by Jack Ketcham
The day after she'd buried a man.
The day after they had killed him.
Before he left he'd slipped the bedpan between her legs and she'd used it awhile ago, pissed into the silence, unable in the deep thick quiet of the box even to know if she'd hit or missed her target, only knowing that some of it had run down her leg and still felt sticky and uncomfortable along her thigh, a trail of her own self-disgust because she could do nothing to stop this new humiliation nor any other. It was a wonder to her that a human being could turn so powerless all in the course of a few days' time. Not even days. In moments.
Their faces haunted her, inhabiting the dark inside the box like pale flickering holograms. The woman's face so empty of feeling, of any recognizable emotion at all as though this were nothing to her. Routine. Another day in the life. His face nervous and unsettled - reading lust, greed, power.
She had written out and signed the letters he dictated but was certain they'd fool no one who actually knew her. The language was his language, not hers. Stilted, formal. It betrayed him. It was not going to convince anybody that she was here on her own free will much less an accessory to murder.
I am filled with uncertainty and doubt. A baby's life is a sacred thing, isn't it? How dare I take this step?
What's your problem? she thought, whoever the hell you are. Why's this so damned all-important to you? What happened? Mommy never breast-feed you?
The woman, Kath, was only along for the ride. It seemed obvious that none of this was her idea. That didn't matter, though. Because it was also obvious that she'd continue to play her part in Sara's nasty little drama. But she knew that the craziness originated with him. That if there was an Organization it was he who'd joined it, he who'd decided to capture her, he who dreamt up the tortures and humiliations. The woman was just a follower.
She wondered how willing a follower. Was there any weakness there? Anything she could exploit? She doubted it, but she'd watch for it nevertheless.
Watch for it. Now there's a bad joke, she thought.
She hadn't seen anything but the dark and the images inside her head since entering their names in her address book the night before. They'd blindfolded her, stripped her and led her down here to lie the night through in the Long Box, in her coffin. Got her up and fed her a peanut butter sandwich and tied her naked to the chair - which she realized for the first time today was bolted to the floor. Fed her again and hung her on the X-frame for however long it was going to take them to see their movie and eat their goddamn pizza.
For however long they wanted.
Her breath smelled old and stale and sour inside the box. An old person's breath.
She was growing old here.
The baby still blooming inside her.
The beautiful baby girl. The one she'd wanted to kill.
No, goddammit, that was his thinking. An abortion wasn't murder. An abortion was only her, Sara Foster, in the act of controlling her own body. Exercising will and choice over her own destiny. If anything this was closer to murder. This utter forced loss of control to the point where she couldn't even take a piss without fouling herself or feed herself or take a drink except when he permitted it. You could murder a personality, an identity, just as easily you could kill the body.
She wondered how long it would take for him to do that. To make her into another little zombie like Kath who wanted only to please him and accepted whatever he did or wanted.
Even to digging graves for him.
She wondered if he could. She knew about brainwashing. She knew it was possible. But possible for her? That was another thing.
Resisting could mean death. Pretending was risky in the extreme. Giving in was unthinkable.
Could he really expect her to have this baby for him?
To live the next six months this way and then give birth to a child?
The idea was monstrous. Lunatic.
And why? What could he have in mind? For the baby or for her?
Zombie mother? Zombie child?
She jolted, felt hands on the headbox, undoing the clasps, the base of it chafing her collarbone again as they did so and then felt the hands lift the hook on the box off the eye on the X-frame and she sucked in damp cellar air through her mouth as he lifted the foul thing off her.
"Don't turn around. Don't speak."
He looped the blindfold over her eyes and tied it off.
"Open your mouth."
He pushed the soft rubber ball into her mouth, stretching her jaw, the taste of it bitter and dry. He tied the gag over it. Her hair caught up in the knot but she made no protest.
Whatever this is, she thought, just get it over with.
She heard soft footsteps on the stairs and heard them cross the room and thought that would have to be Kath joining him. She heard her go the work table and put something down on it - no, two things. One that sounded like ice in a glass and another heavier, thumping to the table and then a few moments later smelled something strange in the air, something that smelled like superheated metal. Like an automobile cigarette lighter and she began to tremble even before he told her.
"I'd really rather pass on this, Sara. But it's Organization rules. A slave has got to be marked with his or her owner's personal symbol. Mostly so she can be identified if she tries to run. My symbol's a V so that's what you'll wear. But don't worry. I'll do it where it won't show in a bathing suit or anything, I promise. I know it'll hurt for a second but after that you'll be fine. And I honestly don't have any choice, y'know? I'm sorry. Kath?"
She heard the footsteps cross the room and the burning smell was stronger and she tensed herself knowing what was to come, that they were going to brand her like a cow, scar her, that she'd wear this awful thing the rest of her life, she'd have this to remember them by even once they were dead and buried, knowing too that it was useless to struggle, that it would only be worse for her later, god only knew how much worse and she damned them and damned her helplessness and steeled herself, telling herself not to move, it would hurt even more if she moved or if they had to do it over again god forbid so she pressed her body tight to the X-frame, the X-frame was suddenly her friend, it would help her not to move and when the burning began just to the left of the crack of her ass she screamed long and hard and high into the ball and gag and heard and smelled her own flesh burn, fine hair burning and meat.
