I heard a few words that caught my attention, and I found myself leaning in despite myself.

  “…new security… bodyguard… shifter company… round the clock…”

  Was he talking about getting extra security for me? I had bodyguards for when I was out and about for my work, but not for the rest of the time. I was famous, but not quite enough for round the clock protection. I wasn't sure that I needed it. Yes this was a creep, but he wouldn't actually do anything, would he?

  Plus a shapeshifter… was that really necessary? Wouldn't a human be enough? Sure, shifters had their extra abilities – the vampires with their strength, the werewolves with their speed, and the dragons with their flight – and yes they were a lot stronger, but it all felt a bit much to have one as a bodyguard.

  I'd had my fantasies about shifters, all women did, but after a disastrous date with a werewolf just as I was on the cusp of becoming famous I'd put that idea well from my mind. Not that I would be dating this bodyguard, of course. He would be just another person looking after me.

  “So,” Mouse gave me a serious look. “We're about to step everything up a level, just to be really careful.”

  “Right, whatever,” I rolled my eyes obviously. “I don't really care, I think it's all stupid, but whatever you think. Now can I please just have my damn phone back? I need to call my mom.” Now it had become a point to argue about. I just couldn't understand why I was being punished.

  “My assistant is arranging a shapeshifter bodyguard to come and look after you,” he talked over me, maddening me by being so annoying. Because I didn't always smile for photographs, when I wasn't totally in the mood to be dealing with the press, I had the reputation with some that I was bratty. For a while I did what I could to change that, before giving up and accepting that it wasn't going to happen. I just acted like myself. Now though I half wished that I were more of a brat because I got the sense that really flipping out could have actually had an effect. “He will be here tonight. He's going to meet you at the hotel, so you need to be ready for him.”

  “Right, whatever.” I crossed my arms across my chest and looked angrily out of the window. What was the point of any of this? I'd considered giving up my career a few times, but now that thought was becoming more regular, and more overpowering.

  Maybe if I really acted out, if I just acted like the spoilt brat that others already assumed I was, then my label would drop me. I didn't know what else I would do with my life, I didn't have a backup plan, but anything had to be better. Mom would probably be glad to have me back anyway.

  “You will need to be on your best behavior,” Mouse warned as if he could see the cogs turning in my brain. “I don't want to hear any bullshit, all of this makes my job difficult enough, I don't need anymore.”

  Urgh, this was ridiculous, I would get out. Just to piss Mouse off. He deserved it. He had no idea what this life was like for me. He had it easy, raking in the money without having his life paraded and made up for the world to see. I was the one who had to suffer, who had the stalker. I needed to make my own choices for once.



  I cricked my neck, and stretched out my arms, re-feeling my human body again. I liked my human form, it was tough and powerful, although my features were so dark they sometimes scared people. But there was something so freeing about being a dragon.

  My body took on a deep black coloring, with orange tints, and my wingspan was one of the biggest around. As I flew above the rest of the world, looking down at everyone, I felt free and important. I felt like I mattered to the world.

  I grew up in a very small town, populated mostly by dragon shifters like myself, but I always wanted more. I felt like I was much too big for my hometown, so I couldn't wait until I was old enough to get out. As soon as I hit eighteen years old I moved from city to city, trying to work out where I fit in. It took me a while, four and a half years to be precise, but when I got to Los Angeles it just felt right. I enjoyed the sun, the space, the people. I knew there and then that I wanted to stay.

  Then of course I had to make a living. I needed money to find somewhere to live, and unfortunately one of the only things that my strength was good for was looking after other people. I worked the doors at nightclubs, bars, and more recently I'd moved to a new company who looked after specific people. Namely celebrities. I wasn't really interested in that side of things, but it paid really well and I needed somewhere better to live.

ing, ring…

  Ring, ring…

  I ignored it for a couple of rings, not really ready for fully adjusting to my human shape, but when it didn't shut up I grabbed my phone and answered.

  “Yeah?” I said in a slightly gruff tone. My throat was still burning hot from the fire, but that would die down soon enough.

  “Mr. Rockwell?” the grave sounding voice on the other end of the line spoke out. “It's Burt here, from the agency.”

  Shit, this was work. If I didn't want to lose this job before I'd even had a chance to do any work, I needed to clean my act up. “Oh yes, hello… Sir. It's good to hear from you.” Nope, that was too formal. I was blowing it.

  “Right, well I just wanted to see if you are available at the moment? We have had a rush job come in. If you could take on this work, the money would be good because of the short notice.”

  How could I refuse an offer like that? That was exactly what I needed! The dollar signs flickered in my eyes. “That sounds great,” I replied much more warmly. “What will I need to do?”

  “Have you heard of Kayla Kay? The pop star? She has been threatened by a stalker, and apparently this guy is getting worse by the day. She needs someone with her twenty four seven, and we thought that you would be perfect for that role.”

  Translation: no one else wanted to do it.

  We were used to divas in LA, so there had to be something really bad about this one. Still, I didn't need to let that stop me. I did need the money.

  “Okay, no worries, I can do that.”

  “I will send you the details in a moment.”

  As I hung up the phone I quickly logged onto the Internet and searched for Kayla Kay, wanting to know more about her. If I was going to be spending the foreseeable future with this woman then I needed to know as much as I could about her.


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