Strictland Academy

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Strictland Academy Page 12

by Carolyn Faulkner

  "I heard rumors that he left us, although no details were given. Was he released from protective custody?"

  "That poor, poor man! He also met with a terrible accident, just like his little swan. She was so young ...."

  "Franklin? That is terrible! What exactly happened with her?"

  "We are not yet certain, since her body has not been found. It is suspected that she fell off one of the cliffs while running in the dark." Attendant Hazel's voice held no sorrow or remorse.

  "Oh my.... How will her absence be explained?"

  "The headmaster notified Judge Jeremiah of her attempted escape. He will inform her family that she was accepted in a wealthy man's employ to learn house management. In this manner, the family will not expect funds, because she did not marry, and no investigation with be conducted."

  "Brilliant plan! And you said that these two might come under the director's jurisdiction? I thought the buyers preferred the girls to be trained."

  "Ordinarily, they do. But this one ... he likes to break them down himself. Although, I doubt he will succeed with either of these worthless morsels."

  “Well, we mustn't give up hope, Attendant,” the physician smiled. "People can change, if given the right motivation. Now, if you'll place them on the exam table, I can go about this unpleasant business."

  “No, no, I don't think so, Doctor. If it's all right with you, we'd just as soon have them bend over and hold their ankles. That's good enough."

  Attendant Hazel delivered Molly a tremendous swat. "Bend over, girl, and grab your toes. Heaven help you if you let go."

  The doctor rolled his chair up to Molly's shapely, obscenely-displayed behind with the plug in one hand and a tube of lube in the other, which he held up to the Attendants to display his cooperation. "I'm assuming that you prefer me to dispense with this?"

  “Yes, definitely. Make her suffer."

  They did not see the tiny bit of lube that he had applied to the tips of his fingers, or that he smudged the same upon her tight bottom-hole right before pressing the tip of the goodly-sized plug against her flower. He made a grand display of twisting and pushing as he began to work it in, trying to be as gentle as possible without his audience taking notice. Even with the lube and the slow attempts, Molly kept falling forward, her protesting cries increasingly distressed. With a huff, Attendant Hazel stood directly in front of her and tucked Molly's head between her calves, as she braced Molly's shoulders against her sturdy legs. That gave the doctor the leverage he needed to seat the thing within her in one tremendous push.

  Molly released a groan and began to keen wildly, the plug dragging against her sensitive tissues as the flange painfully stretched her open. Tears plummeted as the harness was secured and locked in place with a small brass padlock. The same procedure was applied to April, who received the invader with endless squeaks, squeals, and yelps. The only comfort each experienced was the gentle pat to the bottom delivered by the old doctor and a look of pity in his eyes.

  Once again, the two were tossed into their cells with a plate of cold food and a bottle of water. They were left alone in the darkness with the reverberating, hollow sound of the heavy doors' being locked behind them. Sleep was impossible, and the cold floor, agonizing pain from the public paddling, and the uncomfortable placement of the plugs with their tight leather harnesses eliminated the ability to sit.

  Another week passed, once again measured only by the number of bottles left for them. The only interaction consisted of the daily removal and replacement of the plugs, and the occasional silent evaluation by the doctor. And then there was Director Borden ....

  He arrived every day right after the second meal. He did not speak, simply gesturing for each girl to prop herself on all-fours before him, bottom raised high in the air. He ran his hands softly across the tortured flesh, pausing to run the side of his thumb over areas that had formed calluses. His touch was gentle, soothing, and yet left terror in both of his young victims. Every day, April sobbed relentlessly after the door closed behind his back, begging God to just take away her misery once and for all, and every day Molly spoke wishful promises to bring her friend to a place of peace. Then the day arrived when Molly no longer heard April's pleas. He had come one last time and taken her with him. There was no goodbye. She was simply gone.

  With the Director no longer monitoring her every movement, Attendant Hazel launched on her personal mission to investigate the particulars of the escape. No longer concerned about fallout, she seized every opportunity to interrogate Molly with the assistance of the paddle, cane, and her wrist strap. Her efforts were useless, for Molly had fallen in a despondency that blocked her from feeling anything.

  Attendant Hazel changed her tactics. She had Molly taken into a stark white room, cuffed to a chair, and ordered a prefect to stand behind the girl to ensure that she would not look away. Molly's mouth opened as she watched Evie being hauled into the room, struggling against the iron grip of two large girls. The small brunette was lifted upon the surface on an old table and flattened upon her back. Her cries increased as her legs were parted and her ankles tied to the table legs by one hefty girl, and her wrists bound together and held over her by the other. Molly slowly looked up, confusion etched on her face.

  Attendant Hazel started out in a relaxed conversational tone, in lieu of her usual shrewish yelling. “Well, Petry, since you have insisted on being catatonic and showing no significant concern for your own well-being, I have decided to try a different approach. Since you seem to be so worried about the fate of your fellow inmates, I contrived a plan that might just elicit your cooperation.”

  Molly stared blankly at her.