Her body drenched itself with sudden sweat, her body wanted to put out the fire that was huge like a thousand pinpricks everywhere, not just her ass but everywhere and when it was done she slumped groaning in her manacles and hung limp against the X-frame and heard ice and water sloshing in a metal container and then he was pressing an ice cold cloth to the wound and some of the pain slid into the cloth and out of her, coming back fierce and hot again and again as the rag cooled until he immersed it again and pressed it to her and all the while they said nothing, silent as priests standing before an altar.
Kath double-checked her work on the bandage. There was just enough play in the square white gauze pad so that when Sara moved around inside the Long Box the tape wouldn't pull it too tight and the wound would be able to breathe. Overnight the bacitracin would do its work but the V-shaped blister probably would still suppurate for a while. She'd have to watch that. Have a look at it first thing in the morning.
No infections.
The home-made branding iron, a two-pronged fondue fork with a tooled wooden handle, lay beside the cooling hotplate on the worktable. She needed to put that away. Sara was never supposed to see what he'd used to create "his symbol." He was very good at coming up with imaginative uses for everyday household items. In his hands a meat skewer, a pizza cutter or even a dozen clothespins and some twine could transform themselves into instruments of exquisite torture, worse in a lot of ways than all the belts and whips. The fondue fork was a new one but then he was always coming up with new stuff. She'd see him sometimes just sitting in a chair staring off into space
and know he was dreaming about all the possibilities. Trying them out in his mind.
Sometimes just watching him would make her shudder.
She took Sara by the shoulders and turned her toward the box and gently pushed her forward. She still wore the gag and blindfold. Her steps were small, tentative. Almost childlike.
"Okay. Stop here."
The box was open but she still needed to slide out the runnered panel. Stephen had used three-in-one oil on the wheels and runners just this morning so it slid out easily.
"Guess what?" she said. "You get a treat tonight. Three treats actually. First, no gag. You saw last night - there's nobody around anyway. Plus the walls are soundproofed."
She untied it and lifted the rubber ball out of her mouth. She never liked this part. The ball was slimy. She didn't even like the feel of it when she had to take it out of her own mouth. Much less somebody else's.
"Second, you get this. Hold out your hand."
She handed her a thin faded cotton nightgown. It used to be her mother's. Her mother was dead three years now or would be in December and she'd ransacked the house for anything that might be of use to them before they sold the property. No sense wasting. Most of what she took turned out to be less useful than she'd thought. The nightgown, for instance, had sat in mothballs along with a bunch of other stuff in a box in the attic ever since. It was much too big for her. And much too big for Sara. But it would do. After a washing it still smelled faintly of mothballs but that hardly mattered.
Thanks, ma.
"You can put it on."
She said nothing, not even a thank you, only found the neck of it and then the bottom and pulled it on over her head. Kath guessed she'd have to tell Stephen about her lack of gratitude.
"But the real treat, because of the mark and all, is you get to sleep on a mattress tonight. An air-mattress. Otherwise you'd never get any sleep, you know? Stephen pumped it up for you. See? Here, lean down and feel."
She took her arm and guided her hand.
"Nice and soft, right? You need to use the toilet or anything?"
She shook her head no.
"Okay, move over here and lie down and I'll scoot you in. Careful not to scrape the bandages or it'll hurt like a bitch. Plus I'll have to do you up all over again."
She watched her ease herself down, favoring her right hip, then move her legs in along the mattress and lie slowly back, once again favoring her right side.
It still wasn't going to be an easy night, she thought. Air mattress or no air mattress. Burns hurt. And what was it that they said? you bang your elbow once, you'll probably bang it again. She'd roll over on the burn at some point for sure. None of that was her problem though and Stephen was waiting for her upstairs in the bedroom. She knew he'd want to fuck tonight. She didn't know if she could handle it if he got as energetic as he had the night before. She'd be wearing the bruises from that little session for days.
They also said that killing makes you horny.
She supposed she had the proof of that one.
" 'Night," she said and pushed the panel into the box and swung the headpiece shut and threw the lock. As she stood again she smelled her own perspiration wafting up at her.
If they were going to fuck she was definitely going to need a shower.
Sara felt it immediately down at the end of the box.
The cat lay curled at her feet.
She wondered when it had crept in and how it had avoided getting hurt by the sliding panel and thought that well, cats were very agile. She'd known that since she was a girl.
She'd learned the hard way.
Her cat Tiggy was then just a kitten. She was only five or six herself and loved him to distraction. She probably drove him crazy half the time, always wanting to pick him up and hold him, chasing him around the house trying to pet him. But he was patient with her in his catlike way and tolerated her hugs and kisses until his own enjoyment began to wear thin, at which point he'd signal that enough was enough with a little meow and more often than not she'd let him drop then and let him go his way.
