The Cowboy and the Bombshell

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The Cowboy and the Bombshell Page 27

by Dove Cavanaugh King

  We were going to tie ourselves together so that no matter what, we would always have the other to lean on. To always be there for each other, like they say, in good times and in bad.

  And I was all in.

  Her walk down the aisle took far too long while also somehow taking no time at all, and all too soon she was standing there, ready to cross over to the alter to stand by my side.

  At last, after all the times I had to watch her walk away, she was finally walking toward me.

  Penelope paused, smiling at me like she had a secret, and I raised one eyebrow at her. I heard Daphne let out a quiet giggle behind me and I knew this was something Penelope had cooked up just for me.

  Watching her closely, she winked at me as she released one hand from her bouquet, reaching down to grasp her dress near her knees. I watched, transfixed, as she slowly, so slowly drew the glossy fabric up from the floor. Suddenly, Penelope cocked one hip and darted her foot out to the front.

  Showing off a brand-new pair of hot pink cowboy boots. I tossed my head back and laughed, my heart so light I felt like I could fly away.

  Oh, yeah. This woman was mine for sure.



  They say it takes a village, and I think that applies to all things in life.

  Along every step of this journey, I had people with me, encouraging me and guiding me, and sometimes holding my hand. I didn’t realize how needy I could be until it came down to the wire, so thanks for sticking it out. I want to promise the next one will come with less emotional baggage, but I wouldn’t want to lie.

  With that in mind, there are some people that I need to thank for helping me get through this, because I absolutely could not have done it alone.

  Eve R. Hart, you are a gem and a guardian angel all in one. I could not have completed this to the standard that I did if it weren’t for your patience. You popped my author cherry, girl! I adore you forever, and I am your biggest fan.

  Jessica Gadziala, you are an inspiration. Watching you work and grow and handle everything that this Indie life throws at you has shown me that it can be done with grace. You are what I strive to be. Your kindness shines right from your beautiful soul.

  Emily Emery, my friend, my bestie, my sounding board, and sometimes therapist. Where would I be without you? I love you forever, girl.

  My husband, Steve, who offered support, even when he maybe didn’t want to. I could not have asked for a better man to stand with me. I promise you, Celeste is coming.

  My boy, Grayson, who endured all my computer time and still loved me after everything, even if dinner was late.

  Mom and Dad, thank you for supporting me through everything, always, no matter what.

  The Girls Club for cheering me on from the sidelines. You ladies are divine and I appreciate all you do.

  My Sister Wives. I just can’t express how lucky I was to find you two ladies. My life was made better because of one random Mardi Gras encounter, and I cannot wait for our next ride!

  Shawn and Sandy, your adorable love made this book possible. Hold on to her tight, Cowboy.

  And lastly, to the Inner Circle. You guys know who you are, and what you mean to me. First In, Last Out.

  Thanks, everyone.


  About The Author

  Dove Cavanaugh King is a long-time reader who devours books like they are oxygen.

  She will ready anything - literally anything - as long as the snark is strong and the sex is hot.

  Her first reading love was fantasy novels, the kind with dragons and mages and lots of swords.

  Reading romance is a recent switch, but once she caught the bug she never looked back.

  The sexy biker books were hard to shake.

  When not doing all things book related, she likes to watch disaster movies, the more far-fetched the better (I’m looking at you, San Andreas). Star Wars and musicals and Dancing with the Stars are what fill in the gaps.

  Oh, and sometimes she goes outside.

  Dove currently lives on the west coast of Canada with her husband and son and one elderly dog.


  Come hang out with us on Facebook…we have all the memes!

  Other Works

  Stay tuned for these upcoming titles

  The Opposites Attract Series

  Book One - The Cowboy and The Bombshell

  Book Two - The Soldier and The Princess

  Book Three - The Pit Boss and The Card Shark

  The Gun Show

  Rock Star Series

  The War Dogs

  MC Series




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