  “I want to know exactly how you escaped and the names of anyone who was misguided enough to assist you. You have been resistant, and I am out of patience." The attendant's tone returned to its natural, guttural state. "I want the answers to my questions and I want them now!” She emphasized her point by smacking the palm of her hand down upon the tender inside of Evie's thigh, causing her to emit a high pitched squeak and more wriggling against her restraints. Attendant Hazel then produced a leather strap with long fringed tongues ending in tiny knots and ran it slowly across Molly's cheeks, caressing her.

  “Do you know what this is, Petry?"

  “No, ma'am.” Molly's voice was hoarse and lacked any inflection.

  “It's a pussy whip." Molly's eyes grew wide as the reality of that item's purpose sank in. "Yes, I can see that you're ahead of me already. I always knew you could be smart about some things, Petry."

  The evil woman wandered casually over to Evie and brought the whip down on the girl's privates in a sharp stroke. Evie screamed as she arched her back, trying desperately to shift her hips and avoid any more potential strikes. Her effort was useless, and a second lash struck the exact same place. Evie howled, coughed, and choked in response, begging mercy. With an almost imperceptible nod of her head, one of the large girls reached over and pulled Evie's nether lips apart.

  “Well, Petry, should I continue, or are you going to tell me what I want to know?"

  Molly hesitated. She owed Evie no allegiance or protection. After all, it was because of her that April was gone, Patricia and Dr. Wells likely dead, and her own body a mass of numb bruises. Her hesitation cost Evie another vicious stroke.

  “Fine! I'll tell you. I'll tell you, but let her go first."

  Attendant Hazel laughed unpleasantly. "You are in no position to bargain, Petry,” she said, leaning her hip against a nearby table. "Either tell me what I want to know right now, or she gets twenty strokes before I ask you again. And believe me, none of the directors will be seeing the damage done to this hidden little spot."

  “It was my idea. I p – put a bit of paper towel into the depression in the doorjamb that allows the lock on the door to ... well, lock. That let me jimmy the door open."

  The Attendant contemplated this information for a moment, then scolded, “You're ahead of yourself. How did you get the key to
Compton's training pants?"

  “I stole it from LeClair while she was asleep."

  “Keep going. How did you get out of the dormitory building?"

  “There's a door at the end of the storage closet. It was open."

  This revelation appeared to alarm Attendant Hazel. She became quite agitated and sent one of the prefects to investigate and report back to her.

  “How did you know about this?" Attendant Hazel went to stand near Evie and raised the whip threateningly.

  “Leclair. It was Leclair,” Molly confessed, while meeting the woman in the eye. "I have no reason or desire to protect that sadistic bitch and I hope that you are capable of giving her everything she deserves!"

  "Trust me, I am more than capable."

  "She is also the one who was pleasuring April behind Attendant Angela's back."

  "I will be certain to relay that information. Thank you."

  Despite the confession, Attendant Hazel brought the leather strands down upon Evie's vulnerable privates. Molly's exclamation of outrage was almost as loud as the girl's screams. "I told you want you wanted to know! You said you'd stop!”

  Attendant Hazel sneered. "I said nothing of the sort, Petry. If you'll recall, I merely asked you if you wanted me to continue." She turned to Molly with a thoughtful look on her face. "Unless you'd like to take her place?"

  “Evie is innocent! She didn't have anything at all to do with what we did and doesn't deserve to be punished." Tears that Molly had been holding back overflowed down her face.

  "No? She betrayed you and your friends. She wanted us to see her as a hero and attempted to bargain favors from us in exchange for information. She sung like a little bird when Attendant Angela came after her."

  "You are pure evil," Molly hissed." You know what? Beat me! I don't care. Your hurting me will only give me more reason to rejoice when your world is destroyed."

  "My world will never be destroyed. By you or anyone else."

  Molly glared at her, unafraid. "We will see about that. All of this will crumble around you and you will have nothing left but a pile of ashes and an empty hole where your heart should be."

  "You are very brave for a person who can happen to get into an accident," the graveled voice growled deeply.

  Molly knew she had stepped over the line, so she played on a hunch. "We both know the Director was interested in me and will be back any time. We also both know that you will be the one he will blame if anything happens to me. I suspect he is even better than you when it comes to making people disappear."

  Molly lifted her chin and walked to the door to be led back to her cell. The Attendant, red-faced and angry, simply waved her hand and dismissed her into the hold of the prefects.


  The next day, Molly was returned to general population, and instead of being shunned, she was treated with new-found respect and fear. The inmates had concluded that she was either senselessly brave or literally insane. Either way, the rumors succeeded in strengthening her reputation, and no one dared challenge her. Molly barely closed her eyes after settling in her bunk when she discovered a visitor. It was Evie.

  “You know that I was the one who turned you in. Why did you try to save me?"

  Molly opened her eyes but did not look in the girl's direction. "Yes, I know what you did. I just don’t know why. What did either of us do to you?"

  Evie's voice hitched as she explained: "I couldn't bear to go back to being Attendant Angela's whipping girl. I know I caused the both of you tremendous pain, and April ... I don't know what kind of hell she is living in now. I'm so sorry, but I just ... I couldn't. Not after all this time ...."

  "There is a possibility that two people are dead because of you," Molly said, bitterly.