Sometimes though she wouldn't, not right away and the reason was his breath. His breath was one of her guilty pleasures. His fur smelled wonderful. But in some ways his breath smelled even better. It smelled to her like the seashore. It always did, whether it was fish or chicken or meat-flavored food he'd been eating and this she found amazing. It was warm and rich and its salty tang reminded her of summers by the shore. So sometimes she'd wouldn't let him go at the first meow. Instead she'd hold onto him, nose up close to his mouth for a whiff of his breath on the second meow. She wouldn't let him squirm away.
And just this one time he bit her.
They were out on the back lawn sitting in the grass and she was holding him, holding him too long and probably too tightly and instead of meowing the second time as he usually did he nipped her nose instead. Not hard enough to break the skin but hard enough to hurt and make her angry, actually suddenly furious at him and when she thought about it later as an adult she realized she must have seen the bite as a kind of rejection. A rejection of her love just like her father's rejection because she was a girl and not the boy he wanted. Like her mother's merely qualified acceptance. Like other kids' rejection because she was fat and not yet pretty.
The cat sensed her fury instantly and began to snarl and spit, a small bundle of teeth and claws and though she'd never seen him angry before and it scared her, she held him away from her and let him writhe and struggle and she squeezed until the cat let go with an ungodly wail of abject fear and she realized what she was doing, terrorizing a small animal, taking out her anger at somebody on an innocent kitten. And heartsick, attacked by sudden tears, she dropped him to the grass.
He ran. But she couldn't let it go at that.
She had to get him back. Hold him, pet him, stroke him. Reassure him that it would never, never happen again and let him know how sorry she was and that she loved him.
So she ran too.
There was a woods behind her house and a brook, narrow and fast-running after a rain like the one they'd had the night before and the cat ran away from her back through the grass and scrub, the cat small but incredibly fast and nimble for its size and she couldn't catch him, he kept avoiding her, she was running as fast as she could and scaring him even more she knew by chasing him but her guilt was huge and overwhelming and she couldn't stop. Not until she had him home again, until she was sure he wouldn't run away for good from the monstrous awful thing she'd done and suddenly, there was the brook.
The cat ran along the stones by its bank but he was in full panic by now and he slipped and fell right in front of her eyes too far away to reach. She screamed and saw him try to scale the rock he'd fallen from but his claws could get no purchase and he began to drift downstream, his meow a piteous thing now tearing at her heart, an infant calling for its mother, the cat's eyes terrified, astonished, as he started moving fast away from her in the deep pull of the stream.
She plunged through the brush trying to get ahead of him. Trying to go faster than the stream, refusing to take her eyes off him for a second, unmindful of the branches scratching at her face or the brambles tearing at her legs but only watching as though her gaze alone would stop him from drowning. She saw him go under and come up again and claw at a rock and whirl in the current, scrabbling with his paws, trying to stay afloat and all the while his wailing in her ears and the sounds of the rushing stream and finally after an eternity it widened, slowed and she stumbled into the water and had him in her hands, Tiggy so cold and wet and fragile, she could feel his heart racing against her own chest as he clung to her for dear life and gone suddenly silent, looking every which way out through the woods as though he'd never seen them before. As though the whole world were new and frightening and she couldn't even say words to comfort him she was crying so hard, she could only stroke and pet him. And then the miracle, the absolute miracle happened.
At the steps to
their porch he started to purr.
As this cat here in the box with her was purring.
She didn't know if it was this cat or remembering Tiggy's forgiveness that started her crying but they were the first tears she'd shed that were not in fear or pain for a very long time. She couldn't move much inside the box but she bent her knees until they pressed against the top and shifted sideways until her shoulder hit the right side and reached out in the dark and wiggled her fingers.
"Come on" she whispered. "Come on. Come here."
The cat fell silent. She was aware only of the throbbing burn and the unyielding wood and the dark until in a little while she felt the soft short silky fur beneath her fingers and felt it nuzzle and mark her with its lips and cool wet nose and the warmth of its body as it lay down to settle in against her thigh. The cat immediately began to purr again and she thought there was no better sound in the breathing world.
"There's a good girl," she murmured. "There's a good little girl. There's a girl."
And then another miracle occurred.
She smiled.
He dreamed that he sat in the basement on a folding chair with his ear pressed to her swollen belly. She was huge now, her navel protruding and he was speaking to the baby not to her. He could feel his lips move over the tight smooth flesh of her belly. She was naked, her arms and legs spread wide against the X-frame and inside her the baby was listening. Understanding each and every word but unable to answer him, not yet fully formed for speech.
That didn't matter.
He told the baby about the world, about its cruelties, its ability to slight even the most talented, the most honest, the most sincere the human race had to offer. He told it about war and killing and hypocrisy and foul tainted passion and the baby listened, understanding each and every word even if the mother didn't - couldn't - understand him at all. It was as though he were speaking a foreign language as far as the mother was concerned. That annoyed him. Then angered him. He was going to have to punish her.