  "I know." Evie started crying, "I never thought they would go this far! I just wanted it to stop. I..."

  “I get it.” Molly sighed, “You get pushed past your limit and will do anything to stop the pain. Trust me. They will get theirs one day."

  "I wish I could believe you," Evie said, "but I can't."

  "What's that?" Molly asked, sitting up as an alarm suddenly blared overhead. The girls around her frantically left their beds and the volume of voices rose.

  "Are those sirens?"

  "Is there a fire?"

  "What's happening?"

  Attendants Hazel and Angela appeared, their appearance betraying that they had been asleep.

  "All of you girls are to assemble immediately. You are to head down into the lower chambers. This is not a drill!"

  "Are we being raided?" Molly demanded. "Holy shit! We ARE being raided! Ladies! We are going to be free! Pin them down! Don't be afraid!!!"

  Less than a moment passed before the dormitory of fifty girls descended upon the Attendants and the prefects, holding them to the ground as the sound of shouting grew closer.

  "We're in here! They have us locked up here!" Molly screamed, pounding on the door. "Help us, please!!!"

  She moved away from the entrance as the door was kicked open and a team of uniformed officers barged in, guns held at chest level. Right behind them was Patricia with a battered looking Dr. Wells at her side.

  "You came! Oh my God, you actually came!" Molly screamed, throwing her arms around the girl. "We thought you were dead! How did you do it?"

  "I didn't. Dillon did it. He had me memorize a phone number of this man and told me that if I ever got out, to call him. He found out what was happening here and was trying to expose it, and they imprisoned him."

  "Thank you," Molly sobbed, "I can never repay you. But April..."

  "April is fine. The man I called, he is on the board of directors here. He took her."

  "But he is one of them! He bought her!"

  "Come here, child. " Dr. Wells pulled Molly to his chest, smoothing her hair as she wept hysterically into his chest. "I am so sorry you were put through this hell. Kristoff has been on this panel for ten months and suspected things were not as they seemed. Apparently, the board meetings were very vague, and Judas kept most of the members distracted. They were aware of the corporal punishment, but not about the molestation or abuse."

  "They were up in those rooms watching. They were there when April and I were punished for escaping. How could they not know?"

  "That was not the Board. Those were actual buyers. Kristoff approached Judas after you were captured and asked what he could do to obtain one, or both, of you. That was why he was allowed to witness the public punishment. He had no physical proof of the trafficking until the exchange of money occurred and he bought April. He was with her at the police station giving her statement when Patricia contacted him. She had made it to her home and hid. Her condition convinced her mother that she was telling the truth. It took a while to persuade the authorities, since it was our word against the circuit judge's, but Kristoff finally got the district attorney to agree to look at the pictures he produced and obtained a search warrant."

  "But he let them beat us!" Molly cried out. "How could he do that?"

  "Judas allowed him to observe after the announcement that the state was coming. That was when the staff would impose as little damage as possible, and he did intervene during the public demonstration before you were permanently damaged."

  "And he stopped April's strapping ...." Molly recalled.

  "He had a serious problem in exposing the judge and needed concrete proof, not hearsay. Judas has hidden the information well, and they are raiding his office and his home as we speak. I also have files of evidence to convict every one of these women, Judas, and the judge to a lifetime in federal prison. We will also find the girls who have been sold and bring them home if they desire. It's over, honey. It's all over," he cooed.

  "It will never be over," Molly sniffed. "So many of these women have been hurt beyond healing."

  "I will do my best to help them. I promise," Dr. Wells said sadly, watching as groups of the abused inmates huddled together, weeping and comforting each other as they gave their
statements to the police.

  "What about them?" Patricia asked, as the attendants and prefects were handcuffed and pulled to their feet.

  "They will be spending the rest of their lives in the women's federal penitentiary. And I am sure," Dr. Wells raised his voice so that he would be heard, "that the inmates there will be looking forward to giving them a warm welcome."

  Horror swept across the faces of the prisoners. "No! Have mercy! They will kill us!" Attendant Hazel begged, true fear marking her expression.

  "Mercy? The only mercy you deserve is death," Molly hissed, looking up into the woman's face. "By the way, welcome to my world ... the one you created. I hope you enjoy it."

  The End.

  Carolyn Faulkner

  The words "spanking" and "discipline" have always sent a shiver up Carolyn Faulkner's spine.

  She knows she's not alone.

  Writing started as a way to explore her feelings. Soon short stories flowed from her pen featuring reluctant heroes taking the leading lady in hand, but always for her own good.

  Today Carolyn is the author of dozens of books. She writes from her home in Maine, where she lives with her husband and leading man.

  You can read an interview with Carolyn here:

  You may check out her website while it’s under construction here:

  Don’t miss these exciting titles by Carolyn Faulkner and Blushing Books!

  Series books:

  Adored series:


  Tessa’s Wedding

  Priceless Love trilogy:


  Love’s Possession

  Thornton Brothers trilogy

  Thornton’s Hope

  Thornton’s Desire

  Thornton’s Wish

  Single Titles:

  Rod of Correction

  The Obedient Wife

  Old enough to Know Better

  To Trust Her Heart